MP Board Class 9th Special English Unseen Passages Discursive
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
Our opportunities are great but let me warn, you that when power outstrips ability, we will fall on evil days. We should develop competence and ability which would help us utilise the opportunities which are now open to us. From tomorrow morning from midnight today we cannot throw the blame on the Britisher. We have to assume responsibility ourselves for what we do. A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the interests of the common man in the matter of food, clothing, shelter and social activities. Unless we destroy corruption in high places and root out every trace of nepotism, love of power, profiteering and black marketing which have spoiled the good name of this country in recent times, we will not be able to raise the standards of efficiency in administration as well as in the production and distribution of the necessary goods of life.(153 words) Extract from a speech by Dr. S.Radhakrishnan (1947)
Question 1.
Given below is a summary of the passage hove. On the basis of your reading of the passage fill in the blanks appropriately, using only the information given. Write your answer in the answer sheet against the correct blank number. (8 marks)
Dr. Radhakrishnan said that Independence would give (a) …………………….. to make great progress. In order to (b) …………………….. we must develop our abilities and skills and assume responsibility (c) …………………….. that are now open to us. We (d) …………………….. corruption, nepotism and black-marketing. Only then (e) …………………….. the standard’ of life of our people, (f) …………………….. is greater than our ability to handle it we will face great trouble. The world (g) …………………….. free India (h) …………………….. takes care of its common people.
(a) us opportunities
(b) be competent
(c) to utilise the opportunities
(d) should destroy
(e) can we raise
(f) the corruption level
(g) will judge
(h) by the way in which it
I was overwhelmed with gratuitous advice. Well-meaning yet ignorant friends thrust their opinions into unwilling ears. The majority of them said I could not do without meat in the cold climate.
I would catch consumption. Mr. Z went to England and caught it on account of his foolhardiness. Others said I might do without flesh but without wine I could not move. I would be numbed with cold. One went so far as to advise me to take eight bottles of whiskey, for I should want them after leaving Aden. Another ‘ wanted me to smoke, for his friend was obliged to smoke in England. Even medical men, those who had been to England, told the same tale. But as I wanted to come at any price, I replied that I would try my best to avoid all these things but if they were found to be absolutely necessary I did not know what I should do. I may here mention that my aversion to meat was not so strong then as it is now. I was even betrayed in to taking meat about six or seven times at the period when I allowed my friends to think for me. But in the steamer, my ideas began to change. I thought I should not take meat on any account. My mother before consenting to my departure extracted a promise from me not to take meat. So I was bound not to take it, if only for the sake of the promise.
The fellow-passengers in the steamer began to advise us (the friend who was with me and myself) to try it.
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks appropriately using only the information given in the passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.
I was very (a) …………………….. to hear the advice from the friends who were (b) …………………….. I was not (c) …………………….. to shearing it. They told me to eat (d) and drink”. They so advised me to (e) …………………….. but I (f) …………………….. because I always remembered my (g) …………………….. which I had given to my (h) ……………………..
(a) overwhelmed
(b) ignorant
(c) averse
(d) meat
(e) smoke
(i) changed my idea promise
(ii) mother.
He was a very regular correspondent. There was hardly a letter calling for a considered reply which he did not answer himself.
Letters from individuals, dealing with their personal and private problems, constituted a considerable portion of his correspondence and his replies are valuable as guidance to others with similar problems. For a great period of this life, he did not take the assistance of any stenographer or typist, and used to write whatever he required in his own hand/ and even when such assistance became unavoidable, he continued writing a great deal in his own hand. There were occasions when he became physically unable to write with the fingers of his right hand and, at a later stage in his life, he learnt the art of writing with his left hand. He did the same thing with spinning. Private correspondence, which absorbed much of his writing in this way, constituted an important and significant part of his teachings, as applied to particular problems of the ordinary man in his everyday life.
(From Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s homage to Gandhiji)
Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, fill in the blanks with suitable words. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (8 marks)
He answered the letters (a) …………………….. which needed his considered (b) …………………….. Letters dealt with problems which were (c) …………………….. and (d) …………………….. He did not take the help of any (e) …………………….. or (f) …………………….. When the right hand became (g) …………………….. he used his (h) hand.
(a) himself
(b) reply
(c) personal
(d) private
(e) stenographer
(j) typist
(g) incapable
1. There are several reasons for a headache. Physical, emotional and mental factors, anxiety and tension are a few. Sometimes, headache can be a signal of an underlying disease. More than medicines, yoga therapy eminently suits any need. Yoga is a comprehensive mode of culturing the body and the mind. Using an ‘Integrated Approach of Yoga’, the Yoga Research Centres have been able to cure some tough headaches. The integrated approach includes breathing, asanas, pranayama, meditation and devotional sessions.
2. Yoga asanas, especially the ones imitating the natural postures of animals, have a tremendous tranquilising effect, without having to depend on common drugs. Pranayama inhibits random agitations in Pranic (energy) flows in Pranamayakosa, stabilising the autonomic nervous system. Dhyana and Samadhi culture the mind to relax it. This approach alters the reaction of an individual to headache. By interrupting the vicious cycle of pain-agony- pain, it prevents headache from becoming a crippling problem.
3. Through asanas that calm you, the pranayama exercises that inhibit random energy flows and the meditation that cultivates and relaxes your mind, yoga offers a holistic-form of pain relief. It stops you from becoming locked in the vicious circle of pain- anxiety-pain.
4. Chronic pain : Chronic pain essentially is imbalance in prana (energy). This imbalance initially manifests only as functional abnormalities like Insomnia, lack of enthusiasm, fatigue, increased irritability and lack of concentration. Over the years, the im-balance settles in an organ. Chronic pain may sometimes beust a long-standing muscle spasm, which later on may give rise to organic changes in the form of chronic inflammation.
Question 1.
Give one word each from the paragraphs mentioned which mean the opposite of the words given below. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.
(a) distraction (para 4) (b) excludes (para 1)
(a) concentration
(b) includes.
Question 2.
Complete the following sentences, based on your understanding of the passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (7 marks)
(a) The program, “Integrated Approach of Yoga” is called so because …………………….. (1)
(b) The disturbance in the energy level may lead to
(i) …………………….. (ii) ……………………..
(c) The Yoga Asanas are considered superior to common drugs because …………………….. (1)
(d) A holistic form of pain relief comes through
(i) …………………….. (ii) …………………….. (iii) ……………………..
(a) It is a comprehensive mode of culturing the body and the mind.
(b) (i) Chronic pain (ii) Fatigue.
(c) they have a tremendous tranquilising effect.
(d) (i) Pranayama exercises (ii) Meditation (iii) Yoga.
(1) _________________ (2) _________________
1. India was once considered the land of knowledge and enlightenment. In ancient times scholars from all over Asia and Europe used to flock to Taxila, Nalanda and other Indian centres of learning. Apart from the arts, culture, philosophy and religion, these scholars came to study medicine, law and martial sciences. But despite having a vastly expanded university system and historical advantages, modern India has yet to provide international or even regional leadership in higher education. From the surrounding countries and Africa only a few students come to India for higher education.
2. The United States is by far the most successful country in attracting foreign students. But other countries such as Australia, Canada, and Britain also aggressively market their universities abroad through their education counseling services and recruitment fairs with the active cooperation of their diplomatic missions abroad.
3. Likewise, India should also capitalise on the advantages offered by its higher education institutions, market Indian universities abroad and facilitate the entry of foreign students into them.
4. The revenue from foreign students can be used to ease the financial crunch faced by Indian universities, improve academic facilities and subsidise the cost of educating Indian students.
5. But apart from economic advantages, many other benefits would accrue to the nation. India would gain global and regional influence, goodwill and become a major provider of higher education. Many Asian and African countries, especially the smaller ones have poorly developed university systems and would look to Indian universities for the higher education of their youth. At the same time Indian students will not be deprived if 10 percent supernumerary seats for foreign students are created in universities and professional colleges.
6. Already professional education in India has proved accessible and affordable for foreign students, especially from Malaysia, the Middle East and South Africa. In these countries higher education training facilities are limited. Many NRI (non-resident Indian) families abroad, especially those from English-speaking industrialised countries are also keen to send their children to study in their motherland and hopefully to become attuned to their Indian roots in the process.
Question 1.
On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the sentences given below. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentence.
(a) In spite of India having a historical advantage and a vastly expanded university system it …………………………
(b) Many parents send their children to India hoping that …………………………
(c) Academic facilities in India can be improved with …………………………
(a) has yet to provide international or even regional leadership in higher education.
(b) by studying in their motherland these children would become attuned to their Indian roots.
(c) the revenue earned from the foreign students.
Question 2.
On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following paragraph using one word only in each blank. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.
The income from foreign students would not only (a) …………………….. in educating Indian students but also in (b) …………………….. global and regional influence and thus (c) …………………….. to higher education (d) …………………….. The (e) …………………….. of countries with poorly developed education systems usually (f) …………………….. on Indian Universities for their higher education.
(a) help
(b) improving
(c) provide
(d) system
(e) students
(f) depend
Question 3.
Find words/phrases from the passage which mean the same as the following from the paragraphs indicated.
(a) forceful (para 2) (b) easy to approach/to enter (para 5)
(a) aggressive
(b) accessible
1. Our house is filled with photos. They cover the walls of my kitchen, dining room and den. I see our family’s entire history, starting with my wedding, continuing through the births of both sons, buying a home; family gatherings and vacations. When my sons were little, they loved to pose. They waved, danced, climbed trees, batted balls, hung upside down’ from the jungle gym and did anything for a picture. But when they reached adolescence, picture-taking changed into something they barely tolerated. Their bodies were growing at haphazard speeds.
Reluctantly they stood with us or with their grandparents at birthday celebrations and smiled weakly at the camera for as short a time as possible.
2. I am the chronicler of our photographs. I select those to be framed and arrange the others in albums. The process is addictive, and as the shelves that hold our albums become fuller and fuller, I wonder what will become of them. Will anyone look at these photographs in future years? If my sons look at them, what will they think of us and of themselves? One bright afternoon, I took some photographs of my father with my husband as they fished on a lake near our vacation house. As my sons and I sat on the shore and watched them row away, I picked the camera up and photographed the beautiful lake surrounded by green trees. The two men I loved gradually grew smaller until all I could see were my father’s red shirt, and the tan and blue caps on their heads.
3. My father died a week later, and suddenly those photos became priceless to me. I wept when I pasted them in our album, I wept again afterward when I saw my younger son looking at them. It was a few days before he went away to college. He had taken all our albums down from the bookshelves in the den and spread them out on the carpet. It had been a very long time since I had seen him doing this. Once he stopped posing for pictures, he seemed to lose interest in looking at them. But now he was on the verge of leaving home. This was his special time to look ahead and look back. I stood for a moment in the hall by the den, and then tiptoed away. I didn’t take a photo of my son that afternoon, but I will remember how he looked for as long as I live. Some pictures, I learned, don’t have to be taken with a camera.
Question 1.
Fill in the summary using a word only:
The author was (a) …………………….. about taking photographs and framing them. But she always (b) …………………….. whether her sons would ever look at them. She was full of (c) …………………….. when she pasted the pictures of her father’s last days in the album. She learnt that some pictures always (d) …………………….. in one’s mind without a camera.
(a) addictive
(b) wondered
(c) tears
(d) remained
Question 2.
Complete the sentences given below:
The author’s sons enjoyed getting photographed while they
(a) ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..
(b) ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..
(c) ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..
(d) ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..
(a) waved and danced
(b) climbed trees
(c) batted balls
(d) hung upside down from the jungle gym