Class 11 English A Voyage Chapter 4 The Brook Questions and Answers
The Brook Class 11th Question Answer
Word Power
Question 1.
Read the following words and phrases and rewrite them under the columns given below: fret, bicker, hurry, foamy flakes, chatter, sailing, wind about, skimming swallows, babble, slide, linger, murmur, loiter, brambly wilderness, steal by, sunbeam
Words connected with sound | Words connected with movement | Words connected with images |
Chatter | hurry | fret |
babble | sailing, wind about, | foamy |
murmur | skimming | flakes |
bicker | swallows, slode linger, loiter, steal by | brambly wilderness, sunbeam |
Now we use each of these words and phrases in sentences of your own
Sentence formation:
- fret — Her baby started fretting as soon as she went out the room.
- bicker — The brook bickers down a valley.
- hurry — He always seems to be in hurry.
- foamy — several leaves were floating over foamy water.
- flakes — I like dried onion flakes.
- chatter — The children are chattering to each other about the days event.
- wind about – He has wound about the long rope.
- skimming – His paper boat ES skimming over the water.
- swallow – The flood swallowed everything.
- babble – The brook is babbling while passing through a stony ways.
- slide – His chariot was sliding along the road-
- linger – Why do you linger everything?
- murmur – The teacher scolded the body for murmuring
- loiter – He always loiters along the road like a mad.
- brambly – The brambly ways damaged his feet
- wilderness – Now our life has turned to the complete
- steal by – He tried to steal by in the presence of his father
- sunbeam – I couldn’t seeblm clearly due to bright sunbeam.
Question 2.
What is the rhyming scheme of the poem? Explain with examples
The rhyming scheme of the poem is – a, b, a, b. The rhyming words are
bern – fern, sally – valley down – tom nodges – bridges.
Alliteration is a figure of speech used in poetry which brings together words which begin with the same consonant or vowel sound .
For example:
The Fair Breeze Blew, The ‘White Foam Flew .
The Furrow Followed Free
Question 3.
Find the examples of alliteration in the poem The Brook”.
Examples of alliteration in the poem:
- I make a Sudden Sally
- And Half of a Hundred bridges
- For Men May come and Men May go.
- I Bubble into eddying Bays.
- I babble on the pebbles
- With Willow Weed and mallow
- Above the Golden Gravel.
[Personification is a figure of speech in which in animal objects and abstract notions are spoken of as having life and intelligence.
For Example :
“Laughter holding both her sides”
“Death lays his icy hands on kings’
Question 4.
Now explain the use cf personification in this poem.
The Brook is a poem of movement It has much paralleling with human life. The poet has used personification to establish this parallel in and to prove it he has used so many imagest Some the. examples are
I. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.
(a) Who is the ‘I’ in the poem and what does he do throughout the poem?
The ‘I’ in the poem is the stream. He flows and flows through out the poem. He never stops.
(b) Identify the places that the brook travels through. Make a list of the items?
A list of the items:
- thirty hills
- twenty hamlets
- fifty bridges
- Philip’s form
- many fields and fallows
- many lawns and grassy plots.
(c) Where does the brook flow to an what happens in the end?
The brook flows to the river. Along with the river Water it continues its movement on forever.
II. Explain the following:
(a) For men may come and men may go,
But I go an forever
Generation after generation of men come and die but the brook continues to flow forever. The movement of brook is a never ending process. It means that men may come and go but the world goes on as ever.
(b) I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles
I bubble into eddying bays
I babble on the bays.
The brook is a small stream. It creates heavy noise when it passes over the stony ways. When it flows in the spiral movement of water its noose is lost. But when it strikes in the pebble it produces a high pitched sound as if expressing its happiness.
(c) What is the poet referring to when he says:
And draw them all along, and flow
To join the brimming river,
The poet explains the onward movement of the brook which moves on and on to join the brimming river. All over its way it crosses and meets with many foamy flakes, silver water break, golden gravel. It takes them all with its flow and gives them too a larger meaning to their existence.
(d) Explain the following stanza in your own words bringing out
the poet’s philosophy of life:
I wind about, and in and out,
with here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty troutf
And here and there a grayling,
The poet while explaining the movement of brook, says that it twists itself in and out with a blossom sailing and keeps itself approving on. Here and there it faces the lusty trout and grayling. Without caring them it goes on and on to meet the brimming river. Here the poet puts his philosophy of life. He means to say that there are many temptations and hurdles in life which may deviate us from our goals. We must concentrate on our goal without being affected from those temptations or hurdles.
Speaking Activity
I. Read the following poem by Wordsworth and compare it with “The Brook” in terms of concerning images used
1. The movement words in the poem, (at least four)
2. Figures of speech used in the two poem. Give examples.
3. The philosophy of life of the two poets.
4. The title of the two poems.
‘The Brook’ by Alfred Tennyson and Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth are the two poems written in two different ages. Both of them have philosophies of life. Both of them have movements and flow of imagination. We can see the comparison between these two poems in the following terms:
S. No. | The Brook | Daffodils |
1. | Hurry down, flow, chatter, bubble, |
floats, fluttering tossing, dance. |
2. | Personification: I come from……………… To join the brimming river |
Personification: Fluttering and dancing in the breeze and twinkle on the milky way. |
3. | Immortality of nature | Pleasure of nature. |
4. | The Brook – a little flowing stream | Daffodil – a beautiful flower. |
Writing Activity
1. Based on your discussion in the class, write a critical appreciation of the poem bringing out its qualities, including the use of the Figures of Speech.
The poem is an autobiography of a stream. The stream is a speaker. It tells the story of his life. The brook (stream) comes from the places where water-birds like coot and hem live. It suddenly rushes out and is seen flowing among fem. It makes a lot of noise as it flows hurriedly down a valley. During its journey it passes by thirty hills, twenty hamlets and fifty bridges. At last it flows to Philip’s farm and joins the overflowing river. Generation after generation of men come and die, but the brook continues to flow forever. There are so many curves on the bank of the brook.
He is coming across many fields and follows. He says that he will go on describing about the brook for the seasons an men may come and go. Now he describes a lusty trout (a big fresh water fish) and a grayling (fish). Be describes that when the brook flows smoothly it forms form. He come across many lawns and grassy plots as he slides by a dozen of tree covers. As he mores forward, he felt glanced.
He describes about sweet forget me not (flower) that grows for happy lovers. And at last he says that he will continue to express his feelings about the brook. He moves under moon and stars on its path it covers. Its path while covering small rounded pebbles. It joins the brimming rivers. He the brook the poet wants to emphasise that the brook never stops but it goes on and on. The movement of brook is a never ending process.
Think it Over:
Think about yourself as a ‘book’ and then rewrite about the experiences you have, as if you are :
(a) happy like the brook
(b) unhappy because of the problems of life.
Do it yourself.
Think To Do
1. Collect as many poems as you can concerning brook, river, birds, etc. and share them with your class. (Use internet or library to: enrich your collection.)
Do it yourself.
The Brook Summary in English
The poem is an autobiography of a stream. The stream is a speaker. It tells the story of his life. The brook (stream) comes from the places where water-birds like coot and hem live. It suddenly rushes out and is seen flowing among fem. It makes a lot of noise as it flows hurriedly down a valley. During its journey it passes by thirty hills, twenty hamlets and fifty bridges. At last it flows to Philip’s farm and joins the overflowing river. Generation after generation of men come and die, but the brook continues to flow forever. There are so many curves on the bank of the brook.
He is coming across many fields and follows. He says that he will go on describing about the brook for the seasons an men may come and go. Now he describes a lusty trout (a big fresh water fish) and a grayling (fish). Be describes that when the brook flows smoothly it forms form. He come across many lawns and grassy plots as he slides by a dozen of tree covers. As he mores forward, he felt glanced.
He describes about sweet forget me not (flower) that grows for happy lovers. And at last he says that he will continue to express his feelings about the brook. He moves under moon and stars on its path it covers. Its path while covering small rounded pebbles. It joins the brimming rivers. He the brook the poet wants to emphasise that the brook never stops but it goes on and on. The movement of brook is a never ending process.
The Brook Summary in Hindi
यह कविता एक स्रोत की उसके उद्गम से लेकर उस नदी तक का वर्णन ह जहा वह जाकर मिलता है। यह कविता एक आत्मचरित्र की भांति है जहाँ छोटी नदी या स्रोत बड़ी नदी की ओर बढ़ते हुए संबंधित अनुभवों का वर्णन करता है। कवि ने इस कविता में यह वर्णन किया है कि वह उस स्थान से आ रहा है जिसे यात्रियों या दर्शकों द्वारा बारम्बार घूमा जाता है। जहाँ कूट (एक प्रकार का जलीय पक्षी) और बगुला (सारस) जल के प्रतीकात्मक पक्षी के रूप में जाने जाते हैं। आगे उसने कहा है कि पर्वतमाला से उतरकर बीस छोटे गाँवों और लगभग पचार पुलों को पार कर नीचे उतर कर वह इस लबालब भरी नदी तक पहुँचने के उद्देश्य से आया है और जब तक वह इस उद्देश्य को प्राप्त नहीं कर लेता, तब तक अपनी यात्रा जारी रखेगा। वह पथरीले रास्तों से होकर आया है। इस छोटे स्रोत के किनारे के साथ-साथ बहुत से मोड़ हैं। वह बहुत से खेतों ओर बंजर भूमि को पार करता हुआ आया है। वह कहता है कि उस छोटी नदी व स्त्रोत के बारे में मौसम के लिए व आदमी जो संभवतः वहाँ आते व जाते हैं, वर्णन करेगा। अब वह एक मीठे जल वाली स्वस्थ मछली और एक ग्रेलाइन (एक मछली) के बारे में वर्णन करता है।
वह कहता है कि छोटी नदी या स्त्रोत बहते हुए अनेक आकृतियाँ बनाते हैं। वह अनेक बाग और घास युक्त स्थानों को पार करता है। वह पेड़ों को घेरते हुए चल कर आता है और जैसे ही वह आगे बढ़ता है वह बहुत जगमगाहट अनुभव करता है। वह एक प्यारे फूल मुझे मत भूलना (फूल) के बारे में वर्णन करता है। जो प्रसन्न प्रेमियों के लिए उगता है अंत में वह कहता है कि वह छोटी नदी या स्रोत के किनारे के विषय में अपने भावों को व्यक्त करता रहेगा। वह चांद व तारों के नीचे घूमता है और रास्ता तय करता है। उसका मार्ग छोटे व गोल पत्थरों से भरा हुआ है। वह लबालब भरी नदी से जाकर मिलता है। ‘बुक’ कविता में इस बात पर बल देता है कि वह छोटा स्रोत कभी नहीं रुकता बल्कि चलता रहता है। छोटी नदी या स्रोत की गति कभी न रूकने या खत्म होने वाली प्रक्रिया है।
The Brook Word Meaning
The Brook Comprehension
Read the following stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow:
1. I come from haunts of coot and hern;
I make a sudden sally
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.
(i) What is the birth place of the brook?
(ii) What type of poem is it?
(iii) What does the word bicker point out?
(iv) Name two water birds mentioned in the passage?
(v) How does the brook come out after its birth?
(i) The birth place of the brook is actually the haunt of water birds like coot and hem.
(ii) It is an autobiographical poem.
(iii) The word bicker point out the noise created by the brook w hen it flows.
(iv) The two water birds mentioned are coot and hem.
(v) The brook gushes out in a sudden sally after its birth.
2. Till last by Philip’s farm I flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.
(i) What does it cross before reaching the Philip’s farm?
(ii) What does the expression ‘brimming river’ point out?
(iii) What parallelism does this poem have with man?
(iv) What lesson these lines teach you?
(v) Choose a word which means “full”?
(i) Before reaching the Philip’s farms it crosses the hills, ridges, towns and bridges. .
(ii) This expression points out that the river is overflowing with water as the brook brings water in it.
(iii) It shows that as the men may come and go. But the brook keeps as flowing for ever.
(iv) These lines teach us a lesson that we should be strong and deter-mined.
(v) It means ‘brimming’.
3. I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles,
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles.
(i) What does the word ‘chatter’ points out?
(ii) What difference do these two words ‘bubble’ and ‘babble’ point out?
(iii) Choose word which point outs movement and one word which points out sound?
(iv) Choose an alteration from the stanza?
(v) What figure of speech is used in the stanza?
(i) The word ‘chatter’ points out that while passing over the stony ways it is creating heavy’ noise.
(ii) The word bubble points out that when the brook flows in the spiral movement of water its noise is lost. But when it strikes on the pebble it produces a high pitched sound as if expressing its happiness.
(iii) The word which points out movement is bubble and the word which points out sound is babble.
(iv) The alteration used is ‘bubble-bays’.
(v) In this poem brook has been personified. Brook has been indicated as a human being.
4. I wind about, and in and out,
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayling
(i) What path has the brook just crossed?
(ii) Name two different things which can be found floating in the brook?
(iii) What does expression ‘in and out’ indicate?
(iv) What is sailing’on the brook?
(v) Choose the rhyming words?
(i) The brook has just passed over the fields and fallow lands.
(ii) The two different things floating in the brook are lusty trout and grayling.
(iii) It points out that the brook does not rest and keeps on flowing constantly.
(iv) Blossoms are sailing on the brook.
(v) The rhyming scheme is a, b, ab.
5. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,
Among my skimming swallows
1 make the netted sunbeam dance,
Against my sandy shallows.
(i) Which words points out its carefree nature?
(ii) What does the word ‘netted’ point out?
(iii) How is ‘I responsible for making sunbeam dance?
(iv) Explain the picturesque view of the stanza in a sentence or two?
(i) The carefree nature is pointed out by the words: slip, slide, gloom, glance.
(ii) The word ‘netted’ means captured.
(iii) The brook is making the rays of its sun to flicker light on its flowing water. It seems as if the sun rays are dancing on the book.
(iv) The brook passes along the shallow by filtering along the sun rays falling on it.
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