MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 5 The Solar System and Our Earth

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 5 The Solar System and Our Earth

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 5 Text Book Exercise

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 5 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Question (a)
How does the sun get energy?
The sun is burning like a big atomic power plant. The studies of scientists have shown that the sun is a burning body of inflammable gases in which hydrogen, helium and other gases bum and react continuously, producing heat and life for millions of years.

Question (b)
What are the three realms of earth?
The three realms of earth are lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere.

MP Board Solutions

Question (c)
Explain the importance of the sun?
Sun is the head of the solar system. It is situated in the centre of the solar system. All the planets, the satellites the asteroids, the meteorites and the comets revolve round the sun. All these members get light and energy from the sun. About 99% part of all the matter in the Solar System is constitute in the sun. The sun is so big that all the planets together would cover only 1% of it.

The sun has tremendous force of gravity due to its such a large sizes. It is due to the gravitational force that all the planets and the satellites regularly rotate round it. The sun is a big ball of fire. It is also a storehouse of light and energy. Our earth gets light and energy from the sun. Day occurs on earth due to the light from the sun.

Question (d)
Write the names of the planets in the solar system?
The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the ‘Family of the Sun’ Solar System.

The Solar System consists of the Sun as the centre and Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as planets. In addition, there are in all 44 satellites in our Solar System.

MP Board Solutions

Question (e)
Write the difference between planets and stars?
Difference between star and planet:


  1. A planet is a celestial body that revolves round the sun.
  2. There are nine planets in our Solar System. They do not have their own heat or light.
  3. Planets draw their light and energy from sun.
  4. They are nine in number, including our earth.
  5. The earth is an example of a planet.


  1. A star is also a celestial body and is a part of galaxy.
  2. There are numerous stars in a galaxy. Each star may have a family of planets.
  3. A star has its own light and heat.
  4. They are guite large (in billions) in number.
  5. The sun is an example of a star.

Question (f)
Which is the life saving gas?
Ozone is the life saving gas.

Question (g)
Name three important gases found on earth, which is the life giving gas among them?
The three important gases found on earth are Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbondioxide. Oxygen is the life giving gas.

Question (h)
What is the difference between planets and statellites?
Difference between Planet and Satellite.


  1. Roughly a planet has a spherical body.
  2. It revolves round the sun in an elliptical path known as its orbit.
  3. There are nine major planets.
  4. The word ‘planet’ means wanderer.
  5. The Earth is its good example.


  1. A satellite has a relatively small body.
  2. It revolves round its planet.
  3. There are in all thirty – two satellites.
  4. The word (satellite) means’companion’ or ‘attendant.’
  5. The Moon is its good example. It is a satellite of the Eart

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Chapter 5 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 2.
Question (a)
What is Solar System? Make a labelled diagram of the Solar System?
The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the family of the Sun or the Solar System. In addition to the nine planets, there are 44 satellites in the Solar System.
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 5 The Solar System and Our Earth 3a

Question (b)
How is the earth a unique and living planet? Explain.
The earth is a small member of the Solar System. It is the fifth in size of the nine major planets and the third in distance. But it occupies a very unique position in the Solar System, for the following reasons:

1.  Around the Earth is a gaseous envelope known as the atmosphere. It saves us from the extreme heat of the Sun.

2. The Earth has land, water and air unlike the other planets which makes life possible. All this had made the Earth a sweet home for us.

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Question (c)
What are natural and artificial satellites? Describe the natural satellite of the earth.
1. The celestial bodies that rotate round a planet are called satellites or natural satellites. The satellites also get light and heat from the sun. Incept the Venus and the Mars, all planets have their own satellites.

2. There are other satellites than the natural satellite which are man made. They are called the artificial satellites. The Indian scientist have sent some artificial satellites into the space. The first such satellite was the Arybhatta.

3. The other artificial satellites are the Rohini, Bhaskar, Apple, etc. They provide us a information system giving weather forecast, telecast, radio broadcast, telecommunication, information to improve agriculture and in-formation regarding minerals, etc.

4. The Moon is the only natural satellite of our planet. The moon moves around the earth and also around the sun along with the earth.The moon has rugged and barren surface. There is no air or water on the moon. It is very, hot during the day and very cold during the night.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Give one term for the following sentences:

  1. An infinite system of all matter, all galaxies, all energy and space.
  2. The distance travelled by light in one year with a velocity of three lakh kilometres per second.
  3. The milky band seen on a clear starlit night.
  4. A band of innumerable tiny bodies between Mars and Jupiter in the solar system.


  1. The Universe
  2. Light – year
  3. Galaxy or Akash Ganga
  4. Asteroids

Question 4.

Match the columns :
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 5 The Solar System and Our Earth 4a
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 5 The Solar System and Our Earth 5a

Project Work

Question 1.
Draw a big diagram of the solar system. Label it?
The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the family of the Sun or the Solar System. In addition to the nine planets, there are 44 satellites in the Solar System.
MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 5 The Solar System and Our Earth 3a

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions

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