MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Memory Chart
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 1

Active से Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम –

  1. Active Voice के Subject को Passive Voice में Subject बना दिया जाता है।
  2. Active Voice के Subject को Passive Voice में Object बना देते हैं और उसको पूर्व रखा जाता है।
  3. Passive Voice के Main Verb को सदैव Third Form में प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  4. Main Verb से पहले Tense के अनुसार सहायक क्रिया लगाई जाती है।

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1. Present Indefinite Tense
नियमः Verb की Third form से पूर्व is, are or am लगाया जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 2

Change the Voice:

  1. We take milk.
  2. He reads his books.
  3. He does not help me.
  4. Do you like her?
  5. They do not help me.

2. Present Continuous Tense
Rule: Verb की Third form से पूर्व is being, am being, are being लगाया जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 3

Change the Voice:

  1. Raj is doing his home-work.
  2. The boys are dong their sums.
  3. The women are not buying vegetables.
  4. Are you chasing the dog?
  5. Who is wasting the time?

3. Present Perfect Tense
Rule: Verb की Third form से पूर्व has been या have been रखा जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 4

Change the Voice:

  1. This man has killed a dog.
  2. Rajesh has not plucked mangoes.
  3. I have not hurt any body.
  4. These boys have not seen the Taj.
  5. She has drown this picture.

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4. Past Indefinite Tense
Rule: Verb की Third form से पूर्व was या were का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 5

Change the Voice:

  1. The farmer killed the snake.
  2. The old man flew a kite.
  3. They never helped any beggar.
  4. I joined the two pieces of the rope.
  5. Did he visit the historical place?

5. Past Continuous Tense
Rule: Verb की Third form से पहले was being या were being रखा जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 6

Change the Voice:

  1. He was teaching his sister.
  2. She was wasting her time.
  3. Were they ploughing their fields?
  4. Where were the boys hiding your books?
  5. He was using a machine.

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6. Past Perfect Tense
Rule: Verb की Third form से पूर्व had been लगा दिया जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 7

Change the Voice:

  1. He had burnt his hand.
  2. She had deceived me.
  3. They had bought an apple.
  4. Where had the washerman lost your clothes?
  5. Who had plucked the flowers?

7. Future Indefinite Tense
Rule: Verb की Third form से पूर्व will be या shall be लगा दिया जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 8

Change the Voice:

  1. I shall snub him.
  2. We shall obey you.
  3. The servant will clean the room.
  4. They will not eat these mangoes.
  5. Will you meet him?

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8. Future Perfect Tense
Rule: क्रिया की Third form से पूर्व will have been या shall have been रखा जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 9

Change the Voice:

  1. The labourers will have their work.
  2. They will have watered their fields.
  3. The priest will have worshipped Shankar.
  4. The teacher will have taught me.
  5. Will the miser have sold his shop?

9. Imperative Sentences
Rule: Verb की Third form से पूर्व let be लगाया जाता है अथवा should be लगाया जाता है। यदि Please का प्रयोग भी किया गया हो तो should के स्थान पर you are requested लगा दिया जाता है।
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 10

Change the Voice:

  1. Do it now.
  2. Serve your parents.
  3. Give a rupee to the beggar.
  4. Never waste your time.
  5. Come to me and show your teeth.
  6. Bring your book.
  7. Let me help this patient.
  8. Please sit down.

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MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Time and Tense

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Time and Tense

(A) Time and Tence

1. Look at these sentences:
Kapil plays cricket.
Kapil played cricket.
Kapil ivill play cricket.

इन वाक्यों में plays, played तथा will play verbs हैं।

  1. plays present tense है तथा इससे present time का बोध होता है।
  2. played past tense है तथा इससे past time का बोध होता है।
  3. will play future tense है (किंतु modern grammarians इसे present tense कहते हैं) तथा इससे future time का बोध होता है।

इन वाक्यों से पता चलता है कि present, past तथा future tense क्रमशः present, past तथा future time का बोध कराते हैं।

By Tense we understand the correspondence between the form of the verb and our concept of time (past, present and future).

किंतु Time और Tense दोनों एक नहीं हैं। Time एक universal concept है, किंतु Tense का संबंध verb से होता है।
Time को हम तीन भागों में बाँटते हैं:
Past Time, Present Time, Furture Time
अब time और tense के संबंध को देखें:

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(B) Kinds of Tense
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Time and Tense 1

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(C) Verb Forms
English Grammar में Verb का असली रूप present tense तथा plural number माना जाता है। Verb के पाँच रूप होते हैं।

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Time and Tense 2

Examples Worked Out

Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1. The sun (shine) by day. – The sun shines by day.
2. Two and two (make) four. – Two and two make/makes four.
3. I (see) him last Monday. – I saw him last Monday.
4. He will do it if you (pay) him. – He will do it if you pay him.
5. She (be) born in 1965. – She was born in 1965.
6. I (live) here since 1980. – I have been living here since 1980.
7. Tom (arrive) last night. – Tom arrived last night.
8. Since when you know) him? – Since when have you known him?
9. I never (see) the Taj. – I have never seen the Taj.
10. The earth (move) round the sun. – The earth moves round the sun.
11. He (write) a letter now. – He is writing a letter now.
12. Did you (sleep) well? – Did you sleep well?
13. I (pass) the exam. in 1980. – I passed the exam. in 1980.
14. Honesty (be) the best policy. – Honesty is the best policy.
15. Onions (smell). – Onions smell.
16. We (see) him the other day. – We saw him the other day.
17. I (not see) him so far. – I haven’t seen him so far.
18. She (read) a book at present. – She is reading a book at present.
19. He (go) out an hour ago. – He went out an hour ago.
20. Horse (be) animals). – Horses are animals.

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Re-write the following sentences in the tenses indicated in brackets:
Examples: (i) He comes very early. (into simple past)
= He came very early.
(ii) You ride a bicycle. (into simple future)
You will ride a bicycle.

1. He comes very early. (into simple past)
2. You ride a bicycle. (into simple future)
3. He will say ‘no’. (into simple present)
4. It begins to rain. (into present perfect)
5. Soma made tea. (into future continuous)
6. We heard his speech. (into present perfect)
7. They go to the cinema. (into present continuous)
8. Boys play cricket here. (into present perfect continuous)
9. She comes here on Sundays. (into simple future)
10. I am going to have a bath. (into past continuous)
11. Did he like tea? (into simple present)
12. Moti has thrown the ball. (into past perfect)
13. He writes a long letter. (into present continuous)
14. They drove a car. (into simple future)
15. I thank him for his help. (into future continuous)
16. We waited here for long. (into present perfect continuous)
17. Mr. Sinha teaches us Hindi. (into simple past)
18. She has a sweet voice. (into simple future)
19. He does his work honestly.(into present perfect)

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Clause

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Clause

1. Look at these sentences:
I shouted and he ran up.
I called her but she gave no answer.
(i) प्रथम वाक्य में I shouted और he ran up में एक-एक subject और एक-एक finite verb हैं।
(ii) उसी प्रकार दूसरे वाक्य में I called her तथा she gave no answer में भी एक-एक subject और एक-एक finite verb हैं।
(iii) इस प्रकार प्रत्येक subject+verb वाले अंश को clause कहते हैं।
(iv) ऊपर के वाक्यों में and तथा but से दोनों clauses को जोड़ा गया है।
clause शब्दों के उस समूह को कहते हैं जो किसी वाक्य का अंश (part) हो और जिसमें एक Subject और एक Finite verb हो।

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Kinds of Clauses

Clause मूलतः तीन प्रकार के होते हैं –
(i) Main clause या Principal clause
(ii) Subordinate clause या Dependent clause
(iii) Co-ordinate clause

Main Clauses

2. Look at these sentences:
This is the pen which I like.
Sunday is the day when I am least busy.

(i) इन वाक्यों में This is the pen/Sunday is the day – Main clauses हैं। Main clause it Principal clause या Independent clause भी कहा जाता है।
जो Clause स्वस्तः पूर्ण अर्थ रहता है, और किसी अन्य clause पर आश्रित नहीं रहता, उसे main या principal clause कहते हैं।

Subordinate Clauses

3. Look at these sentences:
I do it because I like it.
I hoped that was true.
Don’t talk while she is singing.
He must stay where he is.

(i) ऊपर के वाक्यों में टेढ़े अक्षरों में लिखे हुए clauses Subordinate clauses हैं।
जो Clause अपने अर्थ की पूर्णता के लिए Main Clause या अन्य Clause पर आश्रित रहता है उसे Subordinate (या Dependent) Clause कहते हैं।

(i) निम्नलिखित Conjunctions से शुरू होने वाले clauses Subordinate clauses होते हैं: as, because, since, before, till, after, while, when, if, unless, though, although, lest, in order that, as soon as provided, that, as if, that, whether, which, where, why, how, as much as, according as, than इत्यादि

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Co-ordinate Clauses

4. Look at these sentences:
Govern your passion or they will govern you. (2 clauses joined by or)
I came, I saw, I conquered. (3 clauses separated by comnas)
To err is human : to forgive; divine. (2 clauses separated by a semicolon)
(i) जो clauses एक ही rank या order (सामान महत्त्व) के होते हैं. Co-ordinate clauses कहलाते हैं।
(ii) ये साधारणः Co-ordinate conjunctions and, or but इत्यादि द्वारा जुड़े रहते हैं या कभी-कभी conjuctions के बदले comma या semi-colon का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(iii) मुख्य Co-ordinating conjunctions निम्नलिखित हैं; and, but, or, still, yet, as well as, both….and, either ….or, however, neither….nor, neither, nor, otherwise, else, for, so, not only….but also, nevertheless इत्यादि।

Compound Sentence

1. Look at these sentences:
God made the country – Simple sentence
Man made the town – Simple sentence
(i) यदि इन दो Simple sentences को किसी conjunction से जोड़ दें तो इनमें प्रत्येक को clause कह सकते हैं। जैसे:
God made the country and man made the town. इस वाक्य में दो clauses हैं और यह Compound sentence है:
(i) God made the country.
(ii) (and) man made the town.

Use of Co-ordinating Conjunctions

आगे कुछ Co-ordinating conjunctions का list और उनसे शुरू होने वाले compound sentences के उदाहरण दिए जा रहे हैं:
and : Man discovered fire and learnt to cook.
but : We knocked at the door, but no one answered.
or : Hurry up or you will be late.
Yet : He is poor, yet he is happy.
still : The best doctors are attending on him, still he is not out of danger.
for : The only lady does not go out in the winter, for she feels the cold a great deal.
so : The man had a stomach pain, so we took him to a doctor.
otherwise : You should better go now, otherwise you will miss your train.
either…or : You may either stay in the hostel or stay at home.
not only…bot also : The enemy not only captured the city, but aslo killed several soldiers.
as well as : He was punished as well as fined.
therefore : He is laborious, therefore he will succeed.
neither…nor : The old man could neither read nor write.
nor : He cannot speak, nor can he write.
else : Walk quickly, else he will overtake you.
nevertheless : I did my best, nevertheless I failed.

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Complex Sentence

1. Look at these sentences :
I know the reason why he was so angry.
That is the house that I would like to buy.
(i) ऊपर के वाक्यों में I know the reason तथा That is the house Main clauses हैं।
(ii) इन्हीं वाक्यों में why he was so angry तथा that I would like to by subordinate clauses हैं।
(iii) Subordinate clauses why तथा that से शुरू हुए है। Why तथा that Subordinate conjunctions हैं।
ऊपर के दोनों वाक्य Complex sentences हैं।

जिस वाक्य में एक Main clause (या Principal clause) और एक या एक से अधिक Subordinate clauses रहें उसे Complex Sentence कहते हैं।

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MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 1

(i) स्तम्भ A के नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों तथा ठीक उनके सामने स्तम्भ B में दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें, अर्थ की दृष्टि से दोनों समान हैं।
(ii) किन्तु एक ही बात को हम दो तरह से कह सकते हैं और तब वाक्यों के words तथा word-order भी अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं।

अतः, हम कह सकते हैं कि किसी वाक्य के meaning को अक्षुण्ण रखते हुए उसके form (रूप) को बदला जा सकता है। अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में इसे Transformation कहते हैं। Transformation का अर्थ होता है-रूप-परिवर्तन An To transform a sentence is to re-write it to change its form without any change of meaning.

अंग्रेजी में वाक्यों के मुख्यतः निम्नलिखित forms हो सकते हैं:
(a) Statement या Assertive (affirmative or negative)
(ii) Question या Interrogative
(iii) Desires या Imperative and Optative तथा
(iv) Exclamations.

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(b) Voice : Active and Passive

(c) (i) Simpel
(ii) Complex
(iii) Double and Multiple (Compound).

(d) Direct and Indirect (Narration).
Voice तथा Narration के विषय में आप पढ़ चुके हैं। यहाँ हम Transformation की अन्य विधियों पर एक-एक कर विचार करेंगे।

(a) Transforming interrogative into assertive

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 2
Interrogative sentence में पहले verb तब subject रहता है, किन्तु assertive sentence में subject + verb का word-order रहता है। Interrogative sentence को assertive में बदलने के लिए:

  1. Verb + subject के word-order के बदले वाक्य में subject + verb का word-order लगाते हैं;
  2. Interrogative mark की जगह full stop देते हैं;
  3. यदि interrogative sentence में not नहीं रहे तो assertive में not लगाते हैं, पर यदि interrogative में not हो तो assertive में not का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
  4. कुछ ऐसे interrogative sentences होते हैं जो अर्थ के अनुसार assertive होते हैं, उन्हें rhetorical questions कहते हैं। ऐसे वाक्यों को अर्थ के अनुसार assertive में बदलते हैं। जैसे –

Isn’t India a big country?
India is a big country.

(b) Transforming assertive sentences into interrogative

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 3

Assertive sentence को interrogative बनाने के लिए:

  1. सबसे पहले assertive sentence के subject + verb के शब्द-क्रम को verb + subject के शब्द-क्रम में बदलें :
  2. फिर full stop की जगह question mark लगाएँ; तथा
  3. अगर assertive sentence में not नहीं हो तो interrogative में not लगाएँ अगर assertive में not हो तो interrogative में इसका प्रयोग नहीं करें।

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(c) Transforming exclamatory sentence into assertive

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 4
Exclamatory sentence को assertive में बदलने के लिए :

  1. सब से पहले subject + verb का शब्द क्रम करें;
  2. लुप्त शब्दों को जोड़ दो; What a lovely rose ! = What a lovely rose it is!
  3. अगर exclamation how, what, such आदि से प्रारम्भ हो तो very या great + adjective या उपयुक्त adjectiv + noun का प्रयोग करें;
  4. अगर exclamation o that, would that, if I were, if only, alas that से प्रारम्भ हो तो assertive वाक्य में I wish, I earnestly desir, I am sad आदि का प्रयोग करें;
  5. Exclamation के चिह्न के स्थान पर full stop का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।

(d) Transforming affirmative sentences into negative

1. Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 5
Affirmative से negative बनाने के लिए कभी-कभी no/not तथा अन्य नकारात्मक भाव व्यक्त करने वाले शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे : doubtful = not sure; always = never; as soon as = no sooner than; all = none; cruel = not kind आदि। कभी-कभी affirmative ध्वनि वाले शब्दों की जगह negative ध्वनि वाले विपरीतार्थक शब्दों के प्रयोग से भी काम चल जाता है।

2. Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 6
कभी-कभी affirmative से negative बनाने के लिए double negative (negative + negative) की आवश्यकता पड़ती है। आप जानते हैं कि double negative = affirmative.

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(e) Transforming negative sentences into affirmative

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 7

Negative से affirmative बनाने की प्रक्रिया affirmative से negative बनाने की प्रक्रिया के ठीक विपरीत है। जैसे: not always = sometimes; no one = everyone; not good = bad; not kind = cruel; not getting help = helpless; no sooner than = as soon as आदि।

(f) Transforming simple sentences into double or compound sentences :

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 8

  1. Simple sentence में एक ही principal clause रहता है, किन्तु double sentence में दो;
  2. And, but, still, yet, or, both ________ and, not only ______ but also, otherwise, either _______ or आदि द्वारा जोड़कर simple से double sentence बनाया जाता है।

(g) “Transforming double or compound sentences into simple sentences.

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 9

Double sentence को simple में बदलने के लिए :

  1. Double sentence के finite verb को participle (verb + ing) में बदल दिया जाता है; या
  2. अवश्यक्तानुसार उस जगह to, for, after, by, unless, owing to, in spite of आदि का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

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(h) Transforming simple sentences into complex sentences

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 10

  1. Simple sentence में एक principal clause रहता है, किन्तु complex sentence में एक principal clause तथा कम-से-कम एक subordinate clause (noun, adjective या adverb clause) अवश्य रहता है।
  2. अतः, simple sentence से complex sentence में बदलने के लिए simple sentence के किसी एक word or phrase (शब्द समूह) को लेकर noun, adjective या adverb clause में who, whom, whose, that, which, when, why, where, unless, till, so ……….. that इत्यादि की सहायता से बदल दें।

(i) Transforming complex sentences into simple sentences

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 11
Complex sentence को simple sentence बनाने की कला simple से complex बनाने की कला के ठीक विपरीत है, अर्थात simple sentence में noun, adverb या adjective clause के भाव को एक शब्द या शब्दसमूह (phrase) में व्यक्त करना चाहिए।

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(j) Transforming double sentences into complex sentences

Look at these sentences:
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Co-ordinate main clause के स्थान पर subordinate clause का प्रयोग कर Double sentence को complex में बदला जा सकता है।

(k) Transforming complex sentences into double sentences

Look at these sentences:
MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Transformation 13

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MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Prepositions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Prepositions

A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence; as:

1. He is true to his word.
2. They boy fell into the pit.

Chief Prepositions: At, on, in, to, by, with, for, from, out, of, up, under, upon, about, before, behind, between, beneath, within, without etc.

Use of Some Prepositions

1. At. In: At छोटे स्थान के लिए और in बड़े स्थान के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है:
जैसे –
1. He lives at Najaf Garh.
2. We live in India.

2. In, Into: In स्थिति का बोध कराता है, परन्तु Into गति प्रकट करता है; जैसे –
1. The boys are in the class room.
2. We went into the class room.

3. With, By: With यन्त्र के साथ और By कार्य करने वाले के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे –
1. He cut the apple with a sharp knife.
2. The snake was killed by the farmer.

4. Since, For: Since निश्चित समय के लिए और For समय की अवधि के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे –
1. She has been knitting since morning.
2. Ram has been sick for two days.

5. Between, Among: Between दो आदमियों या वस्तुओं के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है Among दो से अधिक के लिए; जैसे –
1. Divide these fruits between Mohini and Radha.
2. The man divided his property among his four sons.

6. On, Upon: On गतिहीन वस्तुओं की ओर और Upon गतिशील की ओर संकेत करता है; जैसे –
1. The mother is on the roof.
2. The dog jumped upon the table.

7. In, Within: In का तात्पर्य समय की समाप्ति पर, जबकि Within का तात्पर्य है समय की अवधि के अन्दर। (अर्थात् निश्चित समय के पूर्व) जैसे –
1. I shall come back in a week. (एक सप्ताह की समाप्ति पर)
2. I shall come back within a week. (एक सप्ताह समाप्त होने से पूर्व)

8. Below, Beneath: Below से पद का पता चलता है, जबकि Beneath स्थान का बोध कराता है। जैसे –
1. He is below me in rank.
2. The lion is sleeping beneath a tree.

9. Beside, Besides: Beside का अर्थ है पास और Besides का अर्थ है अतिरिक्त। जैसे –
1. She sat beside me.
2. Besides Raj, other boys came.

MP Board Solutions

Exercise (1)

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition selecting from those given in brackets:

1. I went to Bhopal _______ May. (on, in, at)
2. She bought this pen _______ ten rupees. (of, for in)
3. The monkey jumped _______ the river. (in, into, on)
4. He ran _______ the thief. (with, into, after)
5. We started _______ five _______ the morning (on, at, in)
6. He plucked an apple _______ the tree. (out, on, from)
7. The teacher beat him _______ a cane. (by, from, with)
8. He does not agree _______ me. (in, by, with)
9. Sita came _______ school (in, from, out)
10. The child fell _______ the well. (in, into, at)

Exercise (2)

Complete the following sentences by filling the suitable prepositions in the blanks :

1. I have not slept _______ yesterday.
2. He spoke _______ me _______ English.
3. She brought a doll _______ the market _______ two rupees.
4. The building was destroyed _______ fire.
5. You learn the poem _______ heart.
6. The furniture is made _______ wood.
7. Boys go to school _______ 10 o’cloek.
8. Raj lives _______ Calcutta
9. He lives _______ this building.
10. The game will begin 10 o’clock.

MP Board Solutions

Fixed Prepositions

1. Afraid of : A cat is afraid of dogs.
2. Acquit of : The judge acquitted him of all the charges.
3. Assure of : I assure you of my help.
4. Aware of : Are you your faults of not aware.
5. Beg of : Gangu begged mercy of Hari.
6. Beware of : Beware of cheats.
7. Come of : Nanu and Nupur come of the family of writers.
8. Consist of: This book consists of three hundred pages.
9. Convict of : Jag Mohan was convicted of pick-pocketing.
10. Die of : Many men die of cholera every year.
11. Dispose of : I have disposed of my old scooter.
12. Enquire of : I enquired of him about his health.
13. Hope of : He has no hope of success.
14. Relieve of : This medicine will relieve you of your pain.
15. Taste of : This water tastes of salt.
16. Warn of : She warned me of the coming danger.
17. Abound in : This tank abounds in fish.
18. Arrive in : The Prime Minister will arrive in Delhi tomorrow.
19. Bask in : Let us bask in the sun.
20. Believe in : We should not believe in ghosts.
21. Call in : Please call in the doctor.
22. Confide in : I confide in my niece.
23. Consist in : Beauty consists in simplicity.
24. Deal in : Her father deals in sugar.
25. End in : All her efforts ended in smoke.
26. Fail in : She failed in her mission.
27. Fill in : Fill in the following blanks.
28. Give in : The enemy gave in at last.
29. Indulge in : Do not indulge in idle talks.
30. Interfere in : Do not interfere in other’s work.
31. Succeed in : You cannot succeed in the examination.
32. Trust in : Trust in God and do the right.
33. Aim at : The hunter aimed at the deer.
34. Angry at : Your father was angry at your misconduct.
35. Arrive at : You have arrived at the wrong decision.
36. Bark at : Dogs always bark at the strangers.
37. Catch at : A drowning man catches at a straw. ”
38. Grieve at : Do not grieve at your loss.
39. Grumble at : Do not grumble at your lot.
40. Knock at : Do not knock at my door.
41. Laugh at : Never laugh at the helpless.
42. Point at : The child pointed at the bird.
43. Wonder at : I wondered at the sight of the Taj.
44. Absent from : Sushma is absent from school today.
45. Abstain from : I abstain from smoking.
46. Differ from : My book differs from yours.
47. Escape from : The thief escaped from the police station.
48. Part from : The bride parted from her parents in tears.
49. Prevent from : The teacher prevented her from entering the classroom.
50. Protect from : The umbrella protects us from sun and shower.
51: Recover from : She has recovered from illness.
52. Ask for : He asked me for a loan of money.
53. Blame for : Do not blame anybody for your failure.
54. Care for : He does not care for my advice.
55. Die for: A soldier should be ready to die for his country.
56. Feel for : The rich should feel for the poor.
57. Fight for : We should fight for our rights.
58. Grieve for : Do not grieve for your parents.
59. Hope for : Always hope for the best.
60. Live for : We should fight for our country.
61. Long for : Do not long for a very long life.
62. Look for : I am looking for my lost purse.
63. Pay for : You will have to pay for your folly.
64. Pray for : Should I pray for your welfare.
65. Prepare for : We should be prepared for the worst.
66. Send for : Send for the doctor at once.
67. Take for : The police took him for a thief.
68. Wait for : I am waiting for my friend.
69. Agree with : I cannot agree with you.
70. Angry with : Do not be angry with me.
71. Begin with : The function began with a song.
72. Charge with : He has been charged with murder.
73. Compare with : Compare this apple with that.
74. Deal with : You should deal with all in a polite way.
75. Differ with : I differ with you on this point.
76. Disagree with : I disagree with you on this point.
77. Fight with : We must not fight with our neighbours.
78. Fill with : Fill this cup with tea.
79. Interfere with : Do not interfere with others.
80. Mix with : Do not mix with idlers.

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Direct and Indirect Narration

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Direct and Indirect Narration

किसी व्यक्ति की कही हुई बात को हम दो प्रकार से लिखते हैं –

1. कहने वाले के मूल शब्दों में लिखना। इसे Direct Speech कहते हैं। ये शब्द सदैव Inverted Commas “…” में बन्द रहते हैं। जैसे –
Ram says, “I am going.”

2. कहने वाले की बात को अपने शब्दों में लिखना। इसे Indirect Speech कहते हैं। इसमें Reporting verb का comma तथा Inverted Commas “…” का लोप कर दिया जाता है। जैसे –
Ram says that he is going.

Two Parts of Direct Speeches

1. Inverted Commas से पूर्व वाला भाग जिससे वाक्य को आरम्भ करते हैं, इसे Reporting Verb कहते हैं। जैसे उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में Ram says Reporting verb है।

2. Inverted Commas के अन्दर लिखा हुआ कथन Reported Speech कहलाता है। जैसे उपुर्यक्त भाग में “I am going” Reported Speech है। Direct से Indirect बनाते समय Personal Pronouns का परिवर्तनः

नियम – Reported Speech में प्रयोग किये गए first person-I, my, me, we, us, our के Pronouns को Reporting Verb के Subject के Person के अनुसार बदल देते हैं। जैसे –

Direct : The teacher says, “I am writing a letter.”
Indirect: The teacher says that he is wiriting a letter.

उपयुक्त वाक्यों में वक्ता teacher, है,जिसने अपने लिए ‘I’ का प्रयोग किया है। Indirect Speech में teacher के third person के अनुसार subject बदलकर he हो गया है।
नियम – Reported Speech Second Person Pronouns के You, Your, Reporting Verb के Object के Person के अनुसार बदल देते हैं। जैसे –

Direct: You said to me, “You are an honest man.”
Indirect: You told me that I was an honest man.
Direct: He said to him, “You have helped me.”
Indirect: He told him that he had helped him.
Direct: He said, “You never helped me.”
Indirect: He said that he never helped him.
Direct: I said to you, “You are ill.”
Indirect: I told you that you were ill.
Direct: I said to him, “You killed a snake.”
Indirect: I told him that he had killed a snake.
Rule: Indirect Speech में बदलते समय Third Person के Pronouns में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता। जैसे –
Direct: He said, “He will go there.”
Indirect: He said that he would go there.
Direct: He said, “They will go there.”
Indirect: He said that they would go there.”

MP Board Solutions

Change of Tenses

Rule: यदि Reporting Verb भूतकाल में हो तो Reported Speech की क्रिया नीचे लिखे नियमानुसार बदल जाती है –
Go, goes – is changed into went
is, are – is changed into was, were
has or have – is changed into had
has been or have been going – is changed into has been going
went – had gone
was or were going – is changed into had been going
will or shall – is changed into would or should
can – is changed into could
may – is changed into might
has and had – is changed into had
was and were – is changed into had been.

Change of Tenses

Assertive Sentences

Rule. यदि Reporting Verb Present या Future Tense में हो, तो Reported Speech के Verb का Tense नहीं बदलता।
Examples :
Direct : The boy says, “I am playing.”
Indicet : The boy says that he is playing.
Direct: Sita will say, “I write a letter.”
Indirect : Sita will say that she writes a letter.
Direct : The boy said, “I write a letter.”
Indirect : The boy said that he wrote a letter.
Direct : Hari said, “I am playing.”
Indirect : Hari said that he was playing.
Direct : The servant said, “I have swept the room.”
Indirect : The servant said that he had swept the room.
Direct : The boy said, “We have been playing for two hours.”
Indirect : The boys said that they had been playing for two hours.
Direct : The tailor said, “I pressed the clothes.”
Indirect : The tailor said that he had pressed the clothes.
Direct : My mother said, “I was cooking food.”
Indirect : My mother said that she had been cooking food.

Change of Auxiliary Verbs

Rule: of Reporting Verb में Auxiliary Verbs आये हैं, तो उनका परिवर्तन निम्न प्रकार से होगा।

Direct: The boy said, “I am a good student.”
Indirect: The boy said that he was a good student.
Direct: Sita said, “I have a pen.”
Indirect: Sita said that she had a pen.
Direct: He said, “I do not go.”
Indirect: He said that he did not go.
Direct: He said, “I cannot go there.”
Indirect: He said that he could not go there.
Direct: I said to him, “I shall teach you.”
Indirect: I told him that I shall (would) teach him.


Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. I say, “I do my work daily.”
  2. Hari says, “I am working hard for the examination.”
  3. You say, “I know Ravi and his father.”
  4. Gopal said, “I have done my work.”
  5. She said, “I cannot learn the lesson so soon.”
  6. Anil said, “I daily get up at four in the morning.”
  7. My mother said to me, “I am cooking food for you.”
  8. These boys said, “We have been playing since moring.”
  9. Vinod said, “My brother plays cricket.”
  10. The naughty girl said, “I have plucked flowers.”

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Interrogative Sentences

Rule: जब प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों को Direct से Indirect Speech में बदलते हैं, तो निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन किया जाता है –

  1. Reporting Verb say अथवा tell को asked में बदल दिया जाता है।
  2. यदि प्रशानवाचक वाक्य where, why, what, which, when, who आदि में से किसी एक से आरम्भ होता है, तो that या if का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  3. यदि वाक्य is, am, are, have, has, had, was, were, will, shall अथवा किसी अन्य सहायक क्रिया से आरम्भ होता है, तो Indirect Speech में if का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।


Direct: He said to the beggar, “What do you want?”
Indirect: He asked the beggar what he wanted.
Direct: The teacher said to Mohan, “Why are you late for school today?”
Indirect: The teacher enquired of Mohan why he was late for the school that day.

Direct: I said to him, “Is your father at home?”
Indirect: I asked him if his father was at home.
Direct: The teacher said, “Hari did you bathe this morning?
Indirect: The teacher inquired of Hari if he had bathed that morning.
Direct: Harbans said to you, “Will you accompany me to Simla tomorrow?”
Indirect: Harbans asked you whether you would accompany him to Simla next day.


Change the follwoing sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. You said to him, “What can I do for you?”
  2. She said to Bimla, “Which school do you attend?”
  3. I said to Hari, “How many boys are there in your class?”
  4. He said to his friend, “When shall I call on you again?”
  5. He said to me, “Where shall I wait for you?
  6. Sohan said to Mohan, “Do you play foot-ball daily?”
  7. The teacher said to the girl, “Have you done your home-work?”
  8. She said to Bimla, “Does this book belong to you?”
  9. He said to me, “Are you on speaking terms with your neighbour?”
  10. Satish said, “Father, may I go to the picture today?”

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Imperative Sentences

Rule: Imperative sentences में आदेश,आग्न्या,शिक्षा तथा प्रार्थना पायी जाती है, जैसे वाक्यों को Indirect मै बदलते समय Said to के स्थान पर ordered, advised, requested, proposed, forbade आदि शब्द लगाओ।
Rule: That का प्रयोग मत करो।
Rule: Verb के पूर्व To लगाओ। “Do not” को “not to” में बदल दो।


Direct: The teacher said to Balbir, “Look at the black-board.”
Indirect: The teacher asked Balbir to look at the black-board.
Direct: He said to the servant, “Light the lamp atonce.”
Indirect: He ordered the servant to light the lamp atonce.
Direct: The general said to his men, “Stand at ease.”
Indirect: The general ordered his men to stand at ease.
Direct: He said to me, “Give me your knife.”
Indirect: He requesed me to give him my knife.
Direct: I said to him, “Please wait here for me till I return.”
Indirect: I requested him to wait there for me till I returned.
Direct: She said to her maid-servant, “Let the beggar come in.”
Indirect: She ordered her maid-servant to let the beggar come in.”
Direct: He said to his companions, “Let me go on with my work, please.”
Indirect: He requested his companions to let him go with his work.
Direct: He said, “Let us go out for a walk.”
Indirect: He proposed that they should go out for a walk.


Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. I said to Raj, “Show me your new book.”
  2. The teacher said to the boys, “Sit down and revise your lesson.”
  3. The fox said to the crow, “Please sing me a song.”
  4. He said to you, “Do attend my marriage.
  5. Father said to me, “Respect your elders.”
  6. I said to him, “Be quiet and listen to me.” (Use ‘urge’)
  7. “Don’t do that again, or you will get into troubles,” said the old lady.
  8. I said to my cousin, “Let us set out for Shimla tomorrow.”
  9. Surender said, “Let this boy go out to play.”
  10. Guru said to his disciples, “Do not mix with liars.”

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Optative and Exclamatory Sentences

Rule: (i) Optative sentences में Reporting Verb के स्थान पर exclaimed with joy, sorrow, surprise आदि का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (ii) Optative Sentences में Reporting Verb के स्थान पर pray, wish आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


Direct: She said, “May you live long, my daughter!”
Indirect: She wished that her daughter might live long.
Direct: He said to me, “May God bless you with a son!”
Indirect: He wished that God might bless me with a son.
Direct: Sohan said, “O that I were a rich man’s son.”
Indirect: Sohan wished that he were a rich man’s son.
Direct: Jagjit said, “What a terrible storm it is !”
Indirect: Jagjit exclaimed that is was a very terrible storm.
Direct: I said, “How fat he is !
Indirect: I exclaimed that he was very fat.
Direct: “Hurrah ! We are winning!” shouted the boys.
Indirect: The boys exclaimed with joy that they were winning.
Direct: Balbir said, “Alas! All my friends have deserted me.”
Indirect: Balbir exclaimed with sorrow that all his friends had deserted him.
Direct: Bimla said, “Alsa! How foolish I have been !”
Indirect: Bimla confessed with regret that she had been very foolish.
Direct: The Inspector said, “Bravo! Well played, Raj.”
Indirect: The Inspector applauded (or praised) Raj, saying that he had played well.
Direct: “Good night to you all,” said Harnam.
Indirect: Harnam wished them all good night.

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Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. They said to me, “May you be happy!”
  2. I said to him, “May God help you in his matter !”
  3. They said, “How sweetly the Cuckoo sings !”
  4. He said to me, “May you succeed !”
  5. She said, “Hurrah! I have won a prize in a lottery.”
  6. You said, “Alas! I shall ‘fail.”
  7. Hari cried, “O that I were dead !”
  8. He said, “Alas! What a loss I have suffered !”
  9. The man said, “What a fool I have been.”
  10. He said, “Bravo! Well done, Ramu.”

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Modals

MP Board Class 8th Special English Grammar Modals

Modals are used along with main verbs. They are never used alone. They express the ‘manner’ of actions denoted by the verbs. They do not change their form according to the number or person of the subject.

Illustrative Examples

1. I used to run a mile every morning. (Past habit)
2. You shall carry out my order. (Command)
3. You shall be fixed for your misbehavior. (Threat)
4. You shall get a heavy gift. (Promise)
5. Shall I carry your luggage? (Wish)
6. I will carry that parcel for you. (Offer)
7. I will go home to see my parents. (Intention)
8. I will teach him a lesson. (Threat, Desire)
9. She will do or die. (Resolution)
10. I will not take eggs. (Determination)
11. Will you have a cup of tea? (Request, Invitation)
12. We should obey our olders. (Duty)
13. You should work hard. (Advice)
14. Take a taxi lest you should miss the train. (Purpose)
15. Should she work hard, she will pass. (Certainty)
16. Should she work hard, she may pass. (Probability)
17. She should be at home by now. (Assumption)
18. He would go for a walk on the river-bank. (Habitual activity in the past)
19. Would you take a cup of coffee? (Polite request)
20. Would that I were a minister. (Wish)
21. He would rather die than beg. (Preference)
22. If I won a lottery prize, I would buy a car. (Improbable/Unreal condition)
23. You cannot touch my bag. (Permission)
24. I can write a book. (Ability)
25. Mishaps can take place with anyone. (Possibility)
26. I could play in the sun when I was a child. (Ability)
27. If I had the money, I could buy that scooter. (Possibility)
28. You could go home whenever you wanted. (Permission)
29. Could you lend me some money? (Polite request)
30. May I use your pen? (Permission)
31. She may come tomorrow. (Possibility)
32. May she live long! (Wish)
33. We eat that we may live. (Purpose)
34. The teacher said that he might go home. (Permission)
35. She said that she might join a college next year. (Possibility)
36. He told me that she might have returned home. (Speculation about Past Action)
37. A servant must obey his master. (Compulsion)
38. Everyone must die sooner or later. (Certainty)
39. You must practice virtue. (Duty)
40. I must see you again. (Determination)
41. We must obey the rules of the school (Obligation)
42. We ought to help the poor. (Moral obligation or sense of duty)
43. He ought to pass this year. (Strong probability)
44. Need I go there? (Obligation or Necessity)

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Fill in the following blanks using suitable modals:

1. Children …………….. be spoiled easily.
2. He …………….. not help weeping on hearing about his failure.
3. It …………….. rain tonight.
4. …………….. I have your scooter?
5. She said that she …………….. not see the Taj.
6. The government …………….. open more schools.
7. …………….. you give me a chance I shall prove my worth.
8. She …………….. consult a doctor at once.
9. A soldier is …………….. severe climate.
10. You …………….. not worry at all.
11 a young girl go alone in the dark?
12. How …………….. you touch her hand?
13. Work hard lest you …………….. lose your division.
14. You …………….. learn typing to get a job.
15. I …………….. not face my rival.

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Annual Evaluation

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Annual Evaluation

Question 1.
Do as directed :
(i) Change the voice :

(a) The boy broke the window.
The window was broken by the boy.

(b) The girls are playing Khokho.
Khokho is being played by the girl.

(ii) Change into negative sentences :

(a) I can speak four languages.
I can’t speak four languages.

(b) All students are present in the class.
All students are not present in the class.

(iii) Use can/can’t appropriately :

(a) She play hockey but she play chess.
(a) can, can’t

(iv) Change into past perfect tense :

(a) The students played well.
The students have played well.

(b) Sheela bought a new dress.
Sheela has bought a new dress.

(v) Change into Indirect Narration :

(a) The teacher said to me, ‘How old are you’?
The teacher asked me how old I was.

(b) The master said to the servant, “Get out of the room.”
The master ordered the servent to get out of the room.

(vi) Use appropriate articles in the following sentences :

(a) He is ………… one man army in himself.
(b) She often helps ………… orphan child.
(a) a
(b) The.

(vii) Use appropriate Prepositions in the following sentences:
(a) The fish lives water.
(b) The children were diving water.
(a) in
(b) into.

(viii) fill in the blanks with the adverbial form of the words given in the brackets.
(a) They played ………………. (Proper)
(b) She sits ………………. (quiet)
(a) properly
(b) quietly.

MP Board Solutions

Question 2.
Match the words given in column A with the words in column B.
MP Board Class 8th Special English Annual Evaluation 1

  1. – d
  2. – a
  3. – b
  4. – c.

Question 3.
(A) Answer any six of the following questions in two to three sentences each :

Question 1.
What did Anu do when she saw Kala drowing?
Anu at once jumped into the pool when she saw Kala drowning.

Question 2.
What makes Manav Sangrahalaya a different museum from other museums?
It preserves folkart, and tribal communities, their habitats, their cultural diversities and their relationship with nature. This fact makes this museum different from others.

Question 3.
Why did King Shibi refuse to surrender the dove to the eagle.
The king refused to surrender the dove because he thought that his foremost duty was to protect the innocent bird.

Question 4.
What made Andy feel delighted?
Andy felt delighted because he managed to get three letters for eleven pence.

Question 5.
How did the school celebrate the occasion when Kalam became the president?
When Kalam became President, the school celebrated the day as a festival. Sweets were distributed among the teachers and students.

Question 6.
What is Maheswar famous for?
The humble palace of Devi Ahilya Bai is located at the ghat of Maheshwar.

Question 7.
What are the bad qualities against which the yogic theory warns us?
The yogic theory warns us against desires, anger, greed, attachment and pride.

Question 8.
What happened to the cherry plant when it was two feet high?
A goal entered the garden and ate all the leaves of the plant.

MP Board Solutions

B. Answer any three of the following questions in three to five sentences each:

Question 1.
Why did Raghoba Dada give up the idea of fighting and go back?
Raghoba Dada was afraid that if he lost a battle against a woman, he would lose his name and fame as a warrior on the other hand, nobody would praise him even if he won the battle. Hence, he gave up the idea of fighting and went back.

Question 2.
How has Yoga helped Mankind?
Yoga has helped mankind in leading a healthy life. It has also helped in elevating the self to realise God and the mysteries of the universe.

Question 3.
‘Ustad was the undisputed jewel in the crown of Indian music’. Explain.
Ustad Bismillah Khan was a great Shehnai player. He elevated the Shehnai from an instrument heard only in weddings and naubat khanas to one that was appreciated in concert halls across the world. He was a matchless figure in the field of music.

Question 4.
What brought a change in Sharad’s view of his disability?
He did not like to show his disability to anyone. Therefore he constantly hid his disability.

MP Board Solutions

Question 4.
Answer any two of the following questions.

Question 1.
What does the poet long to be in the poem ‘To the New year’?
The poet longs to be a child in the beginning of the poem.

Question 2.
‘The God is not before thee.’ Where can He be found according to the poet?
We can find God where the tiller works in the hard ground and where the path-maker breaks stones.

Question 3.
What should we do when our pace seems slow?
We should not give up even if our pace seems slow.

Question 4.
Why does the poet say that trees are kind?
‘They’ stands for trees.

Question 5.
Write the summary of any one of the following poems:
(a) The Jet Age
(b) To the New Year
(c) Children who are wanted every Hour

Question 6.
Write a short note on any one of the following topics:
(a) Importance of Yoga
(b) hilyabai
(c) Trees

Question 7.
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Abraham Lincoln, the great President of US, was born in a log cabin in Kentucky, Amerifca, on 12 February 1809. His father was a poor farmer, who did not like to stay in the same place for long.

In 1816, the Lincolns moved to Indiana and stayed there. Life was hard in the new place. Abe was only seven, but he tried to help his father. He soon learnt use the axe and the gun.

One day. Abe saw some wild birds flying across the sky. He wanted to shoot one of them. He hoped to give the bird to his mother so that she could cook it for dinner. Abe took his father’s gun and shot a bird through a hole in the wall of the cabin. A large bird fell dead to the ground. Abe ran out of the cabin to pick it up. But when he reached the bird, he felt sad. The bird lay there very still with its beautiful golden feathers.

Abe picked up the dead bird, and walked slowly towards the hut. He made up his mind not to shoot another bird in his life. And he never did.

Question 1.
Who was life in the new place for the Lincolns?
Life was hard in the new place for the Lincoln’s.

Question 2.
Why did Lincoln want to short a bird?
Lincoln wanted to short a bird and give it to his mother so that she could cook it for dinner.

Question 3.
Why did Lincoln feel sad?
Lincoln felt sad because the bird lay there very still with its beautiful golden feathers.

Question 4.
What did Lincon decide not to do?
Lincoln decided not to shoot another bird in his life.

B. Say true or False

(i) Abraham Lincoln was born in Britain.
(ii) Life was not so easy oin the new placel.
(i) false
(ii) true.

B. Find the opposite of the following words from the passage.
(i) move
(ii) alive
(i) still
(ii) dead.

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 3

MP Board Class 8th General English Solutions Revision Exercises 3

Read and Learn
(पढ़ो और याद करें):
Do Yourself.

Word Power
(शब्द सामर्थ्य):

(A) Add suffix ‘ly’ to the following words and make sentences of your own:
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों में ‘ly’ प्रत्यय जोड़ें और अपने वाक्य बनाएँ:)
1. polite politely
We should speak politely.

2. general – generally
Generally he comes late at home.

3. Quiet – Quietly
Ram entered the room quietly.

4. happy – happily
We happily returned from our journey.

5. slow – slowly
He works very slowly.

6. faithful – faithfully
He faithfully served his master.

7. Kind – kindly
The doctor attended the patient kindly.

(B) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words given in the box:
(बॉक्स में दिये गये शब्दों में से सही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थान भरें:)

  1. We should …….. other passengers in a bus.
  2. Birds ……… from one place to the other.
  3. We must …….. water.


  1. accommodate
  2. migrate
  3. conserve.

MP Board Solutions

(C) Give one word for the following:
(निम्नलिखित के लिए एक शब्द चुनें।)
1. A small area of still water, especially one that is artificial.
2. A wild plant growing where it is not wanted.
1. pond
2. weed.

(D) Use the following pairs of words in sentences to show the difference in their meanings.
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों के जोड़ों को उनके अर्थों में भिन्नता दिखाने के लिए वाक्यों में प्रयोग करें।)
1. childlike – His father has childlike manners.
Childish – Elders should leave childish qualities.

2. dairy – We bring the milk from dairy.
diary-I write a diary daily.

3. adopt – Ram has adopted a child.
adapt-One should adapt oneself to one’s environment.

4. Birth – Please tell me your date of birth.
Berth-I have already got a berth reserved in
II class compartment.

5. deer – The hunter hunted a deer with his gun.
dear – My mother is very dear to me.

(E) Classify the following words according to their sounds:
(निम्नलिखित शब्दों को उनकी ध्वनियों के अनुसार वर्गीकृत करें:)
MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 3-1

(बोध प्रश्न):

A. Answer the following questions:
(निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)

Question 1.
What is the meaning of water conservation ?
Water conservation means to save and conserve water for use in future.

Question 2.
Mention the names of tribal rich areas in M.P.
(मेन्शन द नेम्स ऑफ ट्राइबल रिच एरियास इन एम. पी.)
एमः पी. के जाति समृद्ध क्षेत्रों के नाम बताइए।
The areas in which tribes live in M.P. are Jhabua, Dhar, Khargone, Barwani, Ratlam etc.
(द एरियास इन विच ट्राइब्स लिव इन एम. पी. आर. झाबुआ, धार, खरगोन, बरवानी, रतलाम ऐटसेटरा.)
जिन जगहों पर एम. पी. में जनजातियाँ पाई जाती हैं वो हैं झाबुआ, धार, खरगोन, बरवानी, रतलाम इत्यादि।

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
What did the voice from the pond say ?
(व्हॉट डिड द वॉइस फ्रॉम द पाँड से ?)
तालाब से आवाज़ ने क्या कहा ?
The voice said not to drink the water before the conditions for drinking water from the pool are fulfilled.
(द वॉइस सैड नॉट टु ड्रिंक द वॉटर बिफोर द कंडिशन्स फॉर ड्रिंकिंग वॉटर फ्रॉम द पूल आर फुलफिल्ड.)
आवाज ने कहा कि जब तक तालाब के नियमों का पालन न हो, पानी न पिया जाए।

Question 4.
When and where was Chandra Shekhar born ?
(व्हेन एण्ड व्हेयर वॉज़ चन्द्रशेखर बॉर्न ?)
चन्द्रशेखर का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ था ?
Chandra Shekhar was born on 23rd July, 1906 in village Bhabra in Jhabua district.
(चन्द्रशेखर वॉज़ बॉर्न ऑन 23 जुलाई, 1906 इन विलेज भाबरा इन झाबुआ डिस्ट्रिक्ट।)
चन्द्रशेखर का जन्म 23 जुलाई, 1906 को भाबरा गाँव, जिला झाबुआ में हुआ था।

MP Board Solutions

Question 5.
Who told the secret to the boy ?
(हू टोल्ड द सीक्रेट टू द बॉय ?)
लड़के को रहस्य किसने बताया?
The tree told the secret to the boy.
(द ट्री टोल्ड द सीक्रेट टू द बॉय?)
लड़के को रहस्य पेड़ ने बताया।

Question 6.
How did Chandra Shekhar prove his name Azad ?
(हाउ डिड चन्द्रशेखर प्रूव हिज़ नेम आजाद ?)
चन्द्रशेखर ने अपना नाम आज़ाद कैसे सिद्ध किया ?
Once he was surrounded by police in a park. He didn’t surrender but shot himself. Thus he proved his name Azad by not being caught alive.
(वन्स ही वॉज़ सराउन्डिंड बाय पुलिस इन अ पार्क. ही डिडन्ट सरेन्डर बट शॉट हिमसेल्फ. दस ही प्रूव्ड हिज़ नेम आज़ाद बाय नॉट बीइन्ग कॉट अलाइव।)
एक बार पुलिस ने एक पार्क में उन्हें घेर लिया था। उन्होंने समर्पण नहीं किया, पर स्वयं को गोली मार ली। इस तरह उन्होंने जिन्दा न पकड़े जाने से अपना नाम आजाद सिद्ध कर दिया।

MP Board Solutions

Question 7.
What is the secret ?
(व्हॉट इज़ द सीक्रेट ?)
रहस्य क्या है ?
The secret is that the birds has built a nest in the tree and has laid four little eggs in it.
(द सीक्रेट इज़ दैट द बर्ड हैज़ बिल्ट अ नेस्ट इन द ट्री एण्ड हैज़ लेड फोर लिटिल ऐग्सि इन इट।)
रहस्य यह है कि चिड़िया ने पेड़ में एक घोंसला बनाया है और उसमें चार छोटे अण्डे दिये हैं।

Question 8.
What moral do you draw from this story ?
(व्हॉट मॉरल डू यू ड्रॉ फ्रॉम दिस स्टोरी ?)
इस कहानी से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?
Virtue never goes unrewarded.
(वयूँ नेवर गोज़ अनरिवॉर्डिड.)
सद्गुण कभी प्रतिफल के बिना नहीं जाता।

MP Board Solutions

B. Choose the correct answers:
(सहि उत्तर चुने:)

Question 1.
‘Burning issues’ mean:
(a) painful topics
(b) unwanted topics
(C) important topics.
(c) important topics.

Question 2.
We receive water for irrigation:
(a) through rainfall
(b) by melting snow
(c) from the sea.
(a) through rainfall.

C. Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:
1. Is Teejan Bai famous for singing pandvani ?
2. Do the Bhils like colorful dresses ?
1. Yes
2. Yes.

D. Match the following:
(निम्न का मिलान करें:)
MP Board Class 8th General English Revision Exercises 3-2
(1) → (c) Yudhishthira,
(2) → (a) we are all gay,
(3) → (b) was for the protection of forests

Let’s Learn
(आओ याद करें):

A. Change the following sentences into simple past tense:
(निम्न वाक्यों को साधारण भूतकाल में बदलें:)

  1. Leela lives in Gwalior.
  2. He wants to write an article. .
  3. The students attend the function.


  1. Leela lived in Gwalior.
  2. He wanted to write an article.
  3. The students attended the function.

B. Change the following sentences into the passive voice:
(निम्न वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलें:)

  1. The teacher guided me.
  2. The children make toys.
  3. Bring some water.


  1. I was guided by the teacher.
  2. Toys are made by the children.
  3. Let some water be brought.

MP Board Solutions

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliary verbs:
(उचित modal auxiliary क्रियाओं से रिक्त स्थान भरें:)

  1. The weather report says it ……. rain today.
  2. ……… I use your pen ?
  3. There ….. be more trouble in future.


  1. may
  2. May
  3. might.

D. Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the verb given in brackets:
(कोष्ठक में दियो गये क्रियाओं से सहि रुप का प्रयोग कर निम्न वाक्यों को पूरा करें।)
1. Pari told a lie, so he punished her.
2. His turban is clean, he washed it yesterday.

MP Board Solutions

Let’s Read
(आओ पढ़ें):

A. Read the passage carefully:
Now answer the following questions:
(गद्यांश को ध्यान से पढ़ें। अब निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)

Question 1.
When is Eid celebrated ?
Eid is celebrated at the end of the holy month of Ramzan.

Question 2.
What is Ramzan ?
Ramzan is a month of purification, fasting and prayer.

Question 3.
What do children wear on this day ?
Children wear new clothes on this day.

MP Board Solutions

Question 4.
Where do children go with their elders ?
Children go to Eidgah with their elders.

Question 5.
How do people greet one another on this day?
People greet by hugging one another on this day.

B. Read the given poem carefully:
Now answer the following questions:
(कविता को ध्यानपूवक पढ़ें)
(अब निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें:)

Question 1.
What is the poem about?
The poem is about the qualities of a teacher.

Question 2.
Give one reason why the poet loves his teacher.
The poet loves his teacher because he is full of light.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Give the rhyming words for: life, light
strife, bright.

Question 4.
Give a suitable title to the poem.
The suitable title of the poem is – ‘My teacher’

Let’s Write
(आओ लिखो):

Question 1.
Write a note on the conservation of water.
(पानी को संरक्षण पर एक नोट लिखें:)
The word conservation means to save something. Conservation of water means that we should all save rain water in rivers, ponds, wells and in the fields to raise the ground water level of the earth. We should use water with economy. When rain water is filtered in the earth, it no longer remains thirsty. For conservation of water we are trying to harvest rain water at different levels.

Question 2.
Write in your own words an account of the life of Bhils.
(भीलों के जीवन का विवरण अपने शब्दों में लिखें।)
Bhils are found in M.P., Gujrat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. They love forests and thus settle near forests. Their houses are made of wood, bamboo with tiled roofs. Men wear dhoti, banded and co-loured turban and the females wear ghaghara with polka Kanchali. They are very fond of ornaments. They celebrate festivals like Divasa, Diwali, Navai.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics:
(निम्नलिखित विषयों में से किसी एक पर एक निबन्ध लिखें।)
(a) My School
(b) Any Festival
(c) Wonders of Science.


(a) My School

I read in Senior Model School, Bhopal. It is situated in a peaceful environment as it is far from | the city. It has a red building with fifteen rooms. It has a big hall, a library, store room, games and sports room, clerks room and principal’s room. My school has a big play ground where cricket, hockey, football and other games are played. The name of my Principal is Mr. S.D. Sharma. He is a learned person.

There are 35 teachers in my school. All the teachers are well qualified The library of our school is well managed. We can read magazines and newspapers there. Annual functions are held in our school. There is a scheme of holding debate on every Saturday in my school. Sometimes picnics and tours are arranged in my school. All the children come in proper uniform to the school. I love my school very much.

कठिन शब्द –

  • Peaceful environment = शान्त वातावरण
  • situated = स्थित
  • well qualified = सुयोग्य
  • Debate = वाद – विवाद
  • Magazines = पत्रिकाएँ

(b) Any Festival

India is a land of festivals. We mainly celebrate festivals for fun and joy. We celebrate Holi, Diwali, Dusshera, Raksha Bandhan and many other festivals. Diwali is my favorite festival. It is the festival of lights. It is so called because people light candles and lamps. It is celebrated because Lord Ram had come Lack from banishment after killing Ravana. People of Ayodhya and illuminated the city.

Before this day we clean and whitewash our houses. We worship Goddess Laxmi on this day. We decorate our houses. Children play with fire crackers. We exchange sweets with our relatives and friends. Some people enjoy in their own way by drinking and gambling. Sometimes children get hurt by crackers. So we should take proper care while celebrating Diwali.

कठिन शब्द –

  • festival = त्योहार
  • light = जलान
  • worship = पूजा करना
  • banishment = अज्ञातवास।
  • whitewash = सफेदी करना
  • decorate = सजाना
  • crackers = पटाखे
  • celebrate = मनाना।

(c) Wonders of Science

Today Science is the life of human beings. It is the age of science. All our luxuries, comforts are the gifts of science.
Electricity is the most useful gift of science. It gives us light. Heaters, fans, coolers, refrigerators, computers etc. all work on electricity. It also runs machines and trains. Many new methods in the field of surgery and medicines have been possible because of science. We have conquered death and disease to a great extent.

Plastic surgery can transform the face. Science has made man reach the moon. Fast means of transport and communication help us to reach distant places in a short time. On the other hand science is a bad master. Atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and missiles are the products of science. If science is used as a servant, it is useful but if it becomes our master, it is very dangerous.”

कठिन शब्द –

  • luxuries = भोगविलास
  • Surgery = शल्यशास्त्र
  • conquered = जीतना
  • transform = बदलना।

(iv) Write an application to the Head Master of your school requesting him to provide you free textbooks.
(निःशुल्क पुस्तकें देने की प्रार्थना करते हुए अपने विद्यालय के प्रधानाध्यापक को एक प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखें:)

The Head Master,
Govt. Middle School.

Respected Sir,
I beg to state that I am the student of your school studying in class VIII. I belong to a very poor family. My father is a farmer. He is unable to bear the expenses of my studies. I am a very good student. I shall be highly obliged if you provide me free text books. Then only I shall be able to continue my studies. Thanking you,

Yours obediently
Rahul Sharma
Roll No. 21.
Class-VIII (C)
Dated : 6th July, 20…….

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions

MP Board Class 8th Special English Half Yearly Evaluation

MP Board Class 8th Special English Solutions Half Yearly Evaluation

Question 1.
Do as directed :
(i) Punctuate the following sentences :
(a) What are you doing
(b) He said i shall go to bhopal
(a) What are you doing?
(b) He said, “I shall go to Bhopal,

(ii) Change into negative sentences :
(a) Reena helped Kala.
(b) Harsha likes tea.
(a) Reena does not help Kala.
(b) Harsha does not like tea.

(iii) Change the following into simple past tense.
(a) I get up at at 7 ‘O’ clock.
(b) He finishes his work at 5 ‘O’ clock.
(a) I got up at 7 ‘O’clock.
(b) He finished his work at 5 ‘O’ clock.

(iv) Use the verbs as gerunds in the following sentences :
(a) is a good exercise, (swim)
(b) Have you finished that book? (read)
(a) swimming
(b) reading

(v) Fill in the blanks with ’used to’ and the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.
(a) We ……………. in Indore but now we live in Bhopal, (live)
(b) When Rita was young she a lot of milk, (drink)
(a) used to live
(b) used to drink

(vi) Fill in the blanks with the adverbs given below :
Loudly, Kindly
(a) Hari speaks ……………. to his servant.
(b) The dogs bark ……………. at night.
(a) Kindly
(b) louldly

MP Board Solutions

Question 2
(a) Give the opposites for the following words :
(a) wealthy
(b) brave.
(a) poor
(b) coward

(b) Give words which has similar sound as those given below.
(a) high
(b) bird
(a) hi
(b) beard

Question 3.
(A) Answer any six of the following questions in two to three sentences each

Question 1.
How was Anu’s first day at school?
Anu’s first day at school was not at all good. It was monotonous.

Question 2.
Why did the king refuse to surrender the dove to the eagle?
The king refused to surrender the dove because he thought that his foremost duty was to protect the innocent bird.

Question 3.
How does the cherry tree prove the creative power of nature?
It did not die even though its leaves were all eaten by a goat and it was cut into two with a scythe by a woman. It lived and grew in due course.

Question 4.
Why was grandmother unhappy?
Grandmother was unhappy because she found herself helpless and dependent Her favorite story (Kashi Yatra) was in front of her but she was unable to read the lines.

Question 5.
What did Abdul Kalam’s family do for their living?
Abdul Kalam’s family was engaged in ferrying pilgrims between Dhanushkhodi and Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu.

Question 6.
What news did Tabaque bring?
Tabaqui, the jackal, brought the news that. Shere Khan, the tiger, had shifted his hunting grounds to the hills.

Question 7.
What happened to the eagle and the dove in the end?
The eagle and the dove vanished and is their place stood Indra, the chief of gods and Agni, the god of Fire.

MP Board Solutions

B. Answer any two of the following questions in three to five sentences each:

Question 1.
“Nothing is Lucky if you put it away. If you want luck you must put it to some use.” What did grandfather in the lesson ‘The Cherry Tree’ mean by these words?
Grandfather meant to say that the seed of the cherry should be planted.

Question 2.
Describe Bismillah Khan as an example of communal harmony?
Bismillah Khan always encouragged commmunal harmony. He was a practicing Muslim, who offered ‘namaaz’ five times a day, yet he had immense faith in Baba Vishwanath, Sankat Mochan Hanuman and Ganga Maiyya. He used to lead the Muharram procession as well as that of the Ganga Puja in Banaras, playing the shehnai while walking. In his opinion, all religions are one.

Question 3.
What did the grandmother in the lesson ‘How I Taught my grandmother to Read’ do on Dushera festival.”
Grandmother called her granddaughter to the puja place and made her sit down on a stool. She gave her a gift of a frock material and then she touched her feet.

Question 4.
Answer any two of the following questions.

Question 1.
What is the poet complaning about in the poem ‘English is Amazing?

Question 2.
How have the children been de-scribed in the poem “Children Who are wanted every hour”?

  1. Children are full of spirit and will power.
  2. They have sound mind and sound body.
  3. They are fit to cope with any situation.
  4. They never want to sit idle.
  5. They always do work.

Question 3.
Why don’t you have time to listen to a poem or to pray?
We don’t have the time to listen a poem or to pray because we have to do a lot of work in limited period.

Question 5.
Write the summary of any one of the following poems:
(a) ‘Children Who are Wanted every Hour’
(b) ‘The Jet Age’

Question 6.
Write a short note on any one of the following topics:
(a) Importance of Trees
(b) The Narmada
(c) Our President

MP Board Solutions

Question 7.
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

“I do know whence I got the notion that good hand-writing was not a necessary proof education, but I retained it untill I went to England. When later, especially in South Africa, I saw the beautiful hand-writing of the lawyers and the young men born and educated in South Africa, I was ashamed of myself and repented my neglect. I saw that bad hand-writing should be regarded as a sign of imperfect education. I tried later to improve mone but it was too late. I could never repair the neglect of my youth. Let every man and woman be warned by my example and understand that good hand-writing is a necessary part of education.”


Question 1.
Who is the speaker in this passage?
Mahatama Gandhi.

Question 2.
What was his first idea about hand-writing?
Good hand-writing was not a necessary part of education.

Question 3.
When did he feel ashamed of his own hand-writing?
When the saw the beautiful hand-writing of the lawyer, he felt ashamed of his own hand-writing.

Question 4.
What did he think of bad hand-writing?
Bad hand-writing was a sign of imperfect education.

Question 5.
Why could he not improve his hand-writing later?
Because it was too late.

Question 6.
What working does he give to every man and woman?
Good hand writing is a necessary part of education.

Question 7.
‘I got the notion that …………….’ Nation means-
(i) Knowledge
(ii) Idea
(iii) theory.
(ii) Idea

MP Board Class 8th English Solutions