In this article, we will share MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Chapter 6 Government at the Center Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Chapter 6 Government at the Center
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 6 Text Book Questions
Choose the correct alternative from the following
Question 1.
The minimum age to become the member of Rajya Sabha is:
(a) 35 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 40 years
(d) 25 years
(b) 30 years
Question 2.
The minimum number of the members of the Lok Sabha are:
(a) 230
(b) 545
(c) 250
(d) 552
(b) 545
Question 3.
The maximum difference between the two sittings of the Lok Sabha is:
(a) 1 year
(b) 3 months
(c) 6 months
(d) 9 months
(c) 6 months
Fill in the blanks:
- In India ……………… is the age for adult franchise.
- ……………… presides over the sittings in Lok Sabha.
- The number of members decided by the Indian constitution for Rajya Sabha is
- The term of a Rajya Sabha member is ………… years.
- The President has the power to nominate ……… number of members in die Rajya Sabha.
- …………. is the ex-office member of the Rajya Sabha.
- 18 years
- Speaker
- 250
- six years
- 12
- Vice President
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 6 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Mention three qualifications to become the member of Lok Sabha.
Three qualifications to become the member of Lok Sabha:
- He / She should be a citizen of India and his / hername should beinthe elctoralroll
- He should have acquired the age of 25 years.
- He should not be proclaimed bankrupt or insolvent by the court
Question 2.
Mention the three qualifications for a voter.
Three qualifications for a voter are:
- He / She must be a citizen of India and must have completed the age of 18 years.
- His / Her name must be in the voters list of the constituency to which he / she belongs.
- He must not be insolvent, bankrupt and must be sane.
Question 3.
What do you understand by First Reading?
In it, copies of the bill are given to the members. The person or minister who introduces the bill in the House, gives a speech explaining the purpose of the bill The proposal of this bill is published in the government gazette of the central government.
Question 4.
Mention five subjects given in the Central List
Among 97 subjects, 5 subjects given the Central List are:
- Army
- Bank
- Currency
- Railways
- Post & telegraphs.
Question 5.
What is concurrent list?
Concurrent list consists of 52 subjects on which both the Parliament and State Legislatures have the power to make laws.
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 6 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
The Rajya Sabha is a Permanent body. Explain how?
Rajya Sabha is a permanent body, it is never dissolved. The term of a Rajya Sabha member is six years. One third of its members retire every two years after the completion of their term of six years. In their place a set of new members are elected by the members of the legislative assembly. In the same way one third of its nominated members are also replaced after six years by the President
Question 2.
Describe any two functions of the Parliament.
The Parliament has a number of functions of which two are given below:
1. To make laws – The Parliament makes laws on all the 97 subjects given in the central list It also makes laws on the 52 subjects mentioned in the concurrent list. It also makes laws on the subjects given in the residuary list from time to time.
2. Control over the executive – The central executive is formed from among-st the members of the Parliament The Parliament controls this executive. This is done by various methods like asking questions and supplementary questions, agreements over bills and non – agreement over passing of a bill, calling attention motion and passing no – confidence motion.
Question 3.
Describe in brief how a bill is made a law.
Every bill has to go through three stages in the Parliament. These stages are:
- The first reading of the bill – In it, copies of the bill are given to the members. The person or minister who introduces the bill in the House, gives a speech explaining die purpose of die bill.
- The second reading – In the second reading, a clause / by – clause discussion takes place on the bill.
- The third reading – in the third reading the bill as a whole is finally discussed and put to vote.
If the majority of the members are in its favor, the bill is passed. Now the bill is sent to the other House. After the bill is sent to the other House, it goes through all the three stages as mentioned above. After toe other House passes toe bill, it is sent to toe President for his assent The bill becomes a law after it is signed by toe President.