MP Board Class 7th Special English Vocabulary
Some Collective Nouns
- A shoal of fish
- A bunch of flowers
- A fleet of ships
- A herd of cattle
- A shelf of books
- A team of players
- A crowd of people
- A choir of singers
- A litter of puppies
- A bunch of grapes
- A gang of criminals
- A troop of monkeys
- An army of soldiers
- A pack of wolves
- A class of students
- A school of whales
- A flock of sheep
- A pride of lions
- A heap of stones
- A bundle of sticks
- A bouquet of foyers
- A band of musicians
- A crew of sailors
- A swarm of bees
Pair of nouns
- Arts and sciences
- Bag and baggage
- Bow and arrow
- Bread and butter
- Flesh and blood
- Friend or foe
- Hand and foot
- Heart and soul
- Heaven and earth
- Horse and cart
- Hue and cry
- King and Queen
- Ladies and gentlemen
- Land and sea
- Light and shade
- Lock and key
- Male and female
- Man and beast
Sounds made by Animals
- Bears ______ growl
- Bees ______ hum
- Birds ______ sing, chirp, twitter
- Cats ______ purr, mew
- Cocks ______ crow
- Cows ______ moo
- Dogs ______ bark
- Ducks ______ quack
- Elephants ______ trumpet
- Flies ______ buzz
- Frogs ______ croak
- Geese ______ cackle
- Goats ______ bleat
- Hens ______ cackle, cluck
- Horses ______ neigh
- Lambs ______ bleat
Sounds made by objects
- Airplanes – zoom
- Bells – ring
- Bombs – explode
- Camera – click
- Clocks – tick
- Drums – beat
- Coins – jingle
- Doors – slam, bang
- Drums – beat
- Engines – throb
- Feet – shuffle
- Fire – crackles
- Guns – boom
- Hands – clap
- Hearts – beat
- Loudspeakers – blase
One Word for the Group of Words
- One who is liked by the people – Popular
- One who believes in God – Theist
- One who dpes not believe in God – Atheist
- One who look at the bright side of things – optimistic
- One who can neither read near write – Illiterate
- A place hied up for reading and studying – Library
- A place whore birds, animals etc. are kept – Zoo
- A disease that ends’ in death – Fatal
- Word for word – Verbal
- Fit to be eaten – Edible
- The person who flies airplanes – Pilot
- The person who mends our shoes – Cobbler
- Artist – One who draws, paints etc.
- Actor – One who plays a part on the stage or in a film.
- Architect – One who design buildings.
- Astronaut – One trained for space travel.
- Author – One who writes bocks and stories.
- Baby sitter – One who looks after a baby.
- Butcher – One who sells meat.
- Carpenter – One who makes things out of wood.
- Coach – One who gives special training in games and sports.
- Cobber – One who mends shoes.
- Dentist – One who attends to people’s teeth.
- Editor – One who improves and prepares for publication for printing.
- Electrician – One who fits or repairs electrical devices
- Grocer – One who sells foodstuff and other household needs.
- Hawker – One who moves from place to place to sell things.
- journalist – One who corrects, edits or publishes a newspaper.
- Lawyer – One who handles matters of law and fights court cases.
- Optician – One who tests eye sight and sells spectacles:
- Plumber – One who fits or repair water pipes, drowns, sinks, toilets etc.
- Surgeon – A doctor who performs operations
Young Ones of Animals
- Ass – Foal
- Bear – Cub
- Tiger – Cub
- Deer – Fawn
- Cat – Kitten
- Cow – Calf
- Dog – Puppy
- Duck – Duckling
- Goat – Kid
- Hen – Chicken
- Horse – colt
- Hare – Leveret
- Sheep – Lamb
- Elephant – calf
- Wolf – cub
- Stag – fawn