Class 9th English The Rainbow Chapter 17 On Saying Please Question Answers
On Saying Please Class 9 Questions and Answers
On Saying Please Textual Exercises
On Saying Please Vocabulary
A. Consult a dictionary and find out the subtle distinction in the following words.
rob, steal, burgle/ thieve
Rob: To snatch somebody’s money, goods etc: forcibly.
Steal: To take somebody’s money, goods etc. without his knowledge.
Burgle: To break into somebody’s house to steal money, goods etc.
Thieve: To steal secretly without violence.
B. Find out the words with prefix ‘un’ and ‘in’ in the lesson.
C. Write some adjectives which can be used for a person not having good manners and for a person having good manners.
D. Mark the stress in the following words.
policeman, gentleman, liftman, house-maid, henpecked, break-fast, specimen, everyone, alright, good humoured.
A. Answer each of the following questions in about 25 words.
- Distinguish between a legal and moral offence.
- Give some examples of bad behaviour that are not punishable under law.
- Discuss the importance and effect of good manners.
- Discuss the impact of good temper and kindliness on the society in the light of the two good-mannered conductors.
- What is natural courtesy? How does it affect the society?
- How could the liftman take a polite and effective revenge?
1. A legal offence has the sanction of a law and the non-observer is punishable in the Court. One who causes burglary or makes physical assault commits legal offence. Moral offence does not have the sanction of law and the non-observer can not be punished in the court. It consists of standards of behaviour and principles of right and wrong. It does not involve physical injury. The activities of the uncivil persons are examples of moral offences.
2. Some men are very humorous. They cut silly jokes even in a refined society Some people sit on seats reserved for ladies. They show their bully attitudes when they are asked to leave the seats. Some silly boys tease the old people. Some persons misguide others. Some wear unbefitting dresses. Some break the queues. Some do not use their kerchiefs while sneezing or coughing. Such activities of bad behaviour are not punishable by law.
3. Good manners sweeten the stream of general life. They make our social contacts more friendly and cooperative. A cheerful fellow affects our mood like a fine day. Our gaiety is not a wasteful luxury but a sound investment. Courtesy costs nothing but counts a lot in life, A soft speaking person wins the hearts of others. We should use polite words like ‘thank you’ and ‘please”. A good mannered person is honoured everywhere.
4. Good temper and kindliness have magical powers in winning others’ hearts. The two good-mannered conductors maintained a certain standard of civility. They made the things pleasant for the travelling public. One day the author boarded a bus. He had no money in his pocket. The conductor gave him a ticket for his destination without caring for the repayment of money. Another day the conductors’ heavy boots trampled the author’s toe. The conductor felt sorry. All his passengers felt comfortable. Every passenger had a warm place in his heart for him.
5. Saying “Thank you’ or ‘please’ are natural courtesies. They are of great use in society. Even the liftman desired ‘top please’. When the word ‘please’ was not uttered he hurled the passenger out of the lift. These small courtesies make our social life pleasant and bearable. They also make our social contacts more friendly, solid and cooperative. Courteous words help us in leading our lives smoothly.
6. ‘The conductor became aggressive when the passenger did not utter the word ‘pleased It was just an ordinary matter. He should have ignored the lapse of the passenger. He encountered incivility and hurt the feelings of the passenger. It shows the conductor was not a man of forgetting and forgiving nature. He was rather rash and of bully nature. He should have asked the passenger politely . to be mannerly. It would have been more effective.
B. Answer each of the following questions in about 50 words.
- Suggest some ways to encourage people to adopt good moral behaviour.
- How does the stream of general life get polluted by one’s behaviour?
- Discuss the necessity of the police and law in the society.
- What are the ill effects of war on our everyday civilities?
1. Man by nature is always good. Circumstances make him bad. If somebody resorts to bad behaviour, give him instructions to mend his ways. Tell him the importance of small courtesies in social life. Make him understand that small courtesies oil the machine of life and make it run smoothly. Moreover, bad manners poison the stream of life more than all the crimes in the calendar. A cheerful man is like a benediction. We can convince bad mannered persons with polite and oily words.
2. A bad mannered fellow hurts others and poisons their life without any fear of law. He causes a great deal of damage to their self-respect. He leaves a lasting effect and generates pain in their minds. An abusive word hurts one’s self-respect and vanity. The wound to one’s self-respect causes more pain than a body wound and takes a much longer period for healing. A bad mannered fellow spreads his vulgar bearing on others like an infectious disease. It spreads from person to person at a very fast speed. Hence an ill mannered person goes on poisoning the stream of social life without any fear of law.
3. India has become a land of lawlessness and crimes. All sorts of crimes take place in broad day lights. Cases of hoarding, adulteration, bribery, nepotism, kidnappings, rapes, robberies and dacoities are on the increase. Everybody has become corrupt from peon to minister. Nobody fears the law. Everybody has access to the ministers. Life of the common man has become unsafe and selfish. Law has blunt teeth. Even the court has become corrupt. Therefore, there is a great necessity of the police and law in the society.
4. War has affected our day-to-day civilities of behaviour adversely. It has made the people aggressive. If we want to restore politeness, law Cannot help us. Law can only help us against material loss and physical injury. Taking revenge like a liftman will never do good. If he had tolerated him politely he would have got victory not only on the passenger but over himself also. We have lost our ancestral civilities after the wars. Law cannot bring them back because they are not legal offences but moral lapses.
Everybody has lost patience and has become violent, bully, aggressive and revengeful.
On Saying Please Grammar
A. Study these sentences.
- We must admit that the law is reasonable.
- The law does not compel me to say that I shall not wax my moustache or dve mv hair or wear ringlets down my back.
some other clauses.
Now, point out the Noun Clauses in each of the following sentences.
- Duty requires that we should help the wretched.
- We do not know whether they enjoyed their work.
- That a man is virtuous is commendable.
- The rumour that he is ill is baseless.
- You must never forget this, that honesty is the best policy.
- The report that the thief had broken into the house has not reached me.
- Listen to what the teacher says.
Noun Clauses :
- that we should help the wretched.
- whether they enjoyed their work.
- That a man is virtuous.
- that he is ill.
- that honesty is the best policy.
- that the thief had broken into the house.
- what the teacher says.
B. Study these sentences
- The young lift-man in a city office who threw a passenger out of his lift and was fined for the offence was undoubtedly in the wrong.
- There are few classes of men who came through the ordeal of a very trying calling better than bus conductors do.
The underlined clauses do the work of an adjective in relation to some word in some other clause. Relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns or relative adverbs.
Now, point out the Relative Clauses in the following sentences :
- He who hesitates is lost.
- He laughs best who laughs last.
- The speech he made last night was not his best.
- The man who appeared to be gentleman was charged with disturbing the peace.
- There are times when everyone feels the vanity of human wishes.
- The man that hath no music in his soul is fit for treason.
- He who increases his riches increases his cares.
- who hesitates
- who laughs last.
- he made last night.
- who appeared to be gentleman.
- when everyone feels the vanity of human wishes,
- that hath no music in his soul.
- who increases his riches.
Speaking Activity
A. Imagine you are a user of a lift. Recently you were behaved rudely by the lift-man; You want to lodge a telephonic complaint against him.
Now, ask your friend to be the caretaker of the lift. Begin your conversation like this.
User : Hello, May I speak to, Mr. Kapoor the caretaker?
Mr. Kapoor : Yes please.
User : I am Nikunj Sharma (name), a user of the lift of your office.
Mr. Kapoor : What can I do for you sir?
Nikunj : Yesterday, I wanted to use your lift. I was badly disturbed.
Mr. Kapoor : What happened next?
Nikunj : I got into the life and said ‘top’ to the liftman. He got irritated.
Mr. Kapoor : It is his stupidity. Did he misbehave with you?
Nikunj : of course. He caught me by the collar, tore my shirt and hurled me out of the lift.
Mr. Kapoor : Dare he do so? I have registered your complaint.
Nikunj : Please inform about the punishment awarded to him.
Mr. Kapoor : Certainly.
Writing Activity
A. Write to your mother about the courteous behaviour of a bus conductor. You have come across’ recently. (50 words)
School Hostel,
Indore City
8th August, 2007
Dear mother,
I had gone to Bhopal for a few days. I have returned by bus only today I am writing to you to tell you about the courteous behaviour of a bus conductor. I came across him only yesterday.
I was running high temperature. Somebody had carried my bag¬gage away. I was out of pocket. I had no other known person there. I boarded a bus and told my woeful story to the bus conductor. He took pity on me. He gave me a ticket from his own pocket. He also offered me tea four times during the journey He also gave me a tablet of crocin. He even pressed my forehead. He telephoned to the hostel warden when we reached Indore.
I hope you will appreciate his courteous behaviour. Rest when
we meet, your loving son,
Manoj Sharma.
B. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on ‘Good manners are Infectious’. (150 wards)
Respected Principal, teachers and fellow students, I would like to speak on the topic “Good manners are infectious.”
Man needs society at every step. We come in contact with so many people in our daily life. We are required to show small courtesies to others on different steps of life. Good behaviour invariably generates goodwill like a fine sunny day. It clears human mind of all the gloomiest thoughts. We give due respect to the listener by using ‘please’, ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ in our speech. This makes others helpful and cheerful. It sweetens their life. It also creates a sense of cooperation, friendliness and fellow-feeling in others. They also behave with us properly. In this way, our life runs smoothly and becomes worthwhile. So good behaviour is a sort of sound investment. One good turn deserves another. Only an uncouth person behaves rudely with a man of good behaviour.
Think it over
A. Everyday civilities of behaviour have a great importance in life, Bitter problems can be solved by sweet words. Great wars could have been avoided by a little courtesy. Sweet words spoken at the right times sweeten our life. So, why to miss an opportunity to get a lot of happiness at no cost?
There is truth in all the above statements courtesies have magical powers. They do not cost anything but gain a lot. Only am ill fated person will miss an opportunity which makes his life’ sweet, easy going and smooth. I fully agree with the author.
B. Observance of etiquettes at a normal situation is important but more important is their observance when situation is adverse Isn’t it?
It is a matter of routine that we observe etiquettes at all normal situations. In the modern materialistic world the society is full of showy people. They wear a smile on their face. In reality they are wicked people, villains and cheats. They show civility and like things only to cheat us. Just imagine the hollow promises of a candidate while he fights election. The very next day he forgets the voters and his own promises. It is simply their drama. There is no good1 feeling, of civility in it. During evil days everyone neglects the observance of etiquettes. A poor and sick man is called uncivil and bad mannered’. His etiquette is not given weightage due to his-helplessness.
Cultivate the habit of saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’ etc.
Mark its effect on the people and make its entry in your diary.
New Delhi
16th September, 2007
I was limiping I asked a scooterist to give me a lift for a short distance. I used the word ‘please’. He felt elated, gave me the lift, : offered me a cup of tea on a wayside restaurant and left me at my home.
I am a senior citizen. One day a young man left his seat for me. I said, ‘Thank you’. He was so much impressed that he touched l my feet and sought my blessing.
One day I snubbed my neighbour’s son. He got annoyed and aggressive. I realized my mistake and felt sorry. He bowed with shame and said, ‘never mind’. Whenever and wherever he meets me, he calls me uncle.
On Saying Please Additional Questions
Short-Answer Type Questions (In about 25 words)
Question 1.
How, according to the writer, was the law ‘reasonable’? 5
The author calls the law ‘reasonable’ with reference to the liftman’s story. He is right in his views. The passenger had refused to say ‘please’. Therefore, the liftman had thrown him out of the lift. The liftman was rightly fined for physically assaulting the passenger. The author maintains that the liftman deserved to be punished.
Question 2.
Which, out of physical assault and wound to our self-respect, hurts us more and why?
A wound to our self-respect is obviously more hurting than a physical assault. The physical assault heals up with the passage of time. But a wound to our self-respect remains green throughout our life. It is the law of nature that the accidental injuries and cuts get healed up in due course of time. An insult on the other hand keeps on giving irritation for ever.
Question 3.
What does the author mean by victory over oneself?
The passenger had caused an emotional injury to the liftman by not saying ‘top please’. The liftman threw him out of the lift. The court would not have punished him had he maintained his cool. The court would have made the passenger realize his mistake. It was the liftman’s weak point to lose patience. Control over passions and the situations means victory over oneself. Such victory averts troubles.
Question 4.
What do some conductors, think of the passengers?
Some conductors are ill mannered, rude, rough and uncivilized. They regard the passengers as their born and sworn enemies was the liftman’s weak point to lose patience. Control over passions and the situations means victory over oneself. Such victory averts troubles.
Question 4.
What do some conductors, think of the passengers?
Some conductors are ill mannered, rude, rough and uncivilised. They regard the passengers as their born and sworn enemies. They think that the passengers are cheats. Therefore, they can be kept honest and under control only by a loud voice and an aggressive manner. Therefore, they speak in a devilish tone.
Question 5.
How are ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ the small change with which we pay our way as social beings?
Man is a social animal. He is required to deal with human beings in society during his day-to-day life. We should be liberal in using the words of etiquette like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to develop our social relations. These words not only make us polite but popular also. Hence they are like small change. We can pay our way as social beings with them.
Long Answer Type Question (in about 50 words)
Question 1.
How do courtesy and good manners keep the machine of life oiled and running sweetly?
It is an apt saying that we have very little to lose if we are polite to people around us. Rather, we have to gain. A sweet word, politeness and a smile cost nothing. Good manners are as catching or infectious as bad manners. Others would definitely be good to us provided we are good to them. A cheerful man spreads sunshine in society. Even a gloomy and an ill-tempered person would reliish his company. Besides being ever cheerful, a polite person is always good to one and all. He wins everybody’s affection ami thereby becomes popular. Nobility attracts nobility. It justifies the statements that courtesy and good manners keep the machine of life oiled and running smoothly.
On Saying Please Summary in English
One morning, a liftman threw a passenger out of the lift. The passenger did not use the word ‘please’. The liftman was demanding ‘top please’ instead of ‘top’. The passenger refused his demand. The liftman hurled him out of the lift. He was fined accordingly.
In the eyes of law, discourtesy is not a legal offence. However, our social standards demand that we should be civil and well man nered in our behaviour. A man can be uncivil. But the law will provide him protection against violent retaliation. No legal penalty can be imposed on a boorish or haughty person. On the contrary, he will be called an ill-mannered fellow. The law can not compel anyone to say ‘please’ or to attune his voice to other people’s tastes.
This does not lead to the conclusion that damages are negligible. Though the bad manners do not cause us physical injury yet they hurt us badly. In reality, the physical injury is forgotten after a short while. But the injury to our self-respect may poison the whole day. An ill-mannered person infects the world with his ill humours. He poisons the stream of general life. They do greater harm than all the legal crimes done in a year. If a senior officer is bullied, the junior k officers will naturally be bullied.
It was possible that the complainant might have been snubbed by his irritated employer. It is true that law does not govern our civilities, speech and moods. These are governed by our old and social practices. The first and foremost requirement of civility is that % we should accept a service by saying ‘thank you’ and please. These little courtesies not only sweeten our life but also make it run smoothly. A friendly request for a service is more workable than an order.
The author quotes an example of a polite bus conductor. However we find unpleasant bus conductors in rare cases. They regard the passengers as their born and staunch enemies. They shout at the passengers and cheat them. But a polite and jocular bus conductor makes the journey easy and pleasant. One day the author boarded a bus. He had left home without any money in his pocket The conductor did not make a fuss. He rather booked him through. He gave him the ticket not caring for the repayment of the money Just then j the author found a shilling in his pocket. He squared the account. He ever remained thankful to the conductor for his good natured action.
A few days later the author’s toe wag trampled by the heavy boots of the same conductor. His anger cooled down when foe conductor apologised to him. A journey with that noble conductor was a lesson in natural coustesy and good manners. He was polite to all especially for invalids.
If bad manners are infectious, so also are good manners. An uncivilised fellow leaves his imprint on us and we are likely to be rude. On the other hand, a cheerful fellow affects our mood like a fine day. The good-humoured bearing of a polite bus conductor infects his passengers. By lightening their spirits, he is lightening his own work. In reality his gaiety is not a wasteful luxury but a sound investment. Only an uncouth person gets disagreeable with sunny people.
War has affected our day-to-day civilities of behaviour. It has rendered for people aggressive. Law would fail to help us if we desire to restore politeness. Law can only help us against physical injury and material loss. Taking revenge like a liftman will not do good. If he would have tolerated the passenger politely, he would have gained victory no1234only on foe passenger but over himself also.
On Saying Please Summary in Hindi
एक प्रातः एक लिफ्ट चालक ने एक यात्री को लिफ्ट से बाहर फेंक दिया। यात्री ने ‘प्लीज’ शब्द का प्रयोग नहीं किया था। ‘टॉप’ के स्थान पर लिफ्ट चालक ‘टॉप प्लीज’ कहलाना चाहता था। यात्री ने उसकी माँग को ठुकरा दिया, लिफ्ट चालक ने उसे लिफ्ट से बाहर फेंक दिया। तद्नुसार उस पर जुर्माना किया गया।
कानूनी रूप में अशिष्टता कोई कानूनी अपराध नहीं होता है फिर भी हमारे सामाजिक स्तर की माँग होती है कि हमें अपने व्यवहार में विनम्र और शिष्ट होना चाहिए। मनुष्य अशिष्ट हो सकता है परन्तु कानून हिंसक बदले के विरुद्ध ही सुरक्षा प्रदान करेगा। किसी असभ्य और घमण्डी मनुष्य के विरुद्ध कोई भी कानूनी दण्ड नहीं दिया जा सकता है। इसके विपरीत, उसे अशिष्ट व्यक्ति कहकर पुकारा जा सकता है। कानून किसी व्यक्ति को ‘प्लीज’ कहने के लिए या दूसरे व्यक्तियों की रुचियों के अनुकूल स्वर मिलाने के लिए बाध्य नहीं कर सकता है।
इससे यह निष्कर्ष नहीं निकलता है कि हानियाँ उपेक्षनीय हैं। हालाँकि अभद्र व्यवहार, हमें शारीरिक क्षति नहीं पहुंचाता है फिर भी वह हमें बुरी तरह से आहत करता है। वास्तव में शारीरिक चोट को कुछ समय के बाद भुला दिया जाता है। परन्तु आत्मसम्मान को लगने वाली चोट हमारा समूचा दिन विषमय बना सकती है। एक अशिष्ट व्यक्ति अपने बुर र भाव से सारे संसार को दूषित करता है। वह सामान्य जीवन की नदी को विषमय बना देता है। वे वर्ष भर में किए गए कानूनी अपराधों से अधिक हानि पहुंचाते हैं। अगर एक वरिष्ठ अफसर की खिंचाई होती है तो स्वाभाविक है कि कनिष्ठ अफसरों की भी खिंचाई होगी।
यह सम्भव हो सकता था कि शिकायत करने वाले को उसके चिढ़े हुए नियोक्ता द्वारा डाँटा-फटकारा गया हो। यह सच है कि कानून हमारी भद्रता, वाणी और मनोभावों को नियन्त्रित नहीं करता है। ये हमारे पुरातन तथा सामाजिक रिवाजों द्वारा नियन्त्रित होते हैं। शिष्टता की प्रथम तथा सर्वोत्तम माँग है कि हमें किसी की सेवा को ‘धन्यवाद’ और ‘प्लीज’ कहकर स्वीकार करना चाहिए। ये छोटी शिष्टताएँ न केवल हमारे जीवन को मधुर बनाती हैं बल्कि इसे सही ढंग से चलाती हैं। मित्रतापूर्ण विनम्र निवेदन, आदेश की अपेक्षा अधिक अच्छा कारगर है।
लेखक, एक विनम्र बस कण्डक्टर का उदाहरण उद्धृत करता है। फिर भी हमें कुछ विरले अभद्र बस कण्डक्टर मिल जाते हैं। वे यात्रियों को अपना जन्मजात तथा कट्टर शत्रु मानते हैं। वे यात्रियों के ऊपर चिल्लाते हैं और उन्हें ठगते हैं। परन्तु . एक विनम्र तथा हँसमुख संवाहक हमारी यात्रा को सुखद और आसान बना देता है। एक दिन, लेखक एक बस में सवार हुआ। वह जेब में बिना पैसों के घर से निकल आया था। कण्डक्टर ने बवण्डर नहीं मचाया। बल्कि उसने उसका सम्मान किया। उसने धनराशि की वापिस प्राप्त करने की आशा न करते हुए उते टिकट दे दिया। तभी, लेखक को अपनी जेब में एक शिलिंग मिल गया। उसने हिसाब चुकता कर दिया। वह उस कण्डक्टर के अच्छे स्वभाव के कारण सदा उसका धन्यवादी रहा।
कुछ दिनों के पश्चात् उसी कण्डक्टर के भारी जूतों के नीचे लेखक का पैर रौंदा गया। जब कण्डक्टर ने उससे क्षमा याचना की तो उसका क्रोध शांत हो गया। उस नेक संवाहक के साथ यात्रा करना स्वाभाविक शिष्टता और भद्र व्यवहार में एक पाठ था.। वह सभी के प्रति विशेष रूप से विकलांगों के प्रति विनम्र था।
यदि बुरे व्यवहार संक्रामक हैं, तो उसी प्रकार अच्छे व्यवहार भी हैं। असभ्य व्यक्ति, हमारे ऊपर अपनी छाप छोड़ देता है और हम सम्भवतः असभ्य बन जाते हैं। दूसरी ओर एक प्रसन्नचित्त (खुशमिजाज) व्यक्ति हमारे मनोभाव को एक सुखद दिन की भाँति प्रभावित करता है। एक विनम्र बस कण्डक्टर की हँसी-मजाक का व्यवहार भी अपने मुसाफिरों में फैल जाता है। उनके दिलों को हलका करते हुए वह अपने काम को भी हलका कर रहा है। वास्तव में उसकी प्रसन्नता एक अपव्ययी ऐश्वर्य नहीं है किन्तु एक अच्छा निवेश है, केवल एक सड़ियल दिमाग वाला व्यक्ति ही खुशमिज़ाज व्यक्तियों के साथ असहमत होता है।
युद्ध ने हमारे आचरण की दिन-प्रतिदिन की शिष्टताओं को प्रभावित किया है। इसने लोगों को आक्रामक बना दिया है। कानून हमारी सहायता करने में निष्फल रहेगा यदि हम विनम्रता वापिस लाना चाहेंगे। कानून, केवल शारीरिक क्षति और भौतिक हानि के विरुद्ध ही हमें बचा सकता है। लिफ्ट चालक की तरह प्रतिशोध लेना लाभदायक नहीं होगा। यदि उसने यात्री के साथ विनम्रता से व्यवहार किया होता तो वह केवल यात्री पर ही नहीं अपितु अपने ऊपर भी विजय प्राप्त कर लेता।
On Saying Please Word-Meanings
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