MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 1

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 1

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Miscellaneous Questions 1 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by History?
History is one way of knowing the past.

Question 2.
Name four sources of knowing History?
Inscriptions on stone are called Petrograph.

Question 3.
What is a petrography?
Petrography is a branch of petrology that focuses on detailed descriptions of rocks. Someone who studies petrography is called a petrographer. The mineral content and the textural relationships within the rock are described in detail.

Question 4.
What is a Bhojpatra?
The bark of birch tree on which ancient books were written, is called as Bhojpatra.

Question 5.
What is a record?
Records are the old historic information. These are found on dried palm leaves, the bark of the brich tree, plates of copper and hand written papers.

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Question 6.
Who is primitive man?
The man who lived thousands of years ago, was called primitive man.

Question 7.
How did primitive man protect themselves from wild animals?
The primitive man protected themselves from animals by burning the fire at the entrance of the caves.

Question 8.
Why is the age of primitive man called the stone age?

  1. The man of stone age was having the tools, weapons and pots made of stones.
  2. So this age is called as stone age.

Question 9.
In how many parts stone age has been divided? Name them?
The stone age have been divided in to three parts:

  1. Palaeotithic or the Old stone age.
  2. Mesolithic or the Middle Stone Age.
  3. Neolithic or the New Stone Age.

Question 10.
How was fire discovered?
It is assumed that the discovery of fire was by accident. When two flint stones were struck against each other, it created sparks which caused leaves to burn. In this way man learnt to light a fire. Fire was very useful to them for light, roasting meat and protection from wild animals.

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Question 11.
Which animals were used by primitive man?
The primitive man used animals for different purposes, the dog for hunting, the cow, the buffalo and the goat for milk,the goat, the sheep and the buffalo for meat.

Question 12.
How did the discovery of wheel proved a boon to human beings?
Discovery and uses of wheel. Wheel was a very important discovery of the early man. It led to a big advance in the pattern of man’s living. Its discovery made life very much easy in a number of ways. Man now discovered carts which were drawn by animals. People now could travel easily from one place to other. It also helped in movement of objects. It improved the making of pottery.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Sources of Knowing History img 1

Question 13.
How did primitive man travel from one place to another?
There were no means of transport. The primitive man used to walk for going from one place to another.

Question 14.
What is the importance of the family to a person?
Father, mother, brother and sister together constitute a family. In bigger families grandfather, grandmother, uncles, aunts also live with their children. This type of family is called joint family.

Question 15.
What is the unit of a society?
A family is the unit of society.

Question 16.
Write two characteristics of a developed society?
The two characteristics of a developed society:

  1. The spirit, of working together
  2.  Respect for the ideas of other.

Question 17.
What do you understand by interdependence?
The dependence on each other to complete a work or fulfill a need is called interdependence.

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Question 18.
How many planets are there in the Solar System? Which is called the living planet?
1. The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the ‘Family of the Sun’ or the Solar System.

2. The Solar System consists of the Sun as the centre and Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as planets. In addition, there are in all 44 satellites in our Solar System.

Question 19.
Explain interdependence between two countries with examples?
1. The increase and diversity of the needs became the reason for interdependence. Countries depend on each other for things which are not available or available in very little quantity.

2. For example, our country has to depend on other countries for petroleum products i.e., diesel, petrol and kerosene modern equipments and arms for the army. We get these from countries which produce them.

3. On the other hand, we send spices, tea, cement, ready – made garments to other countries.

Question 20.
Write the name of the head of the solar system?
Sun is the head of the solar system.

Question 21.
In how many days does the earth go round the sun once?
The earth takes 365 days to rotate round the sun.

Question 22.
Write the names of the nearest and farthest planet from the sun?
Mercury and Pluto.

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Question 23.
The Moon is the satellite of which planet?

Question 24.
Which is called the red planet?
Mars is called the red planet.

Question 25.
What is a light year?
A light – year is a unit of distance. It is the distance that light can travel in one year. Light moves at a velocity of about 300,000 kilometers (km) each second. So in one year, it can travel about 10 trillion km. More precisely, one light – year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.

Question 26.
What are latitudes and longitudes?
1. The spherical and horizontal lines drawn parallel to the equator are called latitudes.

2. There are 90 latitudes in the northern hemisphere and 90 latitudes in the southern hemisphere. In all there are 180 latitudes drawn on the globe. The equator is the largest latitude drawn on the globe. The equator is also known as the 0° latitude.

3. The 23\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° W latitude north, in the northern hemisphere is called the tropic of cancer.

4. Similarly the 23\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° latitude south, in the southern hemisphere is called the tropic of capricorn.

5. The Arctic Circle lies at the distances of 66\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° N of the equator.

6. The Antarctic Circle 66\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° S is similar to the Arctic Circle but lies in the southern hemisphere.

7. The vertical lines drawn from north to south are called longitudes.

8. The longitude passes through Greenwich Observatory near London in England is called 0° longitude, Prime Meridian.

9. The other longitudes are drawn east and west of the Prime Meridian.

10. The Prime Meridian divides the world into Eastern (E) and Western (W) hemisphere.

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Question 27.
What is a globe?
Globe is a three dimensional model of earth or sphere, which gives us the correct idea of the shape of the earth.

Question 28.
What is a map?
The following information we can get from a globe:

  1. The earth is a bit flat at the poles.
  2. The shape of earth is spheroid.
  3. The earth is not straight on its axis but a little tilted.
  4. The globe shows the location of oceans, islands, continents, main mountains and countries, etc.
  5. The characteristics of the horizontal and vertical lines drawn on the globe.

Question 29.
Write the names of the continents and the oceans of the world?
List of Continents:

  1. North America
  2. South America
  3. Asia
  4. Europe
  5. Africa
  6. Australia
  7. Antractica .

List of Oceans:

  1. Pacific Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Indian Ocean
  4. Arctic Ocean

List of Seas:

  1. Arabian sea.

List of Islands:

  1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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Question 30.
Why latitudes and longitudes are drawn on a globe?
To locate the exact position of places on earth, latitudes and longitudes lines are drawn on a globe or a map. We can easily locate the geographical position of any village, city, town, country, or any place with the help of these lines.

Question 31.
Which latitude passes through the centre of India?

Question 32.
In which Hemispheres India is situated?
Northern Hemisphere.

Question 33.
What is the name given to the biggest latitude?

Question 34.
What is Prime Meridian?
Equator is an imaginary line which is drawn on the globes (the model of earth) in such a way that at all points it lies exactly half way between the north pole and the south pole.

Prime Meridian:

  1. Like the main latitude (0° equator), there is a main longitude. This longitude passes through Greenwich Observatory near Landon in England. This is called 0° longitude, Prime Meridian.
  2. The world has been divided by these lines into four hemisphere.

Question 35.
What is the name given to 23\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° South latitude?
Tropic of capricorn.

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Question 36.
What are the differences between latitude and longitude? Write any three?

  1. The line drawn horizontally parallel to the equator on the globe is latitude.
  2. All the horizontally parallel lines are not in equal size.
  3. There are 180 latitude lines.


  1. The line drawn horizontally parallel to the equator on the globe is latitude.
  2. All the horizontally parallel lines are not in equal size.
  3. There are 180 latitude lines.

Question 37.
How many realms of earth are there? Name them.
There are three realms of earth. The three realms of the earth are:

  1. Land
  2. Water
  3. Air.

Question 38.
What is the percentage of water on earth?

Question 39.
What is lithosphere?
The realm of the earth consisting of rocks, stones and soil is called lithosphere.

Question 40.
What is hydrosphere?
Hydrosphere is the realm of water on the earth.

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Question 41.
Which gas is found the most in the atmosphere?

Question 42.
What is the difference between a mountain and a plateau?
Mount Everest.


  1. Mountain are highly elevated lands with steep slopes. by the rivers.
  2. They are higher than the surrounding areas.


  1. Plateaus are moderately elevated lands with flat tops.
  2. They rise abruptly from the surrounding areas.

Question 43.
What is an island?
The small parts of land surrounded by water are called islands.

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Answer the following Questions:

Question 1.
What do you understand by History? What are the different sources of knowing History?
The different ways of knowing History are through:

  1. Oral information
  2. Written information
  3. Evidences.

1. Oral information:
The old proverbs, stories and ancedotes come under oral in formations.

2. Written information:
These are the writings which can be read.

3. Evidences:
These are the things which were used by the people at that time.

Question 2.
How did the primitive man start agriculture and animal husbandry? Explain in detail.
In India cultivation started 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, growing plants and grain was an important discovery. Now, man had learnt that by putting seeds into the soil and watering the soil, plants would grow. This was the beginning of agriculture. He could grow his own food. So, he started living at one place and settled him as an agriculturist. Along with cultivation man also learnt animal husbandary. He began rearing a number of useful animals. He used them for different tasks:

  1. Use of dogs in hunting.
  2. Use of bullocks in farming.
  3. Cows, goats and buffaloes for milk.
  4. Sheep, bulls and goats for meat.
  5. Horses for riding.

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Question 3.
What is a society and what type of evils can be controlled by the society?
A society is a network of social relations. In fact, a society is formed by the relationship among many families. Man is a social animal, so man lives in a family and society. Many problems come in the life of a man, like selection of a partner for marriage and bringing up children and educating them. The members of the family and their family friends help to resolve these problems. A society can control many social evils like child – marriage, large families not giving elementary education to children.

Question 4.
Explain the interdependence of villages and cities and give examples of things produced by the village and the things produced by the cities?
The items like wheat, gram, kolikeheda, cotton, milk etc. are brought to village or town from villages. The items like diesel, petrol, kerosene, clothes, medicine, sugar, radio, T.V, bicycle, fruits are brought to village or town from towns.

Question 5.
What is the interdependence and how does it affect civic life?
The citizen’s life is dependent on mutual help. In the family, school and neighbourhood, there is a need of mutual help. In your school you must have some rules which are essential for every teacher and student to follow. The work, we do as a rule, is called duty. The life of citizens depend on mutual help and performance of duty.

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Question 6.
What is the Solar System? Why is the earth called a unique planet?
The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the family of the Sun or the Solar System. In addition to the nine planets, there are 44 satellites in the Solar System.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 1 - 2

The earth is a small member of the Solar System. It is the fifth in size of the nine major planets and the third in distance. But it occupies a very unique position in the Solar System, for the following reasons:

  1. Around the Earth is a gaseous envelope known as the atmosphere. It saves us from the extreme heat of the Sun.
  2. The Earth has land, water and air unlike the other planets which makes life possible. All this had made the Earth a sweet home for us.

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Question 7.
Explain the solar system with a diagram?
The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the family of the Sun or the Solar System. In addition to the nine planets, there are 44 satellites in the Solar System.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 1 - 2

Question 8.
What is a globe? What information can we get from a globe?
Globe is a three dimensional model of earth or sphere, which gives us the correct idea of the shape of the earth.

The following information we can get from a globe:

  1. The earth is a bit flat at the poles.
  2. The shape of earth is spheroid.
  3. The earth is not straight on its axis but a little tilted.
  4. The globe shows the location of oceans, islands, continents, main mountains and countries, etc.
  5. The characteristics of the horizontal and vertical lines drawn on the globe.

Question 9.
What should one know to read a map?

  1. A map can be read and understand as a book is read and information is gathered from it.
  2. A map can be made and read on four basic points.

These are :

  1. Symbol
  2. Direction
  3. Headings
  4. Scale

1. Symbol:
It is the third important component of any map. When an area or locality is shown on a map, it is not possible to show various features, e.g., roads, building, trees, railway lines in their actual shape and size. To overcome this difficulty, the features are shown by different symbols.

The use of symbols saves space and a lot of information can be given in a single map. Various colours in maps are chosen for the same purpose. All over the world there has been some kind of agreement regarding the use of symbols and colours. The symbols used all over the world in various maps are called conventional symbols.

2. Direction:
It is another very important component of any map. A map has four directions i.e., north, south, east and west. While knowing any one direction on map we fan find all the remaining directions.

3. Headings:
Heading is the one of the component of read a map. “Structure” to their code that identifies main headings and subheadings. Headings Map creates a visual heading structure of the webpage by generating an index or ‘map’ of the headings created by the author.

4. Scale:
When human being did not have the knowledge of scripts, they expressed themselves through pictures and figures drawn on rocks. These pictures are called rock paintings. The rock paintings at Bhimbetka near Bhopal is a living example of ancient rock painting. The most of the rock paintings in India have been found in the Vindhyachal and Satpura ranges in Madhya Pradesh.

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Question 10.
What are latitudes and longitudes? Why they have been drawn on the globe?
To locate the exact position of places on earth, latitudes and longitudes lines are drawn on a globe or a map. We can easily locate the geographical position of any village, city, town, country, or any place with the help of these lines.

The spherical and horizontal lines drawn parallel to the equator are called latitudes. There are 90 latitudes in the northern hemisphere and 90 latitudes in the southern hemisphere. In all there are 180 latitudes drawn on the globe. The equator is the largest latitude drawn on the globe. The equator is also known as the 0° latitude.

The 23\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° W latitude north, in the northern hemisphere is called the tropic of cancer. Similarly the 23\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) ° latitude south, in the southern hemisphere is called the tropic of capricorn. The Arctic Circle lies at the distances of 66\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° N of the equator. The Antarctic Circle 66\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)° S is similar to the Arctic Circle but lies in the southern hemisphere.

The vertical lines drawn from north to south are called longitudes. The longitude passes through Greenwich Observatory near London in England is called 0° longitude, Prime Meridian. The other longitudes are drawn east and west of the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian divides the world into Eastern (E) and Western (W) hemisphere.

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Question 11.
How many realms are there on the earth? Write their names and describe the different forms of the lithosphere?
There are three realms of earth. The three realms of the earth are:

  1. Land
  2. Water
  3. Air.

The realm of the earth consisting of rocks, stones and soil is called lithosphere.

Fill in the blanks:

  1. The picture drawn on rocks are called ……………….
  2. The words engraved on stone are called …………….
  3. Our civic life depends on and …………….
  4. The planets and the satellites are illuminated by …………………..
  5. The only satellite of our earth is ………………..
  6. The small and temporary planets made by humans are called ……………….
  7. The large area of water stretched on earth is called ……………
  8. The shape of the earth is ………………
  9.  …………… colour is seen the most on a globe.
  10. The uppermost point on the globe is called …………… pole and the Southern most point is called the ……………….
  11. Longitude are ………………. lines.
  12. The world is ……………….. on its axis.
  13. Land is on …………… percent part of the earth.
  14. The piece of land surrounded by water on all sides is called ………………..
  15. The gas over the earth is called …………………


  1. rock paintings
  2. inscriptions
  3. mutual help, performance of duty
  4. sun
  5. moon
  6. artificial setellites
  7. oceans
  8. bit flattened at the poles
  9. Blue
  10. north, south
  11. vertical
  12. rotate
  13.  29
  14. island
  15. air

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Choose the correct alternative:

Question (a)
What among the following is a source of knowing History?
(i) water
(ii) tree
(iii) earthen utensils
(iv) pen
(iii) earthen utensils

Question (b)
How did the primitive man get their food?
(i) By agriculture
(ii) by collecting tubers and fruits
(iii) from the sea
(iv) none of these
(ii) by collecting tubers and fruits

Question (c)
What among these is a not the characteristic of the society?
(i) Food habits
(ii) blood relation
(iii) life style
(iv) customs
(iv) customs

Question (d)
What among the following is not our basic need?
(i) Food
(ii) clothes
(iii) electricity
(iv) shelter
(iii) electricity

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Question (e)
Which among the following is a star?
(i) the Sun
(ii) the Moon
(iii) the Earth
(iv) the Mars
(i) the Sun

Question (f)
The infinite space in which all the galaxies and energy are stretched is called:
(i) the Solar System
(ii) The Sun
(iii) the universe
(iv) Akashganga
(iii) the universe

Question (g)
Which among the following is called a living planet?
(i) the moon
(ii) the earth
(iii) the Mercury
(iv) the Mars
(ii) the earth

Question (h)
Which among the following is called the red planet?
(i) the Earth
(ii) the Mars
(iii) the Jupiter
(iv) the Mercury
(ii) the Mars

Question (i)
Which among the following is the life saving gas?
(i) Oxygen
(ii) Nitrogen
(iii) Helium
(iv) Ozone
(i) Oxygen

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Question (j)
The night when the total moon is seen is called?
(i) Dark day
(ii) New moon
(iii) Full moon
(iv) the eleventh day
(iii) Full moon

Question (k)
The nearest celestial body to earth is?
(i) the Sun
(ii) the Mercury
(iii) the Moon
(iv) the Venus
(ii) the Mercury

Question (l)
The model of the earth is called?
(i) map
(ii) measurer
(iii) globe
(iv) moon.
(iii) globe

Question (m)
The number of continents on earth are?
(i) 4
(ii) 5
(iii) 6
(iv) 7
(iv) 7

Question (n)
The latitudes are:
(i) semi circles
(ii) of equal length
(iii) spherical
(iv) vertical lines.
(iii) spherical

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Pick the odd one out:

Question (a)
(i) Palaeolithic
(ii) black stone age
(iii) Mesolithic
(iv) Neolithic
(i) Palaeolithic

Question (b)
(i) cow
(ii) buffalo
(iii) tiger
(iv) goat
(iii) tiger

Question (c)
(i) rock-painting
(ii) documentary
(iii) cave painting
(iv) mural
(ii) documentary

Question (d)
(i) family
(ii) community
(iii) marriage
(iv) society
(iii) marriage

Question (e)
(i) petrol
(ii) clothes
(iii) diesel
(iv) kerosene.
(ii) clothes

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Question (f)
(i) crops
(ii) foodgrains
(iii) food
(iv) produce
(iv) produce

Question (g)
(i) the Mercury
(ii) the Venus
(iii) the Mars
(iv) the Moon
(iv) the Moon

Question (h)
(i) Aryabhatta
(ii) Rohini
(iii) Moon
(iv) Bhaskar
(iii) Moon

Question (i)
(i) Asia
(ii) Africa
(iii) Pacific
(iv) America
(iii) Pacific

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Question (j)
(i) Tropic of Cancer
(ii) Equator
(iii) Lapic of Capricorn
(iv) Greenwich Meridian.
(iv) Greenwich Meridian.

Question (k)
(i) Lithosphere
(ii) Biosphere
(iii) Atmosphere
(iv) Solar family
(iv) Solar family

Question (l)
(i) mountain
(ii) sea
(iii) plateau
(iv) plains
(ii) sea

Question (m)
(i) nitrogen
(ii) oxygen
(iii) vapours
(iv) carbondioxide.
(iii) vapours

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Match the following:

  1. The mixture of gases – family
  2. The vertical lines – the earth
  3. The horizontal lines – Petrograph
  4. Spheroid – stone age
  5. The model of the earth – globe
  6. The largest planet – the Jupiter
  7. The interdependence as per need – interdependence
  8. The unit of the society – family
  9. The era of stone – stone age
  10. The information engraved On stone – Interdependence


  1. The mixture of gases – atmosphere
  2. The vertical lines – longitudes
  3. The horizontal lines – latitudes
  4. spheroid – the earth
  5. The model of the earth – globe
  6. The largest planet – the Jupiter
  7. The interdependence as per need interdependence
  8. The unit of the society – family
  9. The era of stone – stone age
  10. The information engraved On stone – Petrograph

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Project work:

Question 1.
Move around your village/school and talk to people to gather history of your village?
Do with the help of your teacher.

Question 2.
Collect information about the postal, telegraph/rail department and find our dependence on these departments?
Do with the help of your teacher.

Question 3.
Make a big labelled diagram of the solar system?
The Sun and the nine planets which revolve around it make up the family of the Sun or the Solar System. In addition to the nine planets, there are 44 satellites in the Solar System.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions Miscellaneous Questions 1 - 2

Show the following on the world map.

  1. The Equator
  2. Asia
  3. The Indian Ocean Meridian
  4. Greeenwich
  5. The Pacific Ocean
  6. The Himalaya
  7. The Plateau of Pamir
  8. The Decean Plateau
  9. The plains of Ganga – yamuna
  10. India.

Do Yourself.

MP Board Class 6th Social Science Solutions

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