MP Board Class 11th Special English Prose Important Questions

MP Board Class 11th Special English Prose Important Questions

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 2 What The Moon Saw Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below :

1. She knew that if the lamp continued to burn so long as she could keep it in sight, her betrothed was still alive, but if the lamp was suddenly extinguished he was dead. And the lamp burned bravely on, and she fell on her knees and prayed. Near her in the grass lay a speckled snake, but she heeded it not she thought only of Bramah and of her betrothed. “He lives!’ she shouted joyfully, he lives !”

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And from the mountains the echo came back upon her, ‘he lives!

Questions :
(i) Who is ‘she’ in these lines?
(ii) What is ‘she’ trying to do?
(iii) Why does ‘she’ do so?
(iv) What is lying near in the grass?
(v) Find words from the above passage for the following:
(a) put out, (b) the person to whom one is engaged to be married.
Answers :
(i) ‘She’ is a Hindu maid from Hindustan.
(ii) ‘She’ is trying to keep the lamp burning.
(iii) She does so because she believes that burning of the lamp symbolizes the life of her betrothed. If it is extinguished, the life of her betrothed would also come to an end.
(iv) A speckled snake is lying near her in the grass.
(v) (a) Extinguished, (b) betrothed.

2. I was angry with the willful child, and felt glad when her father came out and scolded her more violently than yesterday, holding her roughly by the arm; she held down her head, and her blue eyes were full of large tears. “What are you about here?” he asked. She wept and said.’ I wanted to kiss the hen and beg her pardon for frightening her yesterday; but I was afraid to tell you.’

Questions :
(i) Who is ‘I’ referred to in these lines?
(ii) Why does ‘l’ become angry with the girl?
(iii) What does the girl’s father do to her?
(iv) How does the girl respond?
(v) Pick out words from the above passage which are opposite in meaning of
(a) gently, (b) delicately.
Answer :
(i) ‘l’ refers to the Moon.
(ii) The Moon becomes angry with the girl because she has come to the hen’s apartment in spite of her father’s scolding.
(iii) The girl’s father again scolds her more violently than the previous day.
(iv) The girl weeps and replies to her father that she has come to kiss the hen and beg her paid on for the mischief of the previous day.
(v) (a) violently, (b) roughly.

II. Answer the following questions in one sentence :

Question 1.
Where did the painter live? (M.P. 2010)
Answer :
The painter lived in a high-up room in a very narrow lane.

Question 2.
Why did the painter feel low-spirited in the town?
Answer :
The painter felt low spirited in the town because he had no friend nor anyone familiar.

Question 3.
Where appearance made the painter happy? (M.P. 2010)
Answer :
The appearance of the moon made the pair er happy.

Question 4. Where was the moon gliding on the first evening? (M.P. 2011)
Answer :
The moon was gliding in the sky on the first evening.

Question 5.
Who came out of the thick bushes?
Answer :
A Hindu maid come out of the thick bushes.

Question 6.
What thought had brought the maid to the river?
Answer :
The thought to wish for the long life of her betrothed had brought the maid to the river.

Question 7.
What did the maid believe in?
Answer :
The maid believed that the burning of the lamp will keep her betrothed alive.

Question 8.
Why did the father scold the little girl?
Answer :
The father scolded the little girl because she had frightened the hen.

Question 9.
Why did the girl enter the apartment of the hen and chicks? (Imp)
Answer :
The girl entered the apartment of the hen and chicks to beg her pardon from them..

Question 10.
What did the father do to the little girl, when she told him her intention?
Answer :
The father loved her and kissed her.

III. Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words :

Question 1.
Write the character sketch of the Hindu girl (“first evening”) highlighting
(a) her beauty, (b) her love and (c) her fears about the life of her betrothed.
Answer :
The narrator, through the Moon, presents a very beautiful picture of a Hindu girl. While wandering over the sky the Moon finds a Hindu girl from Hindustan. She trips forth from the thickets. She is an enchanting beauty. She is like a damsel an Eve. It means she is virgin and graceful. She is airy and ethereal as a vision as the Moon describes her.

She is deeply in love with her betrothed. The intensity of love is very much obvious with her effort in protecting the flame of the burning lamp. She does not take any notice of the speckled snake lying beside her in the grass. She has nothing to worry except the long life of her betrothed.

As she is typical girl from Hindustan, she has all the fears and apprehension about his life-span. She also believes in some old Hindustani remedies and precautions against all evils. As per a belief, one can wish and pray for the long life of one’s near and dear by keeping a lamp burning afloat over water. The burning of flame symbolizes the span of life. So, in our land women do so to shed their fear of the early death of their beloved ones. It is typical Indian character.

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Question 2.
Write a character sketch of the little girl (“Second evening”) highlighting. (M.P. 2013)
(a) her act of frightening the hen and the chickens; (b) her entering stealthily in the hen-house again. (c) her explanation that she did not want of frighten the birds, and
(d) her father’s change in attitude towards her.
Answer :
The narrator presents another tale told by the Moon which he tells about the second evening. The girl is an innocent playful girl. who enjoys everything. The moon sees in the courtyard a clucking hen with her eleven chickens. A pretty little girl is running and jumping around. The hen feels frightened. She feels unsecured. So, she tries to protect the chickens by spreading her wings over them. The girl’s father comes there and scolds the girl.

The next evening the Moon sees the girl again entering into the hen’s apartment. Creeping silently she pushes to bolt back and slips in. The hen again becomes frightened. It begins to run with fear in order to save itself and its chickens. The father again comes and very roughly scolds the girl.

The girl did not have any intention to disturb the hen. Instead she has come there to apologize for the frightening act. She wants to love hen. She is feeling sorry.

The explanation of the girl puts a deep impact on father’s mind. He too feels sorry for scolding the girl. He now feels the deep love of the girl who is very innocent. The father kisses the girl over the forehead and hugs her. Symbolically he also expresses his sorrow and regret for his scolding.

IV. Objective Type

Questions : (Imp)
(i) “I am poor lad”. This line is spoken by :
(little boy, by the moon itself, by the author of the lesson, by one of the readers) .

(ii) “Last night, I was gliding through the cloudless sky” Here gliding means :
(moving slowly into the sky, moving slowly on the ground, moving slowly over the walked surface, moving slowly along the railway line)

(iii) “Thousand and one nights,” here refers to the well known tale of:
(Afganistan, Pakistan, Arabian Nights, European)

(iv) The story“ What the Moon Saw” is a tale told :
(through a painter, through a school boy, through a school teacher, through an old man).
Answers :
(i) by the moon itself
(ii) moving slowly into the sky.
(iii) Arabian Nights.
(iv) through a painter.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 3 My Mother Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passages and answer the questions given below : (M.P. 2013)

1. My father and mother were bound to each other by certain common principles and standard of conduct, but otherwise, in appearance, temperament and outlook, they were the reverse or, if one chooses to say the same thing in a different way, the complement of each other. My mother was as slight and fragile as my father was robust, while her face was as responsive as my fathers were impassive.

Questions :
(i) Who is the narrator in these lines?
(ii) How was the narrator’s father bound to his mother?
(iii) Why does the narrator find his mother not a suitable match for his father?
(iv) What does the face of the father a contrast to that mother?
(v) Give a word similar in meaning to the expression ‘lean and thin’?
Answers :
(i) The writer is the narrator of these lines.
(ii) The narrator’s father was bound to the mother by certain common principles and standards of conduct.
(iii) The narrator finds his mother not a suitable match for this father because she is a complete contrast in appearance temperament and out look of his father.
(iv) The mother’Ss face was responsive which the father’s face was impassive.
(v) ‘slight and fragile’.

2. But here again the appearance were deceptive, for her face did not show, hardly indicated even, the immense strength of her moral convictions. No one could have inferred from her face that she was capable of such fanáticism as she showed over question of right and wrong. Even more than my father was she intolerant of demonstrativeness and the wearing of one’s heart on one’s sleeve.

Questions :
(i) Whose face is deceptive?
(ii) Why does the writer say her face deceptive.
(iii) What fanaticism does the writer refer to here?
(iv) Find a word opposite in meaning to ‘liberalism’?
Answers :
(i) The face of mother is deceptive.
(ii) The writer calls the face deceptive because it does not show what she really is.
(iii) Fanaticism here refers to the strictness of mother towards the questions of right and wrong.
(iv) ‘Fanaticism.

3. The faults of character she disliked most were falsehood, dishonesty, moral cowardice and meanness. A liar, a cheat, a coward and a person with the tiny heart of a minnow” as she put it were the most contemptuous epithet we heard from her mouth. Not only did she condemn vice, she almost equally despised the tacit acceptance of an advantage.

Questions :
(i) What faults of character did the mother not like?
(ii) Whose heart is as tiny is that of a minnow?
(iii) What did she condemn and despise?
(iv) Pick out words from the above stanza which are opposite in meaning to :
(a) brave, (b) huge, (c) virtue.
Answers :
(i) The mother did not like falsehood, dishonesty, moral cowardice and meanness.
(ii) The heart of a liar, a cheat and a coward is as tiny as that of a minnow.
(iii) She condemned vice and she intensely disliked the tacit acceptance of an advantage.
(iv) (a) coward, (b) tiny, (c) vice.

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II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each : (Imp)
Question 1.
In what way were the parents of the writer complement of each other?
Answers :
If one chose to say the same thing in a different way, they were a complement of each other.

Question 2.
What produced the wrinkles on her forehead?
Answers :
The frequent fits of introspective brooding into which she fell produced the wrinkles on her forehead.

Question 3.
How does the author describe his mother’s eyes and nose? (M.P. 2015)
Answers :
As the author describes, his mother’s eye they were large and liquid and her nose was regular and very prominent.

Question 4.
What was the mother’s concept of ‘good manners’? (Imp).
Answers :
Good manners were a matter of fundamental decencies and not of external polish.

III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words :

Question 1.
In what way were the parents of the writer reverse of each other? (Imp)
Answers :
The writer’s mother was completely opposite to his father. Appearance, temperament and outlook-nothing was similar to that of each other. While the mother was slight and fragile, father was robust. Mother’s face was responsive, whereas the father’s was impassive. Mother was more intolerant of demonstrativeness than father.

Question 2.
Describe the author’s mother’s face in your own words.
Answers :
As the writer says his mother’s appearance was not at all good and impressive. She had two deep vertical wrinkles between her eyebrows. Her forehead was very well shaped without being high. Her face was oval and broad. Her eyes were large and nose was very regular and prominent.

Question 3.
How will an average Indian mother react to an accident with her child? (M.P. 2012)
Answers :
An average Indian mother will react very quickly if an accident takes place with her child. She would be panicky strike. If a one-year-old baby falls down from a height, the mother would give a hideous scream and begin to knock her head on the floor by way of mourning assuming that the child was already dead.

Question 4.
How did the writer’s mother react to a mishap with him?
Answers :
The writer’s mother had the capacity to restrain herself soon even if an accident happened with her child. Even in her worst panic she never went anywhere for help.

Question 5.
What faults of character did the mother dislike? (M.P. 2009)
Answers :
The mother often disliked the faults of character like falsehood, dishonesty, moral cowardice and meanness. She always condemned vice and despised tacit acceptance of an advantage

Question 6.
What is meant by expression ‘a sharp and biting tongue’? How did author’s mother react to his sharp and biting tongue?
Answers :
“A sharp and biting tongue’ means talking in an ill-mannered. It was against the code of social behavior and charity also. The mother never allowed her children to be ill-mannered. She thought it to be way of underdog.

IV. Answer the following questions in about 150 words:

Question 1.
Narrate in short the physical features of the writer’s mother.
Answers :
The writer explains the physical features of his mother in detail. The mother was not very handsome. She was slight and fragile with a responsive face. She had two wrinkles between her eyebrows. He forehead was very well-shaped. It was not very high. Her face was oval. It was broad in its upper half but very quickly receding and tapering in the lower. She had large eyes. Her nose was very regular and prominent. She had well-cut lips which tended towards fullness in the lower one. Her chin was remarkable for being neatly shaped but not weighty enough for the upper part. On the whole, the writer says, mothers features reflected an impression of unslumbering alertness and inexhaustible animation.

Question 2.
How were the appearance of the mother deceptive? (Imp)
Answers :
The mother’s appearance was deceptive. The first place she had two deep vertical wrinkles between her eyes which was normally believed to be a sign of being thoughtful. But the mother was not intellectual. But she was argumentative and devastatingly logical. She always appeared to be in a thoughtful mood. Secondly, her face never indicated the immense strength of her moral conviction. No one could ever guess from the face that she was almost fanatic over the question right and wrong. She was always intolerant of demonstrativeness but she was never too much emotional. Still she had motherly instinct and controlled the situation at her own.

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Question 3.
Prove by giving an example how the mother hated tacit acceptance of advantage.
Answer :
The mother’s character has been dealt with all minute details. Mother was very strict in dealing with her children. She never liked falsehood, dishonesty, moral cowardice and meanness. She always condemned vice and almost equally despised the tacit acceptance of an advantage. The writer gives examples from his experience. He says if mother asked them to take a portion after dividing a sweet or some other dish, they always requested her to give them the piece herself. It was because, if by any chance one of them took a piece thinking to be bigger, mother would look at him with a meaning smile or at times with angry contempt.

Question 4.
Give a general impression of the writer’s mother as you gather from the lesson. (Imp)
Answer :
The writer’s mother was a unique character. She was a complete contrast from her husband. She differed with him in appearance, temperament and outlook. Her face was responsive while that of the father was impassive. She was not at all handsome. Her face had some remarkable features which gave an impression of unslumbering alertness and inexhaustible animation. Nobody had ever called such a face as a face of simple and honest goodness.

She was intolerant of demonstrativeness but she had known how to control one’s emotion. She was never so panicky as usually as average Indian mother became. She never looked falsehood, dishonesty, moral cowardice and meanness. She always condemned vice and despised the tacit acceptance of an advantage. She never liked bad manner. She had disciplined her children perfectly.

Question 5.
Write a short essay on “Good Manners”. (M.P. 2011)
Answer :
Good manners make man’s life noble and complete. For human civilization, good manners are very essential. However a man may be attractive out wardly, he is worthless without having good manners. The man through up in good environment must be the man of good manners. There are some others who are not attractive out wardly yet they prove themselves to be noble in the society on the basic of their good manners.

Good manners are like jewels. As jewels decorate a person’s body similarly, good manners shape man’s character. A man of good manners is admired in society. Rudeness of character is symbol of man’s evil character and wild behaviour.

Man is the most remarkable creation of God on the earth. No other living being is so intelligent and emotional as man. So, man must be kind, sympathetic and generous to other living being. We should be loving to our younger and obedient to our elders and teachers. Good manners make man popular all around in society.

V. Objective Type

Questions :
Choose the correct answer from the given options :
(i) In temperament and out look. The writers parents were :
(similar, reverse, almost common, opposite)

(ii) The author’s mother was intolerant of demonstrativeness :
(more than his father was, as much as his father was, as much as the writer was, not even in the last)

(iii) The writers mother was :
(like all Indian mothers, like a few Indian mothers, like most Indian mothers, unlike Indian mothers)

(iv) “Bad manners’ according to the author’s mother were:
(acceptable in children, against social behaviour and charity, tolerable to some extent, not acceptable in high society)

(v) The lesson “My Mother” is ……..
(a biography, an autobiography, a story)
Answers :
(i) reverse.
(ii) not even in the last.
(iii) like a few indian mother.
(iv) against social behaviour and charity.
(v) an autobiography.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 5 Dilemma of the Scientist Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below :
1. Nearly nine years ago, on a warm autumn evening in 1945, I was driving over the mountains of southern Japan to the city of Nagasaki. The scale of the damage at Nagasaki drained the blood from my heart then, and does so now when I speak of it. For three miles my road lay through a desert which man had made in a second. Now, nine years later, the hydrogen bumb is ready to dwarf this scale and to turn each mile of destruction into ten miles. And citizens and scientists stare at one another a..d ask; “how did we blunder into this nightmare?

Questions :
(i) Where was the narrator driver over?
(ii) What did he see? What was its effect on his unc?!
(iii) What difference Did he find in his two assists of this place?
(iv) Explain the meaning of the expression, “how did we blunder into this night mare?
Answers :
(i) The narrator was driving over the mountains southern lapan to the city of Nagasaki.
(ii) He saw the damages at Nagasaki which ‘vas des syed in a few seconds by the atomic bomb during the World War.
(iii) There was no change in the deserted look of Nagasaki.
(iv) The writer means to say that the citizens and scientists might feei amazed at what they had done by creating the atomic bomb. They would ask themselves what a nightmarish blunder they had committed.

2. In short the Germans failed; it was the allies who tested ille first atonic’  in July of 1945. By this time Germany was defeated and Hitler was dead. The atomic scientists who had made the bomb in America were therefore shocked and distressed to hear that it was still intended to use it, against the Japanese. They wrote a round-robin to President Truman in which they pleaded against this decision. This is not simply a bigger bomb, they said; it changes every scale of war and of all power and it should be demonstrated to the world, not on men and women, but in some desert place. However, the protest of the scientists was ignored; and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were made desert places.

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Questions :
(i) When was the first atomic bomb tested and by whom?
(ii) What had happened to Hitler by that time?
(iii) Why were the atomic scientists shocked?
(iv) What did the scientists do to convince the government?
(v) What was their plea?
Answers :
(i) The first atomic bomb was tested in July, 1945 by the allies.
(ii) Hitler was dead by that time.
(iii) The atomic scientists were shocked because America was still intended to use the atomic bomb against Japan.
(iv) The scientists wrote a round robin to President Truman to convince the government.
(v) Their plea was that as it was not simply a bigger bomb, it should not be demonstrated on men and women but in some desert place.

3. The scientist in society has no right to dictate to society; and this is the heart of the matter. In return, society must not dictate his life to him. He must be free to follow his conscience, as any citizen should be free, in peace or in war. Like every man and woman, the scientist has a duty to himself, which demands that his work shall not only be useful, but shall conform to his sense of human fulfilment and dignity. If this prompts him to reject research for war or atomic physics, or science itself, he must be free and able to find other work.

Questions :
(i) What should be the ideal relationship between the scientists and the society?
(ii) Why should scientists be allowed to enjoy freedom?
(iii) What does the society expect from the scientists?
(iv) What should be done if the scientists stop research for war?
(v) Find the odd one out :
(a) Conscience, ethics, conscious, morality.
(b) Dignity, pride, worth, wealth.
Answers :
(i) The ideal relationship between the scientists and the society should be of non-interference.
(ii) Scientists are also human beings. Like other citizen, the scientists should be allowed to enjoy freedom.
(iii) The society expects from the scientists that their work should be useful.
(iv) They should be allowed to find other work if the scientists stop research for war.
(v) Find the odd one out :(a) conscious, (b) wealth.

II. Answer the following questions in brief (30-40 words) :

Question 1.
What forced the applied scientists to invent an atomic bomb? (M.P. 2009)
Answer :
During the World War II it was believed that Germans were working on a hydrogen bomb. Scientists of England and America were aware of the devastating power of such bomb. So, the allied scientists were forced to invent an atomic bomb to save their position other wise the monopoly of Germans in this bomb would have made Germans a superpower of the world.

Question 2.
Why, according to the writer, did the Nazis lose the race to invent the atomic bomb?
Answer :
In the writer’s opinion, the Nazis lost the race of inventing atomic bomb because they believed that the fast chain reaction of an atomic bomb was impossible. There were not enough unconventional ideas in the German atomic projects.

How did the Allied scientists react of the information that the atomic bomb they had invented to defeat Germany was still intended to be used?
Answer :
The Allied scientists were shocked and depressed when they learnt that the atomic bomb they had made to defeat Germany was still intended to be used. They wrote a round robin to President Truman pleading against the decision. They tried to convince him that it was not simply a bigger bomb. It should be demonstrated to the world not on men and women but in desert place.

Question 4.
Why is the writer against the people who say that the scientists should not invent or discover sources of fearsome power?
Answer :
The writer thinks that if the scientists are employed they would do their work. It is the choice of the community or the government to decide whether they want to be in peace or war. The scientists are not to be blamed for making sources of awesome power because they do only what they are asked for.

Question 5.
What freedom does the writer demand from the society for the scientist? (M.F. 2012, 15)
Answer :
The writer demands for the scientists the freedom to give their reason and to speak their mind. Community should not impose its own view on them. Society should not dictate them. A scientist should be free to follow his own conscience as any citizen should be free in peace on in war.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 8 Of Studies Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following stanzas carefully and answer the questions given below:
Studies serve for delight for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsel, and the plots and marshaling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned.

Questions :
(i) What do studies serve?
(ii) Write the chief use of studies for delight, ornament and ability in detail.
(iii) How is studies useful for expert men?
(iv) What do common men do of studies?
(v) Give a name of lesson from which this extract is taken.
Answers :
(i) Studies serve for delight, ornamentation and ability.
(ii) The chief use of studies is for delight in privateness and retiring for ornament is in discourse, and for ability is in the judgment disposition of business.
(iii) For expert men can execute his ideas & take judgment through it.
(iv) Common men only counsel others through studies.
(v) This extract is taken from the lesson “Of Studies”.

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2. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; to weigh and consider.

Questions :
(i) What do crafty men do to studies?
(ii) Who admires studies?
(iii) What do the wise men do?
(iv) Why should we read?
(v) Give a word opposite in meaning to ‘admire’.
Answers :
(i) Crafty men condemn studies.
(ii) Simple men admire studies.
(iii) The wise men use studies.
(iv) We should read to weigh and consider.
(v) ‘Condemn’.

3. Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man writes little, he had need have a great memory; if he confers little, he had need have a present wit, and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know, that he doth not.
(M.P. 2012)

Questions :
(i) What makes a man full?
(ii) What does conference do to man?
(iii) How can a man be exact?
(iv) What does a man require if he writes little?
(v) Give a word from the passage which is similar in meaning to ‘crafty’.
Answers :
(i) Reading makes a man full.
(ii) Conference makes a man ready.
(iii) A man can be exact by writing.
(iv) If a man writes little he requires a great memory.
(v) Cunning’.

II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each :

Question 1.
What are the three chief uses of studies? (Imp)
Answer :
The three chief uses of studies are delight, ornamentation and ability.

Question 2.
Which sort of books can be studied through extracts made by others?
Answer :
Meaner sort of books can be studied through extracts made by other.

Q uestion3.
What is the use of moral philosophy?
Answer :
The books of moral philosophy gives depth.

Question 4.
Which sport is proper for curing the diseases of lungs?
Answer :
Shooting is proper for curing the diseases of lungs.

Question 5.
What should a person, whose mind wanders, read to cure him to their wandering?
Answer :
Such a person should study mathematics.

Question 6.
Why are schoolman called “hair splitters”?
Answer :
Schoolman are called “hair splutters” because they often discuss very uncommon questions like why fire is hot and water is wet; how plants and animals grow.

Question 7.
What sort of people should study the schoolmen?
Answer :
The persons whose wit is not apt to distinguish or find differences should study the schoolmen.

III. Answer the following questions in three-four sentence each :

Question 1.
Write about the rules Bacon advocates concerning the rules for study. (M.P. 2009, 15)
Answer :
Bacon advocates some rules for study. He says not to read to contradict and confute nor to believe and take for granted nor to talk and discourse but to weigh and consider.

Question 2. How can studies cure mental deficiencies? (M.P. 2013)
Answer :
Studies cure mental deficiencies. If a man’s wit is wandering, he should read mathematics. If his wit not apt to distinguish and find differences he should study the schoolmen. If he is more logical, he should study the lawyer’s cases. These are the proper. cure for the mental possession.

Question 3.
Discuss the value of different types of studies. (Imp)
Answer :
While talking about the value of studies. Bacon says that they serve for delight, for ornaments and for ability. They perfect nature and are perfected by experience. They give forth directions too much at large. They make a full man. Histories make men wise whereas poet make them witty. The mathematics subtle and natural philosophy gives depth and logic and rhetoric make them able to contend.

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Question 4.
What does Bacon mean by, “Studies pass into and influence manners”?
Answer :
Bacon with this expression highlights the real character of studies. Studies become a talent and trait of a human being. They give perfection and depth. They change our behavior and outlook.

Question 5.
Write a summary of the Essay, of studies in your own words. (M.P. 2009)
Answer :
In the lesson Of Studies’ the father of english essay, francis Bacon writis about the value the value of studies. He says studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability the real use of it is realized for delight in privateness or retirement. It proves its importance in discounts in particular ‘way while the common men can only counsel. The expertness comes out of only learned person. Devoting too much time for studies is sloth (laziness) the excess use of in becomes odd. Too much use of studies for ornamentation is affection…, sticking to look become ridiculous. Natural abilities are like natural plants and they need pruning by study. Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them while wise men make use of them. It is so because wisdom is top most quality. The writer say that reading is not created a contradiction of confusion to believe take for granted nor to find talk of discourse but it is to weigh and consider. There are numerous book with us. Some are to be lasted, some to the swallowed and some others are to be chewed and digested. One can read a few of them partly a few of them attentively and labour unattentively but a few of them attentively and laboriously. We read some book by its covers and some by reviews.

According to the author reading makes a full man, conference makes a reading man, writing makes a man perfect. Histories make man wise, poetry makes man willy, mathematic makes man subtile and natural philosophy gives him deep moral values. Books on logic rhetoric provide him ability to contend. Studies also influence our manners. According to the essayist there is no obstacle in a will but their may be distortion in studies, as we have disease in body if we dont take proper exercises. As walking is good for the ailment of stomach and riding for the head so the writer says that a man with wandering wit should study mathematics. It will keep his wit busy. If his wit is not apt to distinguish he should study the schoolmen because they often ask uncommon questions. But if one is very logical he should study the lawyer’s cases. So every defect of mind may have a special receipt.

IV. Objective Type Questions :

Choose the correct answer from the giving options :
(i) Which type of people condemn studies? (M.P. 2012)
(learned, cunning, careless)

(ii) Which of the following is not the proper use of studies?
(delight, retirement, ornament, ability)

(iii) Who is a schoolman?
(a teacher of school, student of school, administration of a school, philoso phers)

(iv) Which sort of exercise is suitable for the ailment of stomach?
(walking, riding, cycling, bowling)

(v) The lesson Of Studies’ is ………..
(a fairy tale, biography, an essay, an epic)

(vi) …………. men admire studies.
(crafty, simple, wise)
Answers :
(i) cunning.
(ii) refinement.
(iii) philosophers.
(iv) walking
(v) an essay
(vi) simple.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 10 Mahatma Gandhi Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below :

1. He owns nothing in this world except the pair of a very coarse Khaddar which he wears on his body. He has not even a store of these things at home. All the property amounting to several lakhs which he acquired he has given away. Not an Anna now belong to him. He is a regular sanyasi going about only in the clothing that is on him. Mr. Gandhi does not care for himself but gives all his time for the saving of the souls of other people. That is to say, such happiness as he still wants, such joy, such satisfaction as he still needs in life he wants only through promoting the joy and the happiness of others about him. If through that exertion happiness comes to him, let it come.

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Questions :
(i) Whom does ‘he refer to in these lines? What did he own?
(ii) What did he do all the property which he acquired?
(iii) What type of happiness did he want?
(iv) Pick out words from the above passage which are similar in meaning to
(a) rough, (b) earned, (c) contentment, (d) wealth.
Answers :
(i) ‘He’ refers to Mahatma Gandhi in these lines. He owned nothing except the pair of coarse Khaddar which he used to put on his body.
(ii) He gave away all the property which he acquired.
(iii) He wanted to fill the life of others with joy and happiness. He strove for it throughout his life. He felt happy when he made others happy.
(iv) (a) coarse, (b) acquired, (c) satisfaction, (d) property.

2. “What is the good of forgiving those whom you love? Suppose your son misbe haves towards you, or your father one day in his anger is unduly severe to you, it is no great virture to forgive them. Suppose a brother of you does you some ; harm, and you say, ‘Never mind, you are my brother, I let you go,’ these is no great virtue in that. The difficulty is when you have to forget the sins of your enemies. If your dayadhi who has always hated you, does you some fresh injury and you forgive that, it is a real act of forgiveness. It is that which the Mahatma preaches. He says, ‘Forgive thine enemies,’ which is one of teachings of Jesus Christ. ‘Love thine enemies forgive thine enemies’ is the doctrine of forgiveness taken to its last point of development. It is very easy to say so, but I may tell you from long experience that it is one of the most difficult lessons to learn this lesson that you should love your enemies.

Questions :
(i) What is not a difficult job?
(ii) When does the difficulty arise?
(iii) What is a real act of forgiveness?
(iv) What did Mahatma Gandhi and Jesus Christ preach equally?
(v) Pick out words from the above passage which are opposite in meaning to
(a) vice, (b) remember, (c) friends.
Answers :
(i) To forgive those whom we love is not a difficult job.
(ii) The difficulty arises whom we have to forget the sins of our enemies.
(iii) It one’s dayadhi who has alway hated you, does not some fresh injury and one forgives that, it is a real act of forgiveness.
(iv) Both preached equally, forgive thine enemies.
(v) The lesson to love our enemies is one of the most difficult lessons to learn.
(vi) (a) virtue, (b) forget, (c) enemies.

II. Answer in one sentence each of the following questions :

Question 1.
What is the opposite word for Mahatma as Gandhi used to describe to himself?
Answer :
The opposite word for Mahatma as Gandhi used to ascribe to himself is Alpatma.

Question 2.
It is possible for human nature to reach to the height of Gandhi’s excellence of character? If yes, how?
Answer :
Yes, is possible for human nature to reach to the height of Gandhi’s excellence of character by following the path shown by him.

Question 3.
What did Gandhi possess as property? (Imp)
Answer :
Gandhi possessed nothing except the pair of a very coarse Khaddar which he used to put on his body.

What did Gandhi do of the property which he had acquired?
Answer :
All the property which Gandhi had acquired, had been given away by him.

Question 5.
What did Gandhi and Christ preach equally?
Answer :
‘Forgive thine enemies.’

Question 6.
Do you think that Gandhi was a man of the courage of soul? Give reason.
Answer :
If Gandhi stood alone in defence of truth, and the whole world were banded against him and against truth, he would still fight them all, no matter if they tire his limb from limb.

Question 7.
How was Gandhi regarded universally?
Answer :
Gandhi was regarded universally by dint of his high and sublime qualities.

Question 8.
What, according to the author, shall we be if we do not know of Gandhi?
Answer :
According to the author we shall be wretched if we do not know of Gandhi.

III. Answer in 30-40 words each of the following questions :

Question 1.
How did Gandhi subject himself to self-examination. (M.P. 2015)
Answer :
Gandhi subjected himself to rigorous self-examination. He would ask himself … often during the day if he had said or done or thought anything which was unworthy. And if in course of that examination he discovered some failing, some lapse on his part, he prayed to the Almighty that he would be saved in future from similar and lapses. (Imp)

Question 2. Do you tind some difference between self-examination and self-condemna tion? It yes, how? (Imp)
Answer :
There is a difference between self-examination and self-condemnation. Self examination is ine way to transformation through analysing one’s own character. It is a positive attitude. Self-condemnation is a negative attitude. One condemns oneself for what one does. It does not mean that it would bring any clange in one’s character.

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Question 3.
What kind of courage did Gandhi possess? (M.P. 2010, 12)
Answer :
Gandhi possessed a remarkable quality of courage. In Gandhi’s case courage doesn’t mean physical courage or strength. But it means the courage of soul which help one to defend one’s opinion in the face of overwhelming odds.

Question 4.
Write a short note on Gandhi’s universal significance? (Imp)
Answer :
Gandhi was one of the rare personalities who achieved a unique universal significance. It was his virtue, courage, moral strength and other sublime qualities that made him universal regarded as a great soul.

Question 5.
Explain “piety’ who, according to the author, is a man of piety?
Answer :
‘Piety’ is a divine quality. It is not an acquired quality b t it arises from the innermost depths of our heart. When one has troubles and difficulties and anxious questions appear in one’s mind and one doesn’t know to which way to turn, one becomes a man of piety because at this hour he finds answers to his prayer to God.

IV. Answer the following questions in about 150 words cach :

Question 1. On what virtues does the greatness of Gandhi rest?
Answer :
Gandhi was given the name ‘Mahatma’and he really deserves it. His life was the life of an extraordinary man of high conduct and sacrifice. He was a rare personality. He subjected himself to rigorous self-examination. Everyday he assessed himself to see whether he had done or thought anything unworthy. Everyday he made a prayer to god asking him to keep him away from such lapses. This process of self-examination made him perfect. He lived in a godly way. His perfect purity, his transparent honesty and his evident sincerity were incomparable.

Gandhi’s unselfishness was also rare. He owned nothing except the pair of a very coarse Khaddar which he used to cover his body. He had given away all the property which he acquired.

He had immense courage. The courage which he practised was not physical but it was the courage of soul. This courage of soul helped him to defend his opinion in the face of overwhelming odds. The other remarkable feature of Gandhi was the quality of forgiveness which applies to tolerance, charitable dealing and charitable thought toward others. Gandhi preached, ‘Forgive their enemies.’

The above mentioned virtues made Gandhi the rarest of the rare. He was really a man with a great soul. His greatness is matchless.

Question 2.
What is meant by self-examination? How did Gandhi practice it? (Imp)
Answer :
Self-examination means to examine oneself to see whether one has done or thought anything unworthy. It is a rare quality which is found rarely in human beings. But Mahatma Gandhi was not an ordinary person. He was the rarest of the rare of the who subjected himself to rigorous self-examination. Everyday he examined himself to see weather he had done or thought anything unworthy. Everyday he made a prayer of God asking him to keep him far away from such lapses. This process of self-examination left a tremendous effect on Gandhi. He made himself almost a perfect man. He lived in godly way but always called himself a sinner. His perfect purity, his transparent honesty and his evident sincerity were really matchless. He always tried to save himself from stray tendencies, fleeting temptations because he always felt that these negative aspects of life lead to grievous sin.

Question 3.
‘Forgiveness is divine prove it on the basis of your study. (Imp)
Answer :
The writer has explained the virtue of forgiveness in detail. Forgiveness as called by our forefather stands for tolerance, charitable dealing and charitable thought towards others. If one contemplates other’s sins, their failings or their treacherous behaviour, one thinks of how to forget forgive. Some of us do it, occasionally. Some do it once in a lifetime. Some make it a habit. Gandhi had a different opinion for it. He doesn’t mind this act with our kinds or close relatives. He says to forgive our enemies, as Jesus Christ has preached, love their enemies, forgive their enemies.’ Though it appears to be very easy but it is so difficult that only a few succeed in this attempt. Gandhi was one of those rarest of the rare. It is a divine quality,

In what way was Gandhi a man of piety? (Imp)
Answer :
Piety is one of the most significant virtues that Gandhi possessed. In fact, a pious man is not he who merely goes to the temple and gives away large part of his wealth in charity. This is piety above and beyond these doctrines which does not need any outward expression. It is in our inner being. Whenever Gandhi was in trouble, he closed himself in a quiet room to retreat and seek the solitude of midnight. He sat there in the solemn silence of the moment. God in the most earnest tones. The writer finds that on one can do such a things unless he had the fullest and the strongest faith in the living presence of God and had always enjoyed his intimate relationship or companionship. Gandhi had felt for a number of times, as the writer says, the guidance of God.

Due to that no amount of persuasion, no entreaty, no threat would make him sway a hair’s breadth his course. Gandhi was real man of piety.

Question 5.
Enumerate in short the qualities of Gandhi as found in the lesson. (Imp)
Answer :
In the lesson ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ the writer exposes Gandhi’s qualities as a man. Some of them are his qualities of self-examination, his complete selfishness, his forgiveness, his inner courage and his piety.

While talking about his self-examination the writer says that Gandhi subjected himself to rigorous self-examination everyday by asking himself if he had said or done or thought anything which was unworthy. If in the course of examination he discovered some failing, some lapse on his part, he prayed most humbly to God to save him in future from similar failings or lapses. In this sense, he was perfect man.

Gandhi’s selflessness was know to all. He owned nothing except the pair of very coarse Khaddar which he used to put on his body. All the property which he acquired, he had given aways.

Another remarkable virtue in him was the quality of forgiveness. He used to say, “forgive your enemies.” He was a rare personality who possessed the courage of the soul. In his opinion, only this courage helps one to defend one’s opinion in the face of overwhelming odds.

Gandhi was a man of piety. His rare qualities made him a universally regarded great soul.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 11 The Model Millionaire Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below :

1. One morning, as he was on his way to Holland Park, where the Mertons lived, he dropped into see a great friend of his, Alan Trevor. Trevor was a painter. He was a strange rough fellow, with a freckled face and a red ragged beard. How ever, when he took up the brush he was real master, and his pictures were eagerly sought after. He had been very much attracted by Hughie at first on account of his personal charm. However, after he got to know Hughie better, he liked him quite as much for his bright buoyant spirits and his generous reckless nature, and had given him the permanent entree to his studio.

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Questions :
(i) Who was on the way to Holland Park?
(ii) Who lived at Holland Park?
(iii) Whom did he meet on him way?
(iv) What was the profession of his friend?
(v) Why was his friend attracted to Hughie?
Answers :
(i) Hughie was on the way to Holland Park.
(ii) The Mertons lived at Holland Park.
(iii) He met with Alan Trevor, his great friend, on his way.
(iv) His friend’s profession was painting.
(v) His friend was attracted to Hughie for his personal charm.

2. “What I say,’ said Trevor. “The old man you saw today in the studio was Baron Hausberg. He is a great friend of mine, buys all my pictures and give me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar. And I must say he made a magnificent figure in his rags, or perhaps I should say in my rays they are old suit I got in Spain’.

Questions :
(i) What amazing fact did Trevor reveal to Hughie?
(ii) What did Baron offer to Trevor for painting him as a beggar?
(iii) Whose rags did Baron wear while being portrayed? ,
(iv) Give a word from the passage similar in meaning to ‘excellent’.
Answers :
(i) Trevor revealed that the old beggar man was Baron Hausberg.
(ii) Baron offered a commission, a month ago for being portrayed.
(iii) Baron wore the painter’s rags while being portrayed.
(iv) ‘magnificent’.

II. Write answer to the following questions in two or three sentences :

Question 1.
Hughie Erskine remained poor. Why profession he adopted but could not succeed? (M.P. 2010, 12)
Answer :
Hughie Erskine was unemployed. He attempted all sorts of jobs. First he tried Stock Exchange for six months, then as tea-merchant for a little longer and then he attempted selling dry sherry.

Describe the appearance of the beggar-man as he stood in the studio of Alan Trevor? (M.P. 2013)
Answer :
The beggar-man was standing on a raised platform in a corner of the room. He was a wizened old man. His face like wrinkled parchment. He had the most piteous exposition.

Question 3.
Describe how and through whom Hughie got ten thousand pounds. (Imp)
Answer :
In Trevor’s studio Hughie was very much sympathised with the old beggar and gave him the only sovereign he had in his pocket. The beggar was really Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men of Europe. Baron invested the sovereign of Hughie which earned an interest per month. Thus, it could earn ten thousand pound which Baron presented to Hughie as his wedding gift.

III. Write answer to the following questions in about 150-200 words each :

Question 1.
Write a character-sketch of Baron Hausberg highlighting :
(a) his fortune as describe by Trevor.
(b) his desire to be painted as a beggar.
(c) his conduct as a model for a painter.
(d) his compassion and help for Hughie Erskine.
Answer :
Baron Hausberg is a very important character in the story. He is one of the richest person of Europe. He has the capacity to buy the whole of London without overdrawing his bank account. The greatness of his character lies in the fact that he is very much humble. He is a great friend of Trevor. He buys all the paintings of Trevor and gives him commission as advance. He does so to cooperate his friend.

Once Baron wishes to get himself painted as a beggar in rags. He asked Trevor to do and pays the commission as advance a month ago. For this he wears the rags. He pays full attention and follows all instructions of the painter while being portrayed.

Despite being a millionaire he is humble. When Hughie pities him and gives a sovereign to him as his token help thinking him to be a poor beggar he accepts it with all his nobility.

After Hughie leaves the painter’s studio, Baron gets all personal details about Hughie and plans to repay his sovereign with great interest. He is sympathized with Hughie. He feels all compassion for him. After a few days he sends his messenger to Hughie with a sealed envelop. On the envelop it is written, ‘A wedding present to Hughie Erskine and Laura Merton from a beggar’. Inside the envelop there is a cheque for ten thousand pound. It shows his greatness and generosity.

Question 2.
Write a character-sketch of Hughie Erskine highlighting:
(a) his appearance.
(b) his professional and monetary conditions.
(c) his attitude to money.
(d) his love for Laura.
(e) his good luck.
Answer :
Hughie Erskine is the central character in the story ‘The Model Millionaire’. He is an extremely good-looking young man. He has crisp brown hair, clear-cut profile and grey eyes. He is equally popular among men and women.

Hughie has every accomplishment except that of making money. He has inherited a cavalry sword and a ‘History of the Peninsular War’ in fifteen volumes. He lives on two hundred a year which his old aunt has allowed. He has tried everything from Stock Exchange to tea-merchant and selling sherry. Ultimately he become jobless. He is a delightful, ineffectual young man with a perfect profile and no profession. Still he does not care for money.

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He becomes pathetic when he falls in love with Laura Merton who is the daughter of a retired colonel. Laura also adores him and her father is also very fond of him. But he has a condition for allowing him to marry. He has asked Hughie to brings ten thousand pound of his own. Only after that he would allow him to marry Laura.

Hughie’s luck takes an about turn when he meets an old beggar as model in the studio of the friend Alan Trevor who is a painter. The beggar looks pathetic. Hughie offers him the only sovereign which he has in his pocketed. Actually the beggar one of the richest man of Europe. He is impressed with his generosity and thanks to repay him for that. So, he collects all information about Hughie from Trevor. He feels compassion for him. After a few days he sends an envelop with a cheque for ten thousand pound as a wedding present to Hughie. Hughie gets married to Laura.

IV. Objective Type Questions :

Choose the correct answer from the giving options :
(i) Where was the beggar man placed in study of Alan Trevor when he was
(on a carpet, on a chair, in the corner, on the floor).

(ii) Which of the following is not a characteristic of Hughie Erskine’s face.
(good looks, brown hair, grey eyes, large ear)

(iii) Who Scholded Hughie for giving a sovereign to a beggar? (M.P. 2012)
(Trevor, Col. Merton, Laura, None of these)

(iv) Which of the following works Hughie Erskine did not try to earn his living from?
(work as a professional jester, work as the stock exchange, work as a wine merchant, work as a tea merchant),
Answers :
(i) in the corner.
(ii) largo ears.
(iii) Laura.
(iv) work as a professional jester.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 14 One Thousand Dollars Important Questions and Answers

I. Read following extracts carefully and answer the questions given below :

1. “None”, Gillian frowned at his cigarette and kicked the upholstered leather of a divan uneasily. “There is miss Hayden, a ward of my uncle who lived in his house. She’s quite thing-musical the daughter of some body who was unlucky enough to be his friend. I forgot to say that she was in on the seal ring $ 10 joke, too. I wish I had been. Then I could have had two bottles of brut, tripped the :. waiter with the ring, and had the whole business off my hand. Don’t be superior and insulting, Old Bryson-tell me what a fellow can do with a thousand dollars.”

Questions :
(i) Who is Miss Hayden?
(ii) What is her nature?
(iii) What does she got from uncle’s property?
(iv) Had Gillian got the same thing. What would have he done with it?
(v) Give a word from the passage opposite in meaning to ‘inferior’.
Answers :
(i) Miss Hayden is ward of Gillian’s uncle.
(ii) She is quite and musical.
(iii) She get the seal ring and ten dollars.
(iv) Gillain would have spent if for two bottles of brut and tipped the waiter with a ring.
(v) ‘superior.

2. Mr. Gillian”, he said, formally, “there was codicil to your uncle’s will. It was intruded to us privately, with instructions that it be not opened until you had furnished us with a full account of your handling of the $ 1000 bequest in the will. As you have fulfilled the conditions, my partner and I have read the codicil. I do not wish to encumber your understanding with its legal phraseology, but I will acquaint you with the sprit of its contents.

Questions :
(i) What does Tolman say to Mr. Gillian?
(ii) What is the codicil?
(iii) What would happen with Gillian’s account?
(iv) What is the meaning of ‘encumber’?
Answers :
(i) Tolman says to Mr. Gilian that there is a codicil to his uncle’s will.
(ii) The codicil is that it is to be announced to Gillian only after he submits the accounts.
(iii) Gillian’s account would be examined by Tolman and his partner.
(iv) “Prevent something from moving’.

II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each :

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Question 1.
Why did the lawyer give Gillian the money? (Imp)
Answer :
The lawyer gave the money to Gillian because it was the share of the Will of his uncle who died.

Question 2.
Why did Gillian call the amount of one thousand dollars a con- foundedly awkward amount?
Answer :
Gillian called it so because he thought it be a very little to spend. Moreover, he had to submit an account for it.

Who bestowed the amount upon Gillain?
Answer :
Gillian’s uncle had bestowed the amount upon him.

Question 4.
Why did Gillian go to the club?
Answer :
Gillian went to the club to hunt for Old Bryson.

Question 5.
“Bryson was sequestered”, which sentence in the story shows this quality of Bryson?
Answer :
The—“When he saw Gillian approaching he sighed” shows this quality of Bryson.

Question 6.
What did Gillian consider as a joke in his uncle’s Will? (M.P. 2013, 15)
Answer :
Gillian considered the fact to be a joke in uncle’s Will. It was that his uncle was worth half a million dollars but he had left only a thousand dollars for Gillain.

Question 7.
What did Old Gillian bestow upon Miss Hayden?
Answer :
Gillian bestowed his share of amount upon Miss Hayden.

Question 8.
What would Gillian have done if his uncle had bestowed upon him a seal ring and ten dollars? (M.P. 2012)
Answer :
Had his uncle bestowed upon Gillian a seal ring and ten dollars he would have enjoyed life never better than now with two bottles of brut and tripped the water with the ring. He would have kept all his business off.

Question 9.
What did Gillian want to spend the money at one go?
Answer :
Gillain wanted to spend the money at one go because he had to maintain an account and he hated itemizing.

Question 10.
What did the lawyer tell Gillian when he submitted his account? (Imp)
Answer :
The lawyer told that his account would be examined as per the will of Old Gillian and if found to be prudent, wise or unselfish they would give him $ 50000 additional amount.

III. Answer the following questions in three or four sentence each:

Question 1.
Was Gillian satisfied with the amount his uncle bestowed upon him? Justify your answer by quoting the sentence from the text.
Answer :
As per lawyer Tolman Gillian’s uncle had bestowed to him $ 10,000 dollars in his will. Gillian was not at all satisfied with the amount. The following incidence justify this :

(i) It is such a confoundedly awkward amount he explained generally.
(ii) What can a man possibly do with a thousand dollars?

Question 2.
How did the author describe Bryson’s reaction when Gillian told him about one thousand dollars?
Answer :
When Gillian told Bryson about the one thousand dollars he showed as much interest as a bee shows in a vinegar cruet. The author is very witty and ridiculous in his assessment of Bryson.

Question 3.
Why did Gillian call his uncle ‘the fairy godmother’? (Imp)
Answer :
Gillian called his uncle ‘the fairy godmother’. As he thinks his uncle had a lot nearly half a million dollars. But he gave only a thousand of it to Gillian without assessing his status and need. He was not realistic in his approach.

How did Gillian react to Bryson’s suggestions for spending the money? .
Answer :
Gillian didn’t like the idea of Bryson about spending the amount left by his uncle. He told Bryson that he would be liked by people if he wouldn’t moralize. He also reacted that Bryson had suppressed him.

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Question 5.
Why did Gillian go to Columbine Theatre? Why was he disappointed there? (M.P. 2015)
Answer :
Gillian went to Columbine Club to meet Lotta Lauriene who dealt in diamond pendant. He went there to see whether he could find any suitable prospect to spend the amount in one lump. He was disappointed as there was no such scope.

Question 6.
What did Gillian tell Miss Hayden before giving her one thousand dollars?
Answer :
Before giving one thousand dollars to Hayden Gillian told her that Tolman had found an amendment or a postscripts to the will of the old Gillian in which he had willed one thousand dollars to her. Tolman had sent him to hand it over to him.

Question 7.
Why did Gillian take back the envelope containing the account from the lawyer and tear it? : (M.P. 2012)
Answer :
When Gillian submitted his account of expenditure Tolman said to him that as per the will of the Old Gillian, the account was to be examined. If it was found justified and unselfish he would get another $ 50,000 dollars. Gillian was aware that his account was not justified in that since. So, he took the account and tore it. Moreover, he wanted to get rid to getting any amount which required itemized account of expenditure.

IV. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :

Question 1.
What did Bryson suggest Gillian to spend one thousand dollars? (M.P. 2011)
Answer :
In this story Gillian gets one thousand dollars from his uncle who had died. But uncle had put a condition that Gillian had to submit a detailed account of the expenditure of the amount. As Gillian was poor in account he thought of consult Old Bryson. Bryson was a peculiar man. He suggested many ways to spend this amount. He told that with one thousand dollars one can buy a happy home, send one’s wife to south, one can buy pure milk for a hundred babies. One thousand dollars can also serve the purpose of educating an ambitious boy. One can move to New Hampshire and live respectfully for two years, and lecture one’s audience. He also advised him to go to Miss Lotta Lauriene who was a diamond pendant dealer. He asked him to buy some pendants. He suggested him to go to the ranches specially the sheep ranches. His ideas were ridiculous. So, Gillian did not follow them.

Question 2.
What type of man was young Gillian? (Imp)
Answer :
Young Gillian was a unique character. He is man of free will and careless life. He does not care for money. His uncle’s one thousand dollars has no much importance for him. He does not like keeping account of his expenses. He had been careless about his expenses. So, his uncle had willed to give him the amount only if he submitted the detailed account of expenditure. He consults Bryson for his suggestion, on his expenses. He suggests a number of options. Gillian does not like them as they involve itemizing when he hates. He wanted to spend it in one hit. Finally he gives the entire amount to Miss Hayden, a ward of his uncle Old Gillian.

He is full of emotion. He feels compassion of Hayden. In spite of Hayden’s dislike for himself he again and again expresses his love for her. Finally he submits his account to Tolman where he finds that his account is to be checked. He takes his account back and tears it into bits to save him from the money. After all he is good man of free will.

Question 3.
What do you mean by codicil? What was the codicil? What was he codicil to old Gillian’s will? Why did he make this arrangement?
Answer :
Codicil is the term which is used for a new but later addition in one’s will. In this story Old Gillian has left a will in which he has expressed his desire for the distribution of his belongings after his life. He has given the part of his property to his dependent and other relatives. Gillian, his nephew, is one of them whom the old Gillian has given one thousand dollars. But he has put a condition, which dictates that Gillian has to submit a detailed account of his expenditure item-wise which Gillian does not like. However, he submits the account to get rid of it. Then lawyer Tolman informs him about the codicil. As per this codicil his account was to be examined to Tolman and his partner. If it was found to be justified, unselfish and wise, he would be rewarded with bonds of 50,000 dollars. It the amount was found to have been spent in the manner as had done in part the new reward would be given to Miss Hayden. Old Gillian might have made this codicil in order to put his nephew on proper track of life.

Question 4.
How did young Gillain feel about Miss Hayden? What acts of his suggest what he felt for her?
Answer :
Gillian is a man of full of love and compassion for others. He leads a carefree life. He doesn’t care for money. When he comes to know from Tolman that Hayden has got the ring and the $ 10, he feels sympathy for her. Actually he loves her. He goes to her straight way, gives the entire amount of one thousand dollars to her. He does not disclose to her that it is his share he is giving to her. He doesn’t want to let her know. Later he expresses his love for her. Which she flatly rejects in a sharp tone. Still Gillian is not annoyed. He writes a note that he is giving the amount of one thousand dollars to best and dearest woman on earth. All his action shows how much he loves her.

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Question 5.
What are the various alternatives that Gillian told Old Bryson for spending One thousand Dollars? (Imp)
Answer :
Gillian, the central character of the story, is a man of free will. He does not care for what the others say for him. He is an extravagant. He lives like leişurely. When he gets one thousand dollars from his uncle, he feels awkward. It is only because he had to submit a detailed account of his expenditure. He doesn’t like itemizing. He wants to find a way how he could spend the whole amount in one lump. Still he consults Old Bryson who could tell him some ways. He first tells him his own alternates about spending the amount. He wants to have two bottles of brut, tripped the water with the ring and the whole business off his hands. For him one thousand dollars on only a little for anyone to spend.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 15 Sister Nivedita Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below :

1. Her greatest desire was to see the whole nation educated in national lines. She encouraged the study of science, and helped Jagdish Chandra Bose in bringing to light his theories and discoveries. Similarly, she believed that a re-birth of Indian Art was essential for the regeneration of India. She disapproved of the fiction of the Hellenic influence in Indian Art, inspired Abanindranath Tagore and others to revive it ideals and define the scope and function of Indian school of Art. (M.P. 2015)

Questions :
(i) What was her greatest desire?
(ii) What did she do for science?
(iii) What was her view about Indian art?
(iv) What did she not approve in Indian Art?
(v) Why did she inspire Abanindra Nath Tagore?
Answers :
(i) Her greatest desire was to see the whole nation educated in national lines.
(ii) She encouraged the study of science and helped Jagdish Chandra Bose in bringing his theories and discoveries to light.
(iii) She thought that a rebirth of Indian Art was essential for the regeneration of India,
(iv) She disapproved of the fiction of the Hellenic influence in Indian Art.
(v) She inspired Abanindra Nath Tagore to revive the ideals of Indian Art.

2. She had tremendous faith in women of India. She found them shy and retiring, but gentle, proud and dignified. She wanted them to have better education. But she also asked the women not to give up their own ideals and practices. She strongly believed that once the woman of India awoke the country would be great again. She called India the land of great women and praised the ideals for which Sita and Savitri, Uma and Gandhari stood. She was full of admiration for the faitfulness and utter selflessness and loving thoughtfulness of Indian wife. She passed away on 31th October, 1911 after an attack of dysentery at Darjeeling. (M.P. 2011)

Questions :
(i) In whom had she tremendous faith?
(ii) What did she find about Indian women?
(iii) What did she want for them?
(iv) What she did not want from Indian women to give up?
(v) What ideals did she praise?
Answers :
(i) She had tremendous faith in Indian women.
(ii) She found them sky retiring but gentle, proud and dignified.
(iii) She wanted better education for other.
(iv) She didn’t want from Indian women to give up their ideals and practices.
(v) She praised the ideals for which Sita and Savita, Uma and Gandhari stood.

II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each :

Question 1.
What incident proved to be a turning point in the life of Sister Nivedita? (Imp)
Answer :
The search for truth proved to be a turning point in the life of Sister Nivedita.

Question 2.
What type of politics was she interested in?
Answer :
She was interested in aggressive politics..

Question 3.
What was her purpose in taking up a lecture-tour of India?.
Answer :
She went on a lecture-tour of Indian to rouse the national consciousness of the people.

Question 4.
Whom did she inspire to revive the ideals of Indian Art?
Answer :
She inspired Abanindra Nath Tagore to revive the ideals of Indian Art.

Question 5.
Which one is supposed to be her best-known book?
Answer :
“The Master As I Saw Him’ is supposed to be her best-known book.

Question 6.
Whom did she blame for the ruined economy of India? …(Imp)
Answer :
She blamed British imperialism for the ruined economy of India.

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III. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each :

Question 1.
Write a short note on the early education of Sister Nivedita.
Answer :
Sister Nivedita got her education at Halifare College, run by a Chapter of the Congregationalist Church. She took up teaching work in 1884 at Keswick, in 1886 at Wrexham and in 1889 at Chester. She was greatly influenced by the “New Education Method of Pestalozzi and Froeble.

Question 2.
What factors made Sister Nivedita a center of a great educational move ment?
Answer :
Nivedita’s great intellectual gifts made her well-known in the high society of London. Even Huxley had been much impressed by her intellectual. Gradually she became the centre of a great educational movement..

Question 3.
How did Swami Vivekanand’s preachings bring about a change in the career of Sister Nivedita?. (Imp)
Answer :
Sister Nivedita was greatly impressed by Vivekanand’s preaching’s which he gave in London. She immediately took a decision and offered her lifelong service in search of Truth and for that left for India. She came to Calcutta on 28 January where she was initiated into Brahmacharya and was given the name of Nivedita by Swami Vivekanand on 25 March, 1898…

Question 4.
The author says, “She was a strong supporter of women’s education.” What were her views about Indian women?
Answer :
Sister Nivedita was a strong supporter of women’s education. She advocated for schools in the same way as they were for the boys. She has tremendous faith in them. She wanted them to have better education. But she also asked them not to give their own ideals and practices. She strongly believed that once the women of India awoke, the country would be great again.

Question 5.
When was she named Sister Nivedita and by whom? (M.P. 2013)
Answer :
Sister Nivedita was very much impressed by Swami Vivekanand’s views. She offered her lifelong services in search of truth and left of India. She came to Calcutta on 28 January where she was initiated into Brahmacharya and was given the name of Nivedita by Swami Vivekanand on 25 March, 1898.

Question 6.
What did Sister Nivedita do for the uplift of Indian woman? (M.P. 2012)
Answer :
Sister Nivedita did a lot for the uplift Indian woman. She had tremendous faith in them. She wanted better education for them. She started Kinder-garten school for Hindu girls in November 1898. She inspired them in many ways. She asked them not to give up their own ideals and practices.

Question 7.
Give Sister Ņivedita’s views on Swadeshi Movement. (M.P. 2015)
Answer :
Sister Nivedita took active part in India’s struggle for Independence. She supported Swadeshi Movement both in principle and practice. For her Swadeshi Movement was an opportunity for the Indian to make themselves respected by the whole world.

IV. Answer the following questions in 150 words each :

Question 1.
Discuss sister Nivedita’s views on contemporary Indian politics and her interest in it.
Answer :
Sister Nivedita had very high opinion about India. She was greatly influenced by the preaching of Swami Vivekanand. She offered her lifelong services to India. She undertook a number of social services and worked for Indian mass wholeheartedly. She took pains to spread awareness of Indian people. She focused on female education she thought it could make country great. After the death of Swami Vivekanand she resigned from the purely spiritual Ramakrishna Order in July, 1902 and began taking active part in the Indian struggle for freedom.

She undertook lecture-tours throughout India to arouse national consciousness of the people. Hers was an aggressive type of politics. She didn’t believe in petitioner type of the politics of the moderates. Still she maintained cordial relations with the leaders of Schools of different political thought. She attended Banares Congress in 1905. She supported Swadeshi movement of the Indian people both in principle and practice. She was of the view that in Swadeshi Movement the Indian people had found an opportunity to command respected from the white. She also helped other Nationalist groups like Down Society and Anushilan Samity. She was an active leader in Indian politics..

Question 2.
What is information do you gather from the lesson about Sister Nivedita’s approach to :
(i) National education, and
(ii) Indian Art. (M.P. 2009, 10)
Answer :
(i) Sister Nivedita was very much influenced with the preachings of Swami Vivekanand. Right from the beginning of her life she opted for teaching work. She started her own school. She became a prominent educationalist in London. Later the search for truth led to Vivekanand’s teachings of the Vedanta. Later she came to India where she opted for teaching, social work and spirituality. She was a strong supporter of female education. For her school for girls was as much essential as it was for the boys. She declared that India needed the arduous transition. She started a Kindergarten for Hindu girls.

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(ii) She was highly impressed with the Indian Art. She disapproved of the fiction of the Hellenic influence in the Indian Art. She inspired persons like Abanindranath Tagore to receive its ideas and defined the scope and functions of Indian School of Art.

Question 3.
Give a short life sketch of Sister Nivedita. (M.P. 2011)
Answer :
Sister Nivedita was born at Dunganon, country Tyrone, Ireland on 28 October 1867. Her name was Margret Elizabeth Noble. She was the eldest daughter of Samual Richmon and Mary Isabel. Her parents were scottish but had settled in Ireland Margret got her education at Halifax, college. It was run by a chapter of congregationalist church. She took up teaching work in 1884 at Keswick at Wrexham in 1886, and at Chaster in 1889. She was greatly influenced by the new education method of pestatozzi and frobel. She started a school of her own in 1892 by the name of Rusk in school in Wimbledon. She earned a high repute for her intellectual qualities in the high society of London. . Right from her childhood she grew up under the influence of Christian principles. But the search for truth led her in 1895-96 to Swami Vivekanand teachings of Vedanta. In response to his message she offered her life long services in search of truth and came to India.

She participated in freedom movements, participated in many relief work, write many books and contributed to a number of magazines and newspaper. She died on 13 October 1911 after an attack of dysentery in Darjeeling.

V. Objective Type Questions :

Choose the correct answer from the giving options :
(i) Sister Nivedita was born in :
(England, Newzealand, London, Ireland)

(ii) According to sister Nivedita schooling and education should be planned for:
(women only, the present and next generations, the present generation only, men and women separately)

(iii) Aggressive type of politics means :
(moderate politics, petitioner politics, non-violent way of politics, politics of forceful revolution)

(iv) Nivedita wanted to see India educated on :
(ancient lines, national lines, moderate lines, western lines)
Answers :
(i) Ireland.
(ii) The present and the next generation.
(iii) politics of forceful revolution.
(iv) national lines.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 17 Sir Roger at Home Important Questions and Answers

I. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

1. At the same time the good old knight, with a mixture of the father and the master of the family, tempered the inquiries after his own affairs with several kind of questions relating to themselves. This humanity and good nature engages everybody to him, so that when he is pleasant upon any of them, all his family are in good humour, and none so much as the person whom he diverts himself with, on the contrary, if he coughs, or betrays any infirmity of old age, it is easy for a stander-by to observe a secret concern in the look of all his servants.

Questions :
(i) What virtues of the old knight were described here?
(ii) What made him a lovable person?
(iii) How were the servants ready to serve him?
(iv) Give a word from the passage opposite in meaning to ‘open’?
Answers :
(i) The virtues of the old knight talked about in these lines were that he was a mixture of the father and the master of the family.
(ii) The master’s humanity and good nature made him a lovable person.
(iii) The servants were ready to do everything for the master.
(iv) ‘secret’.

2. He was now been with me thirty years and though he does not know I have taken notice of it, has never in all that time asked anything of me for himself, though he is everyday soliciting me for something in behalf of one or other of my tenants, his parishioners. These has not been a lawsuit in the parish since he has lived among them, if any dispute arises, they apply themselves to him for the decision, if they do not acquiesce in his judgement, which I think never happened above once, or twice at most, they appeal to me. At his first setting with me, I made him a present of all good sermons which have been printed in English and only begged of him that every sunday he would pronounce one of them in the pulpit. Accordingly, he has digested them into such a series, that they follow one another naturally and make a continued system of practical divinity.

Questions :
(i) Who is talked in these lines?
(ii) For how long the gentlemen living with Roger?
(iii) What did Roger present him?
(iv) What did Roger asked him to do?
(v) What is the meaning of ‘begged of”?
Answers :
(i) A good old gentlemen is talked about in these lines.
(ii) He had been living with the Roger for more than thirty years.
(iii) One day Roger presented him a collection of good sermons printed in English.
(iv) Roger asked him to pronounce one of the sermons every Sunday.
(v) requested’.

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II. Answer the following questions in one sentence each :

Question 1.
Where was Addison invited by Sir Roger to stay with him?
Answer :
Addison was invited by Sir Roger to stay with him at his country house.

Question 2.
Who among the servants of Sir Roger looked like his brother?
Answer :
The valet de chamber looked like Sir Roger’s brother:

Question 3.
Who among the domestic servants of Sir Roger look like priry-councilor? (M.P. 2009)
Answer :
Sir Roger’s coachman looks like a priry-councilor.

Question 4.
Why did tears come in the eye of the servants when Sir Roger come home? (Imp) (M.P. 2013)
Answer :
Tears came in the eyes of the servants when Sir Roger came home because he (Sir Roger) was good man who always took great care of them.” ..

Who among the domestic servants of Sir Roger is a very prudent man?
Answer :
Sir Roger’s butler is a very prudent man.

Question 6.
Sir Roger diverted him time “in the wood”. What does “in the woods” mean?
Answer :
“In the woods” means in the jungle”.

Question 7.
Who among the domestic of Sir Roger lives with him man as a relation than a dependent?
Answer :
Sir Roger’s Chaplain lives with him more as a relation than dependent.

Question 8.
Why did Sir Roger not want to be insulted by Latin and Greek at his table?
Answer :
Sir Roger did not want to be insulted by Latin and Greek at his table because he had a little knowledge about Latin and Greek.

Question 9.
How much annuity has been settled upon the Chaplain? (M.P. 2015)
Answer :
The Chaplain has been settled upon the endowments and other privileges whatever he wants. He is offered the personage of the parish.

III. Answer the following questions in 50-60 words each :

Question 1.
Write about the manner in which Addison spent his days a the country-seat of the Sir Roger?
Answer :
Addison was allowed to rise and go to bed at his own pleasure was up to him whether he dined at Sir Roger’s table or in his own chamber. He was not objected for anything.

Question 2.
Write a note in the domestic of Sir Roger and their qualities. (Imp)
Answer :
Sir Roger’s family consisted of all sober and staid persons. The master himself possessed all the good qualities. He never change his servant nor his servants wish to leave him for his good qualities. They has grown old with the house:

Question 3.
Why has there been no litigation in Coverley since, the Chaplain came there?
Answer :
The Chaplain was a good natured man. He was a nice gentleman. He was wish and practical enough to manage any critical situation. He was a good councilor. It was his managing skills that no litigation prolonged since he came there.

Write a note on the way in which the Chaplain made his speeches from the pulpit (M.P. 2012)
Answer :
When Sir Roger asked the Chaplain to pronounce one of the sermons every Sunday, he digested them into such a series, that they following another naturally and made continued system of practical divinity.

Question 5.
Who was a mixture of the father and the master of the family?
Answer :
Sir Roger was a good natured man. The writer calls him a mixture of the father and the master of the family. He cared all the servants as the members of the family. He never charged any of them. No servant of his over wanted to leave him. They were all ready to do anything for him.

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IV. Answer the following questions in a paragraph :

Question 1.
What qualities did Sir Roger want in a Chaplain? How did he get such a Chaplain? (Imp)
Answer :
Sir Roger wanted that a Chaplain should be a good scholar. He should be a plain and ordinary man. The Chaplain whom Sir Roger employed was really a real gentleman with all the good qualities. He was a man with managing skills good oration, full devotion and dedication to his work. He was a good councillor.

Question 2.
Sir Roger was called a humorist, Why? (M.P. 2009, 11)
Answer :
Sir Roger was a man of all good qualities. He was lovable man. He is called a humorist because he cared for all his servants equally. He himself tried to keep the family environment always pleasant. He tried to amuse them. He never cared for any mistake of his men. He always diverted himself in word. He never changed his servants nor his servants wished to go from his house. He was a mixture of a good father and amiable master.

V. Objective Type Questions :

Choose the correct answer from the giving options :
(i) Where did the writer go with Sir Roger?
(guest house, country house, farm house, country club)

(ii) We are told that one of the domestics of Sir Roger lived with him for thirty years who is that man?
(The groom, the chaplains, the coach man, the valet de chamber)
Answers :
(i) Country house.
(ii) The chaplains.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 19 Mirabai Important Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions briefly in four or five sentence each):
Question 1.
Why was Rani angry with Mirabai? (M.P. 2015)
Answer :
Mirabai, a 16 year old princess of Marwar, is in disgrace in her husband’s house because of her excessive devotion to Lord Krishna. The House of Mewar worships the Goddess Durga and takes it as an insult to the honour of the House that this young girl dares to defy them. The Rani of Mewar, Mirabai’s mother-in-law is angry with her obstinacy and wishes to punish her.

Question 2.
How did Rani try to influence Rana Sanga? (Imp)
Answer :
Rani was a deadly enemy of Mirabai, her daughter-in-law. She poured poison into Rana’s ears. She said that Mirabai was unfaithful to her husband and she loved Jaimall, her cousin. She told Rana that Mirabai did not honour the family deity Durga. Instead she was devoted to Lord Krishna.

Question 3.
Who was Jaimall? How did he feel about Mirabai? (Imp)
Answer :
Jaimall was a kinsman of Mirabai from Merta. He was a young man and the confidante of Rana Sanga. He felt compassionate about Mirabai. When Rani made charges against Mirabai, he came forward to defend her. He pointed out that she had always been loving the image of Lord Krishna as other children loved their toys. He was very much perturbed to see Mirabai’s predicament in the palace of Rana Sanga.

Question 4.
How did Rana Sanga try to persuade Mirabai? (M.P. 2011, 12)
Answer :
Rana Sanga was rather soft and polite while behaving with Mirabai. He advised her to stop too much brooding. He told her to play with children, mixed with women and get ornaments to wear. He warned that unless she stopped worshipping Lord Krishna, there would not be peace between him and her.

When Sanjogta say, “The clouds are heavy, There is thunder in the air” the nurse replies, “inside the palace and without”. Explain her reply.
Answer :
The nurse gave a hint everything is a against Mirabai inside the palace. Mirabai’s life is in danger. She has no friends. Both Rana Sanga and Rani are totally against her. She may be poisoned to death. She cannot take food prepared by anybody but her nurse. Her only well-wisher Jaimall has been driven out of the palace. The thunder implies those times facing Mirabai inside the palace.

Question 6.
“That was a trick to lure some secret out of you,” says the nurse. What was the trick and who played it?
Answer :
The wicked Rani played the trick to cause more trouble to Mirabai. The trick was played by the maid-servant on behalf of Rani. The servant wanted to get a token of love from Mirabai for her cousin Jaimall. The gift was to be exploited to malign both Jaimall and Mirabai. Rani would show that sign as a proof of romance between the cousins.

Question 7.
Why did the nurse scream when the Charnamrit was sent to Mirabai? Having drunk it, what does Mirabai mean when she say, “I paid in full …..”?
Answer :
Charamrit is in fact holy water. It is collected while giving a bath to a god. But the golden cup contained not charnamrit but poison. The nurse’s suspicion was correct. But God willed it otherwise. That poison had no adverse effect on Mirabai. The hymn sung by Mirabai means that she has paid for Krishna the greatest price of all. She had agreed to drink poison and die in order to prove her love for Krishna. There could not be a higher price than one’s own life.

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Question 8.
Who was Bhojraj? Why was he unhappy? (M.P. 2009, 12)
Answer :
Bhojraj was the son of Rana Sanga, the ruler of Mewar. He had been married to Mirabai, who was a devotee of Lord Krishna. As a bride she could not pay much attention to her husband and family. Instead she used to spend too much of her time in worshipping Lord Krishna. At the time of marriage with Bhojraj, she went round the image of Krishan three , times. Bhojraj was very upset and unhappy.

II. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :

Question 1.
Describe the qualities of Mirabai as revealed in the play. (M.P.2009, 10, 13)
Answer :
Mirabai belonged to the royal house of Mewar or Merta. At the age of six her mother had dedicated her to Lord Krishna. She used to play with and love the image of Krishna as children love toys. At the time of her marriage with Bhojraj, son of Rana Sanga of Mewar, she went round the image of Krishna three times. Her only well-wisher in the court was Raja Jaimall, her brave cousin from Merta. She was protected from harm by her two female attendants – Sanjogta and an old nurse.

She spent too much of her time to devotion. She worshipped Lord Krishna. She had brought Krishna’s image from Merta. She used to talk with image as though to living god. She wrote verses in Krishna’s honour and praise. This displeased even her husband and her in-law. She was just a lovely girl of sixteen when then incident narrated in the play took place. She was sorry that all her well-wishers suffered disgrace on her account. She had no interest in jewellery and no fear of death. Once the presented her bare neck to Rana Sanga to be cut off. Next time she drank off all the poison sent by Rana Sanga and Rani. But no harm came to her because she was pure and pious.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 20 Profit and Loss Mirabai Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions in about 200-250 words :

Question 1.
Write a character-sketch of Ramsundar highlighting the following points : (M.P. 2009, 10)
(a) his poverty :
(b) his love for his daughter; (M.P. 2010)
(c) his attempts to provide dowry for his daughter and the failure in his attempts;
(d) his reception at the place of his daughter’s parents-in-laws;
(e) the attitude of his sons towards him.
Answer :
Ramsundar is the central character of the story ‘Profit and Loss’. He represents a man from typical Indian background. He belongs to a poor middle class family. He had live sons and a daughter. As the daughter was the youngest one after the five sons he loved her very much. He wanted to marry her to the most suitable groom. He went on searching for it. But he had to face the problem of dowry. Finally, he got the only son of renowned Raybahadur. Though the demand was Rs. 10,000 along with many additional gifts, he finalized the deal. But in no way he could raise all the money. Even after pawing, selling and using every method he could not manage the entire sum. Still he needed six-seven thousand rupees. . On the weeding day Raybahadur refused to allow his son to marry without getting the entire amount. Ramsundar fell on his knees before the Raybahadur, he implored him not to bring bad luck by breaking of the ceremony, insisted he would pay him in full. But Raybahadur was adamant. Ramsundar was very miserable. However the marriage was performed with the support of groom’s good sense and youthful spirit.

After the marriage when Ramsundar went to meet his daughter, he was treated badly. He had no honour at all his son-in-law’s house. Even the servant neglected him. Sometimes he saw his daughter just for five minutes in a separate outer room of the house. Sometimes he was not allowed to see her at all.

It was unbearable for him. So, he decided to manage the rest amount by selling his house. But his sons didn’t support him. Day by day, Nirupama’s tale of woes was growing. She had to bear the burnt of her in-law’s spiteful behaviour Ramsundar finally sold his house secretly. When Nirupama knew it she asked her father not to give any money to her in-laws. After that she didn’t send any massage to Ramsundar. Finally she died of illness, starvation and pangs of torture. Ramsundar heard all these. He also heard how Raybahadur made the funeral of Nirupama a grand occasion. Ramsundar’s position was too miserable to utter a word at the inhuman traits of so-called high class people.

Question 2.
What moral do you draw from the story ‘Profit and Loss’? Do you think dowry is justified? Why or why not? (M.P. 2009, 12, 15)
Answer :
Profit and Loss’ is a story by Rabindranath Tagore. It highlights the theme of the greatest social curse which had prevailed in society right from ancient eras. It tells us the woes of dowry. Its forms have been changing though the different ages. In old times it was in the form of exchange of gifts. Later it was changed to the monetary gain. The voice of protest against it has always been raised but of no concrete result. Law are their but are not able to put an end to this system.

Dowry has hugely affected the society. The system of dowry in unpious and impure. The father of the girls who think that they can buy good relations for their daughter actually before themselves. A person who marries for money can never be true to any relationship. This abominable system can be removed only when the young people will take initiative and will determine to uproot this system from the society.

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Write the summary of the Story “Profit and Loss” in your own words. (M.P. 2010)
Answer :
‘Profit and Loss’ is a story by Rabindranath Tagore. It highlights the age old burning problem of dowrky in our society. After five years a daughlis was born to Ramsunder Mitra. She was named as Nirupama peerless when she grew up Ramsunder went on searching a suitable groom for his daughter. After a long searched he got the son of a Raybahadur a grand family at the dowry of 10,000. But Ramsunder failed to arrange the amount still here was due of 6000 to 7000 on the wedding day Raybahadur was adamanent to allow his son to marry after getting the amount. But his son married Nirupama against his father’s will.

After marriage whenever Ramsunder went to meet his daughter he was treated very in differently even the servant ignored him. He was allowed to meet Nirupama only for a little while in outer room sometimes he was not even allowed to see her. She was never allowed to go to her father’s house. Her father was much pained at such behaviour so he decided to arrange the due amount of dowry.

On the other hand Nirupama was badly treated by her in laws. Every time she had bear the brunt of insults. One day Ramsunder decided to sell his house secretly but his sons protested. Then he started raising loans at high interest. This pained Nirupama she asked her father not to give any dowry amount to in-laws does not have any desire to go her fathers house. Ramsunder stopped going to his daughter-in-law house. But Nirupama refused to go home along with her father. After that she lost interest to live, stopped taking food ignored her health as well which resulted in her death. After her death Raybahadur (her father-in law) arranged her funeral as a grand occasion. He spent money for her funeral which put him in debt. Meanwhile Nirupama’s husband had made arrangement to take his wife along with him. His mother replied to him that they had secured another bride for him. He should come for new marriage. This time the dowry was 10,000 rupees cash down.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 21 The Dear Departed Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions in about 150 words :
Question 1. Write a character-sketch of Mrs. Slater highlighting the following points : (Imp)
(a) her greed
(b) her overpowering nature.
(c) her straight walk.
(d) her impoliteness, and.
(e) her lack of the sense of feelings.
Answer :
Mrs. Slater is one of the daughters of Abeļ Merryweather. She plays the most dominant role in the play. She is a vigorous, plump, redfaced, vulgar woman prepared to do any amount of straight talking to get her own way. She is sharp-witted. After she gets confirmed about the death of her father, she tries to first grab all the essentials of her father. She takes Victoria, her sister into confidence. She takes the bureau of her father. She also asks her sister to take his slippers. She also takes the mantelpiece from her father’s room. Then she turns her attention to the insurance policy of Abel Merryweather and also wants to get sure he had paid its premiums. She doesn’t want anyone to come there before she takes every thing in her possession.

She is a lady of overpowering nature. She instructs how to pose to be a perfect mourn before the visitors. She expresses her mourning in a very perfect way before her uncle and aunt who have come there to their sympathy. She doesn’t show sympathy to anyone. She is very rude in her behaviour. When she comes to know that her father is not dead, she is shocked. But she control herself in a clever manner. Though she is exposed. The father comes to know everythings and changes his will. She tries to convince her father that she has taken the things just to keep them safe. But the father leaves the house and denounces his daughter, behaviour.

Mrs. Slater represents a great materialistic character who has no emotion no relation, but only own-self. She is completely feelingless.

Question 2.
How are the two sisters exposed in the play “The Dear Departed”? (M.P. 2009, 12, 15)
Answer :
“The Dear Departed’ is a play which exposes the degradation of moral value in the British class. The theme is put in the form of a story of a family affair represented by two sister Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan. Their father Mr. Abel is shown to be dead. The behaviour of the daughters and their husbands after the confirmation of Abel’s death is changed completely. They are not at all concerned with the dead body or the funeral rites. Instead they take care of the things and other belongings like slippers, mantelpiece, bureau, insurance policy, etc. of Abel. They want to grab all the things before any outsiders come there for mourning. They even want to get sure whether Able had paid to last premium of the policy. They are in hurry because their relatives are to reach there any moment. They become too much greedy. On the other hand they are in black dress as a mark of mourning. They posses to be in great grief. This attitude is not appreciating because it shows very low grade. After all Abel is their father. Whatever he died or possessed, it is for mentality this daughters. If he were died in fact, if the first concern for Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan first to arrange his funeral in a perfect manner. But their attitude shows they have no attachment with him. They are concerned only with his belongings. They are exposed for their lost moral value.

Question 3.
Justify the title of the play “The Dear Departed’. (Imp)
Answer :
“The Dear Departed’ is a satirical play with exposes the degradation of moral values in the British middle class. The two sister Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan represent the characters who have lost all moral values. The moment they come to know that their father is dead. They become active to grab all his belongings one by one they take his bureau, slippers, mantelpiece, insurance policy, etc. they have no concern for the dead father. They pose to be in perfect mourning. But their attitude is not honest. They don’t want to spend anything for the funeral. However Abel, their father, gets up. The two sisters are surprised. Abel exposes them. He is not convinced at their pleas in excuses. He disowns them. Here the dear father departs from his daughters. On the other hand, it is the belongings of the father which were most dear to the two daughters are also lost for them. So, the writer has chosen the title ‘The Dear Departed’ very aptly.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 22 A Pair of Mustachios Important Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions in 4 or 5 sentence each ::.

Question 1.
What kinds of mustachios has the author described? Name the classes of people who can wear them. (M.P. 2012, 13)
Answer :
The author had described different kinds of mustachios worn in our country. There are Chinese, American and English type of mustachios. There are also lion mustache, tiger mustache, goat mustache, sheep mustache, Charlie Chaplin and Curzon-cut mustache. These types symbolize the people who wear them. For example-lion mustache is for rajas and maharajas and nawabs, tiger mustache is for the feudal gentry, goat mustache for business class, Chaplin-cut for lower middle class and Curzon-cut for sahibs and barristers.

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Question 2.
What did the village say about Khan Azam Khan’s descent? (Imp)
Answer :
Khan Azam Khan, living in a old dilapidated Mughal style house, claims himself to be a descendant from an ancient Afghan family. The villagers like landlords, moneylenders say that Khan was an imposter and all his talk about his blue blood was merely the bluff of” the rascal. Some others like priests of the temple consider that Khan’s ancestor were certainly attached to the court of the great Mughals but only as mental workers.

Question 3.
Describe in brief, Khan Azam Khan’s financial condition. (M.P. 2009, Imp)
Answer :
Khan Azam Khan lived in an old dilapidated Mughal style house. He had only a few remnants of a gold brocaded waist-coat. He had lost all his land. His financial position was very poor. He had a few ornaments which he used to pawn to maintain his household.

Question 4.
Why did Khan Azam Khan accept the value the grocer put on his wife’s nose-ring? : (M.P. 2009, Imp)
Answer :
Azam Khan accepted the value what the grocer put on his wife’s nose-ring because Khan’s concern to the lowering of grocer’s mustache became prominent. He agreed to accept any value to see grocer’s mustache down.

Question 5.
What did the grocer say when Azam Khan told him to bring the other tip of his mustache down?
Answer :
The grocer was a very clever person. In order to satisfy Azam Khan he lowered the tip of his mustache. After the deal was finalized Azam Khan saw it was only the tip of one side lowered. So, he asked the grocer to lower down the other side of his mustache also down. The grocer said whenever he (Azam Khan) would come for another deal, he (the grocer) would lower down the other tip also.

Question 6.
On what condition was the grocer ready to bring both the tips of his mustache down? (M.P. 2010, 11, 15)
Answer :
Azan Khan was adamant to see the both the tips of grocer’s mustache down. The grocer tried to bring Khan to his senses. But Khan was in no mood to compromise. Then the grocer said that he wouldn’t do even if Khan pawned all the jewellery, he possessed to him.

Question 7.
Why did the villagers laugh when Azam Khan walked away? (M.P. 2013)
Answer :
At least Khan was ready to lose all his remaining worldly possessions, his pots and pans, his clothes, even his house-just to see the grocer’s mustache down. Now the grocer was ready to lower down his mustache by accepting the deal. Khan lost everything whatever he had. When he walked away saying “My father was a Sultan’, the villagers laughed at his foolishness and false notion.

II. Answer the following question in about 150 words:

Question 1.
“Khan Azam Khan’s pride was greatly in excess of his present posses sions”. Explain.
Answer :
Khan Azam Khan is typical character who represents a man living with his ruined pride. He lives in an old dilapidates Mughal style house. He claims himself to be a descendent from an ancient Afghan family whose heads were nobleman and councilor in the court of the great Mughals. He wears a tiger-mustache and remains adorned with faded remnants gold brocaded waist-coat. He hasn’t even a patch of land left.

The village people have different opinion about Khan. The landlord of the village and. the moneylender don’t approve of Khan’s claims. For them Khan is bluffing the people. The priest thinks that Khan family was attached to great Mughals not as courtiers but an menial workers. Whatever the fact was one thing appears to be a fact that they were jealous of Khan’s pride. He obviously loves his stately ruins and his old privileges. He takes all care to protect hid pride and every sacred brick of his tottering house.” . But in the changed situation Khan’s pride is greatly in excess of his present possessions. He has lost everything-land and jewellery. Still he wants people to honour him as a descent of a great family. He goes to the moneylender to pawn his wife’ nose-ring. But more than that he shows his concern to see the moneylender’s mustache down. This deal makes him lose all what he has. But he is happy that he has brought moneylender down to his position. It was just a false notion of a foolish man who fails to change himself with the time.

Question 2.
Write a character-sketch of Ramanand, the grocer. (M.P. 2013, 15)
Answer :
Seth Ramanand is an important character of the story. He is the grocer and moneylender of the village. He is a veteran businessman. He has been doing well out of the recent fall on the price of wheat by buying of whole crop cheap from the hard-pressed regions and then selling them at higher prices. This has raised his position and so he has given a twist in the style of his mustache. The whole of the village is obliged to Ramanand either because they own him interest a loan or an instalment on a mortgage of jewellery or land. He treats them all very tactfully. He deals with Azam Khan very respectfully. He also wants to satisfy him in all the way only because he has to do a business with him. He even tolerates Khan’s idioti behaviour till last. But when it is too much he even then does not loss temper. To solve the problem amicably he puts a condition. Khan loses all his remaining possessions. Seth Ramanand gains a lot out of the foolishness of Khan.

Seth Ramanand knows all the tricks of business. He has patience, nobility ability, submission and maturity. He deals every situation very wisely. He is a perfect businessman who knows to change his colour with every customer.

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MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 23 The Bishop’s Candlesticks Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions in 150 words each :

Question 1. What role do the candlesticks play in the lives of the Bishop and the con vict? (M.P. 2009, 11)
Answer :
Candlesticks play the most prominent role in the whole of the story especially in the lives of the Bishop and the convict. As the title of the play applies the candlestick belongs to the Bishop who got it from hid dying mother. The mother had asked him to keep them in the remembrance of her. Bishop therefore had a great attachment with the candlestick. He loves it more than his life and doesn’t want to part from it. He has generously donated all his belongings one by one for the welfare of someone or the other. But he is not reluctant to give the candlesticks to anyone. These candlesticks becomes also a turning point in the life of the convict who tempted to see them. He steals them when Bishop goes to sleep. The convict thinks that these candlesticks can change his life. He is so much tempted to them that he doesn’t even care for the hospitality and the teaching of the Bishop. He runs away taking them.

Incidentally he is caught by the police and again brought to the Bishop for identification. The Bishop recognises the candlesticks but says that he himself had given them to the convict. It brings a great change in the convict’s life. Thus, the candlesticks are equally important for the Bishop and the convict.

Question 2.
The convict says to the Bishop, “I was a man. Now I am not a man”. Why and how? (M.P. 2015)
Answer :
The convict incidentally enters the house of the Bishop. He appears to be very restless. He had been running away from the police. He thought that the Bishop’s house was the safest place to hide. The Bishop thinks him to be just and ordinary man. He has intention to hand him to the police. The convict is completely fed up with his life. He thinks himself to be dead. He says to the Bishop that once he was a man but now he is just number 15729 which he was given in the prison and had been called so for the last ten years. Before that he had a little cottage surrounded by vines growing on it. He had a wife. Once she was ill and they had no food. He was workless. His wife was dying. He stole for the first time to feed her. He was caught. None of his pleas was considered and he was put in jail for ten years. During those ten years he was in hell treated very badly even worse than beast. The hellish treatment ruined his life. He was chained like a wild animal and lashed like a hound. He was fed on filth and covered with vermins. There was no one to listen to his complain. So, he say to them, that he was a man once but now he was only a beast.

Question 3.
In the end the convict says, “You have made me feel that it is just as if something had come into me-as if I were a man again and not a wild beast.” What does it mean and how did this change come in the convict?
Answer :
The convict in the play ‘The Bishop and the Candlestick’ is a man who comes in the house of the Bishop. He had been in jail for ten years for no fault. As he says to the Bishop that he had a family but no job. His wife was ill and dying with starvation. He stole for the first time to feed his dying wife. But he was caught. None of his pleas was taken to notice and he was put in jail. He was treated like a beast in every sense of the term. However when he was released after a long hellish life by that time he was noting more than a beast. The Bishop gives him shelter and treats him with sympathy. He asks him to forget the past and to live a good life. But the convict is so fed up that he ignores Bishop’s preachings. He has no love for humanity. So, he steals Bishop’s candlestick. But he is caught. When the police come to the Bishop for recognition of the candlestick the Bishop says the them that the convict was his friend and he himself has given these candlesticks to him.

This virtue of the Bishop transform the convict’s mind. He realized his mistake and admit that the Bishop had created something new in the convict’s life.

Question 4.
Discuss the character of the Bishop in the light of the following points : (M.P. 2013)
(a) his family.
(b) his love for the poor and the suffering.
(c) his charitable behavior-an example of charity begins at home’.
(d) his faith in rousing the goodness in a man.
(e) overall assessment.
Answer :
Bishop is the most prominent character in the play ‘The Bishop’s Candlestick”. The dramatist though his character conveys a high moral lesson to the reader. Bishop is a man of simple living. He lives with his only sister Person. He has great affection for the poor and the suffering. He helps them in all his capacity. He is highly charitable. He has donated all his belongings to the poor. He never thinks for himself and for his family. His sister doesn’t like his charitable nature because he has donated everything to the needy. Even the last item the salt cellar is also donated to a person who needs to pay rests. The last item in the house is a candlestick. Person tells him that he would certainly give it to someone one day. But the Bishop promise to keep it forever in the memory of his mother. A convict comes in his house. He doesn’t hesitate to provide him with all comfort and care against the wish of Persome. Later he comes to know the convict’s story. But he allows him to remain in the house. He preaches him also. The Bishop is not ready to take the convict to be a real criminal. He only thinks him to be a human being. Even when the convict runs away with the Bishop’s candlestick, and the police brings him for recognition he says that the convict is his friend. On the whole we can conclude that Bishop is really a god fearing highly religious man the hot Persome. Later hoesn’t hesitate to provever in the me shim to police brie that B.

Question 5.
What is the message conveyed by the play? (Imp) (M.P. 2010)
Answer :
The Bishop’s Candlestick’s is an one-act play with a Christian story. Its main focus is on the transformation of a man through realization. The Bishop is the main character who represents a true a devotee of the Almighty God. He appears to be a real Christian character who has all faith on God. He helps mankind in all his capacity. He gives all his belongings to help the needy and the poor. He thinks that a thing which a just a show piece in his house can feed a poor man. So, why shold it not be given to him? In this way he loses his big estate and all his household items. His realistic character at its height when we see the convict-episode. A convict gets shelter in his house. His sister Persome opposes him stay but the Bishop doesn’t take him to be a criminal. He thinks the criminal is just a human being and there is no harm in allowing him to stay with them. The convict does not conceal anything about himself. He has no feeling nor trust for God or for humanity. So he steals, the Bishop’s candlesticks and runs away. Incidentally he is caught by the police. He is brought to the Bishop for recognition of the candlesticks as they bear the name of the Bishop. The Bishop tells the police that the convict was his friend and the Bishop had himself given the candlesticks to him. It makes the convict feel and realize the power of godly existence. He, completely transformed. The Bishop’s preaching work well and prove that no one is born criminal. Situation makes one so and if treated with compassion and sympathy one can be put on the right path.

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Question 6.
“There is so much suffering in the world and I can do so little”. What would you like to do reduce suffering of mankind?
Answer :
This world is a wonderful creation of God. All through the life a man faces many ups and downs. Its is said that we learn better from our sufferings. There are different kinds of sufferings that we face. It may be poor living condition, lack of resource, ailments, etc. Everyday in our life we come across rag pickers, beggars in many forms. Those rag-pickers or beggars have no shelter or any other facility for their living. They can hardly live a life nothing better than a beast or animal. We are pained to see them. They are sufferers and we too. Still there a hope which can change the whole scenario of we take it seriously.

Sometimes I feel great pain to see them and I think to do something for them. First of I’ll establish a charity home to provide food and shelter to the destitutes. I’ll also start a school form them. I’ll try to raise fund for them through charity shows. I’ll also cooperation from the government.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Chapter 24 A Cup of Tea Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

Question 1.
Justify the title of the story ‘A Cup of Tea’. (M.P. 2009, 10, 12, 13, 15)
Answer :
A Cup of Tea’ is an interesting story by Katherine Mansfield. She has appropriately chosen this title. The story throws light on the lifestyle of different women for whom fashion and show remain the ends of life. They never miss a chance to show off their affluence by going for antiques and old books. This story writer brings out the contrast * between the rich and the poor. The real story is centralized around the matter of a cup of tea.

A poor little girl asks Rosemary Fell for a prict of cup of tea. Out of generous show off her affluency, Rosemary takes her home. She offers tea and snacks to the poor girl. In the mean time her husband Philip comes. He is fascinated by the poor harmful girl when Rosemary knows it she becomes envious of the poor girl. She offers some money to her and asks her to go away. The story ends over a cup of tea. So, the title is most suited.

Question 2.
Write a character-sketch of Rosemary highlighting: (M.P. 2009, 13, 15)
(a) her appearance
(b) her hobbies
(c) her affluence
(d) her sense of kindness
(e) her eccentricity
(i) her jealousy.
Answer :
Rosemary Fell is the most prominent character in the story. She is young, brilliant, extremely modern, exquisitely well dressed and amazingly well-read lady. She belongs to an affluent family. She likes to enjoy the parties of important people and artists. She also has fascination for shopping and antique collection. The shop-keepers flatter her.

Rosemary is of generous nature. When she comes across a poor girl asking for the price for a cup of tea, she feels pity for her. She takes her home. She provides her tea and snacks. She becomes too much eccentric to the poor girl, so she provides her with her coat and other comforts.
When her husband comes, he becomes attracted to the girl. He asks Rosemary to take the girl to the dinner. This makes Rosemary envious of the girl. Then suddenly her mind turns. She offers some money to the girl and asks her to go away at once.

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Question 3.
Write a character-sketch of the poor girl, Miss Smith in your own words, covering the following aspects : (Imp)
(a) her poverty
(b) her beauty
(c) her timidity
(d) her distrusting nature
(e) her behaviour.
Answer :
Miss Smith is a poor girl with a major role in the story. First she appears when Rosemary Fell comes out of an antique shop. It is raining. The girl asks Rosemary for the price of a cup of tea. Rosemary turns to the girl who was extraordinary. She takes the girl home. She provides her with per coat. The girl is no doubt beautiful. Though poor she looks confident. Philip, Rosemary’s husband is surprised to see her. He is so much attracted to her, that he wants to take her to dinner. The girl is looking somewhat timid for poverty. First she suspicious that whether Rosemary would send her to the police. His behavior is childish. She is fascinating. She behaves like a nursery child. She is amazed to see the things in Rosemary’s house. Rosemary offers her some money and asks her to go away out of jealousy very innocently Miss Smith goes away.

MP Board Class 11th Special English Important Questions

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