The Mission-Agni Question Answer Class 9 English The Rainbow Chapter 9 MP Board Solutions

Class 9th English The Rainbow Chapter 9 The Mission-Agni Question Answers

The Mission-Agni Class 9 Questions and Answers

The Mission-Agni Textual Exercises

The Mission-Agni Vocabulary

The Mission Agni Class 9 A.What is meant by the following expressions :
1. series of snags
2. washed off
3. safely hazards
4. pooling all the resources
5. peaceful applications.

  1. A great number of hurdles.
  2. removed totally.
  3. Safety devices
  4. gathering all the means of help.
  5. applying for peaceful purposes.

B. Use the following in sentences of your own:
launch, bitter, suffice, Indigenously, accomplish, commitment, interruption, automatic, rectified, parameters.
Launch: When was the Agni missile launched
Bitter: Some medicines are bitter in taste.
Suffice: One thousand rupees will not suffice for a month. Indigenously. The Agni missile was indigenously made.
Accomplish: It is not easy to accomplish all your desires.
Commitment. I shall try my level best to abide by my commitment.
Interruption. Don’t cause interruption in my studies.
Automatic : Is this an automatic watch?
Rectified : I have reactified all your grievances.
Parameters : He is a noble man by all parameters.

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C. Rewrite the following sentences using a word from the lesson in place of the underlined word or words.
1. We will be able to do what have tried or wanted to do.
2. The discovery was the last and highest point of our years of labour.
3. The act of counting backwards in seconds to zero for the launch started.
4. Contradiction and the state of being mistaken are the two things most likely to occur in such situations.
5. The programmes were launched with a perfect position or direction towards peaceful applications.

  1. Achieve the technical break through.
  2. Culmination.
  3. Countdown
  4. Confusion.
  5. Orientation.

D. The following words have more than three letters . How many sounds are there in each word?
MP Board Class 9th English The Rainbow Solutions Chapter 9 The Mission-Agni 1

E. Say the words ’GATE’ WAIT ’LATE’ Do the sounds under-lined remain the same from start to finish? Now find some more examples.
Yes, the underlined sounds remain the same from start to finish.
Some more examples =?


A. Answer each of the following questions in about 25 words,
1. What is India’s policy about Space and Atomic energy development programme?
2. Why was the development of ‘Agni’ treated as a technology demonstrator project?
3. How can you say that the families of the scientists were also associated with the mission?
4. How did the safety device stop the launch of ’Agni’ on 20 April 1989?
5. What do the following lines convey?
‘Your missile is in front of you. Infact you have lost nothing but a few weeks of rework.
1. India has never intervened in the internal affairs of other countries. Therefore, she cannot bear the interruption of other powerful countries in her internal affairs. India does not long to be called a backward country. India’s policy about space arid atomic energy development programme is that of peaceful application and not for military powers. Rapid development and application in space technology is India’s chief aim. Our bitter experience of 1962 (Chinese war) forced us to take the basic first steps towards missile development.

2. High technology is another name of huge amount of money and massive infrastructure. India falls short of both of them. Therefore, what could helpless India do? Perhaps the Agni missile being developed as a technology demonstrator project could provide an answer. It pooled all die resources available in the country

3. The Agni team was comprised of more than 500 scientists.Their involvement, participation and commitment deserve praise. They did their duty by choice. The launching of Agni was common stake of both die scientists and their families. The example of V.R. Narang proves this. He was the leader of the electrical Integration team His brother-in-law died while he was at ITR. His family kept die information from him lest the work of launching of Agni should ‘ be interrupted. When he was informed of the tragedy he went home ( but was made to return within three days.

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4. The Agni lanuch had been scheduled for 20 April 1989. The people living in nearby villages were moved to safety. The team 1 was at T-14 seconds when the computer signalled ‘Hold’. It indicated that one of the instruments was functioning erratically. The same was immediately set right. Just then, the down range station asked , for a ‘Hold”. In another few seconds, multiple holds were necessitated. It resulted in irreversible internal power consumption. In this way die safety device stopped the launch of ‘Agni’ on 20 April 1989.

5. A.P.J. Abdul kalam met his team members when the launch of Agni was aborted. All the team members were in a state of shock and sorrow. He shared his SLV-3 experience with them. He had lost his launch vehicle in die sea but was recovered successfully. He told them that their missile was in front of them. In fact they had lost nothing but a few weeks of rework. These words urged the entire team to retrieve the subsystems and recharge them. These lines conveyed to them not to lose heart because failures are the pillars 1 of success.

B. Answer each of the following questions in about 50 words.
1. Why was it necessary to start missile development mission?
2. Discuss the importance of ‘Prithvi’ in making India self-reliant.
3. What qualities of the team led the mission to success?
1. India’s defence problem is more complex because of her long coastline and long land frontiers. To its north lies Nepal, Bhutan , and China. Pakistan and Afghanistan are to the north-west and to ‘ the east lie Bangladesh. India has a history of conflicts with Palkistan and China. She is confronted with dangers of war and invasions in the sensitive border states. So she has to remain in state of overall defence preparedness. Our bitter experience of 1962 (Chinese war) forced us to take the basic first steps towards missile developments. Nevertheless, the defence policy of ’India aims at prompting and sustaining durable peace in the sub-continent.

2. The aim of ‘Frithvi’ was to hit a target without the help of the Air Force. Missiles and atomic weapons are merely parts of greater whole. According to A.P.J. Abdul Kalam the development of Prithvi represented the self-reliance of India in the field of advanced technology.

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3. The Agni team was comprised of more than 500 scientists. Each member of the team was dependent on the others in his team to accomplish his target. There was highest integration in the team in terms of both the quality of work and human relationships. Each of the team members had a sense of involvement, participation and commitment. It was the common stake not only for the scientists but also their families too. All the people were of high profile. The)’ had a sense of unity and selflessness. They worked jointly as a team.

The Mission-Agni Grammar

A. Study the following sentences.

  • The Agni team was comprised more than 500 scientists.
  • Many organizations were networked to undertake this huge effort of launching Agni.
  • The SHAR radars were also commissioned to track the vehicle.
  • Dynamic surveillance was employed to cover electrical power.
  • Foreign pressure was exerted through diplomatic channels.

The above sentences are in passive form of simple past.
Now put the verbs in brackets into the passive form of simple
past : The first one is done for you.

  1. Puru (defeat) by Alexander/Puru was defeated by Alexander.
  2. The map (consult) by the generals.
  3. His horse (mount)
  4. Instead proud (feel) of his own victory.
  5. No clothing (wear) on the upper parts of their bodies.
  6. The country (attack) and the soldiers (catch).
  7. The students and the countrymen (ask) to go to their respective places.

2. The map was consulted by the generals.
3. His horse was mounted (by him).
4. Cannot be turned into passive voice.
5. No clothing was worn on the upper parts of their bodies.
6. The country was attacked and the soldiers were caught.
7. The students and the countrymen were asked to go to their respective places.

Speaking Activity

A.Converse in pairs. One of you ask the given questions and the other will answer them and vice-versa.

Question 1.
What’s this lesson about?
This lesson is about the launching of the missile ‘Agni’.

Question 2.
What was the bitter experience of 1962?
India’s defeat in her war with China in 1962 was her bitter , experience.

Question 3.
What did the development of ‘Prithvi’ represent?
The development of ‘Pritlwi’ represented the self reliance t of India in the field of advanced technology.

Question 4.
What strategy was adopted to create Agni?
A three-fold strategy—multi-institutional participation, the . consortium approach and the empowering technology was adopted to create Agni.

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Question 5.
What were the key words behind the functioning of the mission?
Involvement, participation and commitment were the key words behind the functioning of the mission.

Question 6.
How did Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam want to celebrate the success of Agni, the next day?
a. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam wanted to’ celebrate the success of Agni by planting 100,000 saplings at RCI,

B. Assuming yourself a scientist in the mission narrate the preparations of the launch of the missile in proper sequence.
Suppose I am a scientist in the mission of Agni launching. We deployed two radars, three telemetry stations, one telecommand station and four electro-optical tracking instruments to monitor the missile trajectory. Along with, the telemetry station at Car Nicobar and the SHA-R, radars were also commissioned to track the vehicle. Dynamic surveillance was enployed to cover the electrical power, that flows from the missile batteries within the vehicle and to control 1 system pressures. In case of any deviation in voltage or in pressure, the designed automatic checkout system would signal ‘Hold’. The l count down was controlled by the computer.

Writing Activity

A. Planation of one lac saplings was to maintain the ecological balance. Think and write some other such measures to maintain ecological balance. (50 words)
Conservation of an ecosystem, very often means its maintenance in its natural state. In a natural state an ecosystem has a balanced population of predators and prey, dominant and sub-dominant species. Each species in such an environment will come to terms with, all the other species of the area. If we establish many animal and bird sanctuaries in several parts of the country and throughout the world, it would enable us to maintain the ecological balance. However, there is no better method of conservation than letting the ecosystem be as it is.

B. Write your views on ‘Joy of work’. (150 words)
Hard work is the key to success in one’s life. One who
returns home fully exhausted from his work knows the value of food and enjoys sound sleep. The honest and earnest workers are always rewarded and awarded. They get the fruit of their labour sooner on later. Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna about the importance of work without desiring for the fruit. Perseverance and steadiness in work, work like magic. A true worker never repents or suffers because his work is his worship. God never betrays sincere workers. I llgot, ill spent and well got, well spent. Those who earn with dishonest means like adultery adulteration, smuggling, gambling, etc. do not know rest or sleep. The thieves, robbers and dacoits are always fearful. God assures us to do something and He would certainly do the rest. The fruit of work is sweeter than the gifts of nature. Work and music go hand in hand.

Think it over

A. Rocket can be used as a vehicle for carrying men and material to the space. It can carry weapons too. Can you think of some other peaceful applications of rockets?
Rockets collect whole body of information about hazards in outer space. They explore the surroundings about the location of clay, air, fire etc. The space travellers can set up experiments and collect rock and other elements. They can probe into the mysteries of other planets. They can collect the required data about the concerned planet. From the planet they can photograph the earth and make observations and assessments regarding environment and other events.

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B. Hard work and dedication to duty is a key to success. Our scientists have achieved technological edge after years of saintly dedication. Think of their great achievements.
Science has placed magical powers in the hands of those who work hard with dedication to duty. Indian scientists have conquered the forces of nature. Modem civilized life means life in the lap of science. Science has gained control over environment and increased production. Science has extracted minerals and oils of great value from the bowels of earth. Computerisation has changed the modern scenario of working in every sphere of life. Information technology has made a great stride (Satellite, cable, wiring, fibre opticals for transmission of information etc.) Thus science has achieved a lot in technological fields.

Things to do

Indian scientists have developed different missiles which are either land to land or land to air or air to air or air to land. Explore your various resources to collect information about them and fill it in the grid.

SI. No. Name of missile Type of missile
1. Agni Surface to surface ballistic missile.
2. Prithvi Surface to surface battlefield missile,
3. Trishul Low-level quick reaction surface to surface missile.
4. Nag Anti-tank guided missile-fire and foiget.
5– ‘ Akash Medium range surface to air missile.

The Mission-Agni Additional Questions

Short-Answer Questions (In about 25 words)

Question 1.
Give an account of the set up of India’s missile programme.
India’s Integraed Missiles Development Programme was started by the Defence Research and Development Organisation in 1982-83. It was done under the Chairmanship of Dr. AP Abdul Kalam. He developed the satellite launch vehicle (SLV-3) for the space research programme. The above work is carried out at the Research Development Laboratory located at Hyderabad.

Question 2.
Which missiles has India enveloped so far? Give their ranges and aims.
India has so far developed the following five missiles :

  1. Agni. Its range is 1200-2000 Km. Its aim is to test the performance of an indigenously built heat-shield.
  2. Prithvi. Its range is 150 km with 1000 kg warhead and 250 km with 250 kg warhead. Its aim is to hit a target without the help of the Air Force.
  3. Trishul. Its range is 500 m to 9 km. (short range) Army and Air Force use it against low flying objects. Similarly, Navy uses its modified version against sea-skimming missiles.
  4. Nag. Its range is 4 km. It is developed to counter contemporary advance in tank armour.
  5. Akash. Its range is 25 km. It is designed to defend large installations like oilfields etc. against enemy air attacks.

Question 3.
Give a brief history of India’s Space Programme.
India’s space programme began in 1962. China had attacked India then. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was set up in 1969 with headquarters in Bangalore. Its chief purpose was the rapid development in space technology and its application. The Space Commission was established in 1972. India launched its first satellite, Aryabhatta in 1975. Thus, India entered the space age. The India space programme is still making impressive progress through a well integrated self-reliant programme.

Question 4.
Give an account of India’s First Man in Space.
Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma went into space on April 3, 1984. He became the first man to go into space. He was launched aboard Soyuz-II spaceship along with two Soviet cosmonauts. His spaceship travelled at a speed of 8 km per second. It docked with the orbiting Soviet Space Station Salyut-7. It began its seven day space experiments. He returned safely to earth on April 11, 1984. While he was aboard the Soviet Space Station he declared that from the space India looked ‘Sare Jahan Se Achcha’. Rakesh Sharma was the 139th Cosmonaut to be in space. India became the 14th nation in the world to have sent man into space.

Long-Answer Type Questions (in about 50 words)

Question 1.
Give an account of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s life and career.
APJ Abdul Kalam was bom in a middle class family. Since his early childhood, he was self-dependent by nature. During his childhood, he sold newspapers to support his family financially. He completed his education from Joseph College in TIruchirapalli. In 1958 he started his professional carrer in DRDO. In 1963 he joined ISRO and became the chief instructor of SLV-3 project. The experiment on various missiles, Agni, Akash, Prithvi, Naag, Trishul etc. was done in his supervision. He was awarded Bharat Ratna in 1997. He was the President of India till July, 2007. His dream is to make India a developed country. National security is his top priority. He is a secularist and a simple man. He has great interest in classical music.

 The Mission-Agni Summary in English

India remained in subjection for two centuries. The Indians faced oppression and denial. However, they failed to kill the creativity and capability of the Indian people. Within decades of gaining independence, Indian Space and Atomic Energy Programmes were launched for peaceful applications. The country lacked both funds and established, requirement of the Armed Forces for missile development. The bitter experiences of Chinese War in 1962 forced us to enter the field of missile development.
The development of Prithvi represented the self-reliance of our country in the field of advanced technology.

It did not suffice. It was calculated that the Agni missile being developed as a technology demonstrator project could serve our need. It became confirmed that Indian scientists and technologists working jointly could achieve the technological breakthrough. A three fold strategy was adopted. Multi- institutional participation, the consortium approach and the empowering technology could jointly create Agni.

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The Agni team comprised of more than 5.00 scientists. It was a joint venture for a common goal. The launching of Agni was the common stake both for scientists and their families. The family members of V.R. Nagaraj did not inform him about his brother-in-law’s death lest the work should be interrupted. The Agni launch had been scheduled for 20 April 1987. However, some snag in computer was noted a few seconds before its launch. Hence it was postponed.

The entire team went back to retrieve the sub-systems and recharge them. Nagaraj was informed about the tragedy and he took only three days leave.Finally, the launch was scheduled for 22 May 1989. Defence Minister K.C. Pant had reached ITR to witness the launch. He finally asked Kalam what he would like him to do to celebrate the Agni success the next day. Kalam replied that they needed 100,000 saplings to plant at R C I. The Defence Minister predicted that they would succeed the next day with the blessings of Mother Earth for Agni. Agni was launched perfectly at 7-10 hours. It followed the set trajectory. The long cherished dream came true. The country had reached the launch pad. All the snags were removed and the pressures were over-reached. Abdul Kalam called it a glorious achievement. Agni is a missile no doubt but it also represents the burning pride of the nation.

The Mission-Agni Summary in Hindi

दो शताब्दियों तक भारत गुलाम रहा। भारतीयों ने उत्पीड़ा तथा निषेध का मुकाबला किया। फिर भी वे भारतीय लोगों की रचनात्मक प्रवृत्ति तथा क्षमता को समाप्त नहीं कर सके। स्वतन्त्रता प्राप्ति के एक दशक के भीतर भारतीय अन्तरिक्ष और आणविक ऊर्जा के कार्यक्रम शान्तिप्रद लक्ष्यों के लिए प्रोत्साहित किए गए। प्रक्षेपास्त्रों के विकास के लिए देश में धनराशि तथा सशस्त्र सेना के लिए स्थापित मांग का अभाव था। 1962 में हुए चीनी युद्ध के कटु अनुभव ने प्रक्षेपास्त्रों के विकास के क्षेत्र में प्रविष्ट होने के लिए हमें बाध्य कर दिया।

, ‘पृथ्वी’ का विकास, विकसित तकनीकी के क्षेत्र में, देश की आत्म-निर्भरता का प्रतिनिधित्व करता था। यह सन्तोषजनक नहीं था। यह अनुमान लगाया गया कि तकनीकी-निदेशक योजना के रूप में विकसित अग्नि प्रक्षेपास्त्र हमारी आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति कर सकेगा। यह पुष्टि हो गई कि भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों और प्रौद्योगिकियों के संयुक्त प्रयास से तकनीकी सफलता उपलब्ध हो सके। एक त्रिवर्गीय रणनीति अपनाई गई। विविध संस्थाओं की भागीदारी, मिली-जुली पहुंच और तकनीकी का सशक्तिकरण, एकजुट होकर अग्नि की सृष्टि कर सकते हैं।

अग्नि की टीम में पाँच-सौ के अधिक वैज्ञानिक थे। यह सामान्य लक्ष्य के लिए मिश्रित प्रयास था। अग्नि का छोड़ना वैज्ञानिकों और उनके परिवारों के लिए साझा दाँव था। वी. आर. नारंग के परिवार के सदस्यों ने उसके साले (बहनोई) की मृत्यु का उसे समाचार नहीं दिया ताकि काम में कोई विघ्न नहीं आ जाए। अग्नि का परीक्षण, 20 अप्रैल 1987 को किया जाना निर्धारित किया गया था। परन्तु इसके परीक्षण किए जाने से कुछ ही सेकण्ड पूर्व इसके कम्प्यूटर में कोई अवरोध पाया गया। अतः इसका परीक्षण स्थगित किया गया। इसके सब-सिस्टम को सुधारने के लिए और उसे दोबारा चार्ज करने के लिए समूची टीम फिर से एकजुट हो गई। नागराज को उस की त्रासदी के बारे में बताया गया और उसने केवल तीन दिन का अवकाश लिया।।

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अन्त में प्रक्षेपण, 22 मई, 1989 के लिए निर्धारित हुआ। प्रक्षेपण को अपनी आँखों से देखने के लिए रक्षा मन्त्री, के. सी. पन्त आई. टी. आर. में पहुँच चुके थे। अन्त में उन्होंने कलाम से पूछा कि अगले दिन अग्नि की सफलता को मनाने के लिए यह उन.से क्या (कराना चाहेगा। कलाम ने उत्तर दिया कि आर. सी. आई. में 100,000 पौधे रोपित करने की उनकी दिली इच्छा है। रक्षा मन्त्री ने भविष्यवाणी की कि अग्नि के लिए पृथ्वी माता के आशीर्वाद (वरदान) से वे अगले दिन अवश्य ही सफल होंगे। 27.10 प्रातः पूर्ण सफलता के साथ, अग्नि का परीक्षण किया गया। उसने सीट निर्धारित प्रक्षेपमार्ग का अनुसरण किया। चिरकाल से संजोया हुआ स्वप्न साकार हो गया। देश प्रक्षेपण-पैड के ऊपर पहुँच चुका था। सभी अवरोध हटा दिए गए थे और सभी बलप्रयोगों को पार कर लिया गया था। अब्दुल कलाम ने इसे शानदार उपलब्धि बताया। इसमें संदेह नहीं है कि अग्नि एक प्रक्षेपास्त्र है परन्तु यह राष्ट्र के प्रज्वलित गर्व का प्रतिनिधित्व भी करता है।

The Mission-Agni Word-Meanings

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