MP Board Class 12th General English Letter Writing

MP Board Class 12th General English Letter Writing

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नोट-Letter writing में बोर्ड द्वारा निम्नलिखित प्रकार के Letters पाठ्यक्रम के लिए निर्धारित हैं
(A) Personal/Informal letters
(B) Applications for job/formal letters
(C) Business or official letters
(D) Letters to the editor पत्र दो प्रकार के होते हैं

(1) अनौपचारिक पत्र (Informal Letters)—ये पत्र रिश्तेदारों, अति निकट के लोगों तथा मित्रों के लिए लिखे जाते हैं। .
(2) औपचारिक पत्र (Formal Letters) ये वे पत्र हैं जो ऑफिसों के लिए व व्यापार सम्बन्धी कार्यों के लिए लिखे जाते हैं। ये निम्नलिखित प्रकार के होते हैं

(1) Applications,
(ii) Business or official letters,
(iii) Letters to the editor. अच्छे पत्र की विशेषताएँ

MP Board Solutions

1. भाषा (Language)-पत्र की भाषा सरल तथा स्पष्ट होनी चाहिए।
2. स्पष्ट विचार (Clear views)-विचार स्पष्ट और संक्षिप्त होने चाहिए।
3. नम्र स्वभाव (Polite nature)—पत्र में नम्रतापूर्वक अपनी बात कहनी चाहिए। कठोर भाषा का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए।
4.लिखावट (Handwriting)-पत्र लिखावट सुन्दर होनी चाहिए, ताकि उसे सभी लोग पढ़ सकें।
5. संक्षिप्तता (Brevity)—पत्र संक्षिप्त होना चाहिए। अनावश्यक बातों को पत्र में नहीं लिखना चाहिए।

Some Examples

A. Formal Letters

I. Applications
1. You are the monitor of the class. Your classroom is not cleaned regularly. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to look into the matter. [2012]
Class Monitor
August 25, 20
The Principal, .
Govt. H. S. School,

With due respect I beg to draw your kind attention towards our dirty class-room. It has been quite some time that our classrooms are not cleaned. When we enter the room in the morning, the room, the tables and the chairs are dirty. We cannot sit on them. The floor is full of dirt. We have to clean the room and the tables before the teacher enters the classroom. This is causing bed effect on the health of the students.
I request you to look into the matter and ask the sweeper to clean the room regularly.

Yours Obediently
Deepak Kumar

2. You are Sheetal Verma, have passed XII class. Write an application to the Principal of S. N. P. W. H. S. School, Dewas, M.P. to issue you School Leaving Certificate as you have to join for higher studies in other cities. [2015,17]
Ratan Nagar,
October 24, 20……..

The Principal,
S.N.P.W.H.S. School Dewas, M.P.

With due respect, I want to state that 1 have passed Xllth standard from your school in this session. I have got selection in police department as constable. I need my School Leaving Certificate to join higher studies.

Therefore, I request you to kindly issue me a School Leaving Certificate. I shall be thankful.

Yours Obediently
Sheetal Verma

3. Write an application to your principal requesting him to issue a character certificate. [2016]
45, Anand Nagar
M. G. Road
Raipur ’
June 18,20.,…
The Principal
Govt. H. S. School

With due respect I want to say that I have passed Xllth standard from your school in this session. I have been selected in Electricity Department as a clerk. I have been asked by the Department to submit character certificate issued by the Principal of the college last attended.

I, therefore, request you to please issue me a character certificate. I shall be thankful.

Yours obediently,
Anil Kumar

4. Write an application to the Manager, State Bank of India, Bhopal for the post of a clerk.
123, Ashok Nagar
May 20,20….
The Manager,
State Bank of India,

In response to your advertisement ¡n ‘The Hindustan Times’, Thursday, dated 18. 5. 20…, for the post of a clerk, I wish to offer my candidature for it. So far as my academic qualifications are concerned, I am to submit as follows:
MP Board Class 12th General English Letter Writing img 1

My typing speed in Hindi is 30 w. p. m. My date of birth is July 23, 19 I am a young man of strong physique. I was a member of the cricket team of my college during the years 20…. – 20 ……… .

I am enclosing herewith, the attested copies of certificates, degrees and testimonials which will testify to my’ conduct and ability. I may be permitted to submit that if given a chance, J shall leave no stone unturned in serving your reputed organisation.

Yours faithfully,
Sharad Bharadwaj

MP Board Solutions

5. Write an application to the Director of Education, M. P. Bhopal, asking for a job as a teacher in an educational institution.
C/o Ram Gopal Rastogi 100,
Civil Lines,
Muzaffar Nagar,
Ratlam [M. P.]
March 12,20
The Director of Education,
M. P.,

With reference to your advertisement in The Times of India, dated March 11, 20…., for the post of teachers in trained graduate grade, I beg to offer myself as a candidate.

As regards my academic qualifications, I beg to state that I passed my B. A. examination in 20…. from Meerut University, Meerut with English Literature, Economics and Geography as my subjects. I took my B. Ed. degree from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 20 I have been teaching in a local High School for about one year with full satisfaction to all.

I am a young man of about 25 years. I am a good player of cricket and football. I may assure you, sir, that if I am given an opportunity, I shall do my utmost to prove myself worthy of the job.

Yours faithfully,

Encl. : Xerox copies of all certificates.

II. Letters to the Editor

1. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper against the practice of begging in your city.
96, Chandan Nagar,
October, 15, 20….
The Editor,
Dainik Bhaskar,

Dear Sir,
I shall be grateful to you if you permit me to express my views on street begging in our city through the columns of your esteemed daily. I wish to draw the attention of the public as well as the Government against this menance.

Begging in Ranikhet has become a common sight. Turn where you may, you will always find one or two beggars with their begging bowls asking to spare a few coins for them. Some of these beggars are quite hale and hearty and can jolly well earn their living but they seem to have taken to easy money out of the pockets of others. Let me tell you that these beggars do not spare even the tourists to this area. It is indeed a reflection of our culture and country. I would therefore, appeal to the public not to encourage these beggars and to the Government that the Anti-Beggary Law should be stringently implemented to uproot this social evil.

Yours truly,
R. K. Luthra

2. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper drawing attention towards acute shortage of water in your city.
3, Laxmi Nagar,
Sept. 6, 20….
The Editor, .
Dainik Jagran,

Dear Sir,
I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the acute shortage of drinking water in our city causing unavoidable inconvenience to the public.

For the last one month a very serious problem has come out about drinking water in this city. A month or so ago the Water Works of this town got the tanks cleaned. Now we get water but when we keep it still for an hour or so, a great deal of dust particles collect in the bottom of our vessels.
Our verbal request to the municipal authorities have gone unheeded to so far. The existing water supply which is polluted, will also lead to spread of diseases. In the interest of health of the public, I once again request the municipal authorities to pay heed to the genuine problem of drinking-water of this city at the earliest. It is needless to say that all the citizens are paying their municipal taxes and are entitled to the minimum civic facilities like drinking water.

Yours faithfully,
Dinesh Kumar

MP Board Solutions

3. Write a letter to the Editor, The Dainik Bhaskar, Rewa drawing attention of the authorities towards the repairs of the road.
233, Nehru Nagar,
October 10,20….

The Editor,
The Dainik Bhaskar,

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, we wish to draw the attention of the authorities of Nagar Mahapalika towards the bad condition of the roads of Kaiju Nagar. It has been impossible for us to move on this road for the last four months. In dark nights, it is dangerous for four-wheelers to pass this road. Pregnant women cry with pain while moving through this road. Many children have broken their legs due to big holes on the road. I make an appeal to the concerned authorities to immediately look into this matter and order for immediate repairs of the road.

Yours etc.
Avinash Mehta

III. Business or Official Letters

एक अच्छे व्यापारिक पत्र (Business letter) में बात पूर्णतः स्पष्ट होनी चाहिए। ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाये जिससे कि पाठक को Dictionary का सहारा न लेना पड़े।
पत्र यथासम्भव संक्षिप्त होना चाहिए। आज के व्यस्त युग में व्यापारी के पास अधिक समय नहीं होता। अनावश्यक पत्र व्यवहार से बचने के लिए पूर्ण बातें लिखनी चाहिए ताकि लेखक का मन्तव्य स्पष्ट हो सके। ऐसा न हो कि पाठक को पत्र लिखकर पूछना पड़े कि लेखक क्या चाहता है अथवा जो पत्र लेखक जानकारी देना/लेना चाहता था वो अधूरी हो और पुनः पत्र लिखना पड़े और अनावश्यक देरी हो।

  1. जिस फर्म को पत्र लिखा जाता है उसका पता बायीं ओर लिखा जाता है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति को पत्र लिखा जाता है तो नाम के पहले Mr. या Shri लिखा जाता है। फर्म के नाम के पहले M/s या Messers लिखा जाता है। अच्छे व्यापारिक पत्र में संक्षेप में वह विषय दिया जाता है जिस सम्बन्ध में पत्र लिखा जा रहा है।
  2. फर्म के लिए Dear Sirs तथा व्यक्ति के लिए Dear Sir लिखा जाता है।
  3. किसी पत्र के जवाब में उस पत्र का Reference (सन्दर्भ) दिनांक सहित दिया जाता है और भविष्य के पत्र व्यवहार के लिए अपने पत्र का Ref. No. दिया जा सकता है। ताकि यदि पत्र का जवाब मिले तो पता चल सके कि किस पत्र का जवाब है।
  4. पत्र की समाप्ति Your faithfully और हस्ताक्षर से करते हैं। फर्म के नाम से पहले For लिखते हैं और हस्ताक्षर करने वाले का नाम व पद लिखते हैं।

Making Enquiries

1. Write a letter on behalf of M/s Gupta & Sons, 14, Hauz Qazi, Delhi to M/s Sita Ram Om Prakash, L. I. G. Colony, Jabalpur asking quotations for woollen clothes and their rate of discount and terms regarding payment.
Gupta & Sons
14, Hauz Qazi,
November 11,20

M/s Sita Ram Om Prakash,
L. I. G. Colony,

Dear Sirs,
Please send us your price-list and quotations for woollen clothes within a week after the receipt of this letter.

We also request you to kindly let us know the rate of discount and terms regarding payment and delivery.

Hoping to receive an early reply.

Yours faithfully,
For Gupta & Sons,
Ramesh Gupta Manager

2. Write a letter to M/s Deepali Stationery Mart New Market, Ratlam asking them to send their rates and terms of supply of stationery items.
28, Civil Lines,
10 June, 20…..

M/s Deepali Stationery Mart,
New Market,
Sub.: Quotation for supply of Stationery Items.

We intend to place an order for supply of stationery items like registers, paper rims, carbon sheets, staplers, pens and other stationery items. We would also like to have your terms and conditions for the supply of these items. Thq details to required items are:
MP Board Class 12th General English Letter Writing img 2
Please let us know the mode of payment. Defective and substandard items will not be accepted. Kindly reply at the earliest.

Yours faithfully
Inder Verma
Office Superintendent


1. Last month you bought a digital camera from Shan Electronics, Bhopal. Now you find something wrong with it. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the problem. [2014]
L.I.G. Colony,
April 12,20

The Manager,
Shan Electronics,

Dear Sir,
I purchased a Sony digital camera WX 501D from your shop on March 25,20…. I am facing some problems with it. The flash does not work and the camera hangs in the middle while processing the photo.

I would like to claim the warranty on my camera and, therefore, request you to get the defective parts replaced. A photostat copy of the invoice and warranty card are attached with this letter.

With thanks,

Yours faithfully,
Abhay Verma.

2. Write a letter to the Manager, Agarwal Cycle Company, Jabalpur complaining about a Cycle you bought last week.
L. I. G. Colony,
Jabalpur March 5, 20..
The Manager,
Agarwal Cycle Co.,

Dear Sir,
I purchased one cycle no. X-216879 Hercules MTB from you on March 1, 20 I regret to inform you that some of its parts are defective. The handle
has lost the polish and the saddle has given way.

I, therefore, request you to take this defective cycle back and deliver me a new cycle.

With thanks.
Yours faithfully,

MP Board Solutions

3. Write a letter to the Post Master of your area complaining against the postman of your area. [2016]
19, Rajmahal Colony
Rewa ‘
July 17, 20

Subject : Complaint against postman

Dear Sir,
I regret to lodge a complaint against the postman of our area Mr. Satish Charan. He is very careless and irregular in discharging his duties. Usually he brings the dak very late. He often delivers our private letters to wrong persons. Letters are many a time tom owing to his careless handling. He demands tips for delivering money orders and insured articles. It causes us great difficulty.

Hence I request you to warn him to mend his ways and be careful and responsible or to transfer him to some other area.

A quick action is solicited.

Yours faithful
Dinesh Kumar Singh

Orders And Replies

1. Write a letter to a sports dealer placing an order.
42, Anand Nagar,
July 18,200…
M/s Sportsman,
Railway Road,

Dear Sirs,
Please send me the following games material by railway parcel to my address and send the receipt for payment :

Thanking you for early compliance.

Yours faithfully,
Alok Jain

2. Write a letter to the General Electrical Co., Ujjain placing an order for the supply of fans.
Connaught Place,
New Delhi.
August 25, 20
The General Electrical Co. Ltd.,

Dear Sir,
Please supply us by goods train the following items within a fortnight:
2 dozen Ceiling Fans 48″
1 dozen Ceiling Fans 56″
4 dozen Table Fans 16″

R/R may please be sent through the Central Bank of India, New Delhi.

Yours faithfully,
For the Northern Electrical Stores,
R. L. Agarwal,

Reply to the above
The General Electrical Company Limited
Khajuri Bazar
August 30, 20

The Northern Electrical Stores,
Connaught Place,
New Delhi.

Dear Sirs,
We thank you very much for your esteemed order of the 25th instant. We have despatched the articles this day by goods train.

The invoice for the articles amounting to Rs. 12,547/- is enclosed. This includes all incidental charges.

R/R No. A 000153 dated the 30th Aug. 20…….. is being sent through the Central Bank of India, New Delhi.

Assuring you always of our best services.

Yours faithfully,
For the General Electrical Co. Ltd.,
R. Ranjan,
Enel. 1

3. Write a letter to the Manager, Central Bank, Indore to allow over-draft facilities.
Sept. 12,20
The Manager,
The Central Bank of India,

Dear Sir,

We propose to keep a good stock of woollen cloth for the season. We shall, therefore, need adequate funds during October and November.

We shall feel obliged if you please allow us overdraft facilities up to Rs. 40,000/- for these two months. We are prepared to entrust you Government Securities to the value of Rs. 40,000/-.

We hope this will satisfy you.
Soliciting the favour of an early reply.

Yours faithfully,
For Khanna Brothers,
Signature and Designation

Official Letters

1. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police/SDM about the nuisance of loudspeakers and requesting him to ban the use of them during
the examination days. [2013, 15, 18]
B-l 1, Chanakyapuri,
Oct. 20,20
The. Superintendent of Police/SDM,

I want to draw your kind attention to the nuisance caused by the use of loud-speakers. I am a student of class XII appearing at the Board examinations. It is a time when all the students are busy day and night preparing for the coming examinations. Their success depends much on the proper use of their time and the concentration of their minds. It is regrettable that majority of citizens do not realise the importance of this time for students. They enjoy full liberty to use loud-speakers at their highest pitch to celebrate every occasion that comes to their hands. The result is that we are unable to make preparations in the right way.

I, therefore, request you to kindly impose a ban on the use of loud-speakers for the period of Examinations and punish those who are found guilty.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

MP Board Solutions

2. Write a letter to the Collector of your District about the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the government hospital of your area.
[2011, 14, 18]
31, Malviya Nagar Itarsi
June 30,20
The District Magistrate Itarsi.

I wish to draw your kind attention towards the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the government hospital of our area. The hospital has reached a sony state of affairs. The doctors and the staff are never in time and leave the hospital premises much before the hospital hours. The wards are not cleaned by the sweepers. The operation theatre wears a worse look. It is neglected by the doctors and the staff. Patients’ are forced to purchase medicines from medical stores in the market. Even serious patients are not properly attended by the doctors on duty.

As a result of this, unrest is growing among the residents of the locality. They have made several complaints against all this to the incharge of the hospital but no action has been taken so far.

I, therefore, request you to look into this matter immediately so that the government hospital of the area comes back on the track.

Yours faithfully
K. K. Bhardwaj

3. Write a letter to the SSP, Rewa about increasing goondaism in your locality.
19, Rajmahal Colony,
August, 18, 20
The Senior Supdt. of Police

I have the honour to draw your kind attention to the increasing ‘goonda’ activity in our locality. It has become a normal practice of the goonda elements to assemble at the chaurahas of this colony. Several cases of molesting and assaulting girls and women have been registered with the Police in the last two months. It has become very difficult for couples to go for a short walk late in the evening. Many cases of robbing pedestrians, and snatching away of gold chains and ear-rings from women have gone unre ported. There is tremendous fear and a feeling of insecurity among the citizens of this area. Inspite of the repeated complaints, the Police of this area seem to be unconcerned and ineffective as they have failed to take any effective step to curb the activities of ‘goondas’.

May I hope-that you will make seripus efforts to mobilize and activize the Police of this area and keep the undesirable elements under strict vigilance in order to ensure order and peace to the citizens of this area.

Yours faithfully,
Radhey Shyam Bajaj

B. Informal/Personal Letters

Informal Letters के अन्तर्गत Letters to relatives, friends और अन्य सभी friendly (मैत्रीपूर्ण) Letters आते हैं।

ऐसे पत्रों की setting निम्न प्रकार से होनी चाहिए।

1. पत्र लेखक का पता प्रथम पृष्ठ पर ऊपर बायीं ओर लिखा जाना चाहिए।
5/77, L. I. G. Colony
Railway Road

Note मकान नं. के बाद अर्द्ध-विराम आवश्यक नहीं है। पते की प्रत्येक पंक्ति के बाद अर्द्ध-विराम तथा अन्त में पूर्ण विराम प्रायः लगाया जाता है।

2. तारीख-पते के ठीक नीचे लिखी जानी चाहिए। यह कई प्रकार से लिखी जाती है; जैसे, 31 August 20…..; 31st August, 20……; August 31, 20…..; August 31st, 20……: 31/8/20……: 31.8.20…….

तारीख बिना विरामों के अधिक प्रचलित हो रही है।

Note-पता तथा तारीख की सभी पंक्तियाँ एक ही सीध में लिखी जा सकती हैं।

5/77, L. I. G. Colony,
Railway Road,

MP Board Solutions

3. सम्बोधन (Salutation) इसका स्थान पत्र के प्रथम पृष्ठ पर बायीं ओर, तारीख से कुछ नीचे होता है। सम्बोधन के कई प्रकार होते हैं :
Dear Father; My dear Father; Dearest Sister; My dearest Sister; My dear Pankaj; Dearest Pankaj; My dearest Pankaj;
अधिक सुरक्षित ढंग है Dear + वह नाम जिससे आप उस व्यक्ति को पुकारते हैं, जैसे- Dear Pankaj; Dear Papa.
यदि आप किसी को Mr. (या Shri) Saxena कहते हैं तो लिखिए : Dear Mr. Saxena

4. पत्र का मुख्य भाग (Main Body of the Letter) निम्नलिखित बातें इस भाग के लिए किसी भी पत्र के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण हैं :

  1. यदि पत्र बहुत छोटा न हो तो उसे विषय-भेद के अनुसार Paragraphs में विभाजित कीजिए।
  2. भाषा सरल, स्पष्ट व सीधी होनी चाहिए। वाक्य छोटे और सरल होने चाहिए।
  3. पत्र को बहुत लम्बा न होने दीजिए।
  4. सूक्ष्म होते हुए भी पत्र में पूरी बात होनी चाहिए।
  5. पुनरावृत्ति से बचिए।
  6. शब्दों को रेखांकित न कीजिए।
  7. इस प्रकार लिखिए कि जैसे आप सम्बोधित व्यक्ति से आमने-सामने बात कर रहे हों।।
  8. सम्बोधित व्यक्ति से अपने सम्बन्ध के अनुसार ही Familiar terms का प्रयोग करिए।
  9. Punctuation पर ध्यान दीजिए।
  10. लिखने से पूर्व सोच लीजिए कि क्या लिखना है।

5. पत्र का अन्त (Subscription या Courteous Leave-taking)-दस भाग को पत्र की समाप्ति पर नीचे बायीं ओर लिखा जाता है।

Yours sincerely,
Ram Prakash

पत्र का अन्त कई प्रकार से किया जाता है। परिवार के किसी सदस्य या किसी घनिष्ठ मित्र को लिखे गये पत्र में—Yours affectionately, Yours affectionate friend, Your affectionate (या loving) son, आदि।

अन्य पत्रों में—Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours; Yours cordially; Cordially yours.

Some Examples

1. You are Mohit Verma residing at 15 Abhinav Homes, Raipur. Write a letter to your friend advising him to study English and General Knowledge for competitive exams. [2014]
15, Abhinav Homes
26 April, 20….

Dear Sachin,
I am fine here and hope the same for you. I am glad to know that you have passed Higher Secondary Examination with very good marks. You are studious and have rightly decided to sit for the competitive exams. I would like to advice you regarding preparations for the exams. Please pay due attention to the study of English along with subjects of General Knowledge and Current Affairs. You will be required to qualify various sections like English, Reasoning and Economy. I wish you all the best for your future. Please pay my regards to your parents and love to your brother.

Yours affectionately,
Mohit Verma

2. You are Bharat Singh residing at 192, Dwaraka Colony, Bhind. Write a letter to your friend Harish, congratulating him on his brilliant success in the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination. [2013, 18]
You are Naina Bhawsar residing at 2/80, Nayapura Colony, Indore. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her grand success in PET exams. [2014,16]
192, Dwaraka Colony,
10 April, 20

Dear Harish,
I am glad to learn that you have topped your school with distinction marks in the Higher Secondary Certificate/PET Examination. 1 offer my congratulations to you on your brilliant success.

I wish that you will get better success in future. Give my regards to your parents.

With love,
Bharat Singh

3. You are Vivek. Write a letter to your younger sister advising her to celebrate Diwali without crackers. [2012, 16]
L.I.G. Colony,
Sept. 09, 20

My Dear Sugandha,
I am quite well here and hope you are all happy and cheerful. Diwali is about 10 days away and you must be preparing for the festival. This year I will advise you to celebrate Diwali without crackers. You know that it is vety risky to fire crackers. One may be injured any time. Sometimes crackers injure eyes also. Not only this, crackers spread noise pollution and harm the environment. Keeping this in view I hope you will not celebrate Diwali with crackers this time.

Please pay me regards to mother and love to younger brother.

Yours affectionately

MP Board Solutions

4. Write a letter to your brother telling him how you spent your last summer vacation. [2015]
20, LajpatKunj
November 10,20…

Dear brother,
I am fine here and hope the same for you. My classes have started and I have started preparing for the up coming first term test. I would like tell you about my visit to Agra. Last summer I got a chance to stay with Uncle and Aunty at Agra. Agra is a historical city. It was the capital of Mughals. There are various historical monuments in Agra. We visited the Sikandra [Akbar’s tomb], Itmaduddaula [the tomb of Noorjahan’s father], the Agra fort, Fatehpur Sikri [the capital of Mughals before Agra] and the Taj Mahal. It was built by Shahjahan in the fond memory of his wife. Twenty thousand artisans took twenty years to complete it. It is made of white marble and studded with coloured stones. It is the pride of not only Agra but also our country. There are four big temples of Lord Shiva on the four comers of the city.

I can never forget my visit to Agra. It was a wonderful experience. I think you should also visit Agra when you get a chance to do so. I hope your studies are going well. Do write to me when you get free time.

Yours lovingly

5. Write a letter to your father explaining why you could not get good marks in the half-yearly examination.
Write a letter from a son to his father informing him of his progress at School.
17, Saket Colony,
June 9, 20…

My dear Father,
I received your letter yesterday evening. I am sorry to note that you are not satisfied with my half-yearly examination marks. As I wrote to you, I was ill during the examination days. Therefore, I could not do well. Otherwise my preparation was good. You should not worry about my studies. I shall get much better marks in the next quarterly examination.

With love,

Yours affectionate Son,

6. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you Rs. 1000/- for school and hostel fee, school uniform and books. [2018]
15, Saket Nagar,
April 7,20….

Dear Father,
I am quite well here. I am studying veiy hard and regularly these days. Next month I have to pay my school and hostel fee. I also need to buy my school uniform and books.

Therefore, I shall need some extra money. I request you to send me one thousand rupees more.

With best regards to dear mother and love to Neera.

Yours affectionately,

7. Your friend is worried about the coming examinations. Write a letter to him giving moral support for success in the examination.
21, Civil Lines Katni
10 April, 20….

Dear Aditi,
I am fine here and hope the same for you. I received your letter two days ago. Your performance in the Home examinations is quite satisfactory but you should work hard in Maths and English. You still have two months time to prepare for Final exams. You should make a schedule for study and give some extra time to these two subjects. Fm sure you will do well in your final exams. 1 wish you all the best. Please pay my regards to your parents.

Yours Affectionately.

MP Board Solutions

8. Write a letter to your father about your future plan.
6, L.. I. G. Colony,
June 14,20

Dear father,
I couldn’t write to you since long. You might be feeling worried about me. Father, this year I gave my nights and days to my studies. So I didn’t get time. Now my examinations are over and I am feeling very much relaxed. Dear father, you will be glad to know that I have done well in all the papers and expect to get a first and even some position in the university.

Many of my friends are very studious and they have decided to sit for the competitive examinations. 1 have also made up my mind to appear in the I. A. S. examination. I am working’ very hard from right now. I have decided not to waste even a single minute unnecessarily. 1 shall harness my entire time and energy to this great task. I shall not get time to come home during the summer vacations.

Please tell about my thoughts to my mother also.

With love and regards to all,

Yours loving son,

9. Write a letter to your friend Abhinav Solanki describing a recent exciting cricket match in which your team won. Suppose you are Devendra Kumar residing at 15/K Preet Vihar, New Delhi. [2011, 15]
15/K, Preet Vihar,
New Delhi April 7,20…

Dear Abhinav,
1 am fine here and hope that my letter will find you in a good health too. I want to share a good news with you. Recently our school cricket team participated in Inter-School Cricket Tournament. Our team won the tournament. The .final match was very exciting. Our captain decided to field first. We were given a target of 151 runs in 20 overs. We lost first wicket on the first ball. Soon we lost two more wickets at a score of 71 runs in 8 overs and we lost all hope of winning the match. But our captain played very well. I supported him with my score of 47 runs not out. Later I was awarded man of the match for making 47 runs and taking 3 important wickets. All the players were given certificates, medals and a cash prize of one thousand rupees. We got praise and appreciation from all the teachers and the principal. I shall neyer forget this match. I am very eager to show you my certificate and medal when we meet.

Please pay my regards to your parents and love to your younger brother.

Your affectionately,

MP Board Solutions

Exercises For Practice

  1. Write a letter to your friend inviting him and his parents to a dinner party, you are hosting to celebrate your brother’s success in I. A. S. examination. [Do not write your name].
  2. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to attend the marriage
    ceremony of your sister. [2017]
  3. Write a letter to your elder brother telling him why you failed to pass the examination. [Do not write your name].
  4. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some more money next month. Give’ reasons for demanding additional money. [Do not write your name].
  5. Write a letter to your elder brother telling how you are struggling hard to maintain your position in the coming examination and some of the difficulties that are coming in your way.
  6. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue you a character certificate. [Do not write your name].
  7. Write an application to Manager of a Sugar Mill requesting him to appoint you as a clerk in his staff. [Do not write your name].
  8. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to instruct his office clerk to be prompt and regular in paying stipends to students. State facts about the delay, hardship caused to the students in this regard. [Do not write your name].
  9. Write an application to the District Supply Officer to issue a permit for 50 kg of sugar for the marriage of your sister. [Do not write your name].
  10. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to give you a transfer certificate.
  11. You are the Manager of Bhatia Watch Company, Mumbai. You want to purchase 100 pairs of shoes for the workers of your company. Write a letter to the Liberty Shoe Company inviting quotations.
  12. You are Varsha/Rohan living at 28, Geeta Enclave, Indore. Write a letter to M/s Bajaj & Company, Station Road, Bhopal requesting them to cancel your order for the electric goods. Give reasons for your cancellation.
  13. You are Ashok from M/s Shanker Steel Almirah Company, Station Road, Katni. Write a letter to your customer, M/s Gauri Steel Furniture Company, Hanidia requesting for early payment.
  14. Write a letter to M/s Sharma Bros., 29, Industrial Area, Noida complaining that the sewing machine supplied by them is giving trouble. Sign yourself as Umesh of E-29, Radha Nagar, Rewa.

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

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