MP Board Class 10th General English Supplementary Material (Based on ‘Reading Time’ Section of Work-Book)
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Why did Gandhiji travel in third class? How do you like the reply of Gandhi ji to men and women?
Gandhiji’s reply was witty. When he was asked this question, he replied that because there is no fourth. Really Gandhiji traveled third because all poor people in India travelled third. He had great sympathy towards poor people. In this way, he could learn a lot about common people of India. I like this reply very much. He was truly a great man.
Question 2.
What do you know about ‘Red Cross Society’? Describe its aim and work in detail.
The Red Cross Society is an international organisation. Its aim is very noble. It helps the mankind suffering from natural disasters like earthquakes, flood and famine. It helps the sick and the wounded during wars. It helps without any consideration of nationality, creed and colour. It was founded in 1863 by Sir Henri Dunant in Switzerland.
Question 3.
Why are academically sound students called book worms?
Students who are very fond of reading books are often called book worms. This remark comes from students who consider themselves better in sports. Students who shine in athletics or in some games consider that it is better to spend time and energy in a sports arena than in a class room or at a reading desk. They envy their fellows who shine ‘ academically.
Question 4. What are the requirements of good etiquette?
The first requirement of good etiquette is. a pleasing personality, which includes a good dress in tune with times. The second requirement is development of the power of speech, that is to be a good communicator. Third requirement is that the man should have a clear idea of the day-to-day topics and happenings in the society’.
Question 5.
Why did Alfred Nobel leave ₹ 32,00,000 in his will?
Alfred Nobel was a Swedish Chemist. His inventions brought him a massive fortune. He was a committed pacifist. He wanted to bring peace to mankind. He used in his will to endow the Nobel Prizes to those who have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind in five categories. He left ₹ 32,00,000 in his will to finance prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace.
Question 6.
Explain ’Prevention is better than cure’.
It means that it is better that we should try to avoid things that lead to the development of the cause of illness and try to take preventive steps before we become ill and then try to get treatment after falling ill. We should get rid of the causes that make us sick.
Question 7.
What is the main goal of our education system?
The main goal of our education system is that studies should not be neglected and could be given due importance along with other activities connected with education. Each type of activity has its own place in our daily routine. Students should be both academically sound and physically fit.
Question 8.
What hardships do children face at home?
The hardships children face at home start straight from sleep when they are pulled out and got ready for school even before their faculities are awake, they are groomed and stuffed into a uniform and packed off to school with a loaded bag on their back.
Question 9.
If a person desires to learn the art of etiquette, what should, he/she develop?
If a person desires to learn the art of good etiquette he must develop the power of speech to be a good communicator. He must have a smooth accent in the language in which he converses.
Question 10.
What did the boy do from morning to night?
The boy did not say any bad word but smiled and played. He was happy at sunset because he had been good all the day. Before going to bed he prayed. He hoped that during night he will not see any bad dreams and next day he will not see any ugly sight. He will take a sound sleep and in the morning he will hear thrushes singing in the lilacs round the lawn.
Question 11.
Why was the king irritated?
The American soldier did not know the Spanish language. The commander dictated him the answer to the questions the king generally asked. When the king arrived he inverted the serial of questions. So when he asked the soldier the period of time instead of asking his age, the soldier replied 25 years. The king was surprised and asked his age and the reply was six months, So the king was irritated.
He asked whether he or the soldier is mad. The soldier understood that he was asked about boarding and lodging facilities so he replied ‘Sir, Both’.
Question 12.
Write the summary of the short story of the bee and the dove.
A bee went to a tank to quench her thirst. She was about to drown when she was helped by a dove who dropped down a leaf into the river. The bee was grateful for this help. One day a boy was about to shoot an arrow towards the dove. The bee stung her hand and he could not shoot the arrow. The bee helped the dove in return.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How can we make our students academically and physically sound?
Let each type of activity have its own place in our daily routine. Then only will we have students both academically sound and physically fit.
Question 2.
How does unity in the team is important for society?
Unity in the team teaches team spirit. This team spirit is important for society.
Question 3.
What was the king curious to know?
The king was curious to know who those children were and why the woman picked one and left the other to its fate. .
Question 4.
What was the problem with the soldier?
The problem with the soldier was that he did not know the Spanish language.
Question 5.
How did the commander help the I soldier?
The commander taught him the answer that the king usually asked any new soldier. The soldier crammed the answers.
Question 6.
What happened to the bee that went to j the tank?
The bee fell into the water and was almost 1 drowned.
Question 7.
What do we need for our highways?
We need a plantation plan for our national, I state and district highways,
Question 8.
How much load does an average child I carry in his school bag?
An average child carries not less than six I to eight kg of weight in his school bag.
Question 9.
What did the boy find when he woke up?
The boy heard the thrushes singing in the lilacs round the lawn when he woke up.
Question 10.
In what places malaria does not occur?
Malaria does not occur in dry desert countries because mosquitoes cannot breed there.
Question 11.
What kind of friends are hard to find?
Faithful friends are hard to find,
Question 12.
What was the question of American ! women to Gandhiji?
The question was, “You are the leader of the Indian people, but you travel third. Please tell us why you travel third?”
Question 13.
What is left to gardeners alone?
The planting of new trees and replacement I of dead trees is left to gardeners alone.
Question 14.
What does the sun keep making when j he goes round the earth?
The sun keeps making day and night when he goes round the earth.
Question 15.
What was the boy hoping while going to bed?
He was hoping that no ugly dream should frighten his mind and no ugly sight should frighten his eyes.
Question 16.
Why do you think the things give a glimpse and disappear?
They give a glimpse and disappear because the train is moving fast.
Question 17.
Why was the king surprised?
The king was surprised because the new soldier told him that he had been serving in the king’s army for 25 years.
Question 18.
What does a person need strength for?
A person needs strength to battle with difficulties and overcome them.
Question 19.
What does modern etiquette include?
Modem etiquette includes good dress in tune with times.
Question 20.
What was Napoleon’s motto?
Napoleon’s motto was ‘Divide and Conquer.’