I’m Joe’s Brain Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 9 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 9 I’m Joe’s Brain Questions and Answers

I’m Joe’s Brain Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

A. Complete the following table.
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 9 I’m Joe’s Brain img 1

B. Choose the correct spelling (British English)

  1. myriad
  2. versatility
  3. mementos
  4. hallucinogenic
  5. anaesthetic
  6. fascinating
  7. neanderthal.


A. Fill in the blanks using the correct word from those given in the box :
enormous, ecstatic, information, ability to walk, firing, sensors

1. Ears, tongue and fingers collect ……….. only.
2 ……….. inform the brain that carbon dioxide is rising in one’s blood.
3. Little jolts of electricity can transform a depressed person into an ……….. one.
4. At each one nerve chemically communicates with another.
5. The left hemisphere controls one’s ………..
6. Brain’s potential is ………..

  1. information
  2. sensors
  3. ecstatic
  4. firing
  5. ability to walk
  6. enormous.

MP Board Solutions

B. Find out the correct logical order in each of the following groups a, b, c and d. Possible order is given at the end of group in numerals :

1. One knows if he is hurt.
2. Finally, if he hits the ground.
3. When someone slips on the ground
4. it signals the arms to break the fall.
5. brain immediately directs to regain balance.
(i) 4, 4, 3, 2, 1
(ii) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
(iii) 3, 4, 2, 1, 5
(iv) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1.
(ii) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1

1. If I lose one of my cells it is lost forever.
2. Skin, liver, tissue, blood cells can be replaced after damage or loss.
3. But I compensate.
4. Death of cells might be disastrous
5. I will take care of the really important jobs.
(i) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
(ii) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5
(iii) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
(iv) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.
(iv) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.

1.7 am able to set up compensatory networks of nerve connections.
2. My most striking feature is my backup system.
3. Speech may return, life may come back to paralysed limbs.
4.1 store each memory in various places.
5. It is possible for Joe to manage quite nicely even with part of me destroyed.
(i) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5
(ii) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
(iii) 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
(iv) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.
(iv) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4.

MP Board Solutions

1. A clot forms in one of my blood vessels
2. Stroke is another major problem.
3. Rehabilitation is possible in some cases.
4. Little can be done to correct the effects of stroke.
5. Or one of my small arteries weakens and bursts.
(i) 2, 3, 5, 4, 1
(ii) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
(iii) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2
(iv) 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
(iv) 2, 1,5, 4, 3.

Language Practice

A. Fill in the blanks with either the ‘going to’ or ‘will/shall’ form (shall with the first person)

1. The child has grown very naughty. I ……… to his parents, (write)
2. The walls have been white washed. Now we ……… the door and windows, (paint)
3. I ……… such interference in my work, (not tolerate)
4. My son is not at home in Mathematics. I ……… a tutor. (arrange)
5. He ……… a surprise if he comes to me now. (get)

  1. shall write
  2. will paint
  3. am not going to tolerate
  4. shall arrange
  5. is going to get.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using is/am/are + going to + verb instead of intend/intends to + verb

Question 1.
They intend to buy a new car.
They are going to buy a new car.

Question 2.
We (go) out in the evening.
We shall go out in the evening.

Question 3.
She (play) table tennis in the afternoon.
She is going to play table tennis in the afternoon.

MP Board Solutions

Question 4.
Teacher intends to teach us today.
The teacher is going to teach us today.

Question 5.
We intend to write a book on English grammar.
We shall write a book on English grammar.

Question 6.
They intend to construct a school building.
They will construct a school building.

Question 7.
I intend to have my breakfast.
I am going to have my breakfast.

Question 8.
We intend to have a meeting on Monday.
We are going to have a meeting on Monday.

Question 9.
We intend to visit Rekha on Friday.
We shall visit Rekha on Friday.

Question 10.
He intends to sell his house.
He is going to sell his house.

MP Board Solutions

C. What would you say in the given situations ?

Question 1.
The sky is full of dark clouds.
It’s going to rain.

Question 2.
Now it’s starting to rain. There’s nowhere to shelter, and you haven’t got an umbrella.
You are going to wet.

Question 3.
You are playing scrabble. The game is nearly over and you are 100 point behind.
You are going to lose the game.

Question 4.
You feel awful. There’s terrible feeling in your stomach.
You are going to be sick.

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of control and falling to the ground.
The plane is going to crash.

Question 6.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
It is not going to stop.

Speaking Time

MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 9 I’m Joe’s Brain img 2
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 9 I’m Joe’s Brain img 3

Reading Time

Read the following passage carefully:

“B. still, and know that I am GOD’

The ultimate challenge is to make your mind calm. And the ultimate solution is meditation. In today’s age every second person recommends meditation to, the first And for a student, there can’t be a more powerful technique to improve long term performance in studies.

Calm mind, better retention. Better health, focus and concentration are the obvious benefit You will realise the benefits, as you practice includes a general sense of well being and happiness and spiritual growth. The “mood” problem can be taken care of by this way meditation.

MP Board Solutions

There are many types of meditation. The simplest is of course, focusing, on breathing. Since your breath is always with you, it can be done anytime, any place to: the be.c: is to settle down in a cool place that has dim light and is relatively quiet.

You must focus all your attention on your breathing. Observe your breath as it comes in and goes out. You will see that your mind will tend to wander a lot-but soon you will be able to bring it back on breathing. Don ‘t obstruct thoughts. let them go off All you need to do is to keep your focus on breathing. When you try this initially. You’ll see how difficult to do Bus soon, you’ll gain mastery over it and who knows you might end up as a Zen master or a spiritual guru

Now answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which carry opposite meaning to the wards given below:

  • prohibit— let them go off
  • deteriorate—improve
  • disturbance—quiet
  • simple— difficult
  • strain—calm mind

Question 2.
For what Is meditation an ultimate solution ?
Meditation is an ultimate solution to make our mind calm.

Question 3.
What are the benefits of meditation? (2013, 14)
Better health, focus and concentration are the benefits of meditation.

Question 4.
What is he simplest form or meditation ? (2009, 10, 12)
The simplest form of meditation is focusing on breathing.

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
Which Is the best place considered (or meditation? (2015)
A cool place with dim light and which is relatively quiet is the best place considered for meditation.

Question 6.
What thing must one focus on at the time of meditation?
One must focus all our attention on breathing at the Lime of meditation.

Question 7.
What do you understand by a ‘spiritual guru’?
A spiritual guru is one who directs and helps others in making their minds calm.

Question 8.
How can one attain mastery in the art of meditation? (2012)
One can attain mastery in the art of meditation by focusing on breathing. Since our breath is always with us. it can be done any time, any place. But (he best is lo settle down in a cool place (hat has dim light and relatively quiet. You must focus attention on your breathing. Observe your breath as it comes In and goes out. In this way, we can attain mastery the art of meditation by pursuing it with patience and forbearing.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Meditation: The Ultimate Solution.

Writing Time

Question 1.
Old Students Association of Model School, Indore Is going to organize the Alumni Meet (meeting of old students). Draft an Invitation letter to he sent to the old students of (he school to attend the Alumni Meet.

Old Students Association, Model School, Indore

Dear ……….
We are glad to inform you that the Alumni Meet of the Old Students of the school is going to be held on 15th August. 20… on the occasion of (he Platinum Jubilee of the School.
You are cordially invited to attend the meeting.
Date — 15th August 20…
Time — 11 a.m.to 2 p.m.
Venue Model School Assembly Hall
Hon. Guest Dr. Robit Sharma.
Dean of Physics.
Holkar Science College, Indore.

MP Board Solutions

Question 2.
You are secretary of the cultural club of our school. Write an Invitation letter to the M. L. A. of your area to be the Chief Guest of the cultural charity show organized for the benefit of spastic children.


Hon. Govind Rhatele.
M. L. A. Khandwa Constituency,
Khandwa (M. P.)
Honourable Sir,
I am glad to inform you that our school has arranged a charity show of the film “Tare Zamin Par” at the Laxmi Talkies on 10th August, 2.00 … at 3 p. m. The full income of this charity show will be donated for the benefit of spastic children. We want that your honour should be the chief guest of this show. Kindly send us your consent.
Thanking you.

Yours humbly
Mukesh Sinha
Secretary—Cultural Club,
Nutan H. S. School,
Khandwa (M. P.)

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Workbook General English Class 12th Solutions

India through a Traveller’s Eyes Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 18 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 18 India through a Traveller’s Eyes Questions and Answers

India through a Traveller’s Eyes Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

A. Find out the difference in the meanings of the following pairs of words, and use them in sentences of your own :

I. accept—He accepted our proposal.
except—Except Ram everyone accepted the proposal.

II. advise—I advised him not to do it.
advice—He did not heed to my advice.

III. affect—The medicine affected adversely,
effect—This medicine has no after effects.

IV. aisle—The aisle of the Church was full of people,
isle—There was a temple on the isle.

V. beside—He sat beside me.
besides—I don’t like that new dictionary besides it is too expensive.

VI. breath—He held his breath
breathe—He breathed his last.

Tick [✓] S for same, O for opposite, and D for different meanings of the following words.

I. sweet-sour S ✓O D
II crazy-insane ✓S 0 D
III. stout-fat S 0 ✓D
IV. big-angry S 0 ✓D
V. danger-peril ✓S 0 D
VI. splendid-magnificent ✓S 0 D
VII. furious-violent ✓S 0 D
VIII. strange-familiar s ✓O D
IX. growl-weep s ✓O D
X. idle-working s ✓o D


A. Choose the correct alternative.

Question 1.
What conclusion regarding the skin colour of Caucasiaiban be drawn from the lesson.
(a) They have fair skin
(b) They have creamy skin
(c) The colour of their skin is dark
(d) Their skin has a variety of hues.
(d) Their skin has a variety of hues.

Question 2.
Pearl Buck wrote the travelogue :
(a) when India was under the British Raj
(b) when India had just won freedom
(c) when India hosted the non-aligned movement
(d) when India tested its first nuclear device.
(b) when India had just won freedom

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Pearl Buck had visited India.
(a) when India was under the British Raj
(b) when India had just won freedom
(c) when India hosted the non-aligned movement
(d) when India tested its first nuclear device.
(a) when India was under the British Raj

Question 4.
Pearl Buck found the real indictment against British colonialism :
(a) in the villages of India
(b) among thousands of young intellectuals
(c) among the cultured and well educated Indians
(d) in the religions minded Indians.
(a) in the villages of India

Question 5.
To the author, the serving of food on banana leaves :
(a) signified in hospitality
(b) symbolized untouchability and caste system
(c) implied cleanliness
(d) indicated devotion.
(c) implied cleanliness

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. The author’s friend married a Kashimiri with ……. eyes, (green/blue)
2. The first woman president of the …….. was an Indian. (UN General Assembly/UN Security Council)
3. Only the …… peasant could compare with the Indian village. (Chinese/Russian)
4. The eldest brother lived in a ………. outside the house. (cave/cage)
5. ……….. is ever-present in Indian life. (Religion/Idealism)

  1. green
  2. U. N. General Assembly
  3. Russian
  4. Cage
  5. Religion.

Language Practice

A. Correct the following sentences and write them.

Question 1.
I think you should worked harder.
I think you should work hard.

Question 2.
Do you can speak English ?
Can you speak English ?

Question 3.
Ruby thinks it mays rain later.
Ruby thinks it may rain later.

Question 4.
Sami musts go to the dentist soon.
Sami must go to the dentist soon.

Question 5.
They maying go to Mandsaur in December.
They may go to Mandsaur in December.

Question 6.
Could you lent me your dictionary?
Could you lend me your dictionary ?

B. Complete the following dialogue using correct “modal verbs.”

  • Shahbaz : If I won the ten million dollar lottery jackpot, I will afford to quit my job and travel the world.
  • Samarth : Where can you go if you had that much money?
  • Shahbaz : I don’t know, I may choose to spend a year in London or perhaps I may go to America.
  • Samarth : How often do you buy lottery tickets ?
  • Shahbaz : Never, I guess if I want to win the lottery, I will try buying some tickets.
  • Samarth : That won’t help.

MP Board Solutions

C. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘can’, or ‘could’.

Question 1.
Sami is able to drive a car.
Sami can drive a car.

Question 2.
I was able to attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.
I could attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.

Question 3.
He is able to walk 15 kilometers every day.
He can walk 15 kilometers every day.

Question 4.
My brother was not able to swim.
My brother could not swim.

Question 5.
We were not able to operate this machine when we were young.
We could not operate this machine when we were young.

D. Rewrite the following sentences as a request or as a suggestion with the help of the modal verb given in the brackets.

Question 1.
You may show me that photograph. (a request, with ‘would’)
Would you show me that photograph ?

Question 2.
I want the salt, please. (a request with ‘could’)
Could give me the salt ?

Language Practice

A. Correct the following sentences and write them.

Question 1.
I think you should worked harder.
I think you should work hard.

Question 2.
Do you can speak English ?
Can you speak English ?

Question 3.
Ruby thinks it mays rain later.
Ruby thinks it may rain later.

Question 4.
Sami musts go to the dentist soon.
Sami must go to the dentist soon.

Question 5.
They maying go to Mandsaur in December.
They may go to Mandsaur in December.

Question 6.
Could you lent me your dictionary?
Could you lend me your dictionary ?

B. Complete the following dialogue using correct “modal verbs.”

  • Shahbaz : If I won the ten million dollar lottery jackpot, I will afford to quit my job and travel the world.
  • Samarth : Where can you go if you had that much money?
  • Shahbaz : I don’t know, I may choose to spend a year in London or perhaps I may go to America.
  • Samarth : How often do you buy lottery tickets ?
  • Shahbaz : Never, I guess if I want to win the lottery, I will try buying some tickets.
  • Samarth : That won’t help.

MP Board Solutions

C. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘can’, or ‘could’.

Question 1.
Sami is able to drive a car.
Sami can drive a car.

Question 2.
I was able to attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.
I could attend the meeting yesterday as I took the evening train to Bhopal.

Question 3.
He is able to walk 15 kilometers every day.
He can walk 15 kilometers every day.

Question 4.
My brother was not able to swim.
My brother could not swim.

Question 5.
We were not able to operate this machine when we were young.
We could not operate this machine when we were young.

D. Rewrite the following sentences as a request or as a suggestion with the help of the modal verb given in the brackets.

Question 1.
You may show me that photograph. (a request, with ‘would’)
Would you show me that photograph ?

Question 2.
I want the salt, please. (a request with ‘could’)
Could give me the salt ?

Question 3.
You walk down to the market. (a suggestion with ‘could’)
You could you walk down to the market.

Question 4.
You lend me your pen please. (a request wit&’could’)
Could you lend me your pen ?

Question 5.
We may have coffee now. (a suggestion with ‘shall’)
Shall we have coffee now ?

Question 6.
You may switch on the light please. (a request with ‘will’)
Will you please switch on the light ?

Rewrite the following sentences using may/might/could 4- have + past participle

Question 1.
Perhaps she watched T. V. yesterday.
She might have watched T. V. yesterday.

Question 2.
It is possible they reached the station late.
They may have reached the station late.

Question 3.
Perhaps they had an accident.
They might have had an accident.

Question 4.
It is possible he missed the bus.
He may have missed the bus.

MP Board Solutions

Complete the sentence using might not have + participle or could not have + past participle.

Question 1.
A : Don’t you think she saw you ?
B : No she was too far away. She might not have seen me.

Question 2.
A : I wonder why she did not say hello. Perhaps she did not see me.
B : That’s possible. She could not have seen me.

Question 3.
A : I wonder why Nasim did not come to the party. Perhaps she wasn’t invited.
B : Yes it is possible. She might not have been invited.

Question 4.
A : I wonder how the fire started. Do you think it was an accident?
B : No the police say it might not have been an accident.

Question 5.
A : How did the fire started. I suppose it was an accident.
B : Well, the police aren’t sure. They say it could not have been an accident.

Speaking Time

Each of the following sentences will be read twice. Listen carefully and mark them with the correct stress and intonation.

  • It’s ‘time the ‘children ‘went to ‘bed.
  • Can you ‘buy me a ‘second ‘copy ?
  • I ‘think it’s quite ‘fair, on the ‘whole.
  • Will you be ‘staying there ‘long ? ,
  • if it’s ‘all the ‘same to you I’d rather ‘walk.

Reading Time

Read the following passage carefully :

Chitrakoot, ‘the hill of many wonders,’ nestles peacefully in the northern spurs of the Vindhyas, a place of tranquil forest glades and quiet rivers and streams where calm and repose are all pervading. This loveliest of nature’s gifts is also hallowed ground, blessed by the gods and sanctified by the faith of pilgrims.

For Chitrakoot’s spiritual legacy stretches back to legendary ages : it was in these deep forests that Rama and Sita spent eleven of their fourteen years of exile; here the great sage Atri and Sati Anusuya meditated; and here where the principal trinity of the Hindu pantheon, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, took their incarnations.

Sufferers and seekers, poets and visionaries, princes and noblemen have, through the ages, sought and found solace in Chitrakoot, drawn inspiration from its sublime natural beauty, gained spiritual strength from its serene temple and in turn, become part of the hallowed legend that is Chitrakoot.

Places to see

  • Ramghat : With the very first rays of dawn that gleam upon the river, Ramghat stirs into life as the devout of all ages take the ritual, purifying dip in the waters and invoke the blessings of the gods.
  • Kamadgiri : Kamadgiri the original Chitrakoot, is venerated today as the holy embodiment of Rama.
  • Janki Kund : It is said that Sita would bathe in this kund during the years of her exile with Rama.
  • Sati Anusuya : It was here that Atri Muni, his wife Anusuya, and their three sons are said to have meditated.

Some other places like Sphatic Shila, Gupt-Godavari, Hanuman Dhara, Bharat koop, etc., have not only their religious significance but they are the places of natural beauty as well.

How to Reach

  • By Air : The nearest airport is at Khajuraho (175 km), connected with Delhi, Agra and Varanasi.
  • By Rail: The nearest railhead is at Chitrakoot Dham (11 km) on the Jhansi-Manikpur main line.
  • By Road : Regular bus services connect Chitrakoot with Jhansi, Mahoba, Chitrakoot Dham, Harpalpur, Satna and Chhatarpur.

Best Season : Best season to visit Chitrakoot is considered October to March.

MP Board Solutions

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage for the following expressions :

  • quiet and peaceful — tranquil
  • holy — sanctified
  • away from home — exile
  • a group of three — glades
  • all the gods — trinity

Question 2.
Where is Chitrakoot situated ? (2015) How can we reach Chitrakoot ? Mention all the three ways. (2011,15)
Chitrakoot is situated in the northern spurs of the VindyasfVe can reach Chitrakoot in the following three ways :

  • By Air : The nearest airport is at Khajuraho (175 km), connected with Delhi, Agra and Varanasi.
  • By Rail: The nearest railhead is at Chitrakoot Dham (11 km) on the Jhansi-Manikpur main line.
  • By Road : Regular bus services connect Chitrakoot with Jhansi, Mahoba, Chitrakoot Dham, Harpalpur, Satna and Chhatarpur.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Why does the author describe Chitrakoot as ‘the loveliest of Nature’s gift’ ?
It is described as the loveliest of Nature’s gift because, one can enjoy here both the beauty of nature and holiness of the place.

Question 4.
Who are considered as Trinity of the Hindu pantheon ?
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are considered as Trinity of the Hindu pantheon.

Question 5.
How do people get inspired from Chitrakoot ?
They get inspired from Chitrakoot’s sublime natural beauty.

Question 6.
What do you understand by ‘Purifying dip’ in water ?
After taking bath in the river people consider that their life has become pure. All their sins have been washed away. This means ‘purifying dip’ in water.

Question 7.
How far is Chitrakoot from Chitrakoot Dham ?
It is 11 km far from Chitrakoot Dham.

Question 8.
Mention the best time to visit Chitrakoot. (2011)
The best time to visit Chitrakoot is from October to March.

Question 9.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
Chitrakoot: The Hill of Many Wonders.

Writing Time

Write an essay in 300 words on any one of the following topics :
1. Pollution problem
2. Importance of Games and Sports
3. Corruption in every day life.
1. Pollution Problem
The thin cover of air and water that surrounds earth protects and keeps life. It is known as biosphere. It contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water-vapour etc. The green plants produce oxygen and supply us fresh air. Pure water is also supplied by nature that we require most.

Man has made a great progress with the help of science for supplying him several necessary things. He thinks that the sort of progress he is making is an unmixed blessing. He has seldom thought that the air, the water or the food could end. He has little thought that the progress of science and technology is seriously disturbing the life-system balance. It would lead to the breakdown of the life supporting system on the earth.

Nature has been suffering for the past several hundred years. Now, the problem has become serious. The great technological break-through arc doing a great damage to the environment. The highly developed countries were the first to experience the environmental diseases. The increased industrial activity has brought along air, water and noise pollution. These pollution’s are making living difficult and resulting into poor health and several diseases. These are also having negative influence on the working capacity of men in general.

One of the chief air pollutants is smoke from our factories and is harmful for our lungs. The ever rising number of vehicles spreading foul smoke is also polluting the air. Human waste, animal bathing, industry waste etc., are polluting water. Even major rivers have become very much polluted. Loud horns, loud-speakers, musical systems etc., are creating noise pollution. It is disturbing the peace of mind of men. Atomic tests are also polluting the atmosphere.

If we have not checked these pollution, it would become impossible for people to survive. The factories and mills must be erected outside the cities. Vehicles should be tuned to produce less smoke. Dirty things should not be allowed to mix in water. The vehicles should be compelled to produce little sound and there should be complete ban on nuclear tests.

The anti-pollution laws are being made. Our government and people have become aware of the problem. We must fully co-operate in making our environment neat and clean.

MP Board Solutions

2. Importance of Games and Sports
“He who has health has hope, and. he who has hope has everything.” —Arabian Proverb

Games and sports are an important part of education. They help in the development of the physique and mind of the student. A sound body possesses a sound mind. If we are weak and sick we cannot have a fertile brain. Games and sports keep us healthy. They keep us active, make us smart.

Gandhiji said, “Physical training should have as much place in curriculum as mental training” Mere bookish knowledge would not lead to proper development of a personality. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Mere studies would not suffice. Similarly mere sports won’t do. The two should be blended in a suitable proportion so that the students can have the best of them. They should not only develop the mind but also the body. Both are essential for a wholesome personality.

Games and sports do not merely keep us healthy and physically fit, they also inculcate in young people the duty of loyalty. These qualities can be summed up in a word ‘sportsmanship’. The first and the foremost thing that games teach us is to take victory and defeat alike. In every game, there are two parties. One wins and the other loses. The winners need not be over-zealous and the loser ones should not get asperated. Both the parties should greet each other heartily after the game.

Secondly, games and sports teach us discipline. Every player must obey his or her captain. He has to play obeying all the rules of the games. He has also to abide by the decision of the referee or umpire. Thirdly, games broaden our outlook. The players ought not to differentiate between one another on the basis of nationality, caste, creed or colour. The games promote international brotherhood and affection amongst the people of the world. Thus, they promote world peace too. The Reliance Cup 1987 organised jointly by Pakistan and India is an example.

Games are beneficial not only to players; they are equally beneficial to the public at large. When a match is being played, spectators also enjoy it. They become one with the game and in a way take active part in it. Besides enjoying the game, they learn many things from them. Radio and T.V. have increased the number of people taking interest in games. Now-a-days, people in any part of the world can enjoy listening to running commentaries of matches on radio or watching them on the Television.

Games and sports have great value in student’s life. The foundation for a virtuous life is laid in school. If at an early age a student develops the taste for studies and sports in a proper way, he can become an ideal citizen in his later life. The sports arena teaches many things to the students. It gives him discipline. It develops his sportsman spirit, mental outlook, cheerful nature, sense of humour and strong physique—all these are important traits of a successful life. If a student studies seriously and diligently and still takes part in sports and games he would make an ideal personality.

MP Board Solutions

3. Corruption in Everyday Life

Corruption has become a way of life in India. It has entrenched itself deeply in the social, political, economic and religious life of the nation. To be true, right from the Prime Minister down to the ordinary clerk in the office, no one is free from the suspicion of being a corrupt person. Criminalisation of social and political life has only sanctified corruption in every walk of life. Rajiv Gandhi’s government was bundled out because of Before deal. Narsimha Rao has been implicated in a number of cases by the CBI. It seems corruption has percolated from the top to the bottom. In India, a parallel economy of black money operates. It is controlled and regulated by the dons of the underworld.

Simple living and high thinking used to be the high ideals of our leaders during the struggle for independence. But now the priorities have changed. Moreover, the greed for wealth, has corrupted their minds and morals. Top posts and jobs can be bought. The members of the State Legislatures and the Parliament are vulnerable to corrupt practices and bribery. Even the security of the nation is compromised by the self ‘ serving politicians and their agents and power-brokers. The need of the hour is an inspiring leadership equipped with a firm political will to fight out the growing cancer of corruption.

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Workbook General English Class 12th Solutions

India through a Traveller’s Eyes Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 18 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 18 India through a Traveller’s Eyes Questions and Answers

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 12th English Solutions Chapter 18 India through a Traveller’s Eyes Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

India through a Traveller’s Eyes Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

(A) दिये गये remarks का उत्तर उनके विपरीत से दीजिए :

  • The fair, bold guy,
  • Scruffy and untidy,
  • That slim, dark-haired woman,
  • Unattractive,
  • In fact a teenager.

MP Board Solutions

(B) स्वाद-सूचक शब्दों से निम्नलिखित को बताइए :

  • hot, savoury, bland,
  • tasty, spicy,
  • salty, silky,
  • sour, sickly,
  • hot, surgery,
  • hot, bitter,
  • sweet.


निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए-

Question 1.
What is the author’s nationality?
लेखिका की राष्ट्रीयता क्या है?
The author’s nationality is American.
लेखिका की राष्ट्रीयता अमेरिकन है।

Question 2.
How can you tell that the author had always loved India? [2015]
आप किस प्रकार कह सकते हैं कि लेखिका भारत से सदैव प्रेम करती थी?
The author had always loved India as it had always been part of the background of her life. She had read the life history of Lord Buddha. She loved the beauty of Kashmir.

लेखिका भारत से सदैव प्रेम करती थी क्योंकि वह उसके जीवन में सदैव परोक्ष रूप से उपस्थित रहा है। उसने भगवान बुद्ध की जीवनी पढ़ी थी। यह कश्मीर के सौन्दर्य से प्रेम करती थी।

Question 3.
Describe the people of Kashmir. [2014]
कश्मीरी लोगों का वर्णन कीजिए।
Kashmiri people are often fair. Women have blue eyes with reddish-brown hair. The skin colour of Kashmiris is lovely cream.
कश्मीरी लोग प्रायः गोरे होते हैं। महिलाओं की आँखें नीली होती हैं और लाल-भूरे बाल होते हैं। कश्मीरियों की खाल का रंग क्रीम जैसा होता है।

Question 4.
In what ways had post-independence India influenced the world?
स्वातन्त्रयोत्तर भारत ने विश्व को किस प्रकार प्रभावित किया था?
India has put to good use the benefits, the English gave the knowledge of the west, the art of governance, etc. A woman of India became the president of The General Assembly of the United Nations India’s quiet confidence and her strong determination of not yielding idealism, all these things had influenced the world.

भारत ने अंग्रेजों द्वारा भारत को दिए गये लाभ का सदुपयोग, पश्चिम का ज्ञान, राज्य करने की कला आदि का अच्छा लाभ उठाया है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की सामान्य सभा की एक भारतीय महिला अध्यक्ष बनी। भारत का आत्मविश्वास और आदर्शवाद को न छोड़ने को दृढ़ प्रतिज्ञा, इन सब बातों ने विश्व को प्रभावित किया।

Question 5.
Which are the two groups that the author is interested in?
वे दो कौन से वर्ग हैं जिनमें लेखिका की रुचि है?
The two groups that the author is interested in, are the young intellectuals in the cities and the peasants in the villages.
लेखिका जिन दो वर्गों में रुचि रखती है, वे हैं-शहर के नौजवान प्रबुद्ध व गाँव के किसान।

MP Board Solutions

Question 6.
How did the author compare the American war of Independence with India’s freedom struggle?
लेखिका ने अमेरिका के स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम की भारत के स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम से किस प्रकार तुलना की?
According to the author, both peasant and intellectual were won to work together for their country in India. But the American did not yet fully understand the great lesson that India had to teach. Beside India’s mighty triumph of a bloodless revolution, American war of Independence shrank in size and concept.

लेखिका के अनुसार, किसान और प्रबुद्ध वर्ग को भारत के लिए कार्य करने के लिए साथ लिया गया। लेकिन भारत द्वारा सिखायी गयी शिक्षा को अमेरिकियों ने पूरी तरह नहीं समझा। भारत की रक्तहीन क्रान्ति की विजय के समक्ष अमेरिका का स्वतन्त्रता का आन्दोलन आकार-प्रकार में छोटा था।

Question 7.
What problems did the educated Indians face?
शिक्षित भारतीयों ने किन समस्याओं का सामना किया?
The educated Indians would find no jobs and were not allowed by the old super-structure of empire to create them. They faced frustration and disappointment. They also faced the burden of the broken promises of England.

शिक्षित भारतीयों के पास नौकरियाँ नहीं थीं और उन्हें उनके साम्राज्य द्वारा नौकरियों के अवसरों को उत्पन्न करने की अनुमति भी नहीं थी। उन्हें हताशा व निराशा का सामना करना पड़ा। उन्हें इंग्लैण्ड द्वारा तोड़ी गयी कसमों का भी सामना करना पड़ा।

Question 8.
What conclusion did the author draw when she compared the Indian peasant with those of other countries?
भारतीय किसानों की अन्य देशों के किसानों से तुलना करते समय लेखिका ने क्या निष्कर्ष निकाला?
The author drew the conclusion that the Chinese peasants are richer than the peasants in India. However, Russian peasants could be compared with Indian peasants though they are inferior in many ways. But in terms of being civilized Indian peasant is like the Chinese peasant.

लेखिका ने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि चीन के किसान भारत के किसानों से ज्यादा अमीर हैं। लेकिन रूस के किसान भारतीय किसानों के समकक्ष रखे जा सकते हैं यद्यपि वे कई अर्थों में तुलनात्मक दृष्टि से कमजोर हैं। लेकिन सभ्य होने के सन्दर्भ में भारतीय किसान चीन के किसान की भाँति हैं।

Question 9.
What reasons did the author give for Indians having many children? [2018]
लेखिका ने भारतीयों के ज्यादा बच्चे रखने का क्या कारण दिया?
The author gave the reason that the Indians married very young so that there could be so many children. This being so because the life-span in India’ was twenty-seven years.

लेखिका ने भारतीयों के ज्यादा बच्चे होने का कारण यह दिया कि वे जल्दी विवाह करते हैं जिससे ज्यादा बच्चे होते हैं। ऐसा इसलिए कि भारत में जीवनकाल 27 वर्ष है।

Question 10.
What misconception about England was removed when the author visited India?
जब लेखिका ने भारत की यात्रा की तो इंग्लैण्ड के विषय में उसकी कौन-सी गलतफहमी दूर हो गयी?
When the author visited India her misconception of cleanliness only in England was removed. Food for the author was served with all cleanliness.

जब लेखिका ने भारत की यात्रा की तो साफ-सफाई को लेकर इंग्लैण्ड के विषय में उसकी गलतफहमी दूर हो गयी। लेखिका के लिए भोजन पूरी साफ-सफाई के साथ परोसा गया।

Question 11.
Why did the eldest brother live out of the house?
सबसे बड़े भाई घर से बाहर क्यों रहते थे?
The eldest brother lived out of the house so that he might be ready to listen to the villagers when they came to him.
सबसे बड़े भाई घर के बाहर रहते थे ताकि वह ग्रामीणों के आने पर उनसे बात कर सकें।

Question 12.
What were the author’s comments on the custom of eating with the right hand?
दाहिने हाथ से खाना खाने की प्रथा पर लेखिका के क्या विचार थे?
The author’s comments were that the right hand is for clean services, such as eating, and the left may perform the more lowly tasks. She thought there could be nothing clean as one’s own washed right hand.

लेखिका का विचार था कि दाहिना हाथ साफ-सुथरे कार्य के लिए हैं, जैसे खाना खाना और बायाँ हाथ निम्न स्तर के कार्यों के लिए है। उसे लगा कि अपने साफ दाहिने हाथ से ज्यादा स्वच्छ कुछ नहीं हो सकता।

MP Board Solutions

Question 13.
Why did the host eat with his back towards the guests?
मेहमानों की तरफ पीठ करके मेजबान ने क्यों भोजन किया?
The host ate with his back towards the guests to fulfill the requirements of his caste. It was simply a private devotion to a religious feeling.

जाति के मापदण्डों को पूरा करने के लिए मेजबान ने मेहमानों की तरफ पीठ करके भोजन किया। यह मात्र एक धार्मिक भावना के प्रति समर्पण भाव था।

Question 14.
Describe the incident at the intellectual’s house that made the author appreciate the place of religion in Indian life. [2011, 14]
प्रबुद्ध व्यक्ति के निवास पर हुई उस घटना का वर्णन कीजिए जिससे लेखिका ने भारतीय जीवन में धर्म के स्थान की भावना की प्रशंसा की।
The author sat with the hostess when her husband’s eldest brother came in and moved gracefully to the far end of the room, his bare feet silent upon the floor. There he knelt, his head bowed, and so remained for perhaps a quarter of an hour.

लेखिका मेजबान के साथ बैठी थी जब उसके पति के बड़े भाई अन्दर आये और तेजी से कमरे के दूसरे किनारे पर चले गये। उनके नंगे पैरों की आवाज फर्श से नहीं आ रही थी। वहाँ पर झुके, अपना सिर झुकाया और इसी अवस्था में पन्द्रह मिनट तक रहे।

Question 15.
How has exposure to India affected the author in her writing?
भारत के बारे में जानने से लेखिका के लेखन पर किस प्रकार प्रभाव पड़ा है?
Exposure to India has affected the author’s writing in more ways than one. She started having deep feelings of respect for religion. She felt that the Christian missionaries lack it somewhere. This affected her writing. She became more appreciative of India in her writings.

भारत के बारे में जानने से लेखिका का लेखन कई प्रकार से प्रभावित हुआ। उसके हृदय में धर्म के लिए गहरी आदर की भावना का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ। उसे महसूस हुआ कि ईसाई मिशनरी में इस भावना का कहीं अभाव है। इससे उसका लेखन प्रभावित हुआ। वह अपने लेखन में भारत के विषय में ज्यादा प्रशंसा से लिखने लगी।

Question 16.
Why, according to the author, has the Christian missionary failed to change the world?
लेखिका के अनुसार, ईसाई मिशनरी क्यों दुनिया में परिवर्तन करने में असफल रही?
According to the author, the Christian Missionary has not been willing to pay the full price for faith. It pays only part, unable to accept utterly, resulting in its failure to change the world.

लेखिका के अनुसार, ईसाई मिशनरी विश्वास की पूरी कीमत चुकाने की इच्छुक नहीं थी। वह केवल एक अंश चुकाती थी, पूरा स्वीकार करने में असमर्थ थी जिसके परिणामस्वरूप वह दुनिया को परिवर्तित करने में असफल रही।

Language Practice

Can या I Could से रिक्त स्थान भरिए:

  • When I was at school I could never understand Physics.
  • Take an umbrella, here it could rain at any time. 3. They said they can deliver it next week but I told them not to.
  • They say they could deliver next week.
  • Can I help you?
  • Can you send me some information about the course?

निम्नलिखित paragraph के रिक्त स्थानों में will, can, should भरिए :
If we sit in an incorrect posture, it will strain our back. As far as possible this should be avoided. If the posture becomes a part of habit, a low back pain invariably develops. It can be cured if we become conscious of our posture. We should also take time out to perform a few exercises. If the exercises are done regularly the backache will certainly be cured. It will also improve blood circulation within the spine.

MP Board Solutions

Have to, had to या must और must not से रिक्त स्थान भरिए :

  • Yesterday I had to finish my geography project.
  • She will have to wait in line like every one else.
  • We must not forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.
  • If you are under Twelve you have to get your parent’s permission.
  • The doctor must get here as soon as he can.
  • Do you have to work next Monday?
  • Shadab, you must not leave your clothes all over the floor like this.

Box में दिये गये mode of verb से वार्तालाप को पूर्ण करिए:
might could can must should
Answer :

  • Father : Can you go to the post office just now and send these letters by registered parcel.
  • Son : There should be a rush at this hour. Moreover, I can not go to the post office on foot.
  • Father : But why should you go on foot? What happened to your scooter?
  • Son : It has no petrol. I could not get it filled because there was a strike yesterday.
  • Father : O.K. You can use my motorcycle, but you must post the letters today. They are very urgent. We might suffer a loss if they were delayed.

India Through A Traveller’s Eyes Summary

– Pearl S. Buck

इस अध्याय में लेखिका द्वारा अपनी भारत यात्रा के दौरान प्राप्त किए गये अनुभवों व संस्मरणों के विषय में बताया गया है। लेखिका के मन में भारत की एक विशिष्ट छवि बचपन से ही रही है। लेखिका का मत है कि भारत ने अपने महापुरुषों के माध्यम से पश्चिमी सभ्यता के प्रभाव के बावजूद अपनी मूल पहचान को बनाये रखा है। लेखिका भारत में यहाँ की ऐतिहासिक इमारतें घूमने नहीं आयी थी वरन् यहाँ के युवा प्रबुद्ध वर्ग व किसानों से बात करने आयी थी। लेखिका को यह सुखद आश्चर्य है कि गाँधीजी ने बिना युद्ध व हिंसा के भारत को स्वतन्त्र कराया है। भारत के अतिरिक्त अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर गाँधीजी को जो सम्मान मिला है, वह अतुलनीय है। लेखिका एक कच्चे घर में जाने का संस्मरण लिखती है जिसके द्वारा उसने इस बात को महत्व दिया है कि भारतीय अपने संस्कारों व अपने बुजुर्गों का किस प्रकार सम्मान करते हैं। देशी तरीके से भोजन परोसने व उसे खाने की स्मृति लेखिका को आज भी रोमांचित कर देती है। लेखिका को यह सन्तोष भी है कि भारत में धर्म के प्रति आस्था कूट-कूट कर भरी है। लेखिका को इस बात का गहरा अफसोस है कि उसकी पुस्तक उसके देश के निवासी ही नहीं समझ सके। किन्तु वह यह बात जोर देकर कहती है कि आदर्शवाद के निर्वहन की क्या कीमत होती है, यह भारतीय खूब जानते हैं। इसलिए यह पुस्तक उनको रुचिकर लगेगी।

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Textbook General English Class 12th Solutions

The Fun They Had Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 17 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 17 The Fun They Had Questions and Answers

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 12th English Solutions Chapter 17 The Fun They Had Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

The Fun They Had Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

विज्ञान की नई शाखाओं को उनके अर्थों से मिलाओ।

  • Genetic engineering – the study of the artificial manipulation of the make up of living things.
  • Molecular biology – the study of the structure and function of the organic molecules associated with living organisms.
  • Cybernetics – the study of the way information is moved and controlled by the brain or by machinery.
  • Information technology – the study of the technology related to the transfer of information.
  • Geopolitics – the study of the way geographical factors help to explain the basis of the power of nation-states.
  • Nuclear engineering – the study of the way nuclear power can be made useful.
  • Cryogenics – the study of physical systems at the temperatures below 183-degree centigrade.
  • Astrophysics – the application of physical laws and theories to stars and galaxies.

MP Board Solutions


निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए-

Question 1.
What did Margie write in her diary?
मार्गी ने अपनी डायरी में क्या लिखा?
On 17th May, 2155, Margie wrote in her diary that Tommy found a real book that day.
17 मई, 2155 को मार्गी ने अपनी डायरी में लिखा कि उस दिन टॉमी को एक असली पुस्तक मिली।

Question 2.
What was so special about the discovery?
खोज के बारे में क्या महत्वपूर्ण था?
It was special because it was a printed book and not a tele-book. In those times the books were not printed.
वह महत्वपूर्ण थी क्योंकि वह एक टेली-पुस्तक न होकर छपी हुई पुस्तक थी। उस समय पुस्तकें छापी नहीं जाती थीं।

Question 3.
What difference between a real book and a tele-book did Tommy point out?
टॉमी ने टेली पुस्तक और छपी हुई पुस्तक में क्या मुख्य अन्तर बताया?
Tommy pointed out that the printed book can be thrown away when it was read, but the television screen had many books and could have many more but it would not be thrown.

टॉमी ने कहा कि छपी हुई पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद फेंका जा सकता था जबकि टेलीविजन के परदे पर कई पुस्तकें थीं और कई और रखी जा सकती थीं किन्तु उसे फेंका नहीं जाता।

Question 4.
Why did Margie hate school, especially at that time? [2014]
मार्गी स्कूल से घृणा क्यों करती थी, वो भी उस समय पर?
Margie hated school, specially at that time because the mechanical teacher was giving her test after test in geography and she had been going worse and worse

मार्गी को विद्यालयले घुणा थी वो भी उस समय पर क्योंकि उसका तकनीकी शिक्षक उसे भूगोल में परीक्षा ही परीक्षा दे रहा था और वह लगातार खराब कर रही थी।

Question 5.
Describe the County Inspector. [2017]
काउण्टी इंस्पैक्टर का वर्णन कीजिए।
The County Inspector was a round little man with a red face. He had a whole box of tools with dials and wires.

काउण्टी इन्सपैक्टर छोटा और मोटा आदमी था। उसके पास औजारों का पूरा बक्सा था जिसमें डायल और तार थे।

MP Board Solutions

Question 6.
What was wrong with Margie’s teacher?
मार्गी के शिक्षक में क्या खराबी थी?
The geography sector of Margie’s mechanical teacher was geared a little too quick for an average student of ten year level.
मार्गी के तकनीकी शिक्षक का भूगोल का भाग दस साल के सामान्य बच्चे के स्तर के हिसाब से अधिक तेज चल रहा था।

Question 7.
What kind of school did the book describe?
पुस्तक में कैसे विद्यालय का वर्णन था?
The book described the school, the kind of which we have now-a-days. A school which has a building and men and women as teachers, where students have to gather to study.

पुस्तक में उस विद्यालय का वर्णन था जैसा इन दिनों विद्यालय होता है। विद्यालय जिसमें एक भवन होता है और आदमी और औरतें शिक्षक होते हैं, जहाँ छात्रों को पढ़ने के लिए विद्यालय में इकट्ठा होना पड़ता है।

Question 8.
How was a mechanical teacher superior to a human teacher?
मानव शिक्षक से तकनीकी शिक्षक किस प्रकार अधिक होशियार है?
A man could not be smart enough and he could not know as much as a mechanical teacher knew. All the more a mechanical teacher could be adjusted to fit the mind of every boy and girl, and it could teach each kid differently. So a mechanical teacher was superior to a human teacher.

एक मनुष्य कभी इतना बेहतर नहीं हो सकता और वह इतना कभी नहीं जान सकता जितना तकनीकी शिक्षक को ज्ञान होता था। इसी के साथ तकनीकी शिक्षक हर बच्चे के दिमाग के हिसाब से तैयार किया जा सकता था और वह हर बच्चे को अलग तरीके से पढ़ा सकता था। अतः तकनीकी शिक्षक मानव शिक्षक से बेहतर होता था।

Question 9.
Why was Margie confused when she heard that all the kids were taught the same things in the schools of the past?
मार्गी ने जब सुना कि पुराने समय के विद्यालयों में सभी बच्चों को एक ही चीज पढ़ाई जाती थी तो वह भ्रमित क्यों हो गई?
Margie was living in the year 2155. She had a tele-school at. home with tele-books. She was taught by a mechanical teacher separately at home. She could not imagine about a school of these days where all the kids are taught the same thing in the same building, which is called school.

मार्गी सन् 2155 में रह रही थी। उसका टेली-स्कूल उसके घर पर ही था जिसमें टेली-पुस्तकें थीं। उसे उसका तकनीकी शिक्षक घर पर अकेले पढ़ाता था। वह आज के विद्यालय के बारे में कल्पना नहीं कर पा रही थी जहाँ सभी बच्चों को एक ही चीज एक ही भवन में पढ़ाई जाती है, जिसे विद्यालय कहते हैं।

Question 10.
In what ways would the schools of future differ from those of today?
भविष्य के विद्यालय आज के विद्यालयों से किस प्रकार भिन्न होंगे?
The schools of future would not have any separate building. It would be available for each kid in his house. There would not be any books and human teachers in the schools of future. Tele-books and mechanical teacher would take their place.

भविष्य के विद्यालयों का कोई अलग से भवन नहीं होगा। वह हर बच्चे के लिए उसके घर में ही उपलब्ध होगा। भविष्य के विद्यालयों में कोई पुस्तक या मानव शिक्षक नहीं होगा। टेली-पुस्तकें और तकनीकी शिक्षक उनका स्थान ले लेंगे।

Question 11.
Justify the title, “The fun they had’. [2009, 15]
शीर्षक का औचित्य बताओ।
The title, “The fun they had’ is appropriate for the story because the children described here were living in the years 2155. When they read in a book that all the children of neighbourhood went to same school and studied there in the same building together in the past, they were thrilled. They did not have the advantage of gathering at one place for study or play together. They could only imagine the fun, the students of today have in school.

कहानी का शीर्षक ‘The fun they had’ बिल्कुल सटीक है क्योंकि यहाँ वर्णित बच्चे सन् 2155 में रह रहे थे। जब उन्होंने एक पुस्तक में पढ़ा कि पहले के समय में पड़ोस के सभी बच्चे एक ही विद्यालय में एक ही भवन में एक साथ पढ़ने जाते थे, वे उत्साहित हो गए। उन्हें एक साथ एक जगह पढ़ने या खेलने की सुविधा नहीं थी। वे केवल आज छात्रों के द्वारा विद्यालय में होने वाले मनोरंजन की कल्पना कर सकते थे।

MP Board Solutions

Language Practice

दिये गये वाक्यों को non-finite clause से जोड़ो :
(i) Refusing it I apologized to her.
(iii) She hopes to join college next year.
(ii) Ringing them up now would look rude.
(iv) Shahbaz is sure of getting through the examination.
(v) She can’t afford buying a scooter.
Participles का उपयोग करते हुए वाक्यों को जोड़ो :
(1) Working hard he felt tired.
(ii) Turning to the right she saw the mosque.
(ii) Firing [a bullet] the policeman wounded one of the terrorists.
(iv) Raising the trapdoor she pointed to a flight of steps.
(v) Rushing under a nearest tree the crowd laughed and shrieked.

The Fun They Had Summary

– Isaac Asimov

जीवन दो सौ वर्षों बाद कैसा होगा, यही इस कहानी में कल्पना की गई है। 2155 में मार्गी नामक लड़की और टॉमी नामक लड़के को एक छपी हुई किताब मिल जाती है। वे उसे देखकर आश्चर्यचकित रह जाते हैं क्योंकि अब वे सारी पुस्तकें कम्प्यूटर पर ही पढ़ते हैं, जिन्हें टेली बुक कहते हैं। टॉमी स्कूल के बारे में पुस्तक पढ़ रहा है, मार्गी स्कूल से घृणा के रूप में अपने विचार रखती है। वह भूगोल के तकनीकी शिक्षक से घृणा करती है क्योंकि वह अधिक परीक्षा लेता था जब तक कि उसके पेंच दस साल के बच्चे के लिए ठीक नहीं कराए गए। अत: वह आश्चर्य करती है कि कोई स्कूल के बारे में क्यों लिखेगा। टॉमी ने उसे बताया कि शताब्दियों पहले दूसरी तरह के विद्यालय होते थे, जिसमें मनुष्य शिक्षक होते थे वही पढ़ाते थे और प्रश्न पूछते थे। मार्गी बहस करती है कि कोई मनुष्य शिक्षक, टेली शिक्षक जितना जानकार नहीं हो सकता और वह बच्चों के साथ घर में नहीं रह सकता। तब टॉमी बताता है कि पहले एक अलग भवन विद्यालय कहलाता था और सभी छात्र और शिक्षक विद्याभ्यास के लिए वहीं इकट्ठा होते थे। हमउम्र सभी बच्चे एक ही ज्ञान प्राप्त करते थे। वे दोनों आधी ही पुस्तक [स्कूल के बारे में] पढ़ पाए थे कि मार्गी की माँ ने उसे स्कूल के लिए आवाज दे दी।

मार्गी अपने स्कूल के कमरे में गई। उसका तकनीकी शिक्षक चालू था और उसका इन्तजार कर रहा था। वे उस दिन गणित के ‘भिन्न’ पढ़ने वाले थे और उसने मार्गी से अपना गृहकार्य उसमें डालने के लिए कहा। ऐसा करते हुए मार्गी अपने दादाजी के समय के विद्यालय के बारे में सोच रही थी जब आस-पड़ोस के सभी बच्चे हँसते खिल-खिलाते एक ही भवन में शिक्षा ग्रहण करने आते थे।

तकनीकी शिक्षक परदे पर दिखा रहा था कि कैस ! और 1 को जोड़ेंगे। मार्गी पुराने बच्चों के बारे में सोच रही थी कि वे कैसे अपने विद्यालय से प्रेम करते होंगे और कितनी मस्ती करते होंगे।

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Textbook General English Class 12th Solutions

The English Language Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 16 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 16 The English Language Questions and Answers

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 12th English Solutions Chapter 16 The English Language Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

The English Language Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

(A) निम्नलिखित शब्दों के भिन्न-भिन्न अर्थ दीजिए :
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Solutions Chapter 16 The English Language img 1
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Solutions Chapter 16 The English Language img 2

MP Board Solutions

(B) निम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ छाँटिये :
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Solutions Chapter 16 The English Language img 3


निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए-

Question 1.
What are the two meanings of the word ‘cricket’? [2009, 13, 15, 16]
क्रिकेट शब्द के दो अर्थ क्या हैं?
Cricket means an insect. Cricket also means a game.
क्रिकेट का अर्थ झींगुर है। क्रिकेट का अर्थ एक खेल से भी है।

Question 2.
What is meant by ‘dear is far from cheap’?
‘Dear cheap’ से दूर है इसका क्या अर्थ है?
Dear means costly. Costly is the opposite of cheap so it is far from cheap.
Dear का अर्थ है महँगा। महँगा, सस्ता (cheap) का विलोम है। अत: यह cheap से दूर है।

Question 3.
What other meaning does the word ‘ball’ have? Ball
शब्द का दूसरा अर्थ क्या है?
Ball means something of a round body, used for playing. The other ‘ball’ means a social function for dancing.
बॉल का अर्थ है गोलाकार एक वस्तु जिससे खेला जा सके। दूसरे बॉल का अर्थ है-नाचने के लिए एक सामाजिक उत्सव।

Question 4.
How is the word ‘spin’ used differently in the poem? [2011]
Spin शब्द को कविता में अलग-अलग प्रकार से किस तरह प्रयोग किया गया है?
The poem uses ‘spin’ with regard to a child’s toy that spins on a point when it is turned round quickly. Spin is also used with regard to spinning a yarn.

कविता में Spin को बच्चे के खिलौने के सन्दर्भ में प्रयोग किया गया है जिसमें उसे जोर से घुमाया जाता है। Spin को कपड़ा या स्वेटर बुनने के अर्थ में भी प्रयोग किया गया

Question 5.
What joke is the poet talking about?
कवि किस हास्य के विषय में बात कर रहा है?
The poet talks about a joke in which a dumb man could not speak a word, yet seizes a wheel and spoke. Here spoke has not been used in the sense of ‘speaking’.

कवि उस हास्य के विषय में बात करता है जिसमें एक गूंगा व्यक्ति, जो कुछ नहीं बोल सकता, हाथ में चकरी व सीढ़ी का झण्डा पकड़े हैं। यहाँ ‘Spoke’ शब्द ‘बोलने’ के अर्थ में प्रयोग नहीं किया गया है।

Question 6.
What happens when you slam a door?
जब आप दरवाजा जोर से बन्द करते हैं, तब क्या होता है?
Your nerves receive a jar when you slam a door.
जब आप दरवाजा जोर से बन्द करते हैं, तब आपको कर्कश आवाज का सामना करना पड़ता है।

Question 7.
How is a copper used in a kitchen? [2009]
Copper को रसोई में किस प्रकार प्रयोग करते हैं?
Copper can be heated for a long time in the kitchen. रसोई में copper को देर तक गर्म कर सकते हैं।

MP Board Solutions

The English Language Summary

– Harry Hemsley

कविता में अंग्रेजी भाषा की कठिनाइयों को अत्यन्त सरल व हल्के ढंग से बताया गया है। कवि का मत है कि अंग्रेजी भाषा वहाँ समझने में परेशान करती है जहाँ ऐसे शब्द आते हों जो अर्थ में अलग हों किन्तु जिनकी स्पेलिंग एक तरह की हो। कवि द्वारा कविता में ऐसे अनेक शब्दों का काव्यात्मक तरीके से वर्णन किया है। रोजमर्रा की अंग्रेजी भाषा की परेशानियों को इतने सरल ढंग से विस्तार से समझाने के कारण कविता अत्यन्त रोचक हो गयी है। कवि का प्रारम्भ से लेकर अन्त तक यह मानना है कि अंग्रेजी भाषा को समझना, समझाना दोनों बड़ा कठिन है।

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Textbook General English Class 12th Solutions

Ends and Means Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 8 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 8 Ends and Means Questions and Answers

Ends and Means Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

A. Choose the antonym from the given alternatives.

1. humble
(a) proud
(b) modest
(c) detached
(d) dull.
(a) proud

2. heaven
(a) paradise
(b) shelter
(c) hell
(d) garden.
(c) hell

3. pale
(a) yellow
(b) sallow
(c) youthful
(d) bright.
(d) bright.

4. prologue
(a) immortal
(b) epilogue
(c) preface
(d) perpetual.
(b) epilogue

MP Board Solutions

5. Immortal
(a) incorruptible
(b) perishable
(c) corrupt
(d) perpetual.
(b) perishable

6. descend
(a) soar
(b) ascend
(c) come down
(d) climb.
(b) ascend.

B. Match the meanings of the following words, consult a dictionary if necessary.
‘A’ -‘B’
1. alms – (a) absolute freedom
2. prostrate – (b) false idea or belief
3. illusion – (c) food store
4. grocery – (d) donation
5. salvation – (e) to salute someone
1.- (d), 2.- (e), 3.- (b), 4.- e(c), 5.- (a).


A. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Birju stayed back during the Swamiji’s speech
(i) to listen to Swamiji’s speech
(ii) to survey the crowd from the back
(iii) to get an opportunity to pick a pocket
(iv) to have a look at what was going on there.
(iii) to get an opportunity to pick a pocket

Question 2.
Birju approached Swamiji
(i) before the speech
(ii) after the speech
(iii) during the speech
(iv) when Swamiji was going to sleep.
(ii) after the speech

Question 3.
An ascetic’s life is very tough because it requires a lot of
(i) Determination
(ii) Dedication
(iii) Contentment
(iv) all of them.
(iv) all of them

Question 4.
Birju wanted to become Swamiji’s disciple because
(i) he would have a fine time with his team
(ii) it would be easier for him to keep on stealing
(iii) he was deeply moved by Swamiji’s speech
(iv) he had great faith in God.
(iii) he was deeply moved by Swamiji’s speech

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
Birjanand was wandering in the village at night
(i) to collect alms
(ii) to find a opportunity for theft
(iii) to get some firewood
(iv) to have a look at the sleeping village.
(iii) to get some firewood.

B. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct word from those given in the box.
a theft, nothing, hungry, speechless, annoyed, means

1. The children were huddled in a comer because they were very ………..
2. The mother had been sprinkling water on the pan because she had ……….. to cook.
3. Swamiji was very much ……….. because Birju had committed
4. Swamiji said that the end cannot justify the ………..
5. Swamiji stood ……….. as Birju followed Brahmadutt into the Pushpak Viman.

  1. hungry
  2. nothing
  3. annoyed, a theft
  4. means
  5. speechless.

Language Practice

Write a paragraph similar to the one given in the book aboufcfour father.
My father was born at Indore in 19 He was brought up in Bhopal by his uncle as his parents died early. Then he came to Indore to complete his studies. He studied engineering and got a B. E. degree. He worked as Suprintendent Engineer at several places and got retired in 20 He now lives in Indore.

MP Board Solutions

A. Combine each of the following sets of sentences using the past perfect:

(i) (a) He wrote to his father.
(b) After that he went to the library.
After he had written to his father, he went to the library.

(ii) (a) Sarweshwari waited for five minutes.
(b) After that the librarian gave her a book.
After Sarweshwari had waited for five minutes, the librarian gave her a book.

(iii) (a) Nisha read a few pages in the book.
(b) After that she returned it to the librarian.
After Nisha had read a few pages in the book, she returned it to the librarian.

(iv) (a) He came back to his room.
(b) After that he had a cup of coffee.
After he had come back in his room, he had-a cup of coffee.

(v) (a) He listened to the radio for some time.
(b) After that he read the newspaper.
After he had listened to the radio for some time, he read the news paper.

(vi) (a) Ashu finished his lunch.
(b) Then he went to a shop.
After Ashu had finished his lunch, he went to a shop.

MP Board Solutions

B. Answer the questions using ‘for’

Question 1.
How long have you been living in this town ?
I have been living in this town for 15 years.

Question 2.
How long have you been attending this class ?
I have been attending this class for 6 months.

Question 3.
How long have you been studying English ?
I have been studying English for 7 years.

Question 4.
How long have you been attending this school ?
I have been attending this school for 4 years.

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
How long have you been working today ?
I have been working today for 5 hours.

C. Complete the conversation between ‘A’ and ‘B’ putting one In the simple past and one in the present perfect.
1. (A) We . in Indore from 1985 to 1990. (live)
(B) But we to Mumbai now. (move)

2. (A) I a great show at the metro this week. (see)
(B) Not this week. I it in Indore last week. (see)

3. (A) This is Pierna. I don’t think you her. (meet)
(B) Oh yes, we know each other well. We …. aL school together. (be)

4. (A) I to phone Jyoti, but she’s not at home. (try)
(B) She should be. She work an hour ago. (leave)


  1. lived, had moved
  2. saw, have seen
  3. met, have been
  4. tried, has left.

Speaking Time

Read twice the following sentences and decide whether the weak or strong form of the given auxiliary is used in the following sentences. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Strong form Weak form
1. They can wait X Kan
2. How could he do it ? could X
3. We shall need to run ? X shall
4. Why should he care for anybody ? X should
5. You must try your best. must X
6. This watch will do. X wil
7. He would be happy. X would

Reading Time

Read the following passage carefully:

The Gira is no! an aphorisric work; it is a great religious poem. The deeper you dive into ir, the richer the meanings you get. li being meant for the people at large, there is pleasing repetition. With every age the important word will carry new and expanding meanings. But its central leaching will never vary. The seeker is at liberty to extract from this treasure any meaning he likes so as to enable him to enforce in his life the central teaching.

Nor is the Geta a collection of do’s and don ‘ts. What is lawful for one may be unlawful for another. What may be permissible ai one time, or in one place, may not be so at another rime, and in another places Desire for fruit is the only universal prohibition. Desire lessness is obugatory. The. Gita has sung the praises of knowledge, but iris beyond the mere

intellect: ir is essentially addressed to the heart and capable of being understood by the heart. Therefore the Gua is not for those who have no faith. The author makes Krishna say:

“Do no: entrust this treasure to him who is without sacrifice, without devotion, without the desire for this teaching and who denies Me. L4 the other hand those who will give this precious treasure to My devotees will by the fact of this service assuredly reach Me. And those who, being free from malice, will with faith absorb this teaching, shal having attained freedom, live where people of true merit go after death.”

Now answer the questions given below:

1. Match the words in column A to the words having almost the same meaning in column B.

‘A’ -‘ B’

1. aphoristic – (a) to Lake in or to grasp
2. prohibit – (b) hatred
3. obligatory – (c) a short statement of truth or wisdom
4. malice – (d) compulsory
5. absorb – (e) to SLOP by Law
1. – (c). 2. – (e), 3. – (d), 4. -.(b), 5. – (a).

MP Board Solutions

Question 2.
‘The central teaching will never vary’. Then what things can vary when we go through the Gita?
With every age the important word (of Gita) can vary by carrying new and expanding meanings.

Question 3.
What do you understand by do’s and don’ts? (2012, 14)
do’s means the acts that are right and we should practice them.
don’ts means the acts that are wrong and we should not do them.

Question 4.
What has been recognized as the only universal compulsion .
Desire for fruit is the only universal compulsion.

Question 5.
Why is the Gita beyond the mere Intellect? (2009)
It is beyond mere intellect because it is essential addressed to the heart and capable of being understood by heart.

Question 6.
Why does the author say that the Gita is not for those who have no faith? (2013,14)
He says so because it is beyond mere intellect; it is addressed to the heart and capable of being understood by heart. Heart is beyond reason, it is based on faith.

Question 7.
Who will certainly reach to Lord Krishna?
Whosoever will give this precious treasure to his devotees will by fact of this service assuredly will reach him.

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Question 8.
According to Lord Krishna who will attain the supreme place after death?
According to Lord Krishna those who being free from malice, will with faith absorb this teaching, shall, having attained freedom, will attain the supreme place after death.

Question 9.
The Teachings of the Gita.

Writing Time

Question 1.
Write a letter to your friend describing a recent exciting criaet match in which your team won.
Govt. H. S. School No. 2,
Hoshangabad (M.P.)
Dt. 7th Jan., 20
Dear Mahesh,
I hope you are doing well there.
Yesterday I winessed a very exciting and interesting match in our school. We played a match of 20 overs with the team of H. S. S. No.1. I was one of the players of my team. Our captain won the toss and offered the opposite team to bat. There was great excitement in both the sides.

We took the position in the field. We were in high spirits. We had two fast bowlers with us. The four batsmen were caught up. Their score was 99 runs at the fall of 6th wicket. When their score was 152, 20 overs were completed with 2 wickets in their hands.

Then we started batting. Our first two batsmen scored 30 runs. The score stood at 55 when I started playing. I made 33 runs. I was declared LBW out. Our score crossed 151 when the last ball was to be thrown. There was a great excitement. The last ball might prove defeat or tie or victory. The batsman was a bowler actually. We had least hope. Lo ! there was a miracle when the ball was thrown and hit, it was a boundary. We scored 155 against their 152 and we won the game. All congratulated us.
I hope you will enjoy the above description.
Your sincerely,

Question 2.
Write a letter to your brother telling him how you have spent your summer vacation.
17, Jawahar Marg,
Neemuch (M.P.)
June 20, 20
Dear Sonu,
I hope you are quite well and OK there.
Received your letter, thanks for the congratulations. You have asked me how I spent my vacations.
My aunt at Nekpur (Bareli) had been inviting me to spend my vacations with their family from 3-4 years. So this year I decided to go there. I reached there on 15th May 20 and returned yesterday. I spent a very jolly time in the sweet company of my cousins.

There is a joint family. It consists of fifteen members. The house is big and spacious. There is always hustle and bustle in the big house. We went out for long walks both in the morning and evening. The cool and fresh air pleased the mind and heart. Green fields were atractive.

A canal flows at a short distance from there. We enjoyed swimming in the cool water. The mango season was in full swing. They were very cheap there. I ate them to my heart’s content. All our time was spent in eating, playing and swimming. Every body was good to me. I felt at home there.
Yours truly,

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Write a letter to your friend advising him to study English, Maths, general knowledge and reasoning for competitive examination.
170, Rambagh,
Indore (M.R)
17 July, 20
Dear Ramesh,
I hope you are doing well there.
Received your letter. You have asked me to advise you about your future plans. You have expressed your desire to enter some administrative jobs. For this you will have to appear in the competitive examinations. Thousands of candidates apply for these jobs and a few are to be selected. So these examinations are very tough. For this you will have to study hard. You must pay special attention to the study of English, Maths and general knowledge. I shall help you as far as possible.
Rest is OK.
Yours truly,

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

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The Eyes are not Here Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 15 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 15 The Eyes are not Here Questions and Answers

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 12th English Solutions Chapter 15 The Eyes are not Here Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

The Eyes are not Here Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

(A) Railway station से सम्बन्धित शब्द भरिए :
Rails, Platform, Station Master, Porters, Vendors, Ticket Collector, Booking Windows, Waiting Room etc.

(B) दी गयी वस्तुओं द्वारा की गयी ध्वनियाँ चुनिए :

  • hiss,
  • roar,
  • rustle,
  • bang,
  • thud,
  • rumble,
  • clatter.

MP Board Solutions


निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए

Question 1.
What instructions did the girl’s parents give when they saw her off? [2014, 17]
लड़की के माता-पिता ने उसे छोड़ते समय क्या निर्देश दिए?
The girl’s parents gave her instructions as to where to keep her . things, when not to lean out of the windows, and how to avoid speaking to strangers.

लड़की के माता-पिता ने उसे निर्देश दिए कि उसे अपना सामान कहाँ रखना है, कब खिड़की से बाहर नहीं झाँकना है, और अजनबियों से बात करने से किस प्रकार बचना है।

How, according to the author, are blind people better in seeing than the sighted? [2009]
लेखक के अनुसार अंधे लोग किस प्रकार आँख वाले लोगों से बेहतर होते हैं?
According to the author, blind people are always more conscious and careful in seeing and smelling things. Their sixth sense is always stronger. Thus they see what the sighted does not.

लेखक के अनुसार, अंधे लोग समझने और भाँपने में सदैव ज्यादा सावधान होते हैं। उनकी छठी इन्द्रिय सदैव ज्यादा मजबूत होती है। इस प्रकार वे वह सब देख सकते हैं जो आँख वाले नहीं देख पाते।

Question 3.
Do you think the author was blind by birth? Justify your answer from the hints given in the story? [2018]
क्या तुम सोचते हो कि लेखक जन्मान्ध था? कहानी से लिये गये संकेतों से अपनी बात पुष्ट करो।
No, I do not think that he was blind by birth. The words from the story justifying this are “As I was totally blind at the time” indicate that he was blind at that particular time. Further, he recalls the sights at Mussoorie which clearly indicate that he has seen those places. Therefore he was not blind by birth.

नहीं, मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता क्योंकि लेखक कहता है “मैं उस वक्त पूरी तरह अन्धा था।” इससे यह पता चलता है कि वह उस विशेष समय अन्धा था। इसके अलावा वह मसूरी के दृश्य याद करता है जिससे साफ तौर पर पता चलता है कि वह उन जगहों को देख चुका है। अतः वह जन्मान्ध नहीं था।

Question 4.
How did the author prevent his companion from discovering that he was blind?
लेखक ने अपने साथी से किस तरह छिपाया कि वह अंधा था?
The author prevented his companion from discovering that he was blind by telling the girl that he did not see her coming in, he only heard ‘. her.

लेखक ने अपने साथी से अपने अंधेपन को यह कहकर छिपाया कि वह उसे आते हुए देख नहीं पाया था, उसने सिर्फ उसकी आवाज सुनी थी।

Question 5.
What did the author mean by ‘a safe remark’? [2012]
सुरक्षित कथन से लेखक का क्या तात्पर्य था?
The author meant that he appreciated the beauty of the girl without annoying her.
लेखक का तात्पर्य था कि लड़की को नाराज किए बगैर उसने उसकी सुन्दरता की तारीफ कर दी।

Question 6.
What was the author trying to laugh at?
लेखक किस पर हँसने की कोशिश कर रहा था?
The author was trying to laugh at the remark of the girl about him that he was a very gallant young man.
लेखक लड़की के उस कथन पर हँसने की कोशिश कर रहा था जिसमें उसने लेखक को एक ऐसा नौजवान कहा था जो लड़कियों को विनम्र भाव से देखता था।

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Question 7.
How did the author know that the train was going to stop at the station?
लेखक को किस प्रकार पता चला कि ट्रेन स्टेशन पर रुकने जा रही थी?
The author knew with the whistle of the engine and the changed sound and rhythm of the carriage wheels that the train was going to stop at the station.

इंजन की सीटी व पटरियों की बदलती आवाज व गति से लेखक को पता चला कि ट्रेन स्टेशन पर रुकने वाली है।

Question 8.
What game did the author play with his fellow travelers?
लेखक अपने सहयात्रियों के साथ क्या खेल खेलता था?
The author would engage himself in the conversation with the new fellow travelers without disclosing his blindness. This was the game he played.
लेखक अपने सहयात्रियों को अपने अंधेपन के विषय में बिना बताए बातों से उलझा लेता था। वह यही खेल खेलता था।

Question 9.
Why did the new passenger not notice the girl’s hair? [2013]
नये यात्री ने लड़की के बाल क्यों नहीं देखे?
The new passenger did not notice the girl’s hair as he noticed her beautiful eyes.
नये यात्री ने लड़की के बाल नहीं देखे क्योंकि उसका ध्यान लड़की की सुन्दर आँखों की तरफ था।

Language Practice

1. Section A में दिए गये clauses को section B से मेल करिए :
A – B
It was so hot – That we could not go out.
She never complained – though the work was hard.
I left the bag – where I had found it.
You won’t pass – unless you work hard.
She sings better – than you do.

2. सही conjunction of time से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए :
till, as soon as, when

  1. When spring arrives, the flowers bloom.
  2. I’ll wait here till you come back.
  3. As soon as Sami saw the accident, he telephoned the police.

3. सही conjunction of concession से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए :
though, even if, whereas

  1. My son is quiet whereas my daughter is noisy.
  2. Though he tried hard, he did not pass his driving test.
  3. Even if he is old he can do a great deal of work.

4. सही conjunction of reason से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए :
since, as, because

  1. The doctor wasn’t able to reach the patient in time because he was held up in traffic.
  2. Since I have hurt my leg, I am afraid, I won’t be able to play today:
  3. As he loves music so much he decided to go to a conservatoire.

MP Board Solutions

The Eyes Are Not Here Summary

– Ruskin Bond

प्रस्तुत अध्याय एक नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति के विषय में है। रेल में यात्रा करते हुए यह व्यक्ति अपने सहयात्री को अपनी नेत्रहीनता के विषय में जानने से रोकता है। एक बार एक लड़की इस व्यक्ति के डिब्बे में चढ़ती है और इनमें काफी वार्तालाप होता है। व्यक्ति पूरी यात्रा के दौरान अपनी बातों तथा अपनी हरकतों से उसे यह पता नहीं चलने देता कि वह अन्धा है। कुछ समय बाद लड़की का गंतव्य आ जाता है और वह उतर जाती है। किन्तु यह व्यक्ति उसी के विषय में सोचता रहता है। अन्त में अपने नये सह-यात्री से जब यह व्यक्ति उस लड़की के बालों के विषय में पूछता है तब इसे पता चलता है कि वह भी पूर्णतया अन्धी थी।

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Textbook General English Class 12th Solutions

The Last Ride Together Question Answer Class 12 English A Voyage Chapter 17 MP Board

Class 12 English A Voyage Chapter 17 The Last Ride Together Questions and Answers

Students can also download MP Board 12th Model Papers to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

The Last Ride Together Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

A. In the text, there occurs a word “conceive.” In spelling out such words, there is always a confusion between the use of’ei’ and ‘ie’. Fill ‘ei’ or ‘ie’ in the blank spaces in the following words:
1. rec — — ve
2. rel — —ve
3. th — — sm
4. perc — —ve
5. rel — — f
6. cone — —t
7. bel — — ve
8. dec — — ve
9. h — — st
10. ath — — st
11. panth — —sm.

To ascertain the correct use, keep in mind the formula ‘the lice’, that is, use ‘ei’ after ‘th’, ‘ie’ after T and ‘ei’ after ‘c’ when there is a confusion.

  1. rec e i ve
  2. rel i e ve
  3. th e i sm
  4. perc e i ve
  5. rel i e f
  6. cone e i t
  7. bel i e ve
  8. dec e i ve
  9. th e i st
  10. ath e i st
  11. panth e i sm.

B. In the text, there occurs a number of words which are contrasted to each other, but they are used together, joined by a conjunction. Some of them are:

Life and death in the balance, the petty done, the undone vast, in pride and thankfulness, joy and fear, hand and brain, in words and deeds, life forever old yet new, changed not in kind but in degree, the instant made eternity.

Use the above expressions in your sentences to make the meaning clear.

  1. Life and death in the balance—He lived his life and death in the balance.
  2. The petty done—There was great difference between the petty done and the rest.
  3. The undone vast—I was surprised at the undone vast lot of the work.
  4. In pride and thankfulness—He maintains a balance between his pride and thankfulness.
  5. Joy and fear—He had a mixed experience of joy and fear.
  6. Hand and brain—We are developing our skills in hand and brain.
  7. In words and deeds—Netaji was perfect in words and deeds.
  8. Life forever old yet new—Tagore lived a life forever old yet new.
  9. Changed not in kind but in degree—We changed not in kind but in degree.
  10. The instant made eternity—This change was the instant made eternity for me.

MP Board Solutions


A. Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Why does the speaker bless his mistress?
The speaker blesses his mistress for her company.

Question 2.
What two things does the speaker claim from his beloved? .
The speaker claims for cherishing the memory of his beloved’s love and a last ride together.

Question 3.
What sort of benediction does the speaker feel to have possessed in the company of his mistress?
The speaker feels a heavenly bliss in the company of his mistress.

Question 4.
How does the speaker compare his soul with a scroll?
As, his soul had grown wrinkled and disfigured with grief, so the poet compares it with a scroll.

Question 5.
How are the brave deeds of a soldier rewarded by the world?
The brave deeds of a soldier are rewarded by the world only with a burial in the Westminster Abbey, a place where only the great and the heroic passengers are buried and a flag is hoisted over his memorial.

Question 6.
What does the poet express in his verses?
In his verses, the poet expresses the view that sublime ideals and beautiful things are best and men should try to achieve them.

Question 7.
Why do people prefer a living beauty to a sculptor?
People prefer a living beauty to a sculptor because life is always greater than art.

MP Board Solutions

B. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:

Question 1.
What thoughts pass through the speaker’s mind when he and his beloved were riding together?  (M.P. Board 2012)
The speaker expresses the heavenly bliss which he experiences for a short while in the company of his beloved during the ride. The lady bent towards him and placed her head on his shoulders. Her body was in dose contact with his own. The lover thinks that the world may end that very night and so the moment of his bliss may become eternal. In that case, he would always be with his beloved and enjoy eternal happiness in life after death.

Question 2.
How does the speaker find his fulfilment in the present when he says, “I hoped she would love me; here we ride?”
Here the lover, as he rode by the side of his beloved, mused on the sorry lot of humanity in this world. He is not alone to face failure. All men make efforts but not all succeed. As he rode by the side of his beloved, he felt as if his spirit was soaring high. The entire landscape seemed to him to wear a different look. The fields through which they passed and the cities they came across seemed to him to be bathed in divine glory. His own joy transfigured and illuminated the entire region which passed them, on both sides, in an opposite direction, as they rode forward. The poet here puts his ideals that aspirations of – man are never realised. Not all succeed. However, he at least has the consolation of riding with his beloved. Others are denied.even this much of consolation.

Question 3.
How does the statement “Who knows what’s fit for us?” reveal the speaker’s faith in fate?
Having established the point that in this world none succeeds despite his best efforts, the lover says that it is not easy to determine what is good for man. It cannot definitely be stated that success in this life is good for man. The lover is the mouthpiece of Browning and he expresses the view of the poet that success in this life means failure in the life to come. Had he been destined to get the love of his beloved and enjoy supreme bliss in his life, he would have nothing left to hope for in the life to come.

Question 4.
Why does the speaker consider the earth a favoured place in comparison to heaven?
Heaven is nothing but the realization of our highest hopes and aspirations. It is life at its best. Man has always looked upwards and imagined that heaven lies somewhere in the sky but for the lover, if one enjoys the company of his beloved, it is the earth which is heaven. It provides him heavenly bliss.

Question 5.
Explain the significance of the expression, “this glory-garland round my soul” in reference to the ride.
Man on earth can’t get all his desires fulfilled. Everyone makes efforts but not all succeed. Had he reached his goal in this world and had gained the garland of victory by winning the love of his beloved, he would have had nothing to look forward in the life to come. If he had achieved the supreme happiness in this world, if he had obtained the love of his beloved, here, no hopes of any reward in other world would have been left for him.

MP Board Solutions

C. Answer the following questions in about 75-100 words each:

Question 1.
The speaker considers his fate better than that of others. Why and how?
In this poem, a lover is made to reflect on human life. He realises that all in this world work hard to achieve their objectives but all of them do not succeed. All effort and struggle result in failure. Man can never achieve his ambitions. Despite lifelong work, man can achieve very little. Actual achievement is small in comparison with much that remains undone. Aspirations of man are never realized. In the same way, in this poem, the lover aspires for his beloved’s love but fails. However, he thinks himself to be a little better in the sense that he gets a chance to enjoy a lastride together with his beloved. He experiences heavenly bliss in her company. Others are denied even such momentary bliss.

Question 2.
The speaker in the poem says to the poet “(you) Sing, riding’s a joy! For me, I ride”. How does this statement contrast the fate of the two?
The lover illustrates his point by referring to the fate of the poet. The poem no doubt is more skillful than other artist? but his reward too meagre. His life is also a failure. In his poetry, he expresses the view that sublime ideals and beautiful things are best and men should try to achieve them. All this is a great achievement for a poet but he dies in poverty even in the prime of his life.

He never achieves his own sublime ideals in life. The poet can only sing that riding with one’s beloved is a source of great pleasure but he does never actually enjoy this pleasure. The lover considers himself more lucky in this respect for he is actually enjoying a ride with his beloved.

Question 3.
To the man of music, the speaker says “I gave my youth; but we ride, in fine.” How does he prove his achievement greater than that of the man of music?
While comparing his fate with that of other artists like a man of music, the lover finds himself in a better position. The musician is also an unsuccessful artist. He devotes all his life to his art. He grows old in composing sweet tunes but the only praise that he gets even from his friends is that he composed a music of high order but then Fashion and taste in music change and his achievements become outdated and rejected. Similarly, the lover, in this poem devoted his youth, the prime of his life, in courting his beloved but now he has been rejected but he has his reward to enjoy the pleasure of the last ride in his beloved’s company. The musician does never enjoy this supreme felicity.

Question 4.
How will you explain the phrase “instant made eternity” in the context of the speaker’s concept?
It is difficult to say what is good and what is not good for man in this world. Achievement of perfect happiness in this world means that one would have no hopes left for life in the other world. Failure in this world is essential for success and achievement in the life to come. He has failed in this life but this is a blessing in disguise. It means that he would be successful in the life to come. He can now hope for happiness in the other world.

Because he did not get his beloved here, he is sure to enjoy the bliss of her love in the life after death. Now for him, “both Heaven and she are beyond this ride.” Failure in this world is the best. Further, so hopes the lover, “the instant may become eternity” and they may ride together for ever and ever. Who knows that the world may end that very moment? In that case, they will be together in the other world and will be together for ever.

Question 5.
Discuss The Last Ride Together as a dramatic monologue. (M.P. Board 2010/16)
The Last Ride Together is a dramatic monologue and it shows Browning at his best in the handling of this poetic form. It has also been called a dramatic lyric because it is not an expression of his own personal emotions but that of an imagined character.

It is spoken by a lover who loved his lady over a long period of time, and who, after making him wait for so long, finally, rejected him and turned to another lover. The lover then prayed to her to grant two requests of his. First, that she should remember his love of her, and second, that she should come with him for a last ride together. To his great joy, the lady consented.

Question 6.
What degree of optimism is revealed in the poem? Does the poet believe in God’s will? Give examples.
The poem is characterised by Browning’s philosophy of optimism. Failure to achieve the ideal should not discourage a man.
“Why, all men strive, and who succeeds?” and
“All labour, yet no less .
I’ Bear up beneath their unsuccess.
Not only that; the lover argues that as he might have been still more unlucky, he should be satisfied with his present fate:
She might have hated, who can tell!
Where had I been now if the worst befell!
And here we are riding, she and I.”
Browning teaches the gospel of hope through the lips of the lover who anticipates union with his beloved in heaven.

MP Board Solutions

D.Explain the following expressions:

Question 1.
One day more am I deified
Here, the poet feels overwhelmed that he had got a day to enjoy heavenly bliss. Like a j god, the lover has all Browning’s robust optimism.

Question 2.
Till flesh must fade for heaven was here!’
While enjoying the ride together, the lover feels ecstatic joy in the company of his beloved. In such a moment, the man will feel that his physical self is melted away and he has got free of the limitation of flesh.

Question 3.
Now heaven and she are beyond this ride
Here, a preference for the earth to heaven has been expressed if one gets heavenly bliss on the earth itself.

Question 4.
‘What heart alike conceived and dared?’
Here the lover while musing over human let in this world rays that conception and execution never go together.

Question 5.
There’s many a crown for who can reach?
Here, the lover says that man aspires for the best but fails to get what he desires. Success doesn’t come to all.

MP Board Solutions

E. Explain with context the following verses:

Question 1.
Hush! If you saw some western cloud
All billowy-bosomed, over-bowed
By many benedictions…Sun’s
And moon’s and evening star’s at once…
These lines express in a highly imaginative manner, the intense joy and delight which the lover experienced when his beloved leaned, against him for.a moment. The.lover had a moment of ecstasy. He felt a heavenly bliss. The only snag was that it ended too soon. He compares his delightful experience to that of a man, who sees a cloud looking radiant on account of the lights of the setting sun, the rising moon, and the eventing star falling upon it simultaneously, and whose intense passion for the cloud draws it close to him till he feels that heaven has descended upon him. Indeed, like that man, the lover felt that his I body had melted away and that his spirit was enjoying a celestial glory.

Question 2.
What hand and brain went ever paired?
What heart alike conceived and dared?
What act proved all its thought had been?
What will but felt the fleshy screen?
The lover says that nobody can translate all his thoughts into actions. Nobody can give a practical shape to all his plans and schemes. A man may have big projects in mind but he cannot implement them in full. Thought and deed are never identical. In other words, no thought or intellectual conception can ever be fully carried out. No matter, how strong our determination may be, we shall yet be impeded by the limitations of the body. Even a man possessing an iron will feels the limitations of his physical energy which cannot meet the large demands made upon it by his determination.

Question 3.
What if we still ride on, we two
With life for ever old yet new,
Changed not in kind but in degree,
The instant made eternity.
In these lines, the lover expresses the fantastic hope that his ride with his mistress may continue for ever, in which case he will be enjoying the happiness which heaven alone can afford. The duration of the ride will then be stretched to eternity and their life, though not changed into a life in heaven, will be transformed into an everlasting bliss. Thus, he will attain heaven on earth itself if the ride can continue for ever. If the duration of the ride becomes endless, the lover Will imagine himself to be in paradise and will enjoy a heavenly bliss though he will actually be on earth. (Thus the poem ends with a mystical fancy).

Speaking Activity

A.In, the fifth stanza there occurs the expression “Look at the end of work,” which means that the joy of sublimation lies in the fulfillment of hope. On the other side, there is the proposition, “It is better to travel hopefully than to reach the destination.”

Discuss and explain both the propositions in the class and then hold a debate, some of the students supporting the first while others favouring the second propositions.
Do it by arranging the debate in class.

B.Read the poem aloud in the class and then invite students to speak over the,philosophical value. Note down the important aspects of Browning’s philosophy of life as emerged out of the deliberations.
Do it yourself.

Writing Activity

A. Discuss the poetic value of the poem ‘The Last Ride Together’, with your classmates and +hen prepare a written appraisal of the poem on the following points:

  • As a dramatic monologue. The speaker as a mouth piece of the poet.
  • Philosophy of love contained in the poem.
  • A new dimension to the concept of eternity and fulfillment.
  • Diction examples of Browning’s typical self-coined phrases, ambiguity of expression etc.

Apparently, the steadfast love of a man has been rejected by the lady. She does not return his feelings. The lover does not blame her but merely claims the memory of having hopefully loved her and requests her to have one last ride with him. He is overjoyed when she consents.

The ride now begins. He feels that his soul has been freed from sadness and is fluttering freshly in the wind. Past hopes of love and happiness matter no more. There was no point in thinking of what might have been if he had acted or spoken in some other manner. For all one knows, his beloved might then have even hated him; now she is only indifferent to him. At least, he has the chance to ride with her.

The lover goes on to reflect about the lot of human beings in general. There is always a wide gap between aspiration and accomplishment. As he rides, he feels as if his soul has gained a new insight. So many men work hard but still have to face failure. He had hoped that the lady would love him, while his achievement is only a last ride with her. But because it is a universal feature of human life, that is seldom fully realised in action. Even the poet and the sculptor fail in achieving their ideals of beauty. The lover is comparatively more successful; he is at least enjoying his beloved’s company on a last ride and feeling an ecstatic moment.

One cannot be sure of what is right or good for man in this world. If his pursuit in love had been successful and he had achieved perfect happiness on earth, there would have been nothing to look forward to in heaven. His failure, thus, is a blessing in disguise. He can now die with the hope of fulfillment in the next life. He considers that heaven and his beloved are the ideals which lie beyond the ride.
The poem ends on a striking and bold fancy of the lover. He suddenly reflects on the possibility of the ride continuing forever, so that the moment may be transformed into eternity. The poem ends on a climax of optimism.

Think It Over

A. Ponder over the proposition “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the moral and aesthetic values ” and then make your classmates, aware of your thoughts.
Do it yourself.

B. Think over the following aspects of the poem. Take assistance from your teacher.

(i) Browning’s attitude to love.
(ii) Browning’s attitude to life.
(iii)Browning’s concept of God, fate and eternity.
(iv) Browning’s concept of fulfillment and sublimation.
Do yourself. You may consult criticism on Browning as a poet.

Things to Do

Ask your teacher to provide you other Dramatic Monologues by Browning like ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’, ‘Andrea Del Sarto’and Prospice. Read them and comment on them.
Do it yourself.

The Last Ride Together by Robert Browning Introduction

It is a poem of the sublimation of unrequited love in a state of the noblest resignation to the decree of fate. It depicts the emotions of a last ride, permitted to the speaker by his beloved.

The Last Ride Together Summary in English

Apparently, the steadfast love of a man has been rejected by the lady. She does not return his feelings. The lover does not blame her but merely claims the memory of having hopefully loved her and requests her to have one last ride with him. He is overjoyed when she consents.

The ride now begins. He feels that his soul has been freed from sadness and is fluttering freshly in the wind. Past hopes of love and happiness matter no more. There was no point in thinking of what might have been if he had acted or spoken in some other manner. For all one knows, his beloved might then have even hated him; now she is only indifferent to him. At least, he has the chance to ride with her.

The lover goes on to reflect about the lot of human beings in general. There is always a wide gap between aspiration and accomplishment. As he rides, he feels as if his soul has gained a new insight. So many men work hard but still have to face failure. He had hoped that the lady would love him, while his achievement is only a last ride with her. But because it is a universal feature of human life, that is seldom fully realised in action. Even the poet and the sculptor fail in achieving their ideals of beauty. The lover is comparatively more successful; he is at least enjoying his beloved’s company on a last ride and feeling an ecstatic moment.

One cannot be sure of what is right or good for man in this world. If his pursuit in love had been successful and he had achieved perfect happiness on earth, there would have been nothing to look forward to in heaven. His failure, thus, is a blessing in disguise. He can now die with the hope of fulfillment in the next life. He considers that heaven and his beloved are the ideals which lie beyond the ride.
The poem ends on a striking and bold fancy of the lover. He suddenly reflects on the possibility of the ride continuing forever, so that the moment may be transformed into eternity. The poem ends on a climax of optimism.

The Last Ride Together Summary in Hindi

इस कविता में स्पष्ट रूप से एक व्यक्ति का सच्चा प्यार एक औरत द्वारा नकार दिया जाता है। वह उसकी भावना की कुछ . कद्र नहीं करती। प्रेमी उसे कोई दोष नहीं देता बल्कि सिर्फ उसकी याद का दावा करता है, जब उसने उसे भरपूर प्यार किया और उससे एक बार अपने साथ सवारी करने का अनुरोध करता है। वह बहुत खुश हो जाता है जब वह अपनी सहमती दे देती यात्रा शुरू होती है। उसे लगता है कि वह सभी उदासियों से मुक्त हो चुका है और ताजी हवा में उड रहा है। बीते समय की उम्मीदें या प्यार का अब कोई अर्थ नहीं रह जाता। इस बात में कोई तथ्य नहीं कि वह किसी और तरीके से पेश आता

तो क्या होता। वह जानता है कि उसकी प्रेमिका उस समय उससे नफरत करती थी पर अब वह सिर्फ उससे भिन्न सोचती है। कम से कम, वह उसके साथ एक बार सफर करने का मौका पा लेता है। प्रेमी मनुष्य के सामान्य भाग्य की विवेचना करता है। उम्मीद और प्राप्ति के बीच काफी बड़ा अंतर होता है। जब वह सवारी कर रहा है तो सोचता है क्या उसकी आत्मा नई ऊँचाई पा सकी है। बहुत-से लोग कठिन मेहनत करते हैं, फिर भी उन्हें असफलता का मुँह देखना पड़ता है। उसे उम्मीद थी कि औरत उसे प्यार करेगी जबकि वह सिर्फ उसके साथ अन्तिम बार ही एक साथ होने का अवसर पा सका। परंतु इससे उसे ज़रा भी निराशा नहीं हुई क्योंकि यह मानव जीवन की शाश्वत सच्चाई है कि शायद ही कभी उसे सफलता मिलेगी। यहाँ तक कि कवि या मूर्तिकार भी अपने कला के सौंदर्य का आदर्श नहीं पा सकते। प्रेमी उनकी अपेक्षा ज्यादा भाग्यवान है कि उसे कम-से-कम अपनी प्रेमिका का क्षणिक साथ तो मिला जो उसके लिए चरम आनंद का क्षण है।

कोई नहीं कह सकता कि इस संसार में मनुष्य के लिए क्या सही है और क्या अच्छा है। यदि उसकी खोज पूरी हुई है और उसे उसकी प्रेमिका का साथ मिल गया है तो उसने चरम सुख पा लिया है। धरती पर ही फिर उसे किसी और स्वर्ग के खोज की क्या ज़रूरत है। इस तरह उसकी असफलता ही उसके लिए छिपा वरदान है। अब वह इस उम्मीद के साथ मर सकता है कि अगले जन्म में उसे सफलता अवश्य मिलेगी। वह सोचता है कि स्वर्ग और उसकी प्रेमिका उसके आदर्शों की प्राप्ति है जो उस यात्रा से परे है। कविता प्रेमी की बुलन्द कल्पना के साथ समाप्त होती है। वह अचानक सोचता है कि यह यात्रा निरंतर चलती रहे और अमर हो जाए। कविता का अंत आशावाद के चरम बिंदु पर होता है।

The Last Ride Together Word Meaning

MP Board Class 12th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 17 The Last Ride Together img 1
MP Board Class 12th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 17 The Last Ride Together img 2

The Last Ride Together Important Pronunciations
MP Board Class 12th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 17 The Last Ride Together img 3

The Last Ride Together Stanzas for Comprehension

1. Read the following stanzas and answer the questions:
My whole heart rises up to bless
Your name in pride and thankfulness!
Take back the hope you gave, … I claim
…Only a memory of the same,
. ..And this beside, f you will not blame,
Your leave for one more last ride with me. (Page 126)

(i) the poet’s heart rises up to bless the beloved’s name in …..
(ii) What does the poet claim?
(iii) Find a word which means the same as ‘accuse’.
(iv) What does the poet wish for from his beloved?
(i) Pride and thankfulness.
(ii) The memory of the love.
(iii) ‘Blame’ is similar in meaning to ‘accuse’.
(iv) He asks his beloved to allow her company in the last ride with him.

2. There’s many a crown for who can reach,
Ten lines, a statesman’s life in each!
The flag stuck on a heap of bones.
A soldier’s doing! what atones? .
They scratch his name on the Abbey-stones.
My riding is better, by their leave. (Page 128)

(i) What does the poet mean by ‘crown’ here?
(ii) ……………… his name on the Abbey-stones.
(iii) Find a word similar in meaning to ‘pillar on grave’.
(iv) How does the poet find himself better than those?
(i) Reward for achievement.
(ii) They scratch.
(iii) ‘Abbey stones’ has similar meaning to ‘pillar on grave’.
(iv) The poet finds himself better in the sense that he has got the heavenly bliss in the company of his beloved for a moment.

3. And you, great sculptor so,… you gave
A score of years to Art, her slave,
And that’s your Venus, whence we turn
To yonder girl that fords the burn!
You acquiesce, and shall I repine?
What, man of music, you grown grey
With notes and nothing else to say,
Is this your sole praise from a friend,
‘Greatly his opera’s, strains intend,
‘Put in music we know how fashions end!’
I gave my youth, but we ride, in fine. (Page 128)

(i) What does a sculptor do?
(ii) we know how fashion ends.
(iii) Find a word opposite in meaning to’rejoice’.
(iv) What does the poet convey here?
(i) A sculptor devotes all his time in beautifying his statue or creating a beautiful lady.
(ii) Put in music.
(iii) ‘Repine’ is opposite to ‘rejoice’.
(iv) The poet conveys that even great artists do labour for the whole life but get nothing as a result.

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

MP Board Class 12th English A Voyage Textbook (Fiction and Drama)

India: Vision 2020 Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 14 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020 Questions and Answers

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 12th English Solutions Chapter 14 India: Vision 2020 Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

India: Vision 2020 Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

(A) बायें स्तम्भ के मूल शब्दों को दायें स्तम्भ के अर्थ से मिलाइए :

  • fact – as in manufacture-to do, make
  • manu – as in manufacture-hand
  • equ – as in equilibrium-equal, even
  • fer – as in transfer-to carry, bring
  • am – as in amateur-love

MP Board Solutions

(B) नीचे दिये गये कथनों के लिए कोष्ठक में दिये गये सही शब्दों को भरिये :

  • Autocracy – an absolute government.
  • Bureaucracy – government by officials.
  • Democracy – government by the representatives of the people.
  • Dictatorship – government of an absolute ruler.
  • Republic – a state governed by representatives and usually a president.
  • Monarchy – a state ruled by a king or queen.
  • Anarchy – the absence of government in a country.


निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए :

Question 1.
What makes the author believe that India is ready for action now? [2014]
लेखक को किस बात से विश्वास हो जाता है कि भारत अब कार्यवाही के लिए तैयार है?
The author believes because a large part of our population is young and raring for change. The missed opportunities are history for them.
लेखक को विश्वास है क्योंकि हमारी जनसंख्या का एक बड़ा भाग नौजवान है और परिवर्तन के लिए तत्पर है। खोये हुए अवसर उनके लिए इतिहास बन चुके हैं।

Question 2.
Why did the private sector in post-independence India suffer from lack of self-confidence?
स्वातन्त्रयोत्तर काल में भारत में निजी क्षेत्र में आत्मविश्वास का अभाव क्यों रहा?
In post-independence India, industry was controlled by the government. People required licenses and permits to launch new projects. As a result, Indian companies could not compete with the best in the world, and this led to a lack of self-confidence in private sector.

स्वातन्त्रयोत्तर भारत में उद्योगों पर सरकार का नियन्त्रण था। नये प्रोजेक्ट शुरू करने के लिए लोगों को लाइसेंस और अनुमति की जरूरत होती थी। परिणामस्वरूप भारतीय कम्पनियाँ विश्व की सर्वोत्तम कम्पनियों से मुकाबला नहीं कर सकी, और इस सबसे निजी क्षेत्र में आत्मविश्वास का अभाव हो गया।

Question 3.
Describe the modern day achievements of Indians [2009, 10, 13]
भारतीयों की आधुनिक उपलब्धियों के विषय में वर्णन कीजिए।
The modern day achievements of Indians include our own missiles, our I.T. companies, our agriculture production, our pharmaceutical industries, our technological advancements, our highly qualified professionals, etc.

भारतीयों की आधुनिक उपलब्धियों में शामिल हैं हमारी अपनी मिसाइलें, हमारी आई टी कम्पनियाँ, हमारा कृषि उत्पादन, हमारी दवा कम्पनियाँ, हमारी तकनीकी उन्नति, हमारे उच्च शिक्षित पेशेवर लोग आदि।

Question 4.
What is the contribution of satellite communication in increasing awareness?
जागरूकता बढ़ाने में सेटेलाइट संचार का क्या योगदान है?
Satellite communication has given boost to explosive growth in television which in turn has exposed people to the realities existing elsewhere in the world.

सेटेलाइट संचार ने टेलीविजन के जबर्दस्त विकास को बढ़ावा दिया है जिससे लोग दुनिया भर में व्याप्त वास्तविकताओं से रूबरू हुए हैं।

Question 5.
What are the impediments in India’s development?
भारत के विकास में क्या बाधाएँ हैं?
Pervasive corruption, mindless bureaucracy and greedy politicians are some of the impediments in India’s development.
चहुँ ओर व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार, संवेदनहीन नौकरशाही व लालची राजनीतिज्ञ विकास के मार्ग में आने वाली कुछ बाधाएँ हैं।

Question 6.
What place does agriculture occupy in Vision 2020? [2012, 17]
परिदृश्य 2020 में कृषि का क्या स्थान है?
Agriculture would have become very remunerative to farmers with the success of the Second Green Revolution. India will have surplus food products to export to the world.

द्वितीय हरित क्रान्ति की सफलता के पश्चात् किसानों के लिए कृषि बहुत बड़ी आय का साधन हो जायेगी। भारत के पास दुनिया में निर्यात हेतु खाद्य पदार्थ बहुतायत मात्रा में उपलब्ध होंगे।

Question 7.
What role would Indian industry play in the coming years?
आने वाले वर्षों में भारतीय उद्योग की क्या भूमिका होगी?।
In the coming years, agro-processing industries, chemical industries etc. will play a major role.
आने वाले वर्षों में कृषि से सम्बन्धित उद्योग, कैमिकल उद्योग आदि बड़ी भूमिका अदा करेंगे।

Question 8.
In which area will India become a global leader? [2010, 16]
किस क्षेत्र में भारत विश्व में एक ताकत बन जायेगा?
India will become a global leader in the services sector, providing excellent services within the country and outside.
भारत सेवा के क्षेत्र में देश के भीतर व बाहर श्रेष्ठ सेवाएँ देकर विश्व में एक ताकत बन जायेगा।

MP Board Solutions

Question 9.
How can good infrastructure contribute to development?
अच्छे संसाधन किस प्रकार विकास में योगदान दे सकते हैं?
Through speedy growth of roads, railways, telecommunications and electricity, good infrastructure can contribute to development.
सड़कों, रेलवे, दूरसंचार तथा विद्युत के त्वरित विकास के माध्यम से अच्छे संसाधन विकास में योगदान दे सकते हैं।

Question 10.
How can we realise the vision?
हम किस प्रकार परिदृश्य को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं?
We can realise the vision only when we achieve the target set for it. This will not happen spontaneously, nor can be left to the government, planners, scientists or economists alone. Everyone has a role to play, each and every person in India.

हम इस परिदृश्य को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं तब जब हम इसका लक्ष्य निर्धारित करें। यह अचानक नहीं होगा, न ही ये सरकार पर छोड़ा जा सकता है, न योजना बनाने वालों पर, न वैज्ञानिकों पर और न अर्थशास्त्रियों पर। भारत में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को इसमें अपनी हिस्सेदारी सुनिश्चित करनी पड़ेगी।

Question 11.
How can we imitate the examples of Japan and Germany?
हम जापान व जर्मनी के उदाहरण का किस प्रकार अनुसरण कर सकते हैं?
We can imitate the examples of Japan and Germany by looking at the miracles achieved by them through great determination and effort. We must work hard at whatever we are doing.

समर्पण भाव व प्रयासों के साथ जापान व जर्मनी ने जो चमत्कार सफलतापूर्वक हासिल किये, उनका अवलोकन कर हम उनका अनुसरण कर सकते हैं। हम जो भी करें, उसे कठिन परिश्रम के साथ करना चाहिए।

Question 12.
How has the Indian I.T. industry grown?
भारतीय आई टी उद्योग किस प्रकार बढ़ा है?
Indian I.T. industry has grown from virtually nothing to an industry which is winning India much global recognition. This industry has grown largely on its own, without too much government assistance.

भारतीय आई टी उद्योग शून्य से उस स्तर तक पहुँच गया जहाँ भारत की पहचान विश्व में होने लगी। यह उद्योग ज्यादातर अपने बलबूते पर ही विकसित हुआ है, जिसमें सरकारी सहायता ज्यादा नहीं है।

Question 13.
How can we help in the establishment of a stable framework of government?
सरकार के स्थायी ढाँचे को स्थापित करने में हम किस प्रकार सहायता कर सकते
We can formulate policies for people. We should learn to facilitate without attempting to control it. We should also learn how to work with people. In this way we can help in the establishment of a stable framework of government.

हम जनता के लिए नीतियाँ तैयार कर सकते हैं। हमें नियन्त्रण करने का प्रयास करने के बजाय सुविधायें मुहैया करना सीखना चाहिए। हमें यह भी सीखना चाहिए कि लोगों के साथ रहकर किस प्रकार कार्य किया जा सकता है। इस प्रकार हम सरकार के स्थायी ढाँचे को स्थापित करने में सहायता कर सकते हैं।

Question 14.
Make a list of civic duties as suggested by Dr. Kalam. [2009, 14, 15, 18]
डॉ. कलाम द्वारा सुझाये गये नागरिक कर्तव्यों की सूची बनाइए।
The duties are as follows :

  1. Participate, enthusiastically and creatively, in civic programs in your school and neighborhood.
    उत्साहपूर्वक, रचनात्मक रूप से अपने विद्यालय व पड़ोस में होने वाले नागरिक कार्यक्रमों में भाग लीजिए।
  2. Clean up a local park.
    एक स्थानीय पार्क को स्वच्छ बनाइए।
  3. Plant trees.
    वृक्ष रोपें।
  4. Help underprivileged children.
    निर्धन, असहाय बच्चों की सहायता करें।
  5. Keep your school campus clean. कर्तव्य निम्नवत् हैं
    अपने स्कूल प्रांगण को स्वच्छ रखें।

Question 15.
How has Singapore become one of the cleanliest cities in the world?
किस प्रकार सिंगापुर विश्व के सबसे स्वच्छ शहरों में से एक बन गया है?
Singapore has become one of the cleanliest cities in the world due to programs started by the government and willingly assisted by its citizens.

सरकार द्वारा शुरू किये गये कार्यक्रमों व नागरिकों द्वारा स्वेच्छा से मदद किये जाने के कारण सिंगापुर विश्व के सबसे स्वच्छ शहरों में से एक बन गया है।

MP Board Solutions

Question 16.
What does Dr. Kalam mean by having an indomitable spirit? [2009]
अजेय भावना रखने से डॉ. कलाम का क्या तात्पर्य है?
By indomitable spirit, Dr. Kalam means to continue trying to do something despite difficulties and regardless of any setbacks we may face along the way.

अजेय भावना से डॉ. कलाम का तात्पर्य है कठिनाइयों के बावजूद किसी कार्य को करते रहना और इस बात की तनिक भी चिन्ता न करना कि मार्ग में कितनी असफलताओं का हमें सामना करना पड़ सकता है।

Question 17.
What effect could the ‘Ignited mind’ working with indomitable spirit produce?
उत्साही दिमाग अजेय भावना के साथ क्या प्रभाव उत्पन्न कर सकता है?
The ‘Ignited mind’ working with indomitable spirit can produce wonders. The ignited mind gives new ideas and the indomitable spirit makes . it happen.

उत्साही दिमाग अजेय भावना के साथ रहे तो आश्चर्यजनक परिणाम दे सकता है। उत्साही दिमाग नये विचार देता है और अजेय भावना इसे सच बनाती है।

Language Practice

1. निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में Noun clauses underline करो-

  • I heard that he was ill.
  • Tell me where she has gone.
  • He asked why I was late.
  • That she is still alive is a consolation.
  • Whether they can start tomorrow seems uncertain.

2. निम्न वाक्यों को complex sentences में बदलो:

  • He expects that he will get a prize.
  • Raju pleaded that he was ignorant of the law.
  • I know that he is trustworthy.
  • He admitted that he was guilty.
  • The reason why he failed will never be known.

3. निम्न वाक्यों को रिक्त स्थानों को relative pronoun अथवा adverbs से भरिए:

  • This is the station where I met her.
  • Do you know the girl whom I danced with.
  • Do you know the girl who danced with me.
  • 2nd October is the day when we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti.
  • The horror film was the reason why she could not sleep last nigh
  • Greengrocer is a shop where you can buy vegetables.

4. निम्नलिखित वार्तालाप में सही relative pronoun भरिए:

  • Shahbaz : I am looking for someone who buys stamps.
  • Samarth : I have got a lot of friends who collect them why?
  • Shahbaz : I want to sell a few old ones which may be valuable.
  • Samarth : Mr. Gupta is the only dealer I know who gives good prices.
  • Shahbaz : Look, here is my collection, Samarth: These black ones are the first stamps which were ever printed.
  • Shahbaz : A friend who saw them wanted to buy those.
  • Samarth : Well, don’t sell them yet. You have got one or two which may make you rich.

Listening time

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए :

1. When was our state formed?
Our state was formed on 1st November, 1956.

2. Which are our neighboring states?
Our neighboring states are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, U. P., Chhattisgarh.

3. How many towns are there in the state?
There are 394 towns in the state.

MP Board Solutions

4. Which cities have benches of High Court?
Gwalior and Indore have benches of High court.

5. Which is the main occupation in our State?
Agriculture is the main occupation in our state.

India : Vision 2020 Summary

– A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

प्रस्तुत अध्याय में भारत के 2020 के परिदृश्य के लिए कमर कस कर तैयार रहने का आह्वान किया गया है। हमसे अपेक्षा की गयी है कि हम खोये हुए अवसरों को भूलकर भविष्य को दृष्टिगत रखें। आज के समय में भारतीय कम्पनियाँ और भारतीय उद्योग विश्व के सर्वोत्तम उद्योग से प्रतिस्पर्धा में हैं। तकनीक के क्षेत्र में हमने नये मुकाम हासिल किए हैं। – वास्तव में 2020 तक जो कुछ प्राप्त करने का हमारा लक्ष्य है, उनमें प्रमुख हैं- भारत को विकसित देश बनाना, पाँच सबसे बड़ी आर्थिक शक्तियों में से एक बनाना, बहुतायत में खाद्यान्न उत्पादन, अपने संसाधनों के बलबूते देश को मशीन के उत्पादन का केन्द्र बनाना, सड़क, रेलवे, दूरसंचार व विद्युतीकरण की त्वरित उन्नति से विकास को गति देना, स्वास्थ्य व शिक्षा को जन-जन तक पहुँचाना आदि। हम इस सपने को पूर्ण करने में निम्न प्रकार से सहायक हो सकते हैं उद्यमी बनकर, नित नयी खोज करके, कार्य उचित तरीके से करने की कला सीखकर, अपने नागरिक के कर्तव्यों का सही प्रकार से निर्वहन करके आदि। यह सब कुछ हासिल करने के लिए हमें कुछ शपथ लेनी होगी, तभी यह सपना सच होगा। हमें अपनी शिक्षा व सौंपा गया कार्य समर्पण भाव से करना होगा, हमें दस निरक्षरों को साक्षर बनाना होगा, हमें दस पौधे रोपने होंगे, सुदूरवर्ती क्षेत्रों में घूमकर कम से कम पाँच लोगों को सामाजिक बुराइयों से बचाना होगा, दीन-दुखियों का दर्द कम करना होगा, धर्म, जाति व भाषा के आधार पर अन्तर नहीं करना होगा, ईमानदार बनना होगा, जागरूक नागरिक बनना होगा, विकलांगों का जिस्म बनना होगा, देश की सफलता पर जश्न मनाना होगा।

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Textbook General English Class 12th Solutions

The Fun They Had Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 17 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 17 The Fun They Had Questions and Answers

The Fun They Had Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

A. Here are some prefixes/roots. Relate them with the words given in the box.
between, circle, to live, to turn, foot, one, within, year

  • vivo-as in survive—to live
  • podos-as in podium—foot
  • kyklos-as in unicycle—circle
  • annus-as in anniversary—year
  • verlo -or versus as in universe—to turn
  • unus-as in university—one
  • inter-as in interstate—between
  • intra-as in intrapsychic—within

MP Board Solutions

B. Match the following rooms/places with their meanings:

‘A’ – ‘B’

1. attic – (a) open as you come into a house.
2. loft – (b) covered area before an entrance-door.
3. cellar – (c) large cupboard (big enough to walk into) for storing food.
4. basement – (d) room in the roof space of a house (could be lived in)
5. hall – (e) space in the roof of a house usually used only [or a storage.
6. porch – (f) paved area between house and garden for sitting and eating etc.
7. pantry or larder – (g) room below ground level, no windows,used for storage.
8. terrace or patio – (h) room below ground level, windows for living and working,
1. – (d), 2. -b, (e), 3. – (g), 4. – (h), 5. – (a), 6. -. (b), 7. -e (c), 8. -. (f)


A. Choose the correct alternative.

Question 1.
The story ‘The fun they Had’ can be best described as:
(a) a funny story
(b) a fairy tale
(c) science fiction
(d) an event from history.
(c) science fiction

Question 2.
Who told Margie that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper?
(a) Tommy
(b) the County inspector
(c) her grandfather
(d) her grandfather’s grandfather.
(a) Tommy

Question 3.
Which of the following statements does not apply to Margie’s teacher:
(a) It was large. black and ugly
(b) It calculated the marks instantly
(c) It had tinny, robotic voice
(d) It taught at regular hours.
(c) It had tinny, robotic voice

MP Board Solutions

B. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Margie was doing badly in her tests. (history/geography)
(ii) The sector of Tommy’s teacher had blanked out completely. (history/geography)
(iii) Tommy claimed that his was as smart as a teacher. (father/grandfather)
(iv) Margie’s schoolroom was right next to her (bedroom/play pen)
(v) Tommy was …… than Margie. (younger/older)
(i) geography
(ii) history
(iii) father.
(iv) bedroom
(v) older.

Language Practice

A. Say what each speaker did. Use the following verbs before a ‘to infinitive clause’.
decide. offer, promise. threaten

Question 1.
Sallm : I’ll put the shelves up room. I promise.
I promise to put the shelves up room.

Question 2.
Yaqub: O. K. I’ll buy both the dresses.
I decide to buy both the dresses

Question 3.
Sameeria: I’ll cook the meal if you like.
I offer to cook the meal.

Question 4.
Shakil : If you don’t control that dog, Jameel, I’ll shoot It.
If you don’t control that dog, I threaten to shoot it.

MP Board Solutions

B. Rewrite the following sentences using non-finite clauses:

Question 1.
She was sorry that she had missed the meeting.
She was sorry for missing the meeting.

Question 2.
I hope that I’ll this novel by tomorrow.
I hope to finish this novel by tomorrow.

Question 3.
Ruby promised that she would give me the book.
Ruby promised me to give the book.

Question 4.
RashId was hurt when he learnt that Shahnawaz had not done his home work.
Knowing that Shahnawaz had not done his home work, Rasbid was hurt.

Question 5.
Anand will be surprised when he sees you.
Anand will be surprised to sec you.

MP Board Solutions

C. Combine the following pair of sentences using non- finite clause beginning with a participle (-ing/-ed)

Question 1.
(a) The girl was injured in the accident.
(b) The girl was taken to hospital.
Being injured in the accident, the girl was taken to hospital.

Question 2.
(a) The car broke down.
(b) The car was taking us to the air port.
The car taking us to the air port broke down.

Question 3.
(a) At the end of the street there is a path.
(b) The path leads to the river.
The path at the end of the street leads to the river.

Question 4.
(a) The king was armed with his sword, bow and arrow.
(b) The king reached the forest.
The king armed with his sword, bow and arrow reached the forest,

Question 5.
(a) He looked over his shoulder.
(b) He saw the police chasing him.
Looking over his shoulder, be saw the police chasing him.

MP Board Solutions

D. Combine the following pair of sentences in such a way that sentence
(b) is changed Into a non-finite clame.

Question 1.
(a) Priyanka loves coffee.
(b) Priyanka drinks hot coffee.
Priyanka loves drinking bot coffee.

Question 2.
(a) Ruby believes in something.
(b) She works hard.
Ruby believes in working hard.

Question 3.
(a) She denied.
(b) She stole my wallet.
She denied to have stolen my wallet.

Question 4.
(a) I am looking forward to.
(b) I attend your wedding tomorrow.
I am looking forward to attend your wedding tomorrow.

Question 5.
(a) She poured me a drink.
(b) She spill most of it on the table.
She poured me a drink spilling most of it on the table.

Question 6.
(a) Rakhee just stood there.
(b) She felt completely lost.
Rakhee just stood there feeling completely lost.

Speaking Time

Here some incomplete statements are said with a rising tom., followed by a falling tone to show completion of statements. You have to mark both parts of the statements.
Students should do themselves.

Reading Time

Read the following passage carefully:

1. How can you best improve your English depends on where you live and particularly on whether or not you live in an English speaking community. If you hear English spoken everyday and mix freely wish English speaking people, that is on the whole an advantage. On the other hand, it is often confusing to have the whole language poured over you at once. Ideally, a step.by step course should accompany or lead up this experience. It will also help a great deal if you can easily get the son of English books in which you are interested.

2. To read a lot is essential. h is stupid not to venture outside the examination set book or the textbooks you have chosen for intensive study. Read as many books you find, with the idea of listing and learning as many new words as possible. Choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance that it Is nor zoo hardy You should no: have to be constantly looking up new words here and there, but as a general policy, try to push ahead, guessing what words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive reading that normally helps you to get Interested in extra-reading and thereby improve your English.

MP Board Solutions

You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives of having some command of the language. As you read you will become more and more familiar with words and sentence patterns you already know, understanding them better as you meet them in more and more context some of which may deffer slightly from others.

3. Some people say that we cannot learn or speak a language better with the help of a book. To believe this is to believe that the spoken language and the written language are quite different things. This is not so. There is a very great deal of link between the two. In learning the patterns and vocabulary of the written form we are learning to a considerable extent those of the spoken form too. We are, In fact learning the language and not merely one form of the language.

Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Find out the words from the passage which convey the same meanings as the words given below.

  • go with – accompany
  • necessary – essential
  • deep – intensive
  • wide – extensive
  • only – merely

Question 2.
On what does the improvement of your English depend ? (2009,10,11)
The improvement of our English depends on where we live and particularly or not we live in an English speaking community. It is not possible that the whole language is poured on us at once. Ideally, a step by step course should accompany or lead up this experience. We should read a lot of books in English. In this way we can improve our English.

Question 3.
What will help you to improve your English at the beginning ? (2012)
If we hear English spoken every day and mix freely with English speaking people, it will help us to improve our English at the beginning.

Question 4.
How does reading help you in improving English ?
Reading helps us in improving English in the way that we learn many new words.

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
The author discusses two types of reading. What are they ?
They are extensive and intensive reading.

Question 6.
What do you understand by ‘intensive reading’ ?
By intensive reading we understand that we try to understand the full meaning of the matter we read, knowing the correct meaning of each and every word.

Question 7.
How are spoken and written language two different things ? (2009)
The writer says that they are not two different things. There is a very great deal of link between the two. In learning the patterns and vocabulary of the written form, we are learning those of the spoken form to a considerable extent too.

Question 8.
Give a suitable title to the passage.
How to Improve Learning English Best ?

Writing Time

Question 1.
By taking ideas from the visual (given in the book) together with your own ideas write an article on ‘Global Warming—a Global Threat’ in 200 words.

Global Warming—a Global Threat

Today man has done great progress in several fields. Science has given a great power in the hands of man. Man has created many things for his comfort and luxury. His houses, his roads, his communication, his transport facilities and many things has made his life easier and happier. We can see big factories, big machines, railways, ships and other things working twenty four hours in the service of man.

Yet, if we think deeply we see that the same things have posed a great threat to his own existence. All these things have become possible by the increased use of energy. And energy is produced by burning fuel. This burning has made our globe warmer and warmer, thus presenting a great problem.

Over the last decade the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere has been slowly but surely rising and it may not be long before our whole atmosphere is almost totally enveloped by this death-knell of the gas, carbon-dioxide. Due to the high content of carbon-dioxide in the air the global warming has also been on a steady rise. One of the major reasons for this rise in carbon-dioxide level has been due to vehicular smoke and smoke emitted by the factories, mills and other industries. If effective and concrete steps are not taken up immediately to improve this present situation, it will not be long before this problem assumes unmanageable proportions.

The snow of the mountains is melting, the rivers have become polluted, the air is also polluted. There is less rainfall and the level of underground water has gone deep. This problem should be dealt with seriousness because future of the whole human race is at stake. In the ultimate analysis, the problem of rise in the carbon-dioxide level in the air has posed a great threat to the existence of life on earth.

MP Board Solutions

Question 2.
Watch the visual input (given in the book) very carefully and write an article in 200 words on ‘Water pollution’.

Water Pollution

Water is life. All know how much essential pure water is for us. In the olden days life was simple. All the necessary things for life were easily available. There was sufficient rainfall. Our water resources over flowed. The rivers flowed throughout the year, our wells were full of water. The streams and brooks were always running. But with the progress of man in the field of science, several problems arose and the life started becoming difficult.

Due to rise of carbon-dioxide content in the air, the problem of global warming started. The excess use of energy made the availability of water scarce. Due to shortage in rainfall the flow of water in the rivers reduced. Other sources of water too became less and less. Small streams and rivers dried up completely. The problem became serious with throwing of refuse and other material in the rivers. The wastage of the industries has posed a major problem. All our rivers have become contaminated.

Their water is unusable not only for drinking but in other purposes also. The big rivers like Ganga and Yamuna have been converted into gutters. The water polluted cannot be made clean again by any process. The same case is of the lakes and ponds. People carelessly make the water dirty by throwing refuse, washing clothes and bathing the animals.

The pollution of water has threatened the existence of the life man. All concerned should be aware of the seriousness of the situation and do whatever possible to keep water clean and pure.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Write an article on importance of ‘Rain Water Harvesting’ based on the visual input (given in the book).

Rain Water Harvesting

In earlier times, there was plenty of water available in the rivers, lakes and wells. But with the progress in the field of technology, there is great advancement in life. In big cities, big buildings, roads and other constructions have started. In villages too this trend has developed. Due to global warming and incessant falling of trees there is a shortage of rainfall almost everywhere.

Our rivers and streams have dried. Due to building of houses and roads built by cement and other causes, the level of underground water has gone very deep. As such a great problem of drinking water has risen. It has become a difficult task for many people to get sufficient water.

To solve this problem the technique of rain water harvesting has been developed. In this technique, there is an attempt to allow water to go deep down earth. For this a hole is dug deep. In it pieces of brick, stones and large pebbles of sand are buried. It works as a filter. The rain water collected on the roofs of the houses is brought through pipes and left in these holes thus, allowing water to get absorbed in it.

The aim is to raise the under ground water level. This technique has also been developed near the small streams and brooks. The results have shown an improvement. Hence, its adoption by the citizens is urged. Govt, provides technical help and also gives some economic help in order to promote it. It is the duty of the people to pay attention to this plan.

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