MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 3

MP Board Class 8th General English Solutions Revision Exercises 3

Read and Learn
(पढ़ो और याद करें):
Do Yourself.

Word Power
(शब्द सामर्थ्य):

(A) Add suffix ‘ly’ to the following words and make sentences of your own:
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों में ‘ly’ प्रत्यय जोड़ें और अपने वाक्य बनाएँ:)
1. polite politely
We should speak politely.

2. general – generally
Generally he comes late at home.

3. Quiet – Quietly
Ram entered the room quietly.

4. happy – happily
We happily returned from our journey.

5. slow – slowly
He works very slowly.

6. faithful – faithfully
He faithfully served his master.

7. Kind – kindly
The doctor attended the patient kindly.

(B) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words given in the box:
(बॉक्स में दिये गये शब्दों में से सही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थान भरें:)

  1. We should …….. other passengers in a bus.
  2. Birds ……… from one place to the other.
  3. We must …….. water.


  1. accommodate
  2. migrate
  3. conserve.

MP Board Solutions

(C) Give one word for the following:
(निम्नलिखित के लिए एक शब्द चुनें।)
1. A small area of still water, especially one that is artificial.
2. A wild plant growing where it is not wanted.
1. pond
2. weed.

(D) Use the following pairs of words in sentences to show the difference in their meanings.
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के जोड़ों को उनके अर्थों में भिन्नता दिखाने के लिए वाक्यों में प्रयोग करें।)
1. childlike – His father has childlike manners.
Childish – Elders should leave childish qualities.

2. dairy – We bring the milk from dairy.
diary-I write a diary daily.

3. adopt – Ram has adopted a child.
adapt-One should adapt oneself to one’s environment.

4. Birth – Please tell me your date of birth.
Berth-I have already got a berth reserved in
II class compartment.

5. deer – The hunter hunted a deer with his gun.
dear – My mother is very dear to me.

(E) Classify the following words according to their sounds:
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों को उनकी ध्वनियों के अनुसार वर्गीकृत करें:)
MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 3-1

(बोध प्रश्न):

A. Answer the following questions:
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)

Question 1.
What is the meaning of water conservation ?
Water conservation means to save and conserve water for use in future.

Question 2.
Mention the names of tribal rich areas in M.P.
(मेन्शन द नेम्स ऑफ ट्राइबल रिच एरियास इन एम. पी.)
एमः पी. के जाति समृद्ध क्षेत्रों के नाम बताइए।
The areas in which tribes live in M.P. are Jhabua, Dhar, Khargone, Barwani, Ratlam etc.
(द एरियास इन विच ट्राइब्स लिव इन एम. पी. आर. झाबुआ, धार, खरगोन, बरवानी, रतलाम ऐटसेटरा.)
जिन जगहों पर एम. पी. में जनजातियाँ पाई जाती हैं वो हैं झाबुआ, धार, खरगोन, बरवानी, रतलाम इत्यादि।

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Question 3.
What did the voice from the pond say ?
(व्हॉट डिड द वॉइस फ्रॉम द पाँड से ?)
तालाब से आवाज़ ने क्या कहा ?
The voice said not to drink the water before the conditions for drinking water from the pool are fulfilled.
(द वॉइस सैड नॉट टु ड्रिंक द वॉटर बिफोर द कंडिशन्स फॉर ड्रिंकिंग वॉटर फ्रॉम द पूल आर फुलफिल्ड.)
आवाज ने कहा कि जब तक तालाब के नियमों का पालन न हो, पानी न पिया जाए।

Question 4.
When and where was Chandra Shekhar born ?
(व्हेन एण्ड व्हेयर वॉज़ चन्द्रशेखर बॉर्न ?)
चन्द्रशेखर का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ था ?
Chandra Shekhar was born on 23rd July, 1906 in village Bhabra in Jhabua district.
(चन्द्रशेखर वॉज़ बॉर्न ऑन 23 जुलाई, 1906 इन विलेज भाबरा इन झाबुआ डिस्ट्रिक्ट।)
चन्द्रशेखर का जन्म 23 जुलाई, 1906 को भाबरा गाँव, जिला झाबुआ में हुआ था।

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Question 5.
Who told the secret to the boy ?
(हू टोल्ड द सीक्रेट टू द बॉय ?)
लड़के को रहस्य किसने बताया?
The tree told the secret to the boy.
(द ट्री टोल्ड द सीक्रेट टू द बॉय?)
लड़के को रहस्य पेड़ ने बताया।

Question 6.
How did Chandra Shekhar prove his name Azad ?
(हाउ डिड चन्द्रशेखर प्रूव हिज़ नेम आजाद ?)
चन्द्रशेखर ने अपना नाम आज़ाद कैसे सिद्ध किया ?
Once he was surrounded by police in a park. He didn’t surrender but shot himself. Thus he proved his name Azad by not being caught alive.
(वन्स ही वॉज़ सराउन्डिंड बाय पुलिस इन अ पार्क. ही डिडन्ट सरेन्डर बट शॉट हिमसेल्फ. दस ही प्रूव्ड हिज़ नेम आज़ाद बाय नॉट बीइन्ग कॉट अलाइव।)
एक बार पुलिस ने एक पार्क में उन्हें घेर लिया था। उन्होंने समर्पण नहीं किया, पर स्वयं को गोली मार ली। इस तरह उन्होंने जिन्दा न पकड़े जाने से अपना नाम आजाद सिद्ध कर दिया।

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Question 7.
What is the secret ?
(व्हॉट इज़ द सीक्रेट ?)
रहस्य क्या है ?
The secret is that the birds has built a nest in the tree and has laid four little eggs in it.
(द सीक्रेट इज़ दैट द बर्ड हैज़ बिल्ट अ नेस्ट इन द ट्री एण्ड हैज़ लेड फोर लिटिल ऐग्सि इन इट।)
रहस्य यह है कि चिड़िया ने पेड़ में एक घोंसला बनाया है और उसमें चार छोटे अण्डे दिये हैं।

Question 8.
What moral do you draw from this story ?
(व्हॉट मॉरल डू यू ड्रॉ फ्रॉम दिस स्टोरी ?)
इस कहानी से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?
Virtue never goes unrewarded.
(वयूँ नेवर गोज़ अनरिवॉर्डिड.)
सद्गुण कभी प्रतिफल के बिना नहीं जाता।

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B. Choose the correct answers:
(सहि उत्तर चुने:)

Question 1.
‘Burning issues’ mean:
(a) painful topics
(b) unwanted topics
(C) important topics.
(c) important topics.

Question 2.
We receive water for irrigation:
(a) through rainfall
(b) by melting snow
(c) from the sea.
(a) through rainfall.

C. Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:
1. Is Teejan Bai famous for singing pandvani ?
2. Do the Bhils like colorful dresses ?
1. Yes
2. Yes.

D. Match the following:
(निम्न का मिलान करें:)
MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 3-2
(1) → (c) Yudhishthira,
(2) → (a) we are all gay,
(3) → (b) was for the protection of forests

Let’s Learn
(आओ याद करें):

A. Change the following sentences into simple past tense:
(निम्न वाक्यों को साधारण भूतकाल में बदलें:)

  1. Leela lives in Gwalior.
  2. He wants to write an article. .
  3. The students attend the function.


  1. Leela lived in Gwalior.
  2. He wanted to write an article.
  3. The students attended the function.

B. Change the following sentences into the passive voice:
(निम्न वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलें:)

  1. The teacher guided me.
  2. The children make toys.
  3. Bring some water.


  1. I was guided by the teacher.
  2. Toys are made by the children.
  3. Let some water be brought.

MP Board Solutions

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliary verbs:
(उचित modal auxiliary क्रियाओं से रिक्त स्थान भरें:)

  1. The weather report says it ……. rain today.
  2. ……… I use your pen ?
  3. There ….. be more trouble in future.


  1. may
  2. May
  3. might.

D. Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verb given in brackets:
(कोष्ठक में दियो गये क्रियाओं से सहि रुप का प्रयोग कर निम्न वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)
1. Pari told a lie, so he punished her.
2. His turban is clean, he washed it yesterday.

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Let’s Read
(आओ पढ़ें):

A. Read the passage carefully:
Now answer the following questions:
(गद्यांश को ध्यान से पढ़ें। अब निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)

Question 1.
When is Eid celebrated ?
Eid is celebrated at the end of the holy month of Ramzan.

Question 2.
What is Ramzan ?
Ramzan is a month of purification, fasting and prayer.

Question 3.
What do children wear on this day ?
Children wear new clothes on this day.

MP Board Solutions

Question 4.
Where do children go with their elders ?
Children go to Eidgah with their elders.

Question 5.
How do people greet one another on this day?
People greet by hugging one another on this day.

B. Read the given poem carefully:
Now answer the following questions:
(कविता को ध्यानपूवक पढ़ें)
(अब निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)

Question 1.
What is the poem about?
The poem is about the qualities of a teacher.

Question 2.
Give one reason why the poet loves his teacher.
The poet loves his teacher because he is full of light.

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Question 3.
Give the rhyming words for: life, light
strife, bright.

Question 4.
Give a suitable title to the poem.
The suitable title of the poem is – ‘My teacher’

Let’s Write
(आओ लिखो):

Question 1.
Write a note on the conservation of water.
(पानी को संरक्षण पर एक नोट लिखें:)
The word conservation means to save something. Conservation of water means that we should all save rain water in rivers, ponds, wells and in the fields to raise the ground water level of the earth. We should use water with economy. When rain water is filtered in the earth, it no longer remains thirsty. For conservation of water we are trying to harvest rain water at different levels.

Question 2.
Write in your own words an account of the life of Bhils.
(भीलों के जीवन का विवरण अपने शब्दों में लिखें।)
Bhils are found in M.P., Gujrat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. They love forests and thus settle near forests. Their houses are made of wood, bamboo with tiled roofs. Men wear dhoti, banded and co-loured turban and the females wear ghaghara with polka Kanchali. They are very fond of ornaments. They celebrate festivals like Divasa, Diwali, Navai.

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Question 3.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics:
(निम्नलिखित विषयों में से किसी एक पर एक निबन्ध लिखें।)
(a) My School
(b) Any Festival
(c) Wonders of Science.


(a) My School

I read in Senior Model School, Bhopal. It is situated in a peaceful environment as it is far from | the city. It has a red building with fifteen rooms. It has a big hall, a library, store room, games and sports room, clerks room and principal’s room. My school has a big play ground where cricket, hockey, football and other games are played. The name of my Principal is Mr. S.D. Sharma. He is a learned person.

There are 35 teachers in my school. All the teachers are well qualified The library of our school is well managed. We can read magazines and newspapers there. Annual functions are held in our school. There is a scheme of holding debate on every Saturday in my school. Sometimes picnics and tours are arranged in my school. All the children come in proper uniform to the school. I love my school very much.

कठिन शब्द –

  • Peaceful environment = शान्त वातावरण
  • situated = स्थित
  • well qualified = सुयोग्य
  • Debate = वाद – विवाद
  • Magazines = पत्रिकाएँ

(b) Any Festival

India is a land of festivals. We mainly celebrate festivals for fun and joy. We celebrate Holi, Diwali, Dusshera, Raksha Bandhan and many other festivals. Diwali is my favorite festival. It is the festival of lights. It is so called because people light candles and lamps. It is celebrated because Lord Ram had come Lack from banishment after killing Ravana. People of Ayodhya and illuminated the city.

Before this day we clean and whitewash our houses. We worship Goddess Laxmi on this day. We decorate our houses. Children play with fire crackers. We exchange sweets with our relatives and friends. Some people enjoy in their own way by drinking and gambling. Sometimes children get hurt by crackers. So we should take proper care while celebrating Diwali.

कठिन शब्द –

  • festival = त्योहार
  • light = जलान
  • worship = पूजा करना
  • banishment = अज्ञातवास।
  • whitewash = सफेदी करना
  • decorate = सजाना
  • crackers = पटाखे
  • celebrate = मनाना।

(c) Wonders of Science

Today Science is the life of human beings. It is the age of science. All our luxuries, comforts are the gifts of science.
Electricity is the most useful gift of science. It gives us light. Heaters, fans, coolers, refrigerators, computers etc. all work on electricity. It also runs machines and trains. Many new methods in the field of surgery and medicines have been possible because of science. We have conquered death and disease to a great extent.

Plastic surgery can transform the face. Science has made man reach the moon. Fast means of transport and communication help us to reach distant places in a short time. On the other hand science is a bad master. Atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and missiles are the products of science. If science is used as a servant, it is useful but if it becomes our master, it is very dangerous.”

कठिन शब्द –

  • luxuries = भोगविलास
  • Surgery = शल्यशास्त्र
  • conquered = जीतना
  • transform = बदलना।

(iv) Write an application to the Head Master of your school requesting him to provide you free textbooks.
(निःशुल्क पुस्तकें देने की प्रार्थना करते हुए अपने विद्यालय के प्रधानाध्यापक को एक प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें:)

The Head Master,
Govt. Middle School.

Respected Sir,
I beg to state that I am the student of your school studying in class VIII. I belong to a very poor family. My father is a farmer. He is unable to bear the expenses of my studies. I am a very good student. I shall be highly obliged if you provide me free text books. Then only I shall be able to continue my studies. Thanking you,

Yours obediently
Rahul Sharma
Roll No. 21.
Class-VIII (C)
Dated : 6th July, 20…….

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

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