The Hill-Top Temple Question Answer Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 10 MP Board

Class 12 English The Spectrum Workbook Chapter 10 The Hill-Top Temple Questions and Answers

The Hill-Top Temple Class 12th Question Answer

Word Power

A. Can you fill up the word-fork given in the book with words synonymous with God or words that express one of his qualities.

  • The soul of all
  • Secret spirit
  • Infinite
  • Eternity
  • Vast.

B. Select one word from the given ones for the following expressions :
inexpressible, imperceptible, inexhaustible, omnipotent, eternal, immortal, omniscient, panacea.

  • Having no beginning or end to its existence—Eternal
  • Which never dies—Immortal
  • A cure for all diseases—Panacea
  • Being all powerful—Omnipotent
  • Incapable of being expressed—Inexpressible
  • Incapable of being tired out—Inexhaustible
  • Incapable of being perceived by the senses—Imperceptible
  • Knowing everything—Omniscient


Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
The earth’s head brilliant with Sun refers to
(i) the horizon
(ii) the hill top
(iii) the goddess
(iv) the top of a tree.
(ii) the hill top

MP Board Solutions

Question 2.
The goddess is immobile because
(i) it is in the form of stone statue
(ii) it loves to stand in one place
(iii) it is placed very high on the hill
(iv) the doors of the temple are closed.
(i) it is in the form of stone statue

Question 3.
The temple was built on the high hill top so that
(i) no one may reach there
(ii) no one may steal the statue
(iii) only true devotees may reach there
(iv) wild animals may not enter the temple.
(iii) only true devotees may reach there

Question 4.
‘Some Vast’ refers to
(i) the all-pervasive spirit of God
(ii) the vast air
(iii) the oceans that surround our Earth
(iv) the dense forest that surrounded the hill.
(i) the all-pervasive spirit of God

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
The last four lines of the poem mean that human life is
(i) an image of the eternity
(ii) an image of God
(iii) an image of life after death
(iv) an image of life to come.
(i) an image of the eternity

Speaking Time

Complete the weak and strong forms of the words given below, with examples.
MP Board Class 12th English The Spectrum Workbook Solutions Chapter 10 The Hill-Top Temple img 1

Reading Time

Read the following poem carefully :

A Psalm of Life
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
‘Life is but an empty ’ dream !
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal,
‘Dust thou art, to dust returnest ’
Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment and not sorrow
Is our destined end or was,
But to act, that each tomorrow
Finds us farther than today.
In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life,
Be not like dumb driven cattle.
Be a hero in the strife !
Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant,
Let the dead past bury its dead,
Act, act, in the living present,
Heart within and God o’erhead. —H. W. Longfellow

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Now answer the questions given below :

Question 1.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

‘A’ – ‘B’

1. slumber – (a) decided by fate
2. earnest – (b) a temporary camp or shelter
3. destined – (c) struggle
4. bivouac – (d) sleep
5. strife – (e) serious and real
1. (d), 2. – (e), 3. – (a), 4. – (b), 5. – (c).

Question 2.
What, according to the poet, is the nature of life ? (2009, 12)
According to the poet, life is a real thing. It is a serious matter. It is not
an empty dream.

Question 3.
If the death is not our life’s goal then what is the real end of life ?
The real end of life is to act and live in the manner that everyday we must be ahead of yesterday.

Question 4.
Explain the following lines in simple English :
But to act, that each tomorrow.
Finds us farther than today.
It means that we must make progress daily. We should find or do something new every day. We must be always learning.

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Question 5.
The poet says ‘The world is like a field of battle’. Do you agree ? Write your response in your own words.
Yes, we do agree. Life is not a bed of roses. Man has to struggle for achievements and survival. He has to earn his food. He has to make his life meaningful.

Question 6.
What does the poet say about the Past and the Future ?
He asks us not to trust the Future however pleasant it may look. And we must not feel regret of our past life. Forget the unpleasant experiences of the past

Question 7.
‘Act, act in the living present ’. What does the poet really mean by these words ?
Our life should be active. A man sitting idle is like a dead person^What we can do today should not be left for tomorrow.

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Question 8.
The title of the poem is ‘A Psalm of Life’. Psalm means a devotional or inspiring song. Do you agree with the title ? Answer in about 80 words. (2009)
Justify the title ‘A Psalm of Life’. (2010)
‘A Psalm of Life’ is an inspiring song for it directs the man to live in the present and forget past and future. The poet tries to inspire by saying that the life is real and one should make use of it. We should act for now.

In this poem, H.W. Longfellow talks about our actions like the Gita. He feels the world is like a battle field and like a good soldier we should fight out and live like heroes. We should act in the present like a hero, be not . dumb animals. We are the only creatures who have the power to understand. God up is watching and we have heart within us therefore we should act and struggle for now. Hence the title is justified and we agree with it.

Writing Time

Question 1.
Your school is organizing annual function. Draft a formal invitation to be printed, you are writing on behalf of the principal. Write the name of the chief guest and the guest of honour.

Govt. Higher Secondary School,
Maheshwar (M. P.)

Coordially invites you to its annual function which is going to be celebrated on 22nd Dec. 20… to 23rd Dec. 20… as per programme listed below. Mr. Y. N. Mehta, Dy. Commissioner, Adiwasi Vikas has consented to be the chief guest and Mr. B. N. Shukla, the Principal, Govt. College, Maheshwar will be the guest of honour.

Rupesh Verma
(Gen. Secretary, Students’ Union)
On behalf of the Principal


Inauguration — 22.8.20… 9 a. m.
Literary programmes — 12 p. m.
Cultural programmes — 8 p. m.
Prize Distribution — 23.8.20… 4 p. m.

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Question 2.
Write a formal invitation letter to the students of your school to attend the career counselling programme to be held in your school on IIT-JEE and PMT.

Guna Public School, Guna (M. P.)

Dt. 17-8-20…

Ravindra Moghe
15, M. G. Road, Gali No. 1
Guna (M. P.)
Subject—Career Counselling Programme on IIT-JEE-PMT.
Ref—Your Application dated 31.7.20…
You are hereby informed that counselling program on IIT-JEE & PMT is arranged on 20th Aug. 20… from 9 a. m. onwards. You are required to bring photo state copies of all your documents along with other details. Report yourself at the reception counter
at 8 a. m.

Venue —Guna Public School, Guna.
Assembly Hall

Guna Public School, Guna.

Question 3.
Write a formal reply expressing your inability to attend the career counselling programme due to some reasons.
The Organiser,
Guna Public School,
Guna (M. P.)
I am in receipt of your letter No. Career/IIT/JEE/PMT dated 17th Aug. 20… . Thank you for the same. As I have been suffering from viral fever for 10 days. I have become very weak. So, I am unable to attend the said counselling programme. Kindly excuse my absence.

Yours faithfully,
Ravindra Moghe,
15, M. G. Road, Gali No. 1,
Guna (M. P.)


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Question 4.
Write an informal reply accepting the marriage invitation of your friend’s sister.

171, M. G. Road,
Sohagpur (M. P.)
Dt. 20th Feb. 20…

Dear Sudhir,
Namaste! I hope you are quite O. K. there. I received the invitation-card of the marriage of your sister and became very glad to know that your family was able to find a suitable life partner for your sister. Congratulations.

I will certainly attend the wedding ceremony. I will be reaching there on 18th March.
Rest on meeting.

Yours true friend
Raghu Shinde

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

The Spectrum Workbook General English Class 12th Solutions

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