MP Board Class 6th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

MP Board Class 6th Science Solutions Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out Textbook Exercises

Question 1.

  1. Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?
  2. Have you seen any other organism beside redworms, in your pit? If yes, try to find out their names. Draw pictures of these?

1. Garbage such as pieces of polythene bags, cloth, nails, old shoes, broken glass, broken toys and aluminimum wrappers etc. are not into compost by the red worms.

2. Yes, there are some other organisms in a pit of composting such as fungi and bacteria which decompose the biodegradable wastes.

Question 2.

  1. Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government?
  2. Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage?

1. No, it is also our responsibility. Because fresh air, water and locality helps us to make healthy. So, every citizen should care for waste disposal. We should not throw the wastes carelessly. We collect all the garbage carefully in dustbins and should save environment to pollute.

2. Yes, it is possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage by using re – cycleable materials.

Question 3.

  1. What do you do with the left over food at home?
  2. If you and your friends are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at a party, which one would you prefer and why?


  1. Preserve properly the left over food and reuse. Convert it to some other food preparation and consume.
  2. In a party I and my friends choose to eat in a banana leaf platter, due to the following reasions.
    • It is easy disposal,
    • It can be recycled,
    • It is more environment friendly.

Question 4.

  1. Collect pieces of different kinds of paper. Find out which of these can be recycled?
  2. With the help of a lens look at the pieces of paper you collected for the above question. Do you see any difference in the material of recycled paper and a new sheet of paper?

1. We collected the pieces of old newspapers, used envelopes, notebooks, magazines, any other paper like shiny, plastic coated paper. Except plastic coated and shiny papers, all other papers can be recycled.

2. When we see the recycled paper with the help of lense, we find that there is a difference in quality of paper. The recycled paper is more thick and more rough as compared to new sheet of paper.

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.

  1. Collect different kinds of packaging material What was the purpose for which each one was used? Discuss in groups.
  2. Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced?
  3. Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage.


  • Paper pakcet : Light food items
  • Wooden boxes : Delicate items
  • Card board : Crockery
  • Glass covers : Show pieces
  • Plastic covers : Dresses and clothes.

(b) The shopkeepers should buy large amount of goods like sugar, dal, nuts, etc. By doing so they reduce the waste and packaging materials. They should buy goods in bulk and bigger quantities in a single package. This type of shopping will reduce the wastages.

(c) Packing increases the amount of garbages. Every good or things are sold in small packets of plastic materials which are thrown out after use. This increases the garbage. Cans, small aluminium foils, plastic bags and many other packaging materials are used and thrown out after use. These packaging materials also increase garbage.

Now – a – days every goods and things such as soaps, detergents, ghee, refined oil and many more eatable goods are generally sold in small pockets. This also increase the garbage upto a large extent. In this way we can say that packaging materials increases the amount of garbage.

MP Board Solutions

Question 6.
Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers? Why?
We think that compost is better to use instead of chemical fertilizers. Compost fertilizers are those in which plants and animal extracts etc. are used. These fertilizers usually contain all nutrients in varying proportions. These fertilizers are not made in factories. They are prepared by the farmers themselves using indigenous methods.

They contain a large measure of organic matter. No special precautions are required while using them. In this category includes gobar khad, compost or the mixture made out of organic waste and human excreta, green manure and oil cakes etc.

Chemical fertilizer are manufactured artificially in factories with the use of chemicals. These contain large amounts of plant nutrients. These contain only one and two or three nutritional elements. For examples, Urea, Ammonium Sulphate, Super Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Sodium Nitrate, Calcium Sulphate etc.

Projects and Activity

Activity 1.
Make a comfortable home for our redworms in the pit or the box.
Let us dig a pit about 30 cm deep or keep a wooden box at a place, which is neither two hot nor too cold. Spread a net or chicken mesh at the bottom of the pit or the box. You can also spread 1 or 2 cm thick layer of sand as an alternative. Now, spread some vegetable wastes including peels of fruits over this layer of sand.

One can also use green leaves, pieces of dried stalks of plants, husk or pieces of newspaper or carboard to spread over the layer of sand. However, shiny or plastic coated paper should not be used for this purpose. Dried animal dung could also be used as a spread over sand or wire mesh. Sprinkle some water to make this layer wet.

Take care not to use excess of water. Do not press the layer of waste. Keep this layer loose so that it has sufficient air and moisture. Now, your pit is ready to welcome the redworms. Buy some redworms and put them in your pit [Fig.]. Cover them loosely with a gunny bag or an old sheet of cloth or a layer of grass.
MP Board Class 6th Science Solutions Garbage In, Garbage Out 1

Garbage In, Garbage Out Text Book Questions

Question 1.
Paheli did wonder as to what could be useful garbage? Why was it thrown away in the first place? Is there some garbage that is not actually garbage?
The useful garbage are ped of vegetables and fruits, egg shell, tea leaves, paper bags, pieces of paper, etc. Any garbage that can be recycled is not actually a garbage.

Question 2.
Paheli would like to suggest that containers used for storing poisonous substances should be recycled separately and that such recycled plastics are not used to make plastic bags.
It is absolutly correct.

Garbage In, Garbage Out Additional Important Questions

Garbage In, Garbage Out Objective Type Questions Question

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Disposal of all types of solid wastes resulting in increasing …………………..
  2. Domestic wastes is ………………….. wastes.
  3. The wastes have different physical, chemical and ………………….. characteristics.
  4. In vermicomposting ………………….. are added to the compost.
  5. Open dump are not a good method of disposal of …………………..
  6. Today ………………….. education is necessary in view of the crisis involves.
  7. Paper can be recycled to get useful …………………..
  8. All kinds of plastics give out harmful ………………….. upon heating or burning.


  1. Spoilage of land
  2. Biodegradable
  3. Biological
  4. Earth worms
  5. Wastes
  6. Environmental
  7. Products
  8. Gases.

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Question 2.
State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

  1. Wastes are the materials which are generally discarded by human beings.
  2. The wastes generated in hospitals are non – hazardous in nature.
  3. Organic waste is mostly biodegradable.
  4. Organic matter can be decomposed and made into manure.
  5. Open dump are a good method of disposal of wastes.
  6. Polythene bags create a big problem in garbage disposal.
  7. Garbage has both useful and non – useful components.
  8. Waste is a uniform material in terms of its constituents.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. True
  8. False.

Garbage In, Garbage Out Very Short Answer Type Questions 

Question 1.
What type of garbage are used for composting?
Garbage of air kitchen like vegetable peels, egg cells, fruits peels and waste food are used for composting.

Question 2.
What type of garbage are not used for composting?
Garbage like broken glass, old shoes, polythene bags, aluminium wrappers are not used for composting.

Question 3.
Should we burn the dried leaves?

Question 4.
How redworms grind the food?
Redworms do not have teeth for grinding food. They have a structure called gizzards for grinding their food.

Question 5.
Can you recycle paper?

Question 6.
Can you recycle polythene?
Some kind of plastics can be recycled, but not all of them.

Question 7.
List some items, we use, that are made of plastic.
Combs, Toys, Shoes, Bags, Pens, Buckets, Bottles, Tooth brushes and Water pipes, etc.

Question 8.
Define land fill?
Safai Karmcharis collect the garbage in trucks and take it to a low lying open area, called a landfill.

Question 9.
Who collects the garbage?
Safai Karmacharis.

Question 10.
Name a few items that we throw as garbage almost everyday?
Tins, paper, wrappers, plastic bags and peels of fruits, etc.

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Question 11.
Define garbage?
Any materials which is discarded by us or which is of no use for us is called garbage.

Question 12.
Define composting?
The rotting and conversion of some materials into manure is called composting.

Question 13.
Define vermicomposting?
The method of preparing compost with the help of redworms is called vermicomposting.

Question 14.
What is domestic wastes?
The wastes include garbage, kitchen waste and sewage are called domestic wastes.

Garbage In, Garbage Out Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
In how many group we can group the garbage of our house?
We separate the garbage of our house into two groups. These are:

Group 1:
Garbage from the kitchen like fruit and vegetable peels, egg shells, waste food, tea leaves. Include newspapers, dry leaves and paper bags in this group.

Group 2:
Piece of cloth, polythene bags, broken glass, aluminium wrappers, nails, old shoes and broken toys.

Question 2.
Why is it not advised to burn the dried leaves and husk?
Burning of dried leaves, husk and part of some crop plants produces smoke and gases that are harmful to our health. So we should try to stop such practices and convert these wastes into useful compost.

Question 3.
List the various steps practiced in waste management?
Various steps practiced in waste management are broadly divided into four steps:

  1. Collection of wastes
  2. Segregation of wastes
  3. Reduction and resource recovery
  4. Treatment and disposal.

MP Board Solutions

Question 4.
Why earthworms are called farmer’s friends?
Earthwarms are called farmer’s friends because they help to increase the fertility of soil. They eat dust and make soil fertile. They are used to perpare vermicompost, which gives many nutrients to soil and ultimately to crop plants.

Question 5.
Why plastic bags are harmful to us?
The plastic bags thrown away carelessly on roads and other places get into drains and the sewer system. As a result, drains get choked and the water spills on the roads. During heavy rains, it might even create a flood like situation. There is a lot of harm that too much use of plastics can do.

Also, people fill garbage in plastic bags and then throw it on road. When stray animals looks for food in these bags, they end up swallowing these. Sometimes, they die due to this.

Garbage In, Garbage Out Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why is it necessary for us to separate waste into two separate dustbins provided by municipalities?
In some cities and towns municipalities provide separate dustbins for collecting two kinds of garbage. Usually one is coloured blue and the other green. The blue bin is for materials that can be used again such as plastics, metals and glass. The green bins are for collecting kitchen and other plant or animal wastes. You may have noticed that this type of wastes rot completely when buried in the soil.

Question 2.
How recycling of paper is done?
Tear the paper into small pieces. Put them in a tube or a bucket and pour water in it. Let the pieces of paper remain submerged in water for a day. Make a thick paste of paper by pounding it. Now, spread the wet paste on the wire mesh fixed to the frame. Pat it gently to make the thickness of layer of the paste as uniform as possible. Wait till water drain off. If required spread an cld cloth or a sheet of newspaper on the paste to let it soak up the extra water.

Now, carefully remove the layer of paste from the frame, spread it on a sheet of newspaper in the sun. Keep the corners of the newspaper sheet pressed by putting some weights to that these do not curl up. We can add food colour, pieces of dry leaves or flower petals or pieces of coloured paper in the paste before spreading it. It would help us to get a recycled paper with beautiful patterns on it.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
What can we do to minimise over use of plastics and deal with garbage?

  1. We make a minimum use of plastic bags. We re – use the bags whenever it is possible to do so without any adverse affects.
  2. We do not use plastic bags to store eatables.
  3. We do not throw plastic bags here and there, after use.
  4. We insist shopkeepers use paper bags. We carry a cloth or a jute bag when we go out for shopping.
  5. We do not put garbage in plastic bags and throw it away.
  6. We never burn plastic bags and other plastic items.
  7. We recycle paper.
  8. We use both sides of the paper to write. We use a slate for rough work. We use blank sheets of paper left in our notebooks for rough work.
  9. We use vermicomposting at home and deal with our kitchen waste usefully.
  10. We make our family, friends and others to follow proper practices for disposing different kinds of wastes.

The most important point to know and think about it that more garbage we generate, more difficult it will be to get rid of it.

MP Board Class 6th Science Solutions



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