MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 2

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 2

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 2 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the Copper – Stone Age?
The period in which copper and stone were simultaneously used by human being is called the Copper stone Age or Chalcalithic Age.

Question 2.
What is Indus – valley civilization?
The Indus Valley civilization is also called as the Harrappan civilization because:

  1. Most of the artifacts of this civilization are discovered from this side.
  2. It extended over a bigger area than any of other side of this civilization.

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Question 3.
Write the characteristics of the cities of Harappa?
Harappan cities and their town planning:

The cities of Mohan – jo – daro and Harrappa were well – planned. They were divided in two parts. The upper part built on raised platforms is known as citadel. The lower part where majority of population lived had to take refuse sometimes in the citadel. The roads in the cities were straight and intersected each other perpendicularly.

Grainaries were the most impressive buildings in the citadel of Harrappa. They were neatly laid out in rectangles and lay close to the river. These granaries used to be full to meet out the demands of city dwellers. Some palace-like buildings have also been found. A building having a big hall has also been found. The best known of the building is citadel is called Great Bath.

The Great Bath resembled a large swimming pool. Houses in the Mohen – jo – daro were carefully planned. They were built of brick and had thick, strong walls, which were plastered and coloured. The roofs were flat. Their doors and windows were made of wood. The kitchen had a fireplace and large jar of pottery.

The main points of Harrappan’s cities:

  1. The use of fired bricks in building was the speciality of the Harrappan Civilization. These were not used in the contemporary Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.
  2. The Harrappan people were the first to develop planned cities with a network of streets and drainage system.

Question 4.
Write the name of the life giving river in Harappa?
Indus river.

Question 5.
Write the main characteristics of the craft and technical knowledge in the Harappan civilization?
Harrappan civilization belong to the Bronze Age. Bronze is made by mixing zinc or tin with copper. Bronze is stronger than copper. The things found in excavations. prove that the people of this civilization had well developed the art of melting, moulding Their doors and windows were made of and mixing metals.

The artisans were proficient in making earthern untensils, rasp and toys. They also made ornaments of silver, gold and precious stones. The statue of a dancer in bronze is the best example of the Harappans Sculpture.

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Question 6.
Write the difference between Janpada and Mahajanpada?
Aryans were organised into Tribe or Janas. The territory where the tribe or janas had settled was known as Janpad. In the beginning only the people of particular class lived in Janpad. The big and powerful Janpada are called Mahajanpada. Most of the Mahajanpadas were to the north of the Vindhyas and spread from the western border area to Bihar.

Question 7.
Which Janpadas were there in Madhya Pradesh in 600 B.C.?
Avanti and Chodi.

Question 8.
Write about the food habits of the Vedic people?
All the food grains known today were grown in the Vedic Period. Similarly they also knew about all the animals. People cooked rice, wheat flour and pulses for food. The use of milk, butter and ghee was common. Fruits, vegetables, pulses and meat were included in the meals. They also took honey and the in toxicating drink Sura. Som was drunk during religions festivals. The drinking of Sow and Sura was discouraged as these instigated people to inelegant behaviour.

Question 9.
Which metal was used to make equipments in the beginning of the Vedic period? What difference occurred in these equipments in the post vedic period?
Only copper was used to make equipments in the beginning of the vedic period. Later when the metal iron was Renown, copper was called the red iron and iron was called the black iron.

Question 10.
What was ‘Shreni’?
“Shreni” sasthe ossociationof artisans.

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Question 11.
What did Selucas do after his defeat with Chandra Gupta Maurya?
After the defeat Selucus got his daughter married to Chandragupta Maurya and sent Megashtnese as his Ambassador to Patliputra.

Question 12.
Where was the Ashoka pillar with four lions found in Madhya Pradesh?
The pillar of Ashoka on which four lions are inscribed is now in Sanchi museum. These pillars were found at Sanchi and Barhat.

Question 13.
How many years did Emperor Ashoka stay in Ujjain?
Ashoka worked as the governer of Avanti (Ujjain) for 12 years.

Question 14.
Describe the functions of the village Education Committee?
The following committees are working at the village and city levels:

1. Village/ward education committee:
The task of this committee is to help in giving elementary education to children. It also participates in the management of schools.

2. Village/Ward security committee:
This committee looks after the security matters of the people in the village or ward or city. It also helps the police to prevent crime.

3. Parent – Teacher’s Association:
Presently in Madhya Pradesh a Parent – Teachers Association has been formed in every Government Primary and Middle School. This association works for cent percent enrollment of children in schools, their regular presence in schools, arrangement of mid – day meal for children in schools, educational achievement of children, taking measures to make teachers available for schools.

Question 15.
What is meant by Scheduled Tribes?
Only those communities are called the scheduled tribes which have been scheduled in the constitution by the Government.

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Question 16.
What should be the proportion of length and breadth in the National Flag?
The shape of the National Flag is rectangular. The length and breadth of the flag are 3:2 proportion.

Question 17.
Name the national animal of India?
The National Animal is Tiger. It is a large and powerful animal. Its hunting is a punishable crime.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 2 Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What were the reasons of the expansion of the Magadha Empire?
The three main reasons of expansion of Magadha empire were:

  1. The land was fertile enough to produce crops.
  2. The area of Magadha had ample amount of iron, which was used to make weapons and equipments.
  3. Trade through boats was done in the Ganga river, so the merchants could go abroad through the ports.

Question 2.
What is meant by the Harappan Civilization? Give the reasons for the decline of the Harappan Civilization?
The Indus Valley civilization is also called as the Harrappan civilization because:

  1. Most of the artifacts of this civiliation are discovered from this side.
  2. It extended over a bigger area than any of other side of this civilization.

The following reasons have been attributed to the probable decline of the Harrappan civilization on the basis of the evidences found so far:

  1. The river Indus have changed its route due to earthquake causing great landslides which buried the cities under earth.
  2. Some historians believe that the civilization was destroyed by Aryan invasion.
  3. The scarcity of rain in this area and the increase in the desert land adversely affected agriculture and animal rearing which caused the decline of the civilization.
  4. Some people presume that the civilization declined due the flood in the river Indus.

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Question 3.
Describe the social and economic life in the Vedic Period?
The Aryans society was divided into four castes. They were: Kshatriyas, Brahmans, Vaishyas and Surdas. At first, these castes were based on occupations and activities in society. For instance, a boy could choose whatever occupation he liked.

The king and his warriors were called Kshatriyas. Those who performed the religious ceremonies were called Vaishyas. Those who served all the above three castes were called Shudras. But later on sons began to do the same work as their fathers. So birth became the basis of caste.

The economic life of the people depended on agriculture, art, handicrafts and trade in the Vedic Period. The bulls and oxen were used for farming and pulling vehicles. Chariots were drawn by horses. The main occupations at the initial stage were making utensils, weaving cloth, carpentry, metallurgy, etc.

Question 4.
Throw light on the economic political and religious life in the Magadha Empire?
Magadha had the following natural advantages which made it to grow strong And rich kingdom:

1. Large deposits of Iron:
Magadha had large deposits of iron ore in the present Chhota Nagpur region. This newly discovered metal was very value about at the time for both weapons and implements. That was why people wanted to buy it. This made Magadha rich and powerful.

2. Control over Ganga Valley:
In those days much of the trade in the Ganga plain was carried on by boats on the river. Bimbisara conquered the kingdom of Anga. The important river – port of Champa was in the kingdom of Anga from which ships sailed down to the delta of the Ganga and then along the east coast of India. This trade of Magadha made it both wealthy and powerful.

3. Fertile Plain of Ganga:
Ganga plain was very fertile. It made Magadha very rich and powerful.

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Question 5.
Throw light on the relation between people participation and community development?
Public Participation is very importance for the development of the community. For example, if basic human facilities like drinking water, hospital or education is not locally alternative resources. So they can solve their problems independently is fostered among the public.

Public participation encourages the people to improve their condition, the work of the state and central governments are distributed to the people by public participation.

Question 6.
State the physical divisions of India. Describe any one of them?
Physically India has been divided into five parts. These are:

  1. North Indian Mountain – ranges
  2. North Indian Plains
  3. Deccan Plataeu
  4. Eastern and Wester Ghats
  5. Coastal Plains and Groups of Islands.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 2 Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Harappan people did not know about –
(a) gold
(b) silver
(c) copper
(d) iron
(d) iron

Question 2.
Where in Madhya Pradesh was seal of the Harappan Civilization found –
(a) Maheshwar
(b) Nagda
(c) Kutwar
(d) Kaitha
(d) Kaitha

Question 3.
The Avanti Mahajanpada was ruled by –
(a) Bimbisara
(b) Ajat Shatru
(c) Udayan
(d) Pradyot
(b) Ajat Shatru

Question 4.
Punch marked coins were used in the –
(a) Harappan period
(b) Period of Janpadas and Mahajanpadas
(c) Vedic period
(d) Stone age.
(b) Period of Janpadas and Mahajanpadas

Question 5.
Jana – gana – mana is –
(a) The National song
(b) The National Anthem
(c) A Provincial song
(d) A National Symbol
(b) The National Anthem

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Question 6.
Bhils belong to the –
(a) scheduled casts
(b) Scheduled tribes
(c) other backward classes
(d) general category.
(b) Scheduled tribes

Question 7.
In which part of Asia is India situated?
(a) Eastern
(b) Western
(c) Northern
(d) Southern
(d) Southern

Question 8.
Which country is in the South of Asia?
(a) Nepal
(b) Pakistan
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Srilanka
(d) Srilanka

Question 9.
In which state is the place with maximum railfall situated?
(a) Assam
(b) Meghalaya
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Tripura.
(b) Meghalaya

Fill in the blanks:

  1. The Indus Valley civilization is also known as the …………….
  2. The copper age of the Harappan civilization is also known as ……………….
  3.  ………………. occupied the throne of Magadha after Ajat shatru.
  4. The ancient name of Ujjain is …………………..
  5. The founder of the Nanda Dynasty was ……………………..
  6. Shishu Naag was the ruler of ………………. province
  7. The 24th Tirthankar of the Jain religion was ……………………
  8. Gautam Buddha was known as in ……………….. childhood.
  9. Ashoka changed after the ……………. war.
  10. The book ‘Indica’ was written by ……………..
  11. Shunga dynasty was founded by ………………….
  12. India ranks ………………. in the worlds in area.
  13. The capital of the Andaman and Nicobar group of islands is …………………
  14. The climate of India is ………………….


  1. Harappan Civilization
  2. Chakolithic
  3. Udyan
  4. Avanti
  5. Nandivardhan
  6. Kashi
  7. Vardhaman Mahavir
  8. Sidharth
  9. Kalinga
  10. Magesthoese
  11. Agnimitre
  12. Seventh
  13. Port Blair
  14. Monsoon

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Pick the odd one out:

  1. Euphrates and Tigris, Indus, Nile, Kalibangan
  2. Lothal, Kalibangan, Dhaulabira, Bhopal
  3. Rishi, Shreshthi, Mukhiya, Police
  4. Brahman, Vaishya, Ksntriya, Sunar
  5. Bharat, Avanti, Magadha, Kbsala,
  6. Kashi, Vasa, Anga, Ajatshatru
  7. Bhil, Bhagoriya, Sahariya, Pithora
  8. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Agartala, Punjab
  9. Himadri, Himachal, Aravalli, Shivalik


  1. Kalibangan
  2. Bhopal
  3. Police
  4. Sunar
  5. Bharat
  6. Vatsa
  7. Pithora
  8. Agartala
  9. Himachal

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions

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