MP Board Class 9th General English Grammar Modals

MP Board Class 9th General English Grammar Modals

Modals विशेष प्रकार की Helping verbs हैं जो मुख्य (Finite) verb के Mood (भाव) को प्रकट करने में सहायता करती हैं।

Modals के बाद not लगाकर वाक्य Negative बन जाता है।

Will, shall, should, would, can, could, may, might, ought, need, dare, has to, have to, had to, ought to Modals हैं। आपके पाठ्यक्रम में सिर्फ has to, have to, had to, must, ought to, need, should और इनके negative forms हैं।

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Modals की निम्न विशेषताएँ हैं
(1) यह कभी अकेला प्रयुक्त नहीं होता वरन् सदैव किसी मुख्य क्रिया (main verb) के साथ ही आता है।

(i) You should wait for half an hour.
(ii) I had to go there.

(2) Has to व have to को छोड़कर अन्य Modals पर Subject के Number तथा Gender का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता।

Uses of Some Modals
1. Have to/Had to/Has to (and their negatives)
इनका प्रयोग बाध्यता व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

I. (i) I had to bring his clothes.
मुझे उसके कपड़े लाने पड़े।

(ii) You have to bow before him.
तुम्हें उनके सामने झुकना पड़ता है।

(iii) Ramesh had not to eat it.
रमेश को यह नहीं खाना पड़ा।

(iv) She has to go there.
उसे वहाँ जाना पड़ा।

(v) Sheela has not to fetch water in the morning.
शीला को सुबह पानी नहीं लाना पड़ता है।

(vi) I have not to clean my room these days.
‘मुझे अपना कमरा इन दिनों साफ नहीं करना पड़ता है।

अत: ‘Have to’ व उसके negative का प्रयोग first person, second person तथ third person, plural pronouns के साथ present tense में किया जाता है।

‘Has to’ व उसके negative का प्रयोग 3rd person singular number (he, she, it, name, of a person आदि) के साथ Present Tense में किया जाता है

‘Had to’ व उसके negative का प्रयोग Past Tense में सभी persons तथ numbers के साथ किया जाता है


Fill in the blanks with has to/have to/had to
1. I ……… wear the shirt without ironing.
2. The teachers don’t ……… wear any uniform.
3. We ……… work till midnight.
4. The driver ……… drive the car fast.
5. His mother ……… go away.
6. You don’t ……… worry about it.
1. had to,
2. have to,
3. have to,
4. has to,
5. had to,
6. have to.

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Rewrite these sentences into negative

1. He has to pass.
2. They have to write to his father…
3. He has to agree with me.
4. Your sister has to come here.
5. We had to throw it.
1. He has not to pass.
2. The have not to write to his father.
3. He has not to agree with me.’
4. Your sister has not to come here.
5. We had not to throw it.

(2) Must

Must is used –
(1) To express compulsion (बाध्यता) जैसे-
(i) You must deposit the money by tomorrow.
तुम्हें रुपये कल तक जमा कर देने चाहिए।
(ii) They must obey the rules.
उन्हें नियमों का पालन करना चाहिए।

(2) To express prohibition (निषेध) जैसे-
(i) You must not come home late.
तुम्हें घर देर से नहीं आना चाहिए।
(ii) Students must’not talk in the classroom.
विद्यार्थियों को कक्षा में बात नहीं करनी चाहिए।

(3) To advice in the form of order.
Mother said to me, “You must lock the doors properly.”
माँ ने मुझसे कहा, “तुम्हें दरवाजे ठीक तरह से बन्द करने चाहिए।”


Fill in the blanks with must/must not
1. You ……… try your luck.
2. We ……… go there.
3. I………. work hard now.
4. You ……… roam about like this.
1. must,
2. must,
3. must,
4. must not.

(3) Should

Should का प्रयोग advice, prohibition, duty, probability or expectation, condition, intention, suggestion इत्यादि को बताने के लिए किया जाता है।

You should consult the doctor immediately.
तुम्हें शीघ्र ही डॉक्टर से परामर्श करना चाहिए।

Boys should be present daily.
लड़कों को प्रतिदिन उपस्थित रहना चाहिए।

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Fill in the blanks using should/should not
1. The peon ……… ring the bell.
2. You ……… tell lies.
3. All of you ……… come in time.
4. I ……… let her down.
5. People ……… spit on the walls.
1. should,
2. should not,
3. should,
4. should not,
5. should not.

(4) Ought to/Ought not to

‘Ought to’ का प्रयोग नैतिक कर्तव्य (moral obligation) या सामाजिक बन्धक (binding) बताने के लिए किया जाता है। इसके बाद सदैव verb की Ist form आती है।

You ought to obey your parents.
तुम्हें अपने माता-पिता का कहा मानना चाहिए।

Fill in the blanks using ought to/ought not to.
1. You ……… obey the traffic rules.
2. Children ……… back answer their elders.
3. You ……… abuse others.
4. People ……… take their own decisions.
5. We ……. be kind to animals.
1. ought to,
2. ought not to,
3. ought not to,
4. ought to,
5. ought to

(5) Need/Needn’t

सहायक क्रिया के रूप में need का प्रयोग नकारात्मक और प्रश्नवाचक वख्यों में होता है Need बन्धन या अनिवार्यता को प्रकट नहीं करना

मुख्य Verb के रूप में need का अर्थ होता है to stand. in need of.
1. You need not go there. (Negative)
2. Need he go there? (Interrogative)
3. I need your help. (main verb 264 )

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Defective verb के रूप में इसका अर्थ necessity होता है।

(i) You need not pay the fee.
(ii) He need not insist for it.


Fill in the blanks using need (s) needn’t
1. You ……… go to the hospital now.
2. Uncle Sam ……… your help.
3. It is the ……… of the time to speak the truth.
4. ……. she stay there?
1. need not,
2. needs,
3. need,
4. Need.


Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.

1. Tomorrow/school/to/go/I/must.
2. Early/ought to/you/rise.,
3. Work/night/I/have to/till.
4. Bicycle/man/sell/had to/poor/the/his.
1. I must go to school tomorrow.
2. You ought to rise early.
3. I have to work till night.
4. The poor man had to sell his bicycle.

MP Board Class 9th English Solutions

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