Class 9th English The Rainbow Chapter 16 Where the Mind is without Fear Question Answers
Where the Mind is without Fear Class 9 Questions and Answers
Where the Mind is without Fear Textual Exercises
Where the Mind is without Fear Vocabulary
A. The following words have special meanings in the poem. Write them.
high, free, walls, stream, awake, head, desert.
Words – Special meanings in the poem
High – without any sense of shame
Free – without restrictions of caste, creed, religion etc.
Walls – petty consideration which divide the nation
Stream – flow
Awake – vigilant without any lethargy
Head – honour and position
Desert which is immune to any progress.
B. Match the words given in column A with their meanings given in column B.
A. – B
1. fear – (a) you
2. knowledge – (b) large sandy piece of land where nothing grows because there is no rain
3. thee – (c) nut having
4. desert – (d) feeling which one has when in danger
5. without – (e) things known.
1(d), 2 (e), 3 (a), 4 (b), 5 (c)
C. Write the meanings of the following expressions :
in fear and trembling
for fear of/that
No fear!
without fear of favour
I fear
in fear and trembling—deadly afraid
For fear of that—Fearing that something ill may not happen
No fear !—absence of fear
Without fear of favour—without any bias
I fear—I am afraid
D. Pronounce the following words :
when, worse, wary, wine, while, van, verse, very, vine, vile
A. Read the first four lines of the poem and answer the questions.
- WHERE the mind is without fear and the
- head is held high;
- Where knowledge is free
- Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow doniestic walls;
Questions :
1. What does the poet mean by ‘the head is held high’ ?
2. Explain what does the poet mean by ‘where knowledge is free’ ?
3. What are narrow domestic walls ?
1. ‘The head is held high ‘means that the people of India should neither be afraid nor ashamed of anything.
2. By ‘where knowledge is free’ the poet means that education should be granted free of cost and free from all restrictions in India.
3. ‘Narrow domestic walls ‘are the considerations of caste, religion and provincialism’. They divide the nation into fragments.
B. Read the next four lines and answer the following questions:
- Where words come out from the depth of truth,
- Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
- Where the clear stream of reason
- has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Questions :
1. Find out the line expressing, ‘Endless efforts are made to achieve the best quality.’
2. What do you understand by ‘clear stream of reason.’
3. What is the ‘dead habit’ according to the poet ?
1. Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfect
2. ‘Clear stream of reason’ means ‘the free flow of good sense.’
3. Conventional customs which are immune to progress or growth.
C. Read the last four lines and answer the following questions:
- Where the mind is led forward by Thee
- into ever-widening thought and action
- Into that ‘Heaven of freedom
- My Father, let my country awake.
Questions :
1. What does the poet mean by ‘ever widening thought and action’ ?
2. Describe any two traits of character the poet wants to inculcate in his countrymen.
3. What does the poet mean by let my country awake ?
4. What is ‘Heaven of freedom’ according to the poet ?
1. Our thoughts should not be narrow and our actions should be noble.
2. The poet wants to inculcate the qualities of truth and fearlessness in his countrymen.
3. It means that his countrymen should become vigilant and no longer remain ignorant.
4. ‘Heaven of freedom’ refers to the freedom of mind, speech and action.
Speaking Activity
A. Form four groups in the class. Each group will he assigned some lines of the poem. Discuss the particular lines in your group and express your opinion about the poet’s view.
Writing Activity
A Write a letter to your friend describing the contribution of a freedom fighter. (50 words)
610 Dichaon Kalan,
New Delhi 43 23rd June,
2007 Dear Sham Lai
In my present letter I am describing the contribution of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan towards the freedom of our country. He was a great freedom fighter. He made up his mind to live and die for his country. He dedicated his life to the struggle for freedom. He was a selfless worker. He was the true follower of Gandhian principles. People called him ‘King without Crown.’ He was a symbol of light for the Janata Party. He created a great stir in political field and strengthened his party. He took great interest in the political development of the country.
Sincerely yours,
Tara Chand Sharma.
B. How can we get rid of narrow domestic walls? Express your views? (150 words)
India is a land of different religions, castes, communities and regions. The British rulers sowed the seeds of hatred among the people of different religions in India. Our constitution lays down that India is a secular state. According to Gandhiji ‘we have to produce a society of those people who profess different religions’ but they live like brothers. Swami Ram lirath called the land of India his . own body. We stand in need of true patriotism.
Then there will be no communal riots in this holy land. The need of the hour is a single . national language even though some people may use English as link language. To get rid of narrow domestic walls, people of all provinces, castes, religions and linguistic groups must be taught to honour the national emblems like the National Flag and the National Anthem. Provinces should be organized on geographical and not on linguistic basis. Political parties should be organised not on the basis of caste, religion or region but on the principles of nationalism.
Think it over
A. All human beings are one. Caste, creed and colour divide people in small groups. Such divisions go on till we are left alone. Still there are such narrow domestic walls. Why?
All human beings are one. This in mine or that of the otter is the consideration of those who have low mentality, Caste, creed and colour divide the people in small groups or water-tight compartments. They consider themselves as exclusively different and rival to each otter. The people of the so called upper castes consider themselves as superior to those who belong to lower castes. Such groups try to fight tooth and nail with one another. Sometimes communal riots take birth. Recently the Gujars came into direct. Confrontation with the Meenas. These divisions will divide the nation into small segments. They create narrow domestic walls due to the narrow mentality of the people.
B.Superstitions and prejudices hinder our progress. How?
The belief that certain events cannot be explained by reason
science or that they bring good or bad luck is called superstition. It is a sign of ignorance and backwardness. It is based on fear of the unknown or mysterious. It is also against known laws of reasoning. Many good men and oculists dupe the people and cause havoc. They cause suspicion in the brains of the people. They win their hearts. Sometimes they urge the people to sacrifice some animal, bird or even a child. Superstitions cause a baseless fear of the unknown in our minds. They block our thinking faculty and hinder our progress. Superstitions and prejudices both have evil results. They cause rifts and disintegation in society.
C. How far has the idea of ‘Heaven of freedom’ been materialized in the modem world?
India became free from the yoke of foreign rule six decades back. The Constitution of India has granted many rights to its citizens. These are right to life, liberty and security of person, right to freedom of speech, judicial remedy, freedom to movement, right to take part in the government of the country, some economic and social rights also. It is a pity that the idea of ‘Heaven of freedom’ is fake and hollow. It has not been materialized in the modern world. All the citizens do not enjoy these rights. All kinds of unjust descriminations prevail in the society.
Things to do
Question 1.
Go to the library and read the fundamental rights as described in the Constitution of India. Write them in the diary also.
Fundamental Rights
Rights are social claims which are necessary for the development of man and his personality.
- A citizen possesses the right to equality before law.
- He has the right to freedom
- He has the right to life and personal liberty
- He enjoys the freedom of propagating and practising any religion
- He has the right to speak.
- He has the right to work, education and social security.
- tie has the right to vote and to contest elections.
- He has the right to hold public office.
- He has the right to criticize the government.
- Right against exploitation.
- Right to constitutional remedies.
- Right to freedom from want and fear.
Where the Mind is without Fear Additional Questions
Short-Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)
Question 1.
What are the two qualities of mind presented in the poem?
The two qualities of mind presented in the poem are fear-lessness and ever widening thought and action. Fearlessness means boldness. It enables a man to make struggles in life. Widening thought and action helps one in making progress.
Question 2.
Why does the poet compare ‘dead habit’ to ‘dreary desert sand’ ?
The poet compares ‘dead habits’ to ‘dreary desert sands because both of them are immune to progress or growth. Dead habits stand for ‘Conventional Customs’ which pose many restrictions before a man of dynamic views. Old habits never change and dreary desert sands fail to yield any crop.
Question 3.
What are the positive and old qualities mentioned in this poem ?
Perfection, free knowledge, truth and mind resulting in thought and action are positive qualities of a nation. Fear alone is the negative quality mentioned in this poem.
Question 4.
Give an account of the narrow walls and their effects.
The narrow walls are the divisions of caste, religion and provincialism. They can divide the world into fragments like allies, communal groups and blocks. They can also shatter the world peace.
Long Answer Type Question
Question 1.
Make a list of the qualities that the poet wishes to be present in the world.
The following is the list of qualities that the poet wishes to be present in the world.
The atmosphere of the world should be congenial and free from fear and shame. Knowledge should be free from all restrictions. The people should be truth-loving and rational in their approach. They shotted be the seekers of perfection and should always remain united. They should also be broad-minded. Their thoughts, speech and actions should be noble, rational, and progressive.
Where the Mind is without Fear Summary in English
The poet aspires that the atmosphere in this country should be free. Her people should neither be afraid nor be ashamed of anything. Knowledge should be imparted free of cost here. Her natives should be true and rational. Her people should not be divided by narrow considerations of caste, creed or colour. They should be broad – minded.
Where the Mind is without Fear Summary in Hindi
कवि कामना करता है कि उसके देश का वातावरण स्वच्छन्द हो। उसकी जनता को न तो भय हो और न ही वे किसी बात से लज्जित हों। वहाँ पर ज्ञान की प्राप्ति बिना किसी खर्च के हो। उसके निवासी सच्चे तथा विवेकपूर्ण हों। जाति, मत या रंग के संकुचित विचारों से उसके लोग विभाजित न हों। वे प्रगतिशील विचारों के हों।
Where the Mind is without Fear Word-Meanings
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