MP Board Class 10th General English Grammar Translation

MP Board Class 10th General English Grammar Translation

Continuous Tenses

(1) Present Continuous Tense
Structure-am/is/are + veb + ing + object etc.

(A) Affirmative Sentences

(i) मैं खाना खा रहा हूँ।
I am eating food.

(ii) हम नावें तैरा रहे हैं।
We are floating boats.

(iii) रीना बैडमिंटन खेल रही है।
Reena is playing badminton.

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(B) Negative Sentences

(i) तुम सुन नहीं रहे हो।
You are not listening.

(ii) वह खाना नहीं पका रही है।
She is not cooking food.

(iii) वे हँस नहीं रहे हैं।
They are not laughing.

(C) Interrogative Sentences

(i) क्या वे खेल रहे हैं?
Are they playing?

(ii) राम क्या कर रहा है?
What is Ram doing?

(iii) आप क्यों रो रहे हैं?
Why are you weeping?

(iv) क्या वह आ रहा है?
Is he coming?

(2) Past Continuous Tense

Structure-Subject + was/were + verb + ing + object etc.

(A) Affirmative Sentences

(i) मैं चित्र बना रहा था।
I was drawing picture.

(ii) वे सो रहे थे।
They were sleeping.

(iii) वह दौड़ रही थी।
She was running.

(B) Negative Sentences

(i) पानी नहीं बरस रहा था।
It was not raining.

(ii) मैं चिल्ला नहीं रहा था।
I was not shouting.

(iii) गाड़ी चल नहीं रही थी।
The vehicle was not moving.

(C) Interrogative Sentences

(i) तुम कहाँ जा रहे थे?
Where were you going?

(ii) शीला क्यों हँस रही थी?
Why was Sheela laughing?

(iii) वे क्या कर रहे थे?
What were they doing?

(3) Future Continuous Tense

Structure- Subject + shall/will + be + verb + ing + object etc.

(A) Affirmative Sentences

(i) पानी बरस रहा होगा।
It will be raining

(ii) हम खेल रहे होंगे।
We shall be playing.

(iii) वह पत्र लिख रहा होगा।
He will be writing a letter.

(B) Negative Sentences

(i) वे नहीं आ रहे होंगे।
They will not be coming.

(ii) वह पढ़ नहीं रहा होगा।
He will not be reading,

(iii) मैं खाना नहीं खा रहा हूँगा।
I shall not be eating food.

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(C) Interrogative Sentences

(i) वह कैसे खेल रहा होगा?
How will he be playing?

(ii) कौन सो रहा होगा?
Who will be sleeping?

(iii) क्या वह पढ़ रहा होगा?
Will he be reading? .

(4) Present Indefinite Tense

(A) Affirmative Sentences

Structure-Subject + verb I/verb I + s, es, ies, + object.

(i) मैं पुस्तक पढ़ता हूँ।
I read the book.

(ii) हम बस को रोकते हैं।
We stop the bus.

(iii) तुम फल लाते हो।
You bring fruits.

(iv) मोहन कानपुर में रहता है।
Mohan lives in Kanpur.

(B) Negative Sentences

Structure-Subject + do not/does not + verb I + object.

(i) मैं वहाँ नहीं जाता हूँ।
I do not go there.

(ii) तुम कहानी नहीं कहते हो।
You do not tell a story.

(iii) वह यहाँ नहीं आता है।
He does not come here.

(C) Interrogative Sentences

Structure-Do/Does + subject + (not) verb I + object etc.?

(i) क्या मैं झूठ बोलता हूँ?
Do I tell lies?

(ii) क्या तुम मुझे जानते हो?
Do you know me?

(iii) क्या वह पंतग उड़ाता है?
Does he fly kite?

(5) Past Indefinite Tense

(A) Affirmative Sentences

Structure- Subject + verb II + object etc.

(i) मैंने एक लाल पक्षी देखा।
I saw a red bird.

(ii) हमने टीवी खरीदा।
We bought a T.V.

(iii) शाहजहाँ ने ताजमहल बनवाया।
Shah Jahan got the Taj Mahal built.

(iv) रहीम ने हॉकी खेली।
Rahim played hockey.

(v) तुमने कार चलाई।
You drove the car.

(B) Negative Sentences

Structure- Subject + did not + verb I + object etc.

(i) मैंने फल नहीं खाये।
I did not eat the fruits.

(ii) तुमने हिन्दी का अध्ययन नहीं किया।
You did not study Hindi.

(iii) हमने कपड़े नहीं सुखाये।
We did not dry the clothes.

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(C) Interrogative Sentences

Structure-Did + subjcet + (not) verb I + object etc.?

(i) क्या मैंने तुमसे कभी झगड़ा किया?
Did I ever quarrel with you?

(ii) क्या तुमने फीस चुकाई?
Did you pay the fee?

(iii) क्या शीला ने फूल नहीं सूंघे?
Did Sheela not smell flowers?

(6) Future Indefinite Tense

Structure-Subject + shall/will + verb I + object etc.

(i) मैं एक पत्र लिखूगा।
I shall write a letter.

(ii) हम कल झाँसी जायेंगे।
We shall go to Jhansi tomorrow.

(iii) हम अगले वर्ष नैनीताल जायेंगे।
We shall go to Nainital next year.

(iv) तुम यहाँ नहीं बैठोगे।
You will not sit here.

(v) क्या आप मेरी मदद करेंगे?
Will you help me?

(7) Present Perfect Tense

Structure- Subject + have/has + verb III + object etc.

(i) मैंने यह पुस्तक पढ़ ली है।
I have read this book.

(ii) दिनेश ने यह चित्र देखा नहीं है।
Dinesh has not seen this picture.

(iii) सूर्य अस्त हो चुका है।
The sun has set.

(iv) क्या वे भोपाल गये हैं?
Have they gone to Bhopal?

(v) क्या तुमने पत्र लिख लिया है?
Have you written the letter?

(8) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Structure-Subject + have been/has been + verb + ing + object for/since + time.

(i) मैं दो दिन से बुखार से पीड़ित हूँ।
I have been suffering from fever for two days.

(ii) हम इस विद्यालय में तीन वर्ष से पढ़ रहे हैं।
We have been reading in this school for three years.

(iii) तुम तीन बजे से ताश खेल रहे हो।
You have been playing cards since 30’clock.

(iv) वे दो घण्टे से फुटबाल खेल रहे हैं।
They have been playing football for two hours.

Miscellaneous (विविध)
(i) नेहरू जी महान् पुरुष थे।
Nehruji was a great man.

(ii) क्या तुम मेरे मित्र हो?
Are you my friend?

(iii) तुम्हारा क्या नाम है?
What is your name?

(iv) वह राजेश का भाई है।
He is Rajesh’s brother.

(v) तुम मेरे मित्र नहीं हो।
You are not my friend.

(vi) वहाँ जाओ।
Go there.

Exercise 1

Translate into English:
1. उसके दाँत किटकिटा रहे हैं।
2. वह असफल हो जायेगा, परन्तु नकल नहीं करेगा।
3. उसे ठण्ड लग गई है।
4. क्या आगरा की लाइन अभी भी खराब है?
5. न तो वह पढ़ता है और न मुझे पढ़ने देता है।
6. क्षमा करें श्रीमान् ! क्या मैं आपका टेलीफोन इस्तेमाल कर सकता हूँ?
7. ईश्वर करे आप दीर्घायु हों!
8. इसे होने दो!
9. उन्होंने झण्डा फहराया।
10. मैं बात का पक्का हूँ।
1. His teeth are clenching.
2. He would rather fail than cheat.
3. He has caught cold.
4. Is the Agra line still out of order?
5. Neither he studies nor he lets me do so:
6. Excuse me, Sir, May I use your telephone?
7. May you live long!
8. Let it be done.
9. He unfurled the flag.
10. I am a man of word.

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Exercise 2

Translate into English:
माला मेरी सहेली है। वह मेरी कक्षा में पढ़ती है। वह एक बुद्धिमान छात्रा है। उसमें अनेक गुण हैं। वह सदा कक्षा में प्रथम | आती है। वह प्रातः समय से उठकर अपना कार्य करती है। वह । समय से स्कूल भी जाती है। वह अपने गुरु तथा बड़ों की आज्ञा का पालन करती है। वह निर्धनों की सहायता करती है। वह सदा । प्रसन्नचित रहती है। उससे सभी लोग प्रसन्न रहते हैं।
Mala is my friend. She studies in my class. She is an intelligent student. She has many qualities. She always stands first in the class. Getting up early in the morning, she does her work in time. She also goes to school in time. She obeys her teachers and elders. She helps the poor. She is always cheerful. All are pleased with her.

Objective Type Questions

I. Choose the correct options from those given below the sentences :

Exercise 1
1. Please write your roll number ……………………… link.
(a) with
(b) in
(c) by
(b) in

2. He found ……………………… he was late.
(a) why
(b) that
(c) when
(b) that

3. The hunter was aiming ……………………… a wild boar.
(a) on
(b) for
(c) at
(c) at

4. This is ……………………… I live.
(a) where
(b) there
(c) how
(a) where

5. ……………………… I go there?
(a) May
(b) Must
(c) Might
(a) May

6. It is 12 o’clock ……………………… my watch.
(a) by
(b) in
(c) at
(a) by

7. I said that I ……………………… go at once.
(a) shall
(b) can
(c) should
(c) should

8. ……………………… a gentleman, he is well known.
(a) For
(b) As
(c) Like
(b) As

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9. There is no need to lose hope ……………………… you do
not know him.
(a) until
(b) just then
(c) just because
(c) just because

10. I prefer tea ……………………… coffee.
(a) than
(b) to
(c) for
(b) to

11. ……………………… you did was against the law.
(a) That
(b) What
(c) How
(b) What

12. It is a year ……………………… I met him.
(a) when
(b) since.
(c) till
(b) since.

13. He got first class ……………………… his friend failed.
(a) while
(b) but
(c) however
(a) while

14. She is fond ………………………
(a) of singing
(b) to sing
(c) for singing
(a) of singing

15. ……………………… the truth is our duty.
(a) To speak
(b) Speaking
(c) To spoke
(a) To speak

Exercise 2

1. This is the watch ……………………… we were searching for.
(a) that
(b) which
(c) what
(a) that

2. He sat ……………………… me.
(a) with
(b) by:
(c) on
(b) by:

3. We should act ……………………… his advice.
(a) on
(b) upon
(C) at
(b) upon

4. The police charged your son ……………………… murder.
(a) of
(b) for
(c) with
(c) with

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5. He is jealous ……………………… my name and fame.
(a) of
(b) with
(c) for
(a) of

6. Never yield ……………………… hardship.
(a) over
(b) to
(c) for
(b) to

Exercise 3

1. She ……………………… take a day off.
(a) can
(b) could
(c) may
(a) can

2. You ……………………… leave as soon as you have finished.
(a) may
(b) might
(c) can
(a) may

3. You ……………………… have seen this advertisement.
(a) must ,
(b) should
(c) might
(c) might

4. He ……………………… read well when he was only five years old.
(a) could
(b) manged to
(c) would
(a) could

5. “Cars ……………………… not be parked here.”
(a) need
(b) could
(c) must
(c) must

6. If I bought a lottery ticket I ……………………… win one lac prize.
(a) will
(b) may
(c) must
(b) may

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II. Fill in the blanks using correct words from the brackets :
1. Wait ……………………… I come back. (till, before, after)
2. He went away with a ……………………… heart. (breaks, broken, break)
3. Supply ……………………… water to the villagers. (drink, drunk, drinking)
4. Cars ……………………… not be parked here. (must, should, could)
5. Mumbai is bigger ……………………… Bangalore. (because, since, than)
6. The sun seems ……………………… round the earth. (go, went, to go)
1. till,
2. broken,
3. drinking,
4. should,
5. than,
6. to go.

III. Fill in the blanks with correct past tense of the verbs given in brackets :
1. He ……………………… back to India in 1973. (come)
2. He ……………………… his work long ago. (finish)
3. We ……………………… to school after the rain had stopped. (go)
4. I ……………………… to the radio. (listen)
5. They ……………………… late yesterday. (come)
1. came,
2. had finished,
3. went,
4. was listening,
5. came.

MP Board Class 10th English Solutions

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