In this article, we will share MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Chapter 7 Movements of the Earth Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Chapter 7 Movements of the Earth
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 7 Text Book Questions
Fill in the blanks:
- The earth completes one rotation in ………….. hours.
- The earth completes one revolution round toe sun in ………….. days.
- Day and Night occurs due to the ……………… of toe earth.
- Earth gets heat from the ……………..
- The earth’s axis forms an angle of ……………
- 24 hours
- 365 days
- rotation
- sun
- 23.5°
Match the columns:
1. (b) Equator
2. (c) Tropic of cancer
3. (a) Tropic of Copricom
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 7 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is meant by rotation?
The earth rotates on its axis from west to east. This movement of the earth is called rotation. The earth takes about 24 hours to complete one rotation (12 hours day, 12 his nights) this period of rotation is known as earth today.
Question 2.
What do you understand by revolution?
While rotating on its axis toe earth moves forward and revolves around sun. In this movement, toe earth follows a fixed route or path. This movement of the earth is called revolution. The earth takes 365 days and about 6 hours to complete one revolution.
Question 3.
Which movement of the earth brings about a change in the season?
Due to revolution, we experience changes in the seasons.
MP Board Class 7th Social Science Chapter 7 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain the movements of the earth with the help of a diagram.
(a) Rotation:
Rotation is turning on an axis. The earth rotates on its axis once in 24 hours. The evidence of this is found in the rising and setting of the sun. At the Equator the earth’s speed of rotation on its axis is 40,000 km. in 24 hours, i.e., over 1,600 km. per hour.
The earth’s movement round the sun in 365‘A days is known as Revolution. The earth’s orbit is about 965 million km. long and it moves round the sun at the speed of 29.6 km. per second (1,03,200 km. per hour).
Question 2.
Explain how days and nights occur on the earth.
We experience day and night due to the rotation of the earth. The earth receives light from the sun. The earth completes one rotation on its axis in 24 hours. While the earth rotates, the face of the earth receiving sunlight experiences day while the other facing away from the sunlight remains in darkness. That part experiences night.
Question 3.
Draw a well – labeled diagram showing the changes in season on earth.
The earth’s axis forms an angle of 66 1 / 2 with the plane of the earths orbit and the earth tilts at 23 1 /2 degree on its axis. Let us understand how seasons occurs on earth.