MP Board Class 12th General English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

MP Board Class 12th General English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Active and Passive Constructions

1. ACTIVE और PASSIVE में अन्तर
Verb की दो Voices होती हैं Active Voice और Passive Voice. Active voice में कर्ता प्रधान होता है और Passive voice में कर्म प्रधान होता है,

जैसे –
ActiveHari killed the snake. Passive – The snake was killed by Hari.
चूँकि वाक्य में कर्ता प्रधान शब्द होता है इसलिये पहले वाक्य में Hari, जो काम करने वाला है, प्रधान शब्द है और दूसरे वाक्य में snake, जो काम करने वाला नहीं है, अपितु कर्म है, प्रधान शब्द है।

दूसरे वाक्य में Hari प्रधान शब्द नहीं है। यह तथ्य इस बात से भी स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि इस शब्द को वाक्य से हटाने पर भी वाक्य पूर्ण बना रहेगा –
The snake was killed.

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किन्तु पहले वाक्य में Hari नहीं हटाया जा सकता है।

2. कब ACTIVE से PASSIVE में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है?
Active voice को Passive voice में बदलने के निश्चित नियम हैं जिनको याद. कर लेने के बाद Voice बदलना एक मशीनी (Mechanical) क्रिया मात्र रह जाता है। ये नियम नीचे दिये जा रहे हैं। परन्तु पहले यह जान लेना उचित होगा कि किन दशाओं में Active voice को Passive voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता है।

1. Intransitive verbs को Passive में नहीं बदला जा सकता है,

जैसे –
Some birds fly very high. (No Passive)

कुछ अकर्मक क्रियाओं को उनके बाद Prepositions आ जाने पर Passive में बदला जा सकता है जैसा कि आगे बताया जायेगा।
2. Future Continuous Tense का Passive voice में परिवर्तन नहीं हो सकता है।
3. किसी भी Tense के Perfect Continuous Tense का भी Passive voice में परिवर्तन नहीं किया जा सकता है।

3. ACTIVE से PASSIVE में बदलने के नियम
नियम 1 – Object को Subject में तथा Subject को Object में बदल दिया जाता है।
नियम 2 – नये Object से पहले लगा देता हैं –
नियम 3 – Tense के अनुसार सहायक क्रिया लगाकर Verb की Third form लगा देता हैं –

1. Simple Present Tense
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ो :

  1. He reads a book. (Active)
    A book is read by him. (Passive)
  2. She does not write a letter. (Active)
    A letter is not written by her. (Passive)
  3. Do you read a book? (Active)
    Is a book read by you? (Passive)

नियम 1 – इस Tense में Subject के अनुसार is या are या am के साथ Verb की Third form का प्रयोग होता है। (प्रथम वाक्य देखो)
नियम 2 – Negative में is या are या am के बाद not लगा दिया जाता है। (द्वितीय वाक्य देखो)
नियम 3 – Interrogative में is या are या am को नये subject से पहले लगा देते (तृतीय वाक्य देखो)

Exercise 1
Change the following into Passive :
1. I give the child two kites.
2 He sells sugar.
3. His brother polishes shoes.
4. Boys fly kites.
5. My father replies letters.
6. You copy the lesson.
7. Girls smell flowers. & The boy pays fees.
9. The mother tells us stories.
10. They call me.
11. People celebrate Diwali all over India.
Diwali is celebrated all over India.

12. People do not play cricket in America.
Cricket is not played in America.

Subject तथा Object का चार्ट

I – me
We – us.
They – them
You – you
He – him
She – her

इस चार्ट को छात्रों को याद कर लेना चाहिए ताकि Subject को Object में तथा Object को Subject में बदलने में कठिनाई न हो।

2. Simple Past Tense

  1. Active – He wrote a letter.
    Passive – A letter was written by him.
  2. Active – He did not steal my pen.
    Passive My pen was not stolen by him.
  3. Active – Did I buy a cow?
    Passive – Was a cow bought by me?

नियम 1 – Simple Past Tense के वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय एकवचन में was के साथ Verb की Third form तथा बहुवचन में Verb की Third form लगाना चाहिए।
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्य को Passive में बदलते समय was या were के बाद not लगा देना चाहिए।
नियम 3 – Interrogative वाक्य को Passive में बदलते समय was या were को Subject से पहले रखा देना चाहिए।

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Exercise 2
Change the following sentences into Passive voice :
1. His friend drove the car.
2. You knew me. (Hint: by Subject के स्थान पर to Subject)
3. Harish told lies.
4. My mother told Mohan an interesting story.
5. They wrote letters to the Editors of the newspapers.
6. Sheela knitted a sweater yesterday.
7. The servant shut the door.
8. I paid the bill.
9. You saw this picture.
10. The farmers broke the glasses.
11. They built a bridge over the river.
12. They kept me alone for a week.
I was kept alone for a week by them.)

3. Future Indefinite Tense

  1. Active – I shall do this work.
    Passive This work will be done by me.
  2. Active – He will not beat his friend.
    Passive – His friend will not be beaten by him.
  3. Active Will you call her?
    Passive – Will she be called by you?

नियम 1 – इस Tense के वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय Shall be या Will be के साथ Verb की Third form लगा देते हैं।
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्य को Passive में बदलते समय shall या will के बाद तथा be से पहले not लगा देना चाहिए।
नियम 3 – Interrogative वाक्य को Passive में बदलते समय shall या will को नये Subject से पहले लगा देना चाहिए।
नियम 4 – 1 तथा we कर्ता के साथ shall be तथा शेष सभी कर्ताओं के साथ will be का प्रयोग होता है।

Exercise 3
Change the following sentences into

Passive voice :

  1. We shall see the match.
  2. Your brother will buy a watch.
  3. The farmer will grow more food.
  4. She will drop me a letter.
  5. The boys will read the lesson twice.
  6. They will make Dinesh Captain of the hockey team.
  7. The scientist will find out the answer.
  8. My work will satisfy you.
  9. The government will look after the poor.
  10. The merchant will sell sugar at Rs. 10/ – a kilo.

4. Present Continuous Tense

  1. Active – Mohan is writing a letter.
    Passive – A letter is being written by Mohan.
  2. Active – She is not writing a letter.
    Passive – A letter is not being written by her.
  3. Active – Are you writing a letter?
    Passive – Is a letter being written by you?

नियम 1 – इस Tense में being या are being या am being के साथ verb की third form का प्रयोग होता है। (प्रथम वाक्य देखो)
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्य में is या are या am के बाद Not लगा देते हैं। (द्वितीय वाक्य देखो)
नियम 3 – Interrogative में is या are या am को subject से पहले लगा देते हैं। (तृतीय वाक्य देखो)।

Exercise 4
Change the following sentences into Passive voice :
1. I am buying mangoes.
2. We are collecting books. (2015)
3. You are lending money.
4. He is sending me there.
5. The merchant is selling sugar.
6. Girls are smelling flowers.
7. Father is not spending money.
8. Mother is telling tales.
9. They are cutting fruits.
10. The gardener is digging pits in the garden.
11. They are painting the doors green.
The doors are being painted green.

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5. Past Continuous Tense

  1. Active – She was writing a letter.
    Passive – A letter was being written by her.
  2. Active I was not reading a book.
    Passive – A book was not being read by me.
  3. Active – Were they playing hockey?
    Passive – Was hockey being played by them?

नियम 1 – Past Continuous Tense के वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय was being या were being के साथ verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (प्रथम वाख्य देखे)
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्यों में was या were को बाद not लगा देते है।
नियम 3 – Interrogative वाक्य में was या were को subject से पहले लगा देते है। (2014)

Change the following sentences into Passive voice :
1. I was writing a letter.
2 They were playing hockey.
3. You were throwing the balls.
4. He was seeing a picture.
5. His father was bringing mangoes.
6. The teacher was teaching Physics.
7. The servant was beating the dog.
8. One of the boys was playing tennis.
9. The farmers were growing rice.
10. She was shedding crocodile tears.
11. You were taking tea.
12. What were you doing?
What was being done by you?

6. Present Continuous Tense

  1. Active I have written a letter.
    Passive – A letter has been written by me.
  2. Active – We have not beaten him.
    PassiveHe has not been beaten by us.
  3. Active – Has Ram helped you?
    Passive – Have you been helped by Ram?

नियम 1 – Present Perfect Tense के वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय एकवचन में Has been तथा बहुवचन में have been के साथ verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (प्रथम वाख्य देखे)
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्य में Has या have को not लगा देते है। (द्वितीय वाख्य देखे)
नियम 3 – Interrogative वाक्य में Has या Have को Subject से पहले रख देते (तृतीया वाख्य देखे)

Exercise 6
Change the following sentences into Passive voice :

  1. I have bought a car.
  2. The servant has cleaned the room.
  3. Grandmother has told a tale.
  4. Someone has stolen my purse.
  5. Our teacher has written three books.
  6. Somebody has removed the stone.
  7. The government has built a road.
  8. Hemant has studied law.
  9. Sudha has won the first prize.
  10. I have forgotten the answer.

7. Past Perfect Tense

  1. Active – I had written a letter.
    Passive A letter had been written by me.
  2. Active – He had not finished his work.
    Passive – His work had not been finished by him.
  3. Active – Had they beaten you?
    Passive Had you been beaten by them?

नियम 1 – Past Perfect Tense के वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय had been के साथ verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (प्रथम वाक्य देखो)
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्य में had के बाद not लगा देते हैं। (द्वितीय वाक्य देखो)
नियम 3 – Interrogative वाक्य में had को subject से पहले रख देते हैं। (तृतीय वाक्य देखो)

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Exercise 7
Change the following sentences into Passive voice :

  1. The chief guest had delivered the speech.
  2. The boy had made a doll.
  3. The merchants had reduced prices.
  4. The girls had collected a big fund.
  5. The watchman had closed the gate.
  6. You had finished the work.
  7. The British had developed a nice system of education in India. & They had not destroyed bombs.
  8. Had they invited us?
  9. Had we borrowed money?
  10. The police had arrested him on a charge of being drunk and disorderly behavior.
    (Hint: He had been arrested on ………………… )

8. Future Perfect Tense

  1. Active – He will have done it.
    Passive – It will have been done by him.
  2. Active – The peon will not have rung the bell.
    Passive – The bell will not have been rung by the peon.
  3. Active – – Will you have helped Mohan?
    Passive – Will Mohan have been helped by you?

नियम 1 – इस Tense में कर्ता के अनुसार will have been या shall have been के साथ verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। I तथा we के साथ shall have been तथा अन्य कर्ताओं के साथ will have been का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (प्रथम वाक्य देखो)
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्य में shall या will के बाद not लगा देते हैं। (द्वितीय वाक्य देखो)
नियम 3 – Interrogative वाक्य में shall या will को Subject से पहले रख देते हैं। (तृतीय वाक्य देखो)

Exercise 8
Change the following sentences into Passive voice :

  1. He will have called him.
  2. You will not have written a letter.
  3. He will not have played football.
  4. Will they have washed their clothes?
  5. When will he have taught him?
  6. The peon will have rung the bell.
  7. We will have taken his food.
  8. Servant will have done it.
  9. Will the driver have stopped the train?
  10. When will the police have caught the thief?

नोट – Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous तथ Future Continuous Tense के वाक्य के Passive voice नहीं बनते।

9. Imperative Sentences
Imperative Sentences – इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में आज्ञा या प्रार्थना व्यक्त की जाती है।
जैसे – 1. Open the door – 2. Please help my friend.

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ो

  1. Active – Read your books.
    Passive Let your books be read by you.
  2. Active – Open the door.
    Passive – Let the door be opened by you.
  3. Active – Call the servant.
    Passive – Let the servant be called.
  4. Active Please do it.
    Passive – You are requested to do it.
  5. Active  – Do not beat the boy.
    Passive – Let the boy be not beaten by you.
  6. Active  – Let him eat a mango.
    Passive – Let a mango be eaten by him.
  7. Active – Do not insult the poor.
    Passive – Let the poor be not insulted by you.
  8. Active – Please help my friend.
    Passive – You are requested to help my friend.

नियम 1 – Imperative वाक्यों को Passive में बदलते समय Let को सबसे पहले लगाकर नये Subject के बाद be लगाकर Verb की Third form लगा देते हैं। By लिखकर You लगा देते हैं।
नियम 2 – Negative वाक्यों में मुख्य क्रिया के पहले और be के बाद not लगा देते हैं।
नियम 3 – यदि वाक्य में Please दिया हो तो Please को You are requested में बदलकर क्रिया से पहले to लगा देते हैं।

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Exercise 9
Change the following into Passive voice :

  1. Make two kites.
  2. Do not spend all the money.
  3. Never read cheap literature.
  4. Forget all your unhappiness.
  5. Write fresh letters.
  6. Begin the festival.
  7. Never disobey your parents.
  8. Grow more food.
  9. Dig a pit measuring 1 cube metre.
  10. Never drag bags.

Some More Examples

  1. Active – I can do this.
    Passive – This can be done by me.
  2. Active – You should help him.
    Passive – – He should be helped by you.
  3. Active – – You may do it.
    Passive – It may be done by you.
  4. Active – Who did it?
    Passive – By whom was it done?
  5. Active – Who has written this book?
    Passive – By whom has this book been written?

Exercise 10
Change the following sentences into Passive voice :

  1. Mother can do several works at a time.
  2. You can write three letters in a week.
  3. He could move a bus.
  4. Boys should not tell lies.
  5. We are going to help you.
  6. Father may give you some money.
  7. We are to grow more trees.
  8. Dinesh was going to fly a kite.
  9. She was going to take tea.
  10. The judge might forgive you.
  11. You can find this word in your dictionary.

Passive Voice Without The Agent

अंग्रेजी में कछ वाक्य होते हैं, जिनमें कार्य पर अधिक महत्व दिया जाता है। कार्य के कर्ता के विषय में अधिक रुचि नहीं ली जाती है। ऐसे वाक्यों में By के साथ Agent का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं। ऐसे वाक्यों की रचना Active voice के वाक्यों से अधिक स्वाभाविक होती है।

उदाहरण :

  1. The thief was punished.
    चोर को सजा दी गई।
  2. The passenger was robbed.
    यात्री को लूट लिया गया।
  3. My pocket was picked up in the bus.
    बस में मेरी जेब काट ली गई।
  4. School fee must be paid in time.
    स्कूल की फीस समय पर दे देनी चाहिए।

Exercise 11
1. Did they say anything important in the meeting? 2. You must write the answer in ink.
3. Someone has stolen two of my books.
4. You have to finish this work by Saturday.
5. Has someone made all the necessary arrangements?
6. Does someone clean all the rooms regularly?
7. Someone saved the child from drowning in the river.
1. Was anything important said in the meeting?
2. The answer must be written in ink.
3. Two of my books have been stolen.
4. This work has to be finished by Saturday.
5. Have all the necessary arrangements been made? 6. Are all the rooms cleaned regularly?
7. The child was saved from drowning in the river.

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Exercise 12
Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive voice :
1. They gave up the search after three hours.
2. We had to put off our visit to the zoo because of bad weather.
3. They see putting up many new buildings in our town.
4. They will not hold the meeting today.
1. The search was given up after three hours.
2. Our visit to the zoo had to be put off because of bad weather.
3. Many new buildings are seen being put up in our town.
4. The meeting will not be held today.

Negative Sentences Cat Passive में परिवर्तन

Negative Sentences का Passive में परिवर्तन Affirmative Sentences की भाँति किया जाता है।

Not अपने स्थान पर ही रहता है, अर्थात् प्रथम सहायक क्रिया के बाद;

जैसे –
Active – The girl did not kick the dog.
Passive – The dog was not kicked by the girl.
Active – The baby was not biting a toy.
Passive – A toy was not being bitten by the baby. Active – This boy cannot lift the box.
Passive – The box cannot be lifted by this boy.

Interrogative Sentences का Passive में परिवर्तन

Interrogative Sentences को Passive में बदलने की सरल विधि यह है कि उनको
(1) पहले Assertive में बदला जाये
(2) फिर Passive में और
(3) उसके बाद उन्हेँ पुन: Interrogative बना दिया जाये जैसे –

Do you help him? – (Interrogative, Active)
You help him – (Assertive, Active)

He is helped by you – (Assertive, Passive)
Is he helped by you? – (Interrogative, Passive)

Question Words से बने Interrogative Sentences के उदाहरण समझिये।
MP Board Class 12th General English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 1

दो OBJECTS वाले वाक्यों का PASSIVE में परिवर्तन

यदि क्रिया के दो Objects हों तो किसी भी Object को Subject बनाकर Passive GARI बनया जासकता है।

जैसे –

Active –
He teaches me grammar.

Passive –
(i) I am taught grammar by him.
(ii) Grammar is taught to me by him.

Infinitive ‘Without To’ का Infinitive
‘With To’ में परिवर्तन

Passive Voice में Infinitive का छिप हुआ व्यक्त कर दिया जाता है

जैसे –
Active – Passive
He made us work – We were made by him to work. He saw them go out – They were seen by us to go out.

अपवाद –
Active – Passive
They let us go – We were let go

‘BY’ के स्थान पर अन्य Prepositions का प्रयोग

सभी Agents के साथ By का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। निम्नलिखित उदाहरण देखिये –
Active – Passive
Smoke filled the room – The room was filled with smoke.

Passive Voice में Adverbs का स्थान

Adverbs of Manner को Passive voice में मुख्य क्रिया के ठीक पहले (सहायक क्रिया के बाद) रखना चाहिए :

  • Active – They treated her badly.
  • Passive – She was badly treated.
  • Active – Govind reads English clearly.
  • Passive – English is clearly read by Govind.

Additional Solved Exercises
(1) Change the following sentences into the passive form. The italicized words will be the subjects :
1. They have found out the truth.
2 Someone has discovered a cure for malaria.
3. They have invented a new sewing machine.
4. The teacher made him the monitor of the class.
5. They manufacture good shoes in Kanpur.
6. We did not import foodgrains last year.
7. Everyone appreciated his work.
8. People speak different languages in India.
9. They broadcast the President’s message this morning.
10. You can give him a job in your factory.
11. Somebody stole my watch yesterday.
12. I sold my car for sixteen thousand rupees.
1. The truth has been found out.
2 A cure for malaria has been discovered.
3. A new sewing machine has been invented.
4. He was made the monitor of the class.
5. Good shoes are manufactured in Kanpur.
6 Foodgrains were not imported last year.
7. His work was appreciated.
8. Different languages are spoken in India.
9. The President’s message was broadcast this morning.
10. A job can be given to him in your factory.
11. My watch was stolen yesterday.
12. My car was sold for sixteen thousand rupees.

MP Board Solutions

(2) Put the following sentences in the Passive voice :

1. The Headmaster refused the boy admission.
2 My brother promised me his help.
3. We should teach that fellow a lesson.
4. Why did they offer him such a low salary?
5. Someone told me how to get there.
6. The judge found the prisoner guilty.
7. Woolen clothes keep us warm.
8. The children called him, ‘Chacha Nehru’.
9. The facts proved his ideas wrong.
10. We have painted the doors green.
11. We saw the man throwing a stone at the car.
12. Someone must help me solve the problem.
13. The Principal allowed the boy to go home.
14. The old man urged his sons to be united.
15. They named the child “Ramu’..
1. The boy was refused admission.
(Or, Admission was refused to the boy.)
2 I was promised help by my brother.
(Or, Help was promised to me by my brother.)
3. That fellow should be taught a lesson.
(Or, A lesson should be taught to that fellow.)
4. Why was he offered such a low salary?
(Or, Why was such a low salary offered to him?)
5. I was told how to get there.
6. The prisoner was found guilty by the judge.
7. We are kept warm by woollen clothes.
8. He is called ‘Chacha Nehru’ by the children.
9. His ideas were proved wrong by the facts.
10. The doors have been painted green by us.
11. The man was seen throwing a stone at the car.
12. I must be helped solve the problem.
13. The boy was allowed to go home by the Principal.
14. The sons were urged by the old man to be united.
15. The child was named “Ramu’.

PASSIVE से ACTIVE में परिवर्तन के नियम
Passive से Active में बदलने के कोई विशेष नियम नहीं है। जो नियम Active से Passive बनाने के लिये कपर दिये गये हैं उनका उलट कर प्रयोग करने से Passive को Active voice में बदला जाता है। ऊपर दिये गये उदाहरणों में पहले Passive voice का वाक्य पढ़िये और फिर Active voice का वाक्य पढ़िये। ध्यान देते जाइये कि क्या – क्या परिवर्तन करने के बाद आप Active voice के वाक्य पा सकते हैं। नीचे थोड़े – से उदाहरण दिये जा रहेहै:

1. Simple Present

  1. Passive – A book is bought by Mohan.
    Active – Mohan buys a book.
  2. Passive – A song is sung by Madhu.
    Active – Madhu sings a song.

नियम – Passive voice से Active voice बनाने के नियम Active से Passive बनाने के नियमों के बिल्कुल उल्टें हैं।

  • दिये गये वाक्यों के subject को object बनाओ और object को subject बनाओ।
  • By को हटाओ।
  • सहायक क्रिया is, am, are, was, were आदि हटाओ।
  • दिये हुए वाक्य की क्रिया की first form लिखो।

2. Simple Past

  1. Passive – A book was bought by Hari.
    Active – Hari bought a book.
  2. Passive – A song was sung by Radha.
    Active – Radha sang a song.
  3. Passive – Why was he not taught by you?
    Active – Why did you not teach him?

नियम – Active से Passive बनाने के नियमों का उल्टा प्रयोग करो अर्थात् Subject को Object तथा Object को Subject में बदलो। Was, were को हटाकर Verb की Second का प्रयोग करो by को हटा दो

3. Simple Future

  1. Passive – He will be beaten by me.
    Active – I shall beat him.
  2. Passive – I shall not be called by them.
    Active – They will not call me.

नियम – Active से Passive बनाने के नियमों को उल्टा करो। अर्थात् Subject को Object और Object को Subject में बदलकर by को हटाओ तथा सहायक क्रिया be को हटाकर Third form की मुख्य क्रिया को First form में लिखो।

4. Present Continuous

  1. Passive – A letter is being written by Gopal.
    Active – Gopal is writing a letter.
  2. Passive – A book is being read by Shila.
    Active – Shila is reading a book.
  3. Passive – The bell is not being run by the peon.
    Passive – The peon is not ringing the bell.

नियम (i) Active से Passive बनाने के नियमों को उल्टा प्रयोग करो, अर्थात् कर्ता को कर्म और कर्म को कर्ता बनाओ। (ii) By और being दोनों को हटाओ (iii) क्रिया की Third form को first form मैं बदलकर – ing बढ़ाओ। (iv) Active के कर्ता के अनुसार islam/are सहायक क्रिया को मुख्य क्रिया से पहले लिखो।

5. Past Continuous

  1. Passive – My pen was being used by her.
    Active – She was using my pen.
  2. Passive – A book was being bought by Ram.
    Active – Ram was buying a book.

नियम Active से Passive बनाने के नियमों को उल्टा करो। अर्थात् (i) Subject को Object और Object को Subject बनाओ। (ii) By और Being को हटाओ। (iii) क्रिया की Third form को बदलकर ing form में करो। (iv) Active voice के कर्ता के अनुसार was/were सहायक क्रिया का प्रयोग करो।

6. Present Perfect

  1. Passive – The old woman has been created by the seller.
    Active – The seller has cheated the old woman.
  2. Passive – The grass has not been eaten by the cow.
    Active – The cow has not eaten the grass.
  3. Passive – Has your horse not been sold by you?
    Active – Have you not sold your horse?

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नियम Present Perfect Tense को Passive बनाने के नियमों का उल्टा प्रयोग करो अर्थात् (i) Subject को Object और Object को Subject बनाओ। (ii) By तथा been को हटाओ। (iii) Subject के अनुसार have/has लगाकर क्रिया की Third form लिखो। (iv) इस Tense में Active voice में have/has सहायक क्रिया है। Passive voice में has been/have been सहायक क्रियाएँ हैं।

7. Past Perfect

  1. Passive – The room had been swept by the servant.
    Active – The servant had swept the room.
  2. Passive – The bell had been rung by the old servant.
    Active – The old servant had rung the bell.
  3. Passive – I had not been helped by them.
    Active – They had not helped me.

नियम – इस Tense में had been सहायक क्रिया Passive voice में आती है। Active में had सहायक क्रिया का प्रयोग होता है। शेष सब नियम Present Perfect Tense के समान है।

8. Future Perfect

  1. Passive – The question will have been solved by the teacher.
    Active – The teacher will have solved the question.
  2. Passive – We shall have been abused by you.
    Active – You will have abused us.
  3. Passive – A good essay will have been written by a boy.
    Active – The boy will have written a good essay.

नियम – पीछे के नियमों को उल्टा प्रयोग करो। अर्थात् Active से Passive बनाने … में जो शब्द बढ़ाए जाएँ, Passive से Active बनाने में उन्हें हटा दो।
इस Tense में Passive voice में will have beervishall have been सहायक क्रियाओं का प्रयोग होता है। Active में will have, shall have का प्रयोग होता है। Active और Passive दोनों में Main verb (मुख्य क्रिया) की Third form का प्रयोग करो।

Exercise 13

Change the voice :
1. We are collecting stamps/books. (2009, 10, 15)
2. Somebody clears the room. (2009)
3. Post the letter today.
4. Call the witness.
5. Do this work today.
6. I know the boy. (2016)
7. Mr. Gupta teaches Hindi. (2018)
8. Someone has stolen my pen.
9. My father gave me a pen.
10. Do you know me?
11. Did they wave the flag?
12. I am taking tea. (2013)
1. Stamps/Books are being collected by us.
2. The room is cleared by someone
3. Let the letter be posted today.
4. Let the witness be called.
5. Let this work be done today.
6. The boy is known by me.
7. Hindi is taught by Mr. Gupta.
8. My pen has been stolen by someone.
9. A pen was given to me by my father.
10. Am I known to you?
11. Was the flag waved by them?
12. Tea is being taken by me.

MP Board Class 12th English Solutions

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