All the World’s a Stage Question Answer Class 10 English The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 16 MP Board

Class 10 English The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 16 All the World’s a Stage Questions and Answers

In this article, we will share MP Board Class 10th English Solutions The Rainbow Workbook Chapter 16 All the World’s a Stage Pdf, These solutions are solved subject experts from the latest edition books.

All the World’s a Stage Class 10th Question Answer

All the World’s a Stage Vocabulary

I. Use the word ‘parts’ in different contexts.

  1. We have done the difficult part of the work.
  2. The procedure can be divided into two parts.
  3. These are the parts of the body.
  4. The novel is good in parts.

II. What is the significance of the word ‘like’ in the following expressions : creeping like snail, sighing like a furnace, bearded like the pard

  1. creeping like snail : moves very slowly just like a snail.
  2. sighing like a furnace : fading
  3. bearded like the pard : fast movement.

Listening Skill

See Workbook pages 134-135

I. Now say whether the following statements are true or false:

1. A child enjoys pure happiness.
2. Grown-up people have to control many of their desires because of shortage of time.
3. The freedom to take one’s own decisions makes youth a period of great mental satisfaction.
4. Success is usually given greater importance in life than happiness.
5. People are usually dissatisfied with their present.

  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True.

Speaking Skill

I. Make two groups in the class. Group one will ask questions by rearranging the words given in column A and group two will respond as the example given.
MP Board Class 10th English The Rainbow Workbook Solutions Chapter 16 All the World’s a Stage 1

II. Enact a scene where changes take place in the personality or characteristics of a person when he matures into the stage of ‘youth’ from being a school boy. Discuss the portrayal of these stages.

Question 1.
Speak about any two blessings that one can enjoy in childhood.
Childhood is blessed as one gets tonnes of love and affection during this phase of life. Childhood is pampered and cared for and provided with all the facilities.

Question 2.
Why does a child want to grow up quickly into an adult?
A child wants to grow up quickly into an adult so that he can take his decisions.

MP Board Solutions

Question 3.
What are the responsibilities that come with youth?
A young man has to start earning for himself and cannot expect to get anything for free.

Question 4.
How do the responsibilities of youth affect a person’s life?
He can no longer afford to play or sleep at will. In order to get success, he has to work hard.

Reading Skill

Read this poem.

See Workbook pages 137-138

A. Now answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What do some people have to say about life?
The world is a stage and each one has to play his part in life.

Question 2.
What do others proclaim about life?
Life is quite real.

Question 3.
If life is a joke, then how should one take it?
One should laugh it along.

Question 4.
What does the poet not want people to do?
The poet does not want people to believe what others say about life.

Question 5.
Why should one be true to one’s friends?
One should be true to one’s friend because friendship is based on faith.

Question 6.
How does the poet want us to behave when we see a man in down spirits?
We should behave compassionately.

MP Board Solutions

B. Make sentences with the following words to bring out the differences.

  • Say : I won’t say anything to you.
  • Proclaim : The President proclaimed a state of emergency.
  • Speak : He refused to speak to the waiting journalists.
  • Acclaim : My work was worldly acclaimed.
  • Pronounce : I can pronounce even difficult words correctly.
  • Announce : The Principal happily announced the names of successful candidates.
  • Tell : Why should you tell a lie?
  • Promulgate : King Ashoka promulgated many good ideas.

See Workbook pages 139-140

Writing Skill

Question 1.
Complete the following flow chart narrating the different stages of man’s life in the light of the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’. (50 words)

At first the infant mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms ……
Then the winning school boy with a satchel and shining morning face ……………
Then the lover sighing like furnace ………….
Then a soldier full of strange clothes ………….
And then the justice in fair round belly …………..
The sixth stage shifts into lean and slipperd pantaloon…………….

Lest scene of all ….
Second childhood ….

Question 2.
Describe your childhood in your own words. (150 words)
Do yourself.

The Rainbow Workbook Special English Class 10th Solutions

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