MP Board Class 12th General English Model Question Paper
Time : 3 Hrs
M.M.: 100
Instructions :
- Read the instructions carefully.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Answers must be complete and to the point.
Section ‘A’
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:
Because our eyes are so valuable to us both for work and for play, it is important that we should take very great care of them. By using our eyes foolishly it is possible to damage them so severely that they never fully recover. For this reason, it is wise to observe a few simple rules, especially when reading, writing or doing other close work such as making models.
Whatever work we are doing there should always be enough light. It should be sufficiently strong and should at the same time be, evenly spread. If we are writing we should be in such a position that the hand which holds the pen does not cast a shadow on the paper, where the letters are being formed. Very strong light should be avoided since it is tiring for eyes, particularly when reflected from a sheet of white paper.
When reading or writing it is best to sit straight, but quite comfortably, and to have the page about twelve inches from the eyes. Never look directly at a very bright light, such as the sun or a welder’s arc, unless you have thick dark glass to look through. Lights as bright as these can quickly damage the retina beyond repair.
(a) Eyes are valuable to us :
(i) for work (ii) for play (iii) for work and play (iv) none of these.
(b) By using our eyes foolishly it is possible to:
(i) protect them (ii) neglect them. (iii) damage them severely (iv) none of these.
(c) The word ‘observe’ in the passage means :
(i) break (ii) follow (iii) ignore (iv) see.
(d) Whatever work we are doing there should be enough : [1]
(i) air (ii) sound (iii) noise (iv) light.
(e) Very strong light should be avoided since it is : [1]
(i) tiring for the eyes (ii) comfortable for the eyes (iii) does not affect our eyes (iv) All the above.
(f) The verb form of‘simple’ is: [1]
(i) simple (ii) simplify (iii) simplicity (iv) None of these.
(g) Whatever work we are doing there should be : [1]
(i) enough light (ii) sufficiently strong light (iii) evenly spread light (iv) All of these.
(h) While reading or writing the page should be……..from the eyes. [1]
(i) twelve inches (ii) twenty inches (iii) two inches (iv) twenty-two inches.
(i) Why we should not look directly at a very bright light? [2]
(j) What care should we take while reading or writing? [2]
(a) (iii) for work and play
(b) (iii) damage them severely
(c) (ii) follow
(d) (iv) light
(e) (i) tiring for the eyes
(f) (ii) simplify
(g) (iv) All of these
(h) (i) Twelve inches.
(i) While reading or writing it is best to sit comfortably but straight and to have the page about twelve inches from the eyes.
(j) We should never look directly at very bright light such as the sun or welder’s arc without dark glasses because such bright lights can quickly damage the retina beyond repair.
2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:
Destruction of forests has a major impact on the productivity of our croplands. This happens in two ways. Soil erosion increases manifold and the soil literally gets washed away, leading to an accentuated cycle of floods and droughts. But equally important is the impact of the shortage of firewood on the productivity of croplands. When firewood becomes scarce, people begin to bum cow dung and crop wastes. In many places cow dung and crop wastes are now the major sources of cooking energy. Thus, slowly every part of the plant gets used and nothing goes back to the soil. Over a period of time this nutrient drain affects crop productivity. Add to this the technology of the Green Revolution, the technology of growing high yielding varieties on a limited diet of chemical fertilizers like nitrogen, phosphates and potash. The total biomass production goes up and so does the drain of the nutrients from the soil.
(A) Make notes in points, from the above passage, using abbreviations, where necessary and supply a suitable title also. [5]
(B) Write a summary of the above passage in about 90 words. [3]
(A) Title : Destruction of Forests and Productivity of Land.
- Destruction of forests has an impact on the productivity of croplands.
- It leads to soil erosion and leads to increased floods and droughts.
- It also results in a shortage of firewood and the resultant use of cow dung and crop wastes. The two are major sources of cooking energy.
- Thus, every part of the plant gets used up and nothing goes back to the soil. This nutrient drain affects productivity.
- With Green Revolution, the high yielding varieties require limited fertilizers. With increased biomass production nutrients drain also increases.
(B) Summary : The destruction of forests has adversely affected productivity of croplands. It causes soil erosion and increased floods and droughts. It also leads to shortage of firewood and the resultant use of cow dung and crop waste. Thus, every part of the plant is used up but nothing goes back to the soil. This nutrient drain affects productivity. With. Green Revolution the high yielding varieties require limited fertilizers. Increased biomass production thus increases nutrients drain.
Section ‘B’
3. You are B. Reddy of Bhopal. You want to let out a house. Write out an advertisement to be published in the classified column of a newspaper. [5]
You are Alok Gupta, the secretary of the cultural activities of your school. Draft a notice giving information about the selection of two participants from your school to take part in the inter-school debate competition.
See Chapter 3.
4. With the help of the words given below produce a write-up on ‘The Value of Games and Sports.’ [6]
Necessary for life—remove monotony, make our body healthy, learning good habits, develop equality and brotherhood.
Using the following inputs produce a write-up on ‘Illegal Immigration A Real Threat’:
2 crore illegal immigrants, social problems, altering demographic complexion, problem acute in some states and towns, burden on economic resources, security problem.
See Chapter 4.
5. Write an application to your principal requesting him to issue a character certificate.
Or [6]
Write an application to the Director of Education. M.P. Bhopal, asking for a job as a teacher in an educational institution, [6]
See Chapter 5.
6. Write a letter to your father, explaining why you could not get good, marks in the half-yearly examination. [6]
Your friend is worried about the coming examinations. Write a letter to him giving moral support for success in the examinations.
See Chapter 5.
7. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 250 words:
(a) The Cleanliness Drive
(b) The Festival You Like Most
(c) The Population Problem in India
(d) Science in Daily Life
(e) Educational Value of Computers
With the help of the words given below, produce a write-up on ‘Grow More Trees’:
Importance of trees, the usefulness of trees in life, to survive in life trees are necessary, useful for animals and birds shelter, protect and development of our trees.
See Chapters 6 and 7.
Section ‘C’
8. Fill in the blanks with the help of correct alternatives5
(1) We must help the poor. (a, an, the) [1]
(2) He speaks different languages. (few, many, some) [1]
(3) There is milk in the pot. (little, few) [1]
(4) They a house in Delhi two years ago. (buy, bought) [1]
(5) The man is honest is trusted. (who, whom) [1]
(2) many,
(3) little,
(4) bought,
(5) who.
9. Do as directed: [5]
(1) The child cried for milk. (Change into Present Continuous)
(2) Post the letter today. (Change the voice)
(3) She is Miss Sheela. She used to teach us English. (Combine using Adjective Clause)
(4) The brave should be honored. (Begin with We )
(5) I have studied English well. I may get a distinction in it. (Combine using ‘so that’)
(1) The child is crying for milk
(2) Let the letter be posted today.
(3) She is Miss Sheela who used to teach us English.
(4) We should honor the brave.
(5) I have studied English well so that I may get a distinction in it.
Section ‘D’
10. Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below:
(A) Teach me to listen, Lord
To myself
Help me to be less afraid
To trust the voice inside
In the deepest part of me.
(1) A word having the same meaning as the word ‘belief is :
(a) afraid (b) deepest (c) trust (d) inside.
(2) A word from the stanza which is the opposite of‘more’ is :
(a) part (b) less (c)lord (d) voice.
(3) What does the poet mean by ‘in the deepest part of me’?
See Chapter 16.
(B) Can I admire the statue great,
When living men starve at its feet.
Can I admire the parks green tree,
A roof for homeless misery?
(1) Name the poet :
(a) Sri Aurobindo (b) W. H. Davies (c) William Rands (d) Anonymous.
(2) Give the meaning of the word ‘starve’ :
(a) die of hunger (b) labour hard (c) work comfortably (d) live happily.
(3) Why does the poet say that he cannot admire the great statue? [1]
See Chapter 15.
11. Answer any two of the following questions: [4]
(a) When does the poet wish to listen to the voice of God?
(b) What does the poet compare the human body with?
(c) What other meaning does the word ‘ball’ have?
See Chapter 15.
12. Answer any seven of the following questions: [14]
(a) How did the author prevent his companion from discovering that he was blind?
(b) In which area will India become a global leader?
(c) What was Ghasi’s complaint to the panchayat?
(d) How did the woman in the hut react when she saw Birju?
(e) What strange fact did the narrator discover when he looked at the man’s visiting card?
(f) What is the author’s opinion on things and people we are yet to see and know?
(g) Why did the neighborhood children come to Mini’s house?
(h) What reflects our true belief?
See Chapter 15.
13. What are the functions of the two hemispheres of the brain? [4]
What are the governing values? How can we identify our governing values?
14. Answer any four of the following questions: [8]
(a) ‘Which are the two types of reading?
(b) What do you understand by do’s and don’t?
(c) Why we must take risk?
(d) What happens when you dream big?
(e) How does a cloud feel when it travels in the sky?
See Chapter 17.
15. How can you say that nature’s bounty is boundless? [4]
Summarize the poem ‘A Psalm of Life’.
See Chapter 17.